2$ :35 Dr. Carson's jbut liver Capsules Oi HIGHEST POTENCY ice: per box- of 50 Capsules $ A Proiliict ol. Prince: Rupert Dimes ltd. "Jiif. Pioneer Dmqrjixts-the KxU Stort Phones? 8L & 82 . Open Dally Fr&m sa.m, till 10 p.m. Stysand Holidays From 12 noon , till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. ITU SJSKJK3 VANCOUVER S.S. RJNCE GEORGE every THURSDAY 10.30 p.m.. f I CAT ! LA EVEItr TUESDAY, 1:3a M. i arriving Vancouver Thursday llCARDENA EVEK I'KIDAV. MIDNIGHT. Arr'.Ting Vancouver Monday a.m. tuj alMigi to Port 81m poo u Kajox. Stewart ud Rlw pu::,l. ! ITince ttuprn duhuij, j v- pw information regarding all sailings and tickets at- IntMrt 11'Fr.BT AOFNOy! Tb1rt Atrnue rtntnt w CANADIAN PACIFIC ITanconver via. Ocean Falls and way ports PRINCESS ADELAIDE, FRIDAYS; 10 P.M. Vancouver Direct PRINCESS LOUISE, Oct. 4th, 16th. , . PRINCESS NORAH, Oct. 25th, Nov. 3rd, 21st. Uttchikan, WraiiRcll. Juneau and Skarway PRINCESS LOUISE, Oct. 12th. I "wNCESS NORAH, Oct. 21St, 30thi HOV. ran. ot miormauon ana reservauuna w w. L COATES, General Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. VI-S4 tmunlinii National Steamships lMOH STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 8team;rs leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver Congoleum The Modern Rug For Modern Homes., Canada's Favorite Floor Covering. For sale by GORDON'S HARDWARE flRNlTlE d ELIO EXCHANGE We Sell: New Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs Size 0x9, $5.50; 7ix9, $ft00; 9x9 $8.40 ... Dominion Linoleum Uugs Size 6x9, $7100; 7Jx9, $8,75; 9x9, $10.7o Printed Linoleum by Square Yard l'HONE: GREEN 421 ,f you lose acL anything,, try a classified : LOCAL NEWS NOTES Basketball tonight: Cash for old gold: Bulger' (248) Be warm and comfortable by In 32 Taxi Hs costs the came. You can rent" car at Walker's as low as $1.50 r da plus 7c. a mile. T. W. Hall; inspector, of schools, j returned to the clty.on the Cardena j Friday night from a. trip to Bella; Coola on official. trasinesSi I Mrs. Joseph. Slaggard, who has been on a visit, to Vancouver and Banff; returned to the city fromj the south on the Princess Norah Friday afternoon. j Pilot L. W. Staples,, of Carcross, who arrived here' on; Wednesday : from the northdir. at partially dis abled: Eastman, flying' boat, sailed ' piane nere to w snipped soum later. Announcement: Mrs. G. Ilallidap Will Re-open "THE MODERN BEAUTY SHOPPE" formerly the La Parlsienne Beauty Parlor on Monday, October 2lst. The shop has been entirely, remodelled and a complete line of the latest equipment installed including the hew Hollywood . Permanent Vave Machine, "The Paramount."' Advice on your hair troubles given special attention. 210 Fmrtli Street Phone 947 Dr. Ji W. Vosburgh, physician and surgeon of. Stewart, who has been spending, a month's vacation in the south,, was a passenger aboard, the .Catala. last evening re turning north from. Vancouver. Notice Sealed tenders will be received up until Nov. 1st for the .purchase of a. 1930 Model A.D. Sedan. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. (248) Kalen Motors Ltd. 7. Announcements , Junior Chamber Hallowe'en dance Moose Hall October 30. 31. Hill CO Hallowe'en Tea, October Presbytetiau. Bataar. Ndvembe Daughters of Norway Bazaar, Nov. 8; Moose Hall: Elk's grand re-opening- dance. November 8. u, . .' Masonic Dance Moose Hall,. November. 15.. Stv Andrew's Cathedral Bauaai; Nov; 2U ' ' . . Oyro- Hoedown; Mbose Hall, No-, vember 22. Orange Ladles' oazaarr Nov. 28 Lecture' Recital, Mrs; . Mandy, November 29. United Bazaar, faecember- 5: Hogmanay Dance, Oddfellows' Hall: Concerts Dances RENTAL. KATES ..$25.00 20.00. Public: Meetings. . 15.00 A room suitable for smaller meetings IS now available on the ground floor, rental rate, $4.00 For engagements Jjhone the Club Steward, 640 or Red 412. Free Capitol Theatre .tickets,, coH lect ourseash' register receipts,. BuW gefs Jeweller Store-i G. E. Gulicfc, local manager of the Swift-Canadian Co., sailed last (night on the Catala for a brief business trip tar Stewart. Commander F. R. G6w, R. C. N.,! Esquimau, is a visitor here on naval business, haying arrived from the' smith on the Catala last eve ning. He will return south on the Same vessel tomorrow afternoon. Herbert Wheeler, president of the I Yukon and White Pass Route; was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah Friday going through to Seattle for the winter after having spent the summer1 at' Skagway; Thomas A. Kelley, . well known' Queen" Charlotte' island logging! operator, arrived in the city from Powell River on the Princess Adelaide Friday afternoon and pro-J ceeded1 aboard 'the Prince John' that night to his camp at Selwynl J ' Inlet. I Assistant Superintendent H. M: Fbwell R: C- M: P., after a brief visit here on official business, sail ed by the Princess Norah Friday afternoon on his return to Van couver. He had intended visiting the interior detachments but the tie-up In railway service prevented him from doing so. THRIFT OFFERS More Value For Your Money For the Week Ending. November 2 MELOdnAlN PRODUCTS HEALTH OATS large package HEALTH' MEAL large package HEALTH BRAN medium package INSTANT TAPIOCA 16-oz. package MCCORMICK'S' TOASTED SODAS; small package LIBBY'S PORK' & BEANS1- 3 16-oz. tins, for CLASSIC CLEANSER per tin EUREKA BLEACH huart bottle 24c 34c 18c 15 c 12c 25c W. Martin, Bella Bella store keeper,, is a business rlsitorj to the city., ha vine- arrived ttota the southron the Catala Jaste?enlng. Henry Comer of Stewart was a passenger, aboara tne- Erinoe George Thursday eyenlng .bound for- Vancouver, where he will re Annual' meetfng'ofP-. R; Badmin-jceive- medical treatment ton. Assn. and presentation of trophies; Cf. N. tt. A. Hall, Wednesday, Oct. 30, 8 p.m. (2491 Head COLDS .Put Menthol&tutn ln f thenoatrlU to relieve! 'irritation and promote clear breathing. Friday afternooni on the Princess L ReDresentatives of the leagues NOrah for Vancouver, leaving his', rplease attend. - (248) 7c lie 1 Pkg. AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE . FLOUR; 1 bot. PURE Q!7 ! MAPLE SYRUP. The 2 for V OARDEN BRAND PEAS OQ M, O tine 9 fnr W NABOB OREEN. ASPARA- (3US, 12-oz. tin ROYAL CITY PUMPKIN ' No. 2 tin Y .... ROYAL. CITY PUMPKIN No. 2V2'tln ROYAL OLIVE SOAP ! 4 bars for. FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS.iper lb HALLOWE'EN. CANDIES- i per. lb. .-. : 12c 13 c 10c 25c Thrift Cash & Carry WE DBIilVER 21c 11c Phorte 179' 101 Third! Art. 'CARRt AND Mall Orders: Have Due. Prompt Attention Mrs. Wallace- of AderiBrodke Island lighthouse sailed 'by; ttiei Cardena. Friday night; on her re turn down the. coast: following . a visit to the city. Arthur P. Smith, weliknown An vox mining man, was- a- passenger aboard' the Prince George Thurs day night' going through to- Van co tjver en route- toHHe Cariboo' dis trict. ' Robert" C; Randall, who has-been engaged in commercial flying out- of Carcross, was a passenger! aboard the" Princess Noran Prlday afternoon going through to Van couver. Rev. Father Joseph Allard O. M. I., parish priest of tHe -.Roman C& thollc Church' at Atlln arrived, in the city on the Princess Norah Friday afternoon; having come "south for the winter. Miss Jessie Rothwell, who has been spending several, months .visit ing in Regina, Vancouver and elsewhere, returned to the city from the south on the Princess Adelaide Friday, afternoon: A haw Eyecy Mother Should Know andOBserve Never Give Tour Child A li Unknown Remedy tciUiout Aaklng', Your Doctor First- According to any doctor you ask, the only safe way is never to give vnur child a remedy you dtm't know oil about, liithoiU askihi'him fihL When it comes to "inilk of i magnesia," that you know every ' where; f or over 60 years, doctors have said "PHILLIPS Milk of Magnesia for.' youf child;" , So atuays'say Phillips' when you buy. And, for .your own-peace' of mind; see that, your child' gets this; the finest men know. M'ade'ih'Ganada. , Stftf fit, fymsHuifymU You can asskt others by refusing, to-accept a substitute-for the genuine Phillips' Milk-of Mag nesia, uo inu in xnc Interest of yoorsetl andyourcruldren and in the it .terest of the pub general. iHiomge i Phillips' Aitit c tlaaneiia. Want Ads MALE HELP' WANTED: A LESSON from the depressfon- Be a- Civil' Servant, Postman, Customs Examiner. Clerk: Sten ographer, etc, Free Bobkl.e. "How to get a .Government Job." M.C.C! Civil-Service Schdol, Win nipeg. . , PERSON At xvnuvii Wanfprt t start nrlvate Kinaerganen ocnoois in wieir own homes this Fall. Ftee. dook-1m. nn rpniiest. Cartadlirt Kind- ewrarten Institute, Winnipeg; Established' 192T. tft FOR SALE FOR SALEi-Offlce'saft', extra thick wallst giving perfect, protection against fire. Dally News, itiJ FOli. SALE Two pure-fared Ntld male pups, $10 each. Apply Oor don LitUe. Terrice; B.C. (251) FOR SALE House and. two' l&ts. bedrooms, frontr room, kitchen andpantry bathroom; also shack onv other lot, 10x12 all) fenced' in 1144, Seventh Avfc. EasU Cheap idr cashi Phone Black 789: (253) FOR RENT' FOR RENT Five-roomed house, furnished. Eighth Avei East; Phoner 741. (253) This WHY "ASPIRIN" WORKS SO FAST Drtifl aa" Aspirin" TiWet In i last al; water. Note Ihat BErORE II touches batten -of the lass it Shows hu.stirte&to disintegrate. Whit it does la this rjes it does in yoflf stwMfh. Hese? its last action: W HY You Get Such Fast Relief from 1 4 "ASPIRIN" The old adage says, "what you see you believe." So the nurse, pictured above, shows you two actual photographs to prove the quick aetion of "ASPIIUN." Look. at. them, and you will see one reason why Scientists rate "ASPIRIN" among the fastest agents, now known or ever known, for the relief of headaches, neuritis, neuralgia and rheumatic pains. You 11 see that an ''Aspirin" tablet, dropped into a glass of water, starts to disintegrate, or dissolve, before it hits the bottom of the glass. .Hfcnee,, is ready to go to work almost instantly you take one. For what happens in that glass Quick. Relief for Headaches, Neuritis, Rheumatic Pains happens in your stomach when you. take an "ASPIRIN" tablet. Relief .comes in a few minutes. Countless thousands know that about "ASPIRIN." Know by experience that it brings the quick relief you want when in distress. Keep this in mind the next time your work or play is handicapped by a bad headache, neuritis or rheumatic pain. Learn for yourself' how fast you can get relief. "Aspirin" Tablets are made in Canada. "Aspirin" is the registered trade-mark of the Bayer Company, Limited. Look for the name Bayer in the formbf a cross on every tablet. Demand and Get "ASPIRIN" THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Aianufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphosphates, Complete Fertilizers Producers & Refiners of Tadanac Brand Metals Cold, Sliver, Electrolytic Lead, Zinc, Cadmium, Bismuth. WINTER WEATHER WANTS HEATING STOVES FOB COAL OR WOOD j Pipes,, Elbows, Dampers, Hods, Stove Shovels, Furnace Scoops, j Fire Screens, Stove Boards, Oil Burner Wicks for Stoves, Ranges . ! and Furnaces J THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. . j 258 Third Avenue Phone 101 We have a fairly complete stock of lumber at Mile 21, near Haysport, ready for rail and water shipments. If building or repairing, it will pay you to examine our stock and receive prices. SHAMES RIVER LUMBER COMPANY Haysport, B.C. Theiskwhich made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK GOD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C; I a s