FACE fOUK Milkshakes as they should be. Now you can get the biggest and best milkshake you ever tasted made with our new Milkshaker. Next time you arc passing, come in and try one. ONLY 15c. JUST IN A shipm?nt of FRESH CHOCA-LATES and ENGLISH TOFFEES at low prices. All our Candies arc quality-made. FRESH FRUITS V'E CARRY A TULL LINE OF FRESH FRUITS ALL THE TIME Sec our .windows. The place to meet your friends. DELICATESSEN & Confectionery 319 Third Avenue Lakelse Lake & Hot Springs Fishing, Boating, Hunting, Swimming Make arrangements with SWAIN'S TRANSFER & TAXI Terrace, B.C. to greet you. We meet all trains. Picnic parties every Sunday, 75c. Fare, adults, $3.50; each additional adult, $1.50. Hotel, Hot Springs or anywhere on the lake. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 uo 50 Eooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 There Is a Difference In MILK Prove it to yourself. Try Prince Rupert Dairy Phone 287 For the best and get entire satisfaction or money back guarantee. Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue COAL Wood Furniture Moving 1 I - I I III I e WATERFRONT WHIFFS Local Halibut Operators Of Area No. 2 New Massett Inlet Surprised at Early Closing Beacon Being Built At Halibut Landings Prince Rupert halibut boat owners and fishermen received news this week of the order of the International Fisheries Commission closing the fishing season in Area No. 2, where most of the Canadian fleet operates, hardly with feelings of complete satisfaction. Indeed much to the contrary may the case be said to have been. It had been the expectation generally the quota limit for this area would I Rupert, Harry breezed In thlsweef not have been reached before September 15 at the earliest and fishing plans had been made on that basis The earler closing will, therefore, interef ere to some extent with arrangements. The feeling of the fleet is that, at least, longer notice might have been given. All of which brings up the whole policy of conservation measures and quotas. The Commission had Intimated more or less officially that, on the numbers of fish showing a ten- dency to increase, a corresponding hereabouts lately buying up all the j Increase In the qu.ita limit might arms and ammunition available lo-! be expected. It is felt by many that, caliy and that, among other things, j ' the numbers o'f fish on the grounds they have their eyps on the ancient are now substantially increased, pieces of musketry that adorn the, There is also a feeling at Prince, front of the Central Hotel and the Rupert that it might be fair to al- old Court House square. Muzzle! low the Canadian fleet half of the loaders or breach loaders, Harry, quota for Area No 2,. permitting says, it does not make much dif-the American fleet the whole quota ; f erence to the Abyssinian Army, for the more remote No. 3 area' in Just as long as they are guns, i addition to the half of No 1. The Harry is thinking of joining upj larger American boats have the ad- .himself as it would b a good chance ! vantage over the Canadian In that, . to pret a free trip. If he can fall1 when the No. 2 quota becomes de-flo'gs, stalk mowitch and catch trout pleted, they can readily move out with safety pins in Gre'nville Chan-to No. 3 area In which very few of nel Harry thinks he should be . the Canadian boats can operate, quite able to help Emperor Hail jThls means that the Americans HiUl round up Italians in the can fish out No. 2 area and then mountains of Abyssinia. And, if have No. 3 almost exclusively 'to Mussolini hears tht Harry is com-; themselves. The Canadian fleet, for ,nS- he wl11 probably call the war this reason, feels It would be but oH anyway, fair to grant It half of the No. 2j 'area quota. Actually the flshlne John Currie & Son are now pro- season this year, lasting little more ceeding with the work of renewing than four months, will have been a! dolPhins at the Cow Bav. Usher-full month shorter than last. men's floats where Reneral repairs It was April 4 before fishing star-!are ted this year. The Prince Rupert halibut boat Emhla, Capt. Alt Anderson, left last week for Namu cannery, down the coast from Piince to Rupert, Polnt near the entrance of Massett j (take up a charter to pack pink saN,Inleti new ght wJJ1 be.amuch! iuuu 110m uie vueen tnanoue IS- ,lands to the cannery. The Gibson, oapt. unns nenr.Ksen, lerrsome are concerned. " 1 time ago on a similar charter. j Harry, Scott, the Orenvllle Chan- Halibut landings at the port of I nel handlogger, who is reported to prjnce Rupert for the 1935 season1 have been having good business of up to and including yesterday to-late In angling down the coast with tailed 3.034.95C Bounds, of which safty pins instead of hooks, al- 3,783,150 pounds was from Cana-though we do not know why Harryi 'dlan boats and 4.251,800 pounds should have to go to Wallace's and from American, as compared with Fraser & Payne's to buy safety 11,407,865 pounds made up of 5,- i pins when Bob Gordon and Jim 917,500 pounds American and 5,- Thompson still have perfectly good 490,265 pounds Caradian fish, at a nails In stock, is a visitor in town. 1 corresponding date last year. Land-' Feeling that, if he does not lay off . Ings for the week ending yesterday for a while there will be an over-! totalled 350,000 pounds of which production of timbtr, even if the 148,500 pounds was from Canadian pulp mill should come to Prince boats and 201,500 pounds from Am- "TILLIE THE TOILER" MHatll Cb be bOlU' ABOUT TEM Mj "THIS HVEMIW ? and Is thinking about spending a couple of months under the beneficent rays of th bright lights, lie may ev;n cross overto the Islands for a visit. We do not know whether or not theie is any attrac- tlon over there but we do know the fair damsels of the Queen Char-1 lottes will all be delighted when they see Harry. Incidentally, w? have no less an authority than harry for the report that the King of Abyssinia has hr.d his emissaries beinS made by the provincial department of public works. Building New Beacon The Marine epartment now 'has linriPT rrmctriinMnn O fnnrtnnn Pnr,r.rot hor. 0 onnreniatPrf nfrf tr, navlo-nfln ticularl'y as far as fishing vessels WW VteNoyJ, Bill! h: TV w TH1 DULY RZWB erlcan. The price situation was lit- tie, if any changed, during the week, the high bid for Canadian fish being 6.5c. and 5c. which the Relief, Teeny Mllly, Wave and An nabelle received for catches of 15, 000. 13,000, 9,500 and 9,000 pounds (the course of a business trip along respectively and the low 5c. which the coast, ai rived in port yesterday the Unome was paid for 9,500 ; afternoon from Vancouver and will pounds. For Amevlcan fish the; sail, tomorrow morning for Namu high price was 6.2c. and 5.5c. which whence she will cross to Lagoon the Rap ill., received for 9,000 Bay, Queen Charlotte Islands, re-pounds and the low 6c. and 55c. turning to Vancouver via the West paid the 'Frisco, Explorer and Bo-! coast of Vancouvei Island. nanza for 11,000, 32,000 and 24,000' pounds respectively j Union steamer Cardena, Capt. 'Ernest Georgeson, arrived in port After having spent the pastcou-.at 3 o'clock this morning from the pie of months at the Prince Rupert south and sailed a couple of hours fisheries Experimental Station of later .on her return to Vancouver he scientific staff of which he Is 'and waypoints. The vessel, which a member. Orville F. Denstedt will I had thirty-seven round trippers leave next Wednesday afternoon on 'on board, is taking south thU his return to Montreal where he will: resume his studies at McQlll University leading to the Ph. D. degree. The work, he expects, will be completed next spring when he will ; ... , . ,. . '.. . : Southbound on her final voyago be returning to D,, Piince Rupert xo'. . ., . , . , ,, , of the season on the Alaska tour-remain permanently again. . . ,. H ' list route, C.P.R. steamer Princess i Alice, Capt. Clifford Fenton, Is due With W. E. Boeing's twin-motor- ln at 3:45 fnls afternoon ed flying boat, which is accompany-Jfrom skagway and other northern ing the yacht Taconite on a coastal points and will sail an hour or so cruise, Pilot Clayton L. Scott left later for Vancouver. The vessel yesterday afternoon for the south , will stop first at the Imperial Oil after having been held here since j Co.'s dock to take on fuel before the first of the week owing to wea-' taking her regular berth at the ther conditions. The Taconite left government wharf. FLASH Announcing the Radio Service Servicing done on ALL. MAKES OF RADIOS. Our new service is Up-to-Date, RELIABLE and EFFICIENT. Fully equipped with the latest modern instruments for servicing your radio. The best of materials only used. Expert service man in charge. All work guaranteed and charges fair and reasonable. An Unexpected Accompaniment r for the south on Tuesday evening 'but it will not be long before the flying machine catches up to her. Canadian Can Co 's cruiser Can-colln, Capt. William Thomas, in voyage the crews OJ nayspon, Vxt.tVt tnlf! Snnnvctrto ran. neries which have closed for the season. To all Radio Users of Prince Rupert and District Opening of Our Department See our new Cathode-Ray Oscillograph, the latest development of the R. C. A. Victor Laboratories. A truly magic marvel. Now in operation at the Exhibition. See it make a picture of your own voice. Mail orders especially She Doesn't Know Her Botony CARNIVAL IS ENDED (Continued rrom page one) balloons aid serpentine and the proceedings were very Jolly. During the evening, announcement was made of the winners tn the "Pageant of Nations" compet ition which had been held Thursday night. The first and second prizes of $50 and $25 were combined and split evenly between Kmcollth War Dance Team and the Prince Rupert Japanese Association. The four members of the war dance team appeared in person to receive the prize from Sam Joy who was announcer for the evening. One of the novelties of the evening was an exhibition of French foils fencing between James Bry- iant and Doug Chrlstlson with i Chief Petty officer Instructor Rob-jert Ross of the Royal Canadian i Naval Volunteer Reserve as referee firm SNAP :..P OWDER CICANS ,.i roiKHts WINDOW MflfCXS. lATVt tUS ,u 'WW IASIMI CANNOf KlAlUt New attended to promptly ass- LAST SHOWlXcf MATINEE KATi'i.... VKU.IX j STORIES EVER J JflfH 1AUGHT0H Feature at 2 si '' til ALSO "Silly Symphony fcjjJ Fine fur at Go'iblooms at almost Half Prig THESE I'KICES GO0(m 1 urb wi'.KK mzr 1 ! Goods are nw tiVtiV styles; arrivrd fromV this week. Watch our wlndonta prices. GOLDBL00 The Old Kellable MACKENZIE FURNITUKE CIIESTEIUIELI) sun Covered in combination ' cstry, reverse cushions C Special 327 Third Ave, I'rlnrf R I'hone 775 -By Wta away- X&fiMh V'au- KwovAjeo n&Z&A, omm ! 1 I I . 1 1 - L . 1 1 i 1 .