... : INI I .J. l Bill II II . j-'--' ' f LOCAL NEWS NOTES m & t w "T T ANUL SPECIAL Marrowbone Chews In VaniIa, ChorQfetp nd Licorice Flaypr ' . 30c per lb. Ormes Ltd. Pioneer D resists 8UW Phones: 81 & 82 tit KuU iinrn Daily Prom 8 a.m. tUl 10 p.m. lays ind Holiday! From 12 noon till 2 pjn.," 7 pjn. till 9 pjn. HE MM COFFEE SHOPPE Offers You WHITE HELP COURTEOUS. SERVICE SUPERIOR MEALS - LOWER TRJCES And a clean, convenient place to dine Call around and let us prove it Hours: 7:30 a.pi. to 1 a.m. SRD AVENUE PIUMUE uurtui CANADIAN PACIFIC Ivancouvrr via Ocean Falls and way ports PRINCESS ADELAIDE, FRIDAYS. 10 P.M. (Vancouver Direct PRINCESS LOUISE, Aug. 17th, 28th, Sept. 6tri. PRINCESS ALICE, Aug. 10th, 24th. jKttchikan, Wrangell. Juneau and SkaRway-r PRINCESS LOUISE. Aug. 12th, 23rd, Sept. 1st. PRINCESS ALICE, Aug. 19th. For Information and reservations callf orwrlte W. L. COATF.S, General Agent, Prince Rupert, B.U UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED u. prh.o. Runert for Vancouvsr B S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 Ml i nrr1Ving Vancouver Tnursaay S.CAKOENA EVERY FRIUAY MIDNIGHT. irnvmg Vancouver Monday a.m. ifcklj Miung to Port sunnwa hnioi, Btwn nd point. uv Prlnc Buptrt 8unde.y. o p-m city. H1W tner mformatlon reirardlna all sailings and UckeU at PKfNCR KUPERT OfNptJ Wli (Rsh which made Prime Rupert Famous Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD - Prepared Daily Py Canadian Fish & Cpld Storage PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Co., Ltd. m ibh; I " Qilvrtisement Il'US naner will Rnnn lot irmi Irnnw if there is a uuyer in Cash for old gold. Bulger's. FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRING. SEE SIMPSON. FIFTH AND McBRIDE. - (tf) Prince RuDertTpnnls niuh Amer ican tournament Sunday, August at 1:30 sharp. Entrance fee, 25c. Refreshments free. (196) Free Canltnl Theatre ticket-, col. lect our cash register receipts. Bui get's Jewellery Store. Judge W. E. Fisher, who has been on a month's trip to Vancouver and Victoria, returned 4o the city from the south on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon. Mrs. W. E. Drake and son, Teddy, Announcements Catholic August 29. tea, Mrs Burbank's Prince nunert Tennis Club An nual Dance 'Friday, September 20 Oddfellow's Hall. Catholic Church ber 2 and 3. . Bazaar Qcto Baptist Bazaar, Oct. 9. .Canadian Legion Bazaar Oct. 17. Presbyterian Bazaar, NoyembJ Orange Ladies' bazaar. Nov. 28. MOOSE HALL RENTAL KATES Concerts $25iX pances - 20.00 Public Meetings 15.00 A room suitable for smaller meetln&s is now available on the ground floor, rente 1 Fa, $4.00 For engagements phone the Club Steward, 640 or Red 412. DAILY JfW8 Be warm and comfortable by rid ing In 32 Taxi it costs the same. Strollers' dance tonight (Satur day), Metropole Hall. Admission 25c. Johnny Comadlna left on last evening's train for a trip to Smi- thers. i You can rent a car at V7alker' as low as $1.50 a day, plus 7c. a ulle. Miss Frances Cross sails tonight on the Prnce Rupert fpr a yacar tion trip to Vancouver. Miss Nellie Bates sailed last night on the Prtncjess Adelaide for a trip tp Vancouver. yer, returned to the city from the' Miss N. Deacon, who has been visltine here with Mr. and Mrs. J. Mrs. J. W. Kllpatrlck and daugh- afternoon. Mrs. Robert Gordon and daugh-. -IT 1nma enllfl VitF tna Wf ( VI P Q Pirn. leroay aiieraoon. i - - - ,crt . this evening , on her. return te nose w.io uvc uvm ter, Marie, ' .. . ,(.rf, Miss E. G. . , Lenox, . who . . , has , been inanH n tho enmmpp in Victoria. "?' . T 7" " J . .'.. on a trio to Vancouver and Vic returned u ine cny uum me wuw u. r,... A A'i,M toria, returned to the city t from the yesterday afternoon. ter, Miss Olive Gordon, returnea v. M . .ul .itn,nnon't train iruin ior jjaneise iK.e iv sycim to the the week-end with Mrs. Orme and from a three-months' trip visited Mrs.mny are ln summer ria fiA rtrv Thfv Gordon's native home near oors as well as elsewhere in Ireland and also in Scotland. Fiectric Steam Massage Treatments Mrs. Gammon 424 8th Ave. E Ph Green 219 H. O. Kennedy left on last ev-pntnij's train for Piince Georofor a ten-day holiday visit- On his re- turn to the cuy. nc wm uc panied by Mrs. Kennedy and son, Scott, who haye been $penciuB w summer in the interior uwn. Pete Haegeney and John Jobnr i i.. nil,. nllr court this afternoon before Magistrate McClymont on charges of .r,nivinr liouor to Indians. The arrest of the two men followed a raid last evening on Sevemn Av enue West. A meeUne of tho Northern Bri tish Columbia Timbermen's Asso ciation was held Thursday alter-noon In connection with negotia tions to ship to the Orient some 250,000 feet of hem'ock logs which have been taken out at Shawat- 4. i n tf cum. lans Lake during uic mer. G. W. Nlckerron, president of the Association, was In the chair. (...iiiri sentence with a sharp ouartuwvw . ,oc trivpn hi city ponce court this morning by Magistrate McClymont to two boys oi juycuu ,v,n nrtmltted Uieft from fish ermen's cabins at Seal Cove during the absence of the occupant, w -i , wp In .the same cnRec- in which a previous case Uon as a seventeen-year old youtn to reformatory for two years- dence there. Dr. L, G. d'Easum, physician and surgeon of Atlin, who has been on a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south, was a passenger on board the Princes? Louise yester day returning north. L. Izzo of Anyox will be a pas seneer aboard the Prince Rupert ithls evening going through from Vancouver to tne smelter town whence he will Droceed to New York to sail September 24 aboard the steamer Rex for Naples. Mrs. J. A. McMaster and family who have been visiting here for some weeks, will sail tonight on the Prince Rupert for Ocean Falls. accompanied by Mr. McMaster who is comlne south from Anyox. After spending a couple of days'at Ocean Falls, they will proceed to van oouver. Thomas A. Kelley and son, who have b?en on a visit to Mr. Kel-ley's logging operations' on the Queen Charlotte islands, arrived In the city yesterday from Atli Inlet on the service boat Nora Jane and left on last evening's train for Stuart Lake to pay a visit before returning to Van-rnnver viai Jasoer Park. Y. Uchlda, Vancouver loe exporter, who had been on a visit to the islands with Mr. Kelley. also arrived and will sail for the south on tne Prince Rupert this evening. Olof Hanson. MP: for Sk-eena, oni m Hanson arrived In the cltv from Smlthers on this after noon's train. Mr. Hanson will sail n the prince Rupert tonlgljt for Ocean Falls on an election tm- visit and. on his return nxt Wednesday, will be accom Danled by Ton Held, mjt . ior jncw Westminster, with whom he will innr ayiwix. Stewart and other points in that part of the riding.' Oof Hanson Jr. who nas peen spending the summer at new jiaz-Hton. will arrive here on. Tues day nights train and spend a nionth here before returning to hjs studies, at McGUl University n Montreal. Try a Dally News classified ad. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SfatpbaUdr and Engineer. mi Btm riin. Ilectri mni Aoetrlea Welding. tfilUllm m SawiolB m4Mimiat Machinery. AB Tjrpaa Cm Engine-tloalre- anal Orerhanled. FRESH MTLK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Hotel Arrivals Royal T. A. Kelley. Vancouver: Bernard Elstermann, North Pacifier C.Han sen, Skeena; George Olson, Prince Rupert T. S. Griffiths and Mr. Tisman, Vancouver; George W. Cripps, Prince Rupert. Mail Schedule For Vancouver- Mondays - 2 pjn. Tuesday 12:30 pjn Wednesdays (train) 4:3C pin Friday U p.ui Saturdays 4 p.m. and 5 p.m, From Vancouver- Sunday 4 pjn Monday ajn Wednesday 10 a m Thursday (train) 10:15 p.m Friday .'. 10 am Saturday (train) 2:15 p.m. For Alaska Monday .. a.m. From Alaska i Saturday pjn. Want Ads AGENTS WANTEP AGENTS 45 Commission. Why work for less. Take orders for the "Art-Point" Series Personal Xmas Greeting Cards. Priced as low as 18 for $1.00. "Victory" Box Assortment containing 20 Beautiful Oards with Calendar sells for $1.00. Costs as low as 50c. $10 Sales Kit free. We are only in terested in genuine workers. Art Point Printing Co., Victoria, B.C. (tf) LESSON from the depression- Be a Civil Servant Postman, Customs Examiner, Clerk, Stenographer, etc. Free Booki, "How to get a Government Job." M.C.C. Civil Service School, Win- nlpeg. leather' AGENTS Wanted to sell neckties or silk neckties for us. We sell you at a price that allows you to make 100 commission. Write "today for free samples and particulars. Ontario Neckwear Company, Dept. 605, Toronto 8, " Ont. A BIG Monty-Maker. Speciany constructed shoes. Patented features. No other shoes like it. Free shoe bonuses. Big profits. Don't miss. Write now for our free selling kit. Box 1602, Montreal. WOMEN WANTED WOMEN wanted to start private Kindergarten Schools In their own homes this coming Fall. Free Booklet on request. Cana dian Kindergarten Institute, Win- J nlpeg. EstaDusnea mn. FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD Furniture for sale, 9 piece mahogany dining room suite, kitchen cabinet, double bed, .complete, curtain stretchers, wash tub stand, miscellaneous articles. Mrs. Thomson, 736 Taylor Street. U?6) BABY Buggy for sale. Phone Red 164. FOR RENT two Remodelled 5-roomea nats and well furnished apartment with chesterfield etc. Phone. 543 FOUND CHURCH NOTICES (tf) FOUND Signet ring, owner may ha vp same bv calling at uauy News Office and paying for this advertisement. PAINTERS BAINTIN G na Papertangin Moller. Phone Red 802. "AMI ACT Notice ot Intention to Apply .to teas I anil I Land Recording DUtrlot of Prince ElULKV. wo . mVa iui of Lot 6710. Range ?. Coast Dis trict, rorcner .uuiu. r Take noticfitnai uwcn , -- . . 1 an nrAUTk&Lion can- neryman, Intends to appl tor & leaae ot che following described lands. Commencing at a post jum . ... ... 1 -w... ihms nfiarters oi a mil. UMlt.h Of Ltt OIIV. IW-J- thence west by north 23.4 chains, thence south, sousa-wesi 3U." . "ttTl m,: chains to the south-east by eouUi 17.5 1 point of cpmmenc.emeiit. .nd containing 63.1 acres more or less. CLARENCE EDGAR B&liiui. Dated June 4th, 1935. Co-operating Church Services F?5r PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Morning Worship at 11 a.m. in the First Presbyterian Church. , Sermon Subject, "The Preeminent Christ." FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH At 7:30, In the First Baptist Church. Sermon Subject, "The Supreme Question of1 Life." Dr. Dafoe will preach at both services. These serykes cjose a very happy season of Christian fellowship and co-operation. Beginning September first each congregation will resume its regular services. Examination For Inspector 0 Steam-Boilers and Machinery Competitive examinations for Inspector of Steam-Boilers and Machinery will be held at the office of the Chief Inspector of Boilers in the Workmen s Compensation and Labour Office 411 Dunsmuir Street, Vancouver, B.C., commencing October 15, 1935, at 10 a.m. . Application forms and further information may be obtained from the Chief Inspector at above ad- dreSS A. N. BAKER, Civil Service Commissioner. BRITISH COLUMBIA THE MINERAL PROVINCE OF WESTERN CANADA has produced minerals of an aggregate value op $1,376,437,403.00. The value of mineral productidn-f or thi year 1934 was $42,305,297.00; being an increase of 29.8 over the production for the year -1933.. Gold production established an all-time high in both yolume and value. copies of which may Following are some recent publications, the DEPARTMENT OF MINES, to be btained upon application VICTORIA, BJC.: Annual Report of the Honourable the Minister of Mines for the calendar year 1934. Bulletin, "British Columbia the Mineral Industry. (Included in this Bulletin is .a synopsis of the various Mining Laws of the Province. Non-Metallic Mineral Investigations: Barlte, Asbestos, Clay, Glass-ware, Magneslte, and Hydro-Magr Sketch map of B.C. showing Mining Dlyl?lons, Etc. Satin-Glo Finish The satin-like finish for walls, furniture and woodwork. The various colors may be intermixed, producing an almost limitless variety of 'Si THOMPSON HARDWARE CO LTD. crc itc van YOUU PRFSERV1NG SUPPLIES Jeily Jars and CQvers, doz. Perfect Sear Jars, Quarts, doz Perfect Seal Jars, Pints, doz. ..75c Sl.15 .51.35 45c Rubber jar Kings, ao 35c nAnnTnv 9 r!SnVptsr fnr t-arowax, M-' -h 95c Aluminum rre:eivin6 .v",- 50c .i...t uapirs fnr 8 (mart iars. each VUUliUlfe vv w -a f.ORDON'S HARDWARE ' . Minn jiililMimiMltimlilffBIIrttatn'll 111 D. EUO Furniture Exchange WE BUY and WE SELL Kitchen Range, Reds, T, Etp. Ptinnn firecn 421 110 Third Ave. '1 " skrB.' w 1 ii