SHOES! in Harmony with PARADE Smart appearance achieved through selecting the most suited g footwear for jour costumes. Here you will find types of .shoes best g suited to the fashions for spring . . . styles that will enhance any g costume and make even the ml inexpensive nes look much more You will be deligfiled with the styles and leathers we offer. See these ! They re new ! ? QC Priced from $0VO The Family Shoe Store t Third Avenue LIMITED Phone 357 a THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULL EN Managing-Editor DAILY EDITION Monday. April 15, 1935 WAR CLOUDS CLEARING Much to the relief of all, the war clouds in Europe are clearing away again. An attitude of tolerance and understanding appears to be developing out of the distrust and fear. It was rather better than we had hoped for that Germany should decide to enter into an Eastern Europe security pact and that France should withdraw her protest to the League of Nations at Germany's re-arming. Once again Great Britain and Italy, possibly in a lesser degree, have proven the peace-makers. Undoubtedly, the possi bility of Ureat Britain joining with the other nations against him was the actuating factor in Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitlers right about face in regard to the security pact. The present basis of understanding may not obviate an armament race but it at least seems to establish the fact that the nations which are so anxious to arm are not actuated as much by the desire to fight as by the desire to preserve peace. Evidently, they believe that the most effective means of preventing war is to be in a position where they may be able, if necessary, to fight for peace. THE EARL OF DUNDONALD The Earl of Dundonald will long be remembered in Can ada for the stormy controversy surrounding his term as General Officer Commanding the Canadian militia from lyOz to 1901 when his plans for reorganization of the Canadian fighting forces had him continually at loggerheads with the government until he was relieved. His stay in the Dominion, punctured by public addresses here and there, had the whole country stirred up. "What the government clearly wanted," he wrote years later. "was the dumb general who would be content to serve his time, shrug his shoulders and eo. Rut the patriotic neonle of Canada were with me as was proved by the numerous comments in the press." Dundonald said of his first meeting with Prime Minister Sir Wilfrid Laurier: "His manners were old-world and courteous. He ended his conversation with me bv savini?: 'You must not take the militia seriously, for though it is useful for suppressing internal disturbances it will not be required for the defence of the country, as the Monroe doctrine protects us against enemy aggression.' " This was the start of his troubled time in Canada. Dundonald said he left the Prime Minister, "feeling much disturbed. Here was I sept out to reorganize the militia and the Prime Minister saying quite frankly that he advised me not to take the force seriously. Had I taken his hint what an easy period of command I could have had." Lord Dundonald's tours of inspection gave him a most unfavorable impression of the general equipment of the Canadian militia and of their training. He had nothing but the warmest praise for officers and men of the Canadian militia. His grievances were against certain ministers and their subordinates. THE DAILY NEWS Wxoday. Ajr i5 is, I ' ' - SVIIIIU I I'll! 1 STUDENT BOWLING Twirlrrs Leading GirlV League And S Tigers IUtV i; Jj Result In the King Edward Hluri -;School Bowling League games Sa turday were as follows: Girls' Five Pins J. M. 603, Gadgets TOO. Co-Eds 710. TwirlcTs 8S7. Bowler Bears 662. Aces 816. gl Lneky Strikes 734. King Eds 503. Jgi Kippers C41. Play Maid 539. ; High worer. Margaret Johnston. 225. Hys' Ten Pins Cubs 519, Tigers 636. Grants 398. Buckaroos 480. Punks 378 Champs 566. High scorer. Jack Lindy. 186. The standing: filrts Twlrlers 4547 Lucky Strikes 4426 Aces Kippers Gadgets Co-Eds lit Bowlet Bears King Ed Play Maids .... Tigers ...... Champs .. Cubs Bijckaroos Giants ... Punks Roys BALAGNO 4074 3919 3893 3767 3602 3545 3334 3152 636 566 519 480 398 378 IN LEAD Final of City Billiard Championship Proves Interesting Affair The first block. Of 500 DOlnts in the final,' of the city DilUard cham pionship! last evening ended with C. P. Balagno having 501 points to Nell Cameron's 485. At the start Cameron was well ahead but Balagno caught up and. at the adjournment, was only 15 points behind. On resuming. Balagno continued to catch up and the players were Ued at 250, tied agaiptat 271 and at 307. At this stage Balagno ran up a fine 53 break and established a ascf ul lead, i At one time Balagno was 60 points ahead but Cameron kept catching up and. with both players missing easy snois. ine spectators were kept in a continuous state of excitement as the prospect ofj either player establishing a big lead grew dim. With only one point) needed for the 500 block, Balagno j left Cameron an awkward position i but the latter negotiated an 18 ! break to bring1 him within 16 points j of the city champion. J Altogether the game is as expec- J ted. Neither player Is giving anything away and, while a break is! always possible, the excitement) makes them miss many an easy op- j enlng. The second block continues, tonight and the third and final on Tuesday evening. There was a capacity house last evening again. 1 i SPORT CHAT i I The second half of the Ladies' Bowling Leaifue will get under way tonight with Blue Birds meeting Dooddads and Grotto playing the Strikers. 1 WINNIPEG M0NARC1IS JUNIOR PUCK CHAMPS 4 WJNNIPEO, April 15: (CP) Winnipeg Monarch won the Canadian junior hockey cham- plonship Saturday night by defeating the Eudbury Cub Wolves four to one in the third and deciding game. C. N. R. Trains For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Frt days ...!.,., 5:30 p.m One Day Each Month Underselling Herd is your opportunity to secure the Newest in Spring Coats, Suits, Dresses, Hats, Gloves, Hose, Shoes, etc. $? .msr mm COATS Sizes from 14 up Kid Gloves Sh Tuesday April 16th 9 a.m. Dresses! Dresses! Excuse us if we seem to be too enthusiastic We're really not, nd you'll surely believe us when you see what we've seen! Dresses like these at this price would be real NEWS at any time ... but coming right now, so early in the season, makes them even greater values. This group has frocks with short .sleeves and long. Plain materials or prints also printed trims. QO Qff AND MORE DRESSES And what an array of style and colors to choose from! Matelasse and plain crepes, prints. To show vou these frocks is TO SELL YOUlThat's how they rate as BUYS. Newest necklines, some two-piece suits: sizes from M to 20. A similar range in sizes 38 to -18. At Roth, Sports and Dress types smartly tailored in imjiorted tweeds, chic woollens with touches of fur or crisp taffeta; sizes from 14 up $12.95 $5.00 Suits! Suits! Everybody isjalking suits, here are two groups of fashion's latest creations, at prices you exj)ect to pay at the end of the season. New Tailored Suits, dashing tweeds, novelty and wool crepes, in various styjes, box lacks, loose and form-fitting; short suits and finger tip Q-f O QC lengths yX&.VO When you see these marvelous gloves and they are MARVELS AT .THIS PRICE . . . you're going to feast your eyes on the finest array of gloves ever offered at this price. Regular values to $2.95. All wanted colors. Sizes from G to 7J. jJ QQ At New Spring Skirts Here'ijf a wonderful assortment of smart tweeds an1 novelty weaves finished with latest style details. Popular shades; C-f Qff sizes 14 W 20 oes Hati Smartest styles of the season in sailors, bretons, bonnots, in the very nicest Q-i AC straws and telts tyJLuo NEW SPRING MODELS in tan, blue, white, grey, black, brown Drt Aff priced up from ?A.tJt Annette Ladies' Wear Co. THE STORE OF THE BETTER DRESSED FOR LESS Federal Block, Third Avenue