of I nta. 4!, KRUSCHEN SALTS r he new reduced price 69C Rowntree's Assorted Pastilles M'-ntliol & EucnlyptuR Pustill :t T tin HUNT'S FURNITURE 's ' hnr customers Have Moved !.!-v.se Building To Sixth Street leJ-iC's i! for your splen ic in nasi. Your t ... oe nppreciaiefl k Quality With Economy trit Hani's, Slsth Street 20c Paas Easter Egg Dyes Dye, Trannfors and Calico -i l -. per packet iwi Easter Novelties -ortnient to clioose from lu $1.25 Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Drttifff jtts hf Knitl HUr Phone: Rl k Z Open Oally from R a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundav and Holiday I'roni 12 noon nil 2 p m, 7 p.m. (Ill 9 p.m. Systematic Service Kf ficlcnt systematic service is the best and most economical. OUR SRRVICB RECORD will show complete rword.of all repairs made and all parts replaced A copy of this record returned with all sets serviced by- SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC Phone Blue 321 hFsh which made Prince RupertFamous Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD - ' Prepared Daily Hy P. ! n t n si l l n . " I.I aian fish & told storage to., ua. PRINCE RUPERT, H.C. T,,R CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING "'.HI AiM UP LAiNAUA, lAMim' TRAII-imiTlSII COLUMBIA Manufacture rs of Elephant Hrand Chemical a fertilizer mnnlnm Phosphate, Sulphat of Ammonia, Superphosphates, Complete Fertilizers ftfitinrc i f Tfiflfinnr Hrnnd Metals !?' Si'vtr. F.lectrolytlc Lead, 7.lnc, Cadmium. BNmuth. NEW ROYAL HOTEL fcrem, Proprietor A "OMi; AWAY FROM HOME" 50Rn $1.00 up """aw Mot. Jf-,.4. Prince 281 nuPert. B.C. Lloyd's Haby Coaclics $27.50 LloydsCollapsibleCartd $8.50 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Phone 775 Third Ave. He warm and comfortable by riding In 12 Taxi It costs the came. tf You can rent a car at Walker's as low as $1.60 a day, plus 7c a mile. Softball organization meeting, C. NJI. Hall. Thursday 8 p.m. All interested please attend. 87 O. F Tough of Inverness, who has been on a trip to Victoria, ar rived in the city on the Princess Adelaide Friday evening on his way back to the Skeena River. On Friday afternoon a plate giau window in the shop of W. E. HuUon in the Rand Block of Fulton Street was broken by three boys of juvenile age who were throwing I. . . I LU At I f Catching VICKS VA-TRONOL p at the week-end on an allegation I of falling to comply with an order i of the a&dstant fire marshal to J remove if' building -op Third Avenue 'between Seventh and Eighth j streets. The case has been ad-ijourned for eight days. Announcements Presbyterian Easter Sale April 17. Basketball Anyox vs. Rupert April 19 and 20. Basketball Dance April 19. 33. Queen Mary I.O.D.E. Daffodil1 darvre Baiter Monday. United Church Easter Sale April Toe H bridge Wednesday April 24. Baptist Church Supper April 25. Anglican Spring rale. April 25. C. N. R.U. annual dance. Moose Hall. Friday, April 26. C.C.F. Bazaar, Eagles' Hall, May Cambral Time's Treat, May 3. International Tea Baptist Church May 8. . Oyro Hoedown, Moose Hall. Fri day, May 10 Catholic spring sale, May 16. Moose Hall RENTAL RATES Concert ..$25.00 Dances 2000 PuWlc Meetings 15.00 A room suitable for smaller meetings Is now available on the ground floor, rental rate, $4.00 For engagements phone the Club Steward, 640 or Red 412, As If Build B.C Payrolls- Made for a Baby S.'..-.t: THX DAILY NTWB PAGE THRJU i.j..rjjj LOCAL NEWS NOTES iJi M 1 It digests so easily, that's one of the good parts of Pacific Milk, why in particular It 1$ so neipiui 10 babies, even the tiniest Infants. We have hundreds of letters from mothers telling that their baby had got well when other nourishment at hand failed, Pacific Milk had been specially beneficial. It Is the food of thousands of children today. Doctors, recommend It. Pacific Milk '10 B.C. Owned and Controlled" TLANT AT ABBOTSFORD The Prince Rupert Boys' Band paraded Saturday night In the business section, stopping at var ious corners to play numbers. Many comments were heard as to the excellent pros res the band is con tinuing to make tinder the leader ship of Bandmaster Robert Moose Spinsters' Spree on Friday (iood Shed Crowd in Attendance At Jolly Affair Special De-rwratiom and Lighting There was a good sized crowd in attendance Friday night at the Spinsters Spree dance of the ana im uie winnow , Moose Lodge. There were balloon Dy mutaice me incident was re- dances while serpentine and con-ported :o the police fetu also lent to the general jollity ' i 'There were also special lighting ei- While -ladles choice" was the order of the evenln;, the men were given the opportunity to choose t heir partners on a few occasions. Dancing was in progress from 10 lp.ro. until 2:30 ajn.-with music by Carl Smith's Orchestra. Olllis I jRoyer was master I ceremonies. O II Munro was haled Into police! iterresnments were served at ! court beforr Magistrate McClymont I midnight. The committee In charge consls ted of Cecil Morrison, Chuck Hic- key and Andrew Macdonald. C. R. Biggart and Louis Schibig presiaea at uie aoor. Today's Weather Dead Tree PointShowery, calm; barometer. 29.64; temperature. 48; sea smooth. Langara Island-Part cloudy, light southwest wind; sea'smooth. Terrace Cloudy, ealmj 38. Anyox Raining, calm, 43. Stewart Part cloudy, calm. 34. itazeiton Cloudy, calm. 34. Smlthers Cloudy, coot Burns Lake- Dull calm, 32 . - - S ERVICE PECIALS For Tuesday & Wednesday TOMATOES Royal City No. 2 tall. 2 tins MACARONI Whole or cut 16-oz. pkg RICE KRISPIES per pkg. ROWNTREES COCOA Hrlb tin CHATEAU CHEESE tj lb. GRANULATED SUGAR 10 lbs. CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS Red Arrow Fresh, per lb. EGGS Solly's Medium per doz ' 19c 8c ... Uc 21c Church Campaign 15c 1 59c 28c 21c Bulkley Valley Large, per doz 23c MALT VINEGAR Empress OOp 26-oz. bottles, each BRAWN North Star. 8-oz. tin 9c FOR THE MEAL OF THE MONTH Try Swift's Ovenlzed Ham t 27c , 29c There Is nothing tastier COCKTAIL OYSTERS per tin 18c BRUNSWICK SARDINES 0 ner tin CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP, 2 tins Hop flavored, 3-lb. tin - - 17c MILK All brands, tall tins, each each 9c 9c MALT SYRUP D. C. L. Plain, 2Vj-lb. tin S1.12 BLUE RIBBON MALT- O-i J O DEMONSTRATION Of the many ways In which Carnation Milk can be used in everyday cooking. Tuesday only FRESH TOMATOES per lb. 18c GRAPEFRUIT Nice size, 4 for 21c BANANAS per lb 10c JUICY ORANGES per doz 29c Medium size, 3 doz 85c LEMONS per doz. 17c Watts' Grocery PHONE 53 PHONE 56 "THE BEST FOR LESS- Comes to Close Final Evangelical Prayer Meeting Held n Pridajr Evening The final prayer meeting of the Campaign of Evangelism which has been conducted here during the Lenten Season tinder trie aus pices of the local Protestant Churches was held 'n First Baptist Church last Friday evening, there being a good attendance. The meeting was In charge of Rev. Dr. F. W. Dafoe. pastor cf First Baptist Church, who spoke on the subject of "The Triumph of Christ's Re- torn to Jerusalem." Canon W. F Rushbrook. ,Rev. C. D. Clarke and Dean Otbson assisted In prayer. W. Vaughan Davies was fn the chair. Hotel Arrivals Royal Herb II. Weber. Vancouver. Prince Rupert ' H. P. Cahill. Vancouver: McKenzie, Kamloops. Central M. W. Mr. and Mrs. P. 'Hansen, Emil Bill and D. McLean city; T. Anderson and J. Smaha, C. N. R.; H. S. Swenson. Victoria; J. Johns, Saskatoon: Mr. and Mrs J. Hadland jr., Mrs. Ed. Tergen and J. Hadland, Oona River; W. Davis, Vancouver. Knox Jack McDonald and J. IL Reynolds, city. Want Ads WANTED WANTED Woman for light house keeping. One month only. Seven) miles out of town. For partlcu-' lars call at Bulger's Store. 881 FOR SALE MONARCH RANGE, double bed, 2 dressers. 1 piano bench and other household articles. Phone Black 611 or apply 144 9th Ave. East. 83 FOUND FOUND Fountain Pen. Owner may have same by calling at Dally News and paying for this FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 1418 2nd Avenue. Phone Red 431. tf PAINTERS PAINTINO pna Paperhanglng Moller. Phone Red 802. MISCELLANEOUS UP TO $50.00 EACH PAID FOR' U. S. INDIAN HEAD CENTS. W buy all dates regardless of con dition. Up to $1.00 each paid for U.S. Lincoln Head cents. Up to $150.00 each paid for Canadian coins. We Buy Stamp Collections, Medals, Books, Paper Currency etc. send 25c. (Coin) for large illustrated price list arid Instruc tions. Satisfaction guaranteed or 25c. refunded. HUB COIN SHOP, 113-10 North FORSYTHE, SAR-NIA. ONT. TRANSFERS KAIEN TRANSFER Coal, firy wood and garden earth. General hauling. Phone 60. 92 IN THE SCPKEM1 COURT Of BRITISH COLOMBIA IN PROBATE N THE MATTER Or TItS "ADUIJOS-TRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OP ROBERT HENRY IVE. DcftWI. " testate. TAKE NOTICE that by, order of ftl Honor, w . c. rnrr. nir .u Aprtl. AJ. 1935. I waa appointed Ad-minlstrator of the wUt of Robert Henry Ive. dcease. and all partle having elalma ?lnst the aald eaute are herebj mjuliert to furnUh aame, n.vinu4, MMfiHi tn me an or befor the 7th T of Way. AD. W35. and aJl airllea IndrbtMt to the estate af rt quired to pay the amount of their It- demeorwto to one rorxnwiui. KORUAN A WATT, Official Admlntatrtior. Prince Rupert. B C. P.O. Box IDS Dated the 8th day of April. AJJ. IMS Mondays (train) Tuesday Wednesdays (train) Thursdays Friday April 4 15 and ,25 From Vanrorttr Sunday Tuesday (train) Wednesday Thursday (train) Friday sen 1 BEER BRITISH Columbia', fstvotsrit. Yu will cjy Uc fine SsTur of tu famotM lager, Jut Miy PiUencr -when you Tk PrW PrvJurt mMmsUT Hr.rr. .. 4:30 pin. 12:30 pjn 4:3C pm ....9:20 pjn ' - 11 pju 4 pm. j I - 4 pjn.; 10:15 pjn. 10 ajn. I 10:15 pjn i pja SaturtSay (train) 10:15 pj April 11 and'2r ajn. For Anyox and Stewart Sunday 7 pjn. Wednesday 3 pjn' ' rom Anyox and Stewart-Tuesday 11:50 ara Beautiful Waves By our hew' and latest Helen Curtis Machine, featuring Eugene and Princess Marina combination permanent. Mi Lady Beauty Shoppe f Phone 655 This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government or British Columbia. Mail Schedule For the East - Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl ; days 4:30 pjn From the East- . Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days . 10:15 pjn For Vancouver Thursday 8 p.m. For Naas Kiver and Fort Simpson-Sunday 7 PXTL From Naai River and Port Simpson Tuesday, 11:30 am, For Queen Charlotte Islands April 12 and 26 9 pjn. Advertise in tn Dally News irs SPRINGTIME at Kaien Hardware ROSE TREES 3 for $1.25 deeds of All Kinds Garden Tools Hot Caps Watch for the new "61" Applicator Varnish a floor in about II minutes withont getting down on your knees. Kaien Hardware SPRING SHOES are arriving daily In Men V Ladies' and Children's in latest styles at very low prices. Also a complete stock of Fleet Foot Runners for the whole famiy, in all sizes. SPECIAL Silk 'Crepe and Chiffon Corticelli Hose Q4 fifl In all eolbrsi reg. $1.25; now A.v v B.C. CLOTHIERS, LTD. Phone,: Black 324 Next Frizzell's Market SPRING CLEANING Your color scheme should start with your floor IT IS AMAZING To see how much fresh cheer well chosen rugs alone can bring. Allowance made for your old rugs for any that are new. D. EL10 Furniture Exchange UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prhice Rupert for Vancouver T.S.S. CAtALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M. Arriving Vancouver Thursday T.S.S. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. Arriving Vancouver Monday am. Weekly tailing to Port Blmpaoo Anyox, Stewart and Naae Rlrer polnta, LeaT Prince Rupert Sunday. S p-m. Furtnex iniormatlon regarding all sailings nd Uckets .at., PSINCI trPKKT AOKNCTt .Tbd am. Phone SS 1 A ? St MM ,1.1 :m:i. mm