P !n,-p Rupert Showery, light ,,, wind; barometer, 29.00; .r.Aute, 43; soa smooth. v-j -). 87 V i. XX- Vancouver li ... wv U. I Si kel. .41, I M'Url. .46, u. ......ii n. ii. ..-.I..-. 8WJ. L i: lonv. .bOV, B It X . IC. La I: a M Tw j - (juartx, lJf. toi.ia. .68. ' ;. im. 36. 10 u; J)lr 15, ... US. , ui" Star, .08, . it Silver. M. ;c Five. .12,. Utrllle. S&. t Idaho. .11 i-i. 1.C8. 0; mi' ; Quartz, .IS. r ..id m. I: 130 i-vr:- Crest. 02fc. t in Gold, .13 Ifr. TV. . Bridge. 51. Wavde. .16, Wh; ".c water. .10. W4v. ,iy Tangier, om Empire, .04. Toronto I i ul Patricia, 1.40. f liiboUKainau. .22. Uolrt. i)5V4. Oui.ada. 30. li t' f Nickel. 20JK) Mai assa. 2.15. ... Norauda. 38.25. V Bhcrritt Oordon, .02. Sbcoc 3.05. Vri;?urcR, SX). k" Maron. .00W. Tcric Hughes. i21 Suubury Basin, 1.38. Cuiumarlo. .11. cin MalarUc. ,04 ft. Li' Ie Long Lac, 5 80. Stadurona. .21 Vfe. Maple Leaf. .08 ft Plt ic Crow. 2.T7. Mf Knizic Red Lake. 1.25. wi & Eastern, .04. nosI.ake. 1.53. Slur con Uivcr Oold, .85. Vancouver Wheal Marion Talley We Is Married To Former Teacher NBW YOUK. April 15 Marlon Talley, latnous operatic star and former Kansas farm girl, was mar- irwo nere on warcu o w nuiH EkkBtrom. a singing teacher and her former instructor, it was re- rafed at the end of the week by the preacher who performed the ceremony. Miss Talley for some years was with the Metropolitan Opera Company but more recently has been Identified with the Chi cago Opera Company. Chances of Thirty Hour Week Slight Legislature of California Not Likely To Art In View of Strong Oppo-silion Developing SACRAMENTO, Cat.. April 15 Chance of thirty-hour week legis lation being enactoi In California are growing very dim owing to the determined opposition of business men and industrialists. Already &vpml bills alone this line have been rejected. Screen Star Is Divorced Dr. franklin Thorpe Gets Decree From Mary Axtor as Well as Custody of Child ins ANfiEl.ES. Aurll 15: -Dr Franklin Thorpe wos granted a dc- AGREEMENT COMPLETED Slrcsa Conference Ends With Britain, France and Italy In Accord For Peace STRESA. IUly, April 15: (CP) The Stresa conference formally concluded yesterday with Great Britain, France and Italy in full accord on a seven-point European peace pros ram. In a final declaration on behalf of the three countries, it was said they were in complete agreement in opposing by all practical means any unilateral repudiation treaties which may endanger the peace of Europe and will act in clove and cordial collaboration for this purpose. Grass Fires Keep Department Busy; SENATE FOR I over the week-end responding to alarms as a result of grass-fires in various parts of the city. At noon 8aldrrfay there .was a call UTBlxtfi Avenfiev near Booth' Memorial School, at 1:50 pjn. to the corner of Second Avcnu- and Second Street, at 3 pjn. to Seventh Avenue near King Edward High School and at 12:45 noon yesterday to Oraham Avenue, Westvlew. At 5:35 Saturday afternoon some $10 or $20 damage was done to the roof of D. M. Simpson's premises at the corner of Fifth Avenue and McBrlde Street as a result of sparks from the chimney. MEXICO IN BAD SHAPE Electrical Workers Quit Work Truce Befog Arranged In General Strike On MEXICO CITY. April 15: President Cardenas at the week-end negotiated a truce in Uie general strike which has tied up business and Industry in Mexico for some Ume only to have an electrical workers' strike break out as a result of which a number of cities were plunged Into darkness. HOME LOANS House Financing Measure Approved By Upper House in United States WASHINGTON DC, April 15: The $1,750,000,000 home loan bill, designed to assist Americans in the building of new homes, was approved by the Senate at the end of the week. Vancouver. April 15: (CIM jcrcc of divorce at .he end of the was qUotcti nt 87i,c un the-1 week from Mary Astor. screen ac- former OUrVCVOr 'Wal nwnrded custody u,,"v' fc'v" J r,.hn i-.. j hninir n!so D7c today. ; of their two-year old daughter. iMarvlin. Miss Astor. who was t'OCKTAH.s FOR BARBARA .charged with mental cruelty by; 'sarcasm, did not contest me action E,jwnrtj i Lrcson Died In Victoria ( KENO. April 15:--Barbarn Hut-'nntl did not appear In court - r-niid-ten heiress, residing 3 with a view to obtaining a dl-! BAR SILVER "Wre fir,,,. r,.i .. tK.itf vnnir Anvil isl IHPI Bar Of Taxes Passes On Saturday at Age of 76 VICTORIA. April 15: (CP) Ed nnce Miavani, was tnc ; "i- - - n. . . ,Pci 7 former and Mrs. John a n.iPtt. .day. dropping to 68Wo'today. dledaon8aturday. fH . Bo I Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides ft tos SMELTERS TO SPEND $2,500,000 AT TRAIL IN EXTENDING PLANT TRAIL, April 15: CPi The j Consolidated Mining & Smelt- ins Co. announces that addl- . tlons to lta fertilizer manu- i facturing plant here will be I started immediately at a cost of $2,500,000. 4 TURN DOWN i COMPROMISE Halibut Boat Owners Insisting On One-Fifth Share of Halibut Livers -4- While no meeting had been held, it was announced today that a can- I vass of Prince Rupert halibut boat 'owners had shown them to be un- Rnnf FllP Acni-tavorable to aqcjfptlng a compro-IvUUl 1 11 C raloll.mUc proposal offered as a result of ! a meeting Saturday of the halibut The lire department was busy I fishermen s union Uiat the boats take a one-tenthlmtead of a one-fifth share of the proceeds of halibut livers. The Canadian halibut rxfltuovm"ersaTFs,rhslsting on the boats getting a one-fifth share of the livers, the same as the Seattle. Vancouver and Alaska boats are The latest proposition of the fishermen was made following their rejection of a proposal of the boat owners that the fUhermen should ccelve the full returns of the hall- U .. . 1 1 t I. .,, WASHINGTON. DC, April 15: As a means of meeting Japanese competition In the field of manufactured goods, representatives of New England industrialists, at a tariff equal to the difference in the . cost of American labor compared! with Japanese plus ten percent ROOSEVELT BELIEVES STATES SHOULD HELP IN SOCIAL SECURITY WASHINGTON, D.C.. April 15: President Franklin D. T". tl I 1. - I- I .1. .L NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1935 DAWSON IS FLU SWEPT Half of Population Down With fnfluenza and Measles Public Institutions Closed DAWSON. Y.T, April 15: (CP) Schools, churches and theatres, are closed and public gatherings are prohibited In Dawson as the city's only physician struggles almost sin;le-handcd to cope with an epidemic of measles and Influenza. The hospital is overcrowded and members of the nursing staff themselves are UL m Ha'f the city is quarantined and the other half is attempting to carry on public services. The staffs of the Government Telegraphs, wireless, post office and alt public and private offices are reduced by fifty percent. The city's only doctor reports that he has the situation well in hand and that he hopes to have the epidemic curbed by the end of April. OTTAWA, April 15: (CP) Pre mier R. B. Bennett went for a drive j career uut c.S lor mw .uu, ha(j bccn out of hQtel apart uus scusun unci wuicu mc uvcia Premier Bennett Kalen, 23,000. Atlin. 7.6c and 5c. Gibson, 15,000, Pacific, 7.4c and 5c. Cape Spencer, 15.000, Cold Stor- age, 7.6c and 5c. Jude. 6.000, Pacific. 7.5c and 5c White House conference at the end j t of the week, asked for a protective; StFlKPFQ r mm Relief Camps Had Good TagJ, one tag day. the question of social security ! , . legislation, which is before Congress now, when he an- nounced to newspapermen that he was opposed to the fe- deral government taking ex- High Low TORONTO, April 15: (CP) Mr. Justice,, John Millar McEvoy, aged day. Prime Minister Abie to Leave Hotel in the years of , his law practice Apartment For First Time In i before his elevaton to the bench. Six Weeks Mr. Justice McEvoy was recognized as one of the ablest criminal law yers in Ontario. During his brilliant he defended 13 persons "yesterday. It was the first time he charged with murder. Not one of the 18 defendants paid the death would be with the compud hallbut;conflned on account of m. professlon. In would receive a one-fifth share. Except for a few boats which have taken union crews lndepen-denUy. vessels of the Prince Rupert fleet are returning to the banks manned by the owners with the union fishermen still remaining ashore. PROTECTION IS SOUGHT New England Industrialists Seek Higher Tariff in Order to Compete With Japan mess. Halibut Arrivals Summary American 14,000 pounds, 9.5c and 7c and 9.6c and 7c. Canadian 90,500 pounds, 7.4c and 5c to 7.6c and 5c. American t Emma. 11,000. Co'd Storage, 9.6c and 7c. Visitor. 3.000. Pacific 9.5c and 7c. ! Canadian i Ingrld H, li.000. Paci!!. 7.6c and John Millar McEvoy. K.C.. B-A LL;B., was born in Caradoc, Middle elected a Fellow of Political Science and in that capacity taught Canadian constitutional history there. Later he became a lecturer for one year under Prof. Mavor in the Political Science Department his law practice in London, Ont., where he had since resided. A Pair of Jacks. 14,000. 7.5c and 5c. staunch Liberal, he unsuccessfully j contested the East Middlesex Do- I minion riding in 1904, and London in 1911. In the provincial field- he ran against Sir Adam Beck in 1908, i but was defeated. In 1894 he mar-! rled a daughter of John Anderson East Williams, Ont. There was son, Capt. A. M. McEvoy of De- trolt, and one daughter, Mrs. Alton VANCOUVER. April 15: (CP) 'Nell of Stratford. Relief camp strikers claim to have ! Mr. justice McEvoy was called to I collected more than $5500 from the the bar In 1893. He read law under ! tag day which they held Saturday , Il0n. Edward Blake, then of Blake. despite civic refusal of permission LaSn ancj cassels. i to do so. About 1400 participated In the Vote on Townsend Plan is Promised elusive responsibility for old age pensions and unemploy- ! WASHINGTON, DC. April 15: Three sisters, Mrs. T. E. Robson and Mrs. E. R. Dennis of London and Mrs. W. W. Kinsley of Humbcr-stone. Ont, and two brothers, Thomas A. McEvoy who resides on the family homestead at Mount Bryd-ges and Dr. Sanford McEvoy, of Enid, Okla.. survive. j Mr. Justice McEvoy had for many' years years been oeen a a member memoer oi of St oi. 12:03 p.m. 16.6 it .- 6:05 a.m. 5.9 It 18:11 pjn. 6.0 It. PRICE: 5 CENTS 1 CitMBERLAIN BUDGET GRA TIFYIM IMPORTANT POLICY CHANGE RECOMMENDED BY C.N. CHIEF Tax On Lower Incomes In Great Britain Down; Pay Cut All Restored lat Year Has Been Characterized by Substantial Advance Toward Recovery, Improvement in Trade Havinn Readied People's Purchasing Power LONDON, April 15: (CP) A cut in income tax rate in "-t mt .4 brackets and an increase in the personal exemp-tinf f,.r married men is proposed in the budget introduced in House of Commons today by Rt. Hon. Neville Cham-iVr-uni. C hancellor of the Exchequer, who estimated the i -' of income tax changes for the year at $-18,000,000. He . i .bo announced lull restoration ol Today's Stocks , vl H U. JutUwUx CO ) the ten percent cut In civil service a lark that effected In 1931. hall ol which wu previously re-torcd. The bodftt surplus Is estimated at $T7JW0.eQ. TtMt ChmnceUor reported that the MA a aha rmf ftrliaH i by a substantial advance toward recovery. Improvement In trade having reached right down to. the pur-eJumlnc power" of th- people." Hungerford Would Scrap Obsolete Equipment and Charge Profit and Loss Is Same Plan That American Railroads Adopted During Depression Board of Trustees is Heing Asked To Give Its Approval to Proposal OTTAWA, April 15: (CP) Following a policy adopted by American railroads during the depression, the Canadian, National Railways will put into effect on January 1 next an "extraordinary program of equipment retirements" if a recommendation by President S. J. Hunger-ford to the board of trustees is adopted. It will mean a ' jjcharge to profit and loss of $23.- I17pi i TrUTrNllTT 000'000 representing equipment W HI I KPJflWIM rendered obsolete including "all JUDGE DIES Mr, Justice McEvoy Passes Away At Age of Seventy-One flnac Knr UriVA 71- a member pf the Ontario Su uoes i or Lfnve qlea preme here on i wooden cars" numbering ten thou-jsand and 570 passenger cars. Mr. Hungerford also believes that all locomotives over ten years old fshould be scrapped. Graf Zeppelin Flying Again Repairs to Damage Made Following Accident in Landing at Pernambuco PERNAMBUCO. April 15: The German dirigible Oral Zeppelin was able to resume her Interrupted flight at the week-end. following making of repairs to damage' resulting from an accident on Friday when she missed the mooring mast here as she attempted to tie up in a driving rainstorm following her first Atlantic crossing of the season i fmm flArmanv onrf pfflhpH intn th sex County in 1861 the son of AM. rooI hef and Sarah Northcott McEvoy. ines None His father came oi f a family In I on w hurt County Down, Ireland. The future member of the Ontario Supreme Court was educated at Strathroy n11M U71 1 T Collegiate, the University of To- 1UlICU TlllCdllll ronto and the Osgcode Hall Law-School. During his student days he , was recognized as a man of more; Kansas City Now than average ability and on his' graduation from the university was ' Duststorm Forces Prices of Grain Up Damage Estimated At $30,000,000 KANSAS CITY, April 15: As a result of the recent disastrous, dust-storms, the price of wheat jumped . I . . 3 1 1 . In the early 90's he returned to " 4 : ous"cl " me ttctR. juu. it. was c&iimaicu that damage of $30,000,000 had been done to Middle and Southwest farm lands as a result of the drought and dust. May Eliminate Grade Crossings In United States WASHINGTON, D.C., April 15: President Franklin D. Roosevelt Intimated at the end of the week that from $100,000,000 to $200,000,-000 of his $4,880,000,000 public works fund might be used In work to eliminate all grade railway crossings in the country. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT t ment insurance, ne expressea speaKer uurns gave assurance ai Mrs. it. j. u. smith announce the belief that the states the end of the week that a direct George's Lodge. No. 42. A. F. and A. the engagement of her elder should assume a share of the vote would be taken In Congress on M, Mocha Temple Shrine, the daughter, Florence Alleen tq Mr. cost. the Townsend old age pension, plan. Royal Arch Masons and Royal Ar- j Stanley Wilson, youngest son of 'lie predicted that it would ' beetle- canum. He was a member of the Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Wilson of Edln- feated. 1 Ontario Club, Toronto. i burgh, Scotland.-