4 w r 'Ml!1 fAGE rocs H 1 We Buy for Less. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE L.d. . We Sell For Less EXTRA SPECIAL JUST ARRIVED 30 ONLY MISSES' AND WOMEN'S Fall & Winter Coats With lovely fur trimmings, smartest styles, well lined and tailored, all the wanted colors. Saturday and Monday $9.95 $10.95 $12.95 $14.95 and up Men's Jumbo Knit O-f Ct( Sweaters, from ... V A u u Men's Windbreakers Iff up from Vft Mens Work Pants in all weights $1.49, $2.49, $2.79 and up Penman's Underwear, heavy ribbed, Shirts and Drawers j J Jg Tiger Brand Underwear, double breasts and seats QO per suit yoAD Red Label Underwear per suit Green Label Underwear ner suit & Natural English Wool Underwear per suit $2.95, $3.25 $3.45 Aristocrat Combinations, the finest of pure wool, long & short sleeves, equal to any $7.50 suit j Qgj Ret Your Supply of Underwear at These Prices i $2.89 $2.59 Wc have just received a shipment of lovely FALL DRESSES Suitable for street and t afternoon wear. At popular prices. We invite your inspection. Sunday Nite Dresses In Beautiful Quality "Crepes ill fine array of colors. $0.95 ROGER'S SYRUP 10-lb. tin PURE RED . PLUM JAM 4-lb. tin BRUNSWICK SARDINES 6 tins' AMBROSIA COFFEE Mixture, 1-lb. pkg BRAID'S BEST TEA per lb BRAID'S BEST COFFEE per lb. .. ; BRAID'S BEST BAKING POWDER I Double Action qn. 16-oz. tin .... Atfll FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ApplesMclntosh Reds, 4 lbs 25c Florida Grapefruit, large, each 10c Remo Cabbage, 4 lbs. 13C Celery, large, each '..ioc Concord Grapes, per basket 61c MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Uave More Cents" P1OBox 575 Phone 18 II - II ECONOMY SPECIALS Wc Offer the Following Bargains 1.. 75c - 39c 27c 25c 45c 36c vjien r. am oi Hyder passed H. LaneW nrriv n u.. ' " " V,. u ,u..u.. .... ... . UB" U1C aDoara e Prince, the Prince George Wednesday af George last evening enroule to i ternoon frnm vMnrt n -f . faeatt e and San Francisco on a ' I clal reporter at the session of the combined business and pleasure Supreme Court Assizes here and ,LTm ab0ut slx lt night on his return ... . auwl, j south Edwandsburcj ROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP WTHE FAMOUS ENERGY FOOD" A. product of The CANADA STARCH CO., Limited J DO IT TODAY Not Wait For Tomorrow Again go over your unused furniture dr. other articles and discard what you do not need. Then phone us, Green 421. We have dally inquiries for the things you do not need In 'your home D. ELIO EXCHANGE FURNITURE TBI DULY NIWI Friday, STORY IS An exciting, thrilling and gripping drama;' telling a story of United States Department of Justice agents' war on organized crime, is. presented at the Capitol Theatre this week-end in "O Men," starring James Cagney. The story is based on many incidents which have flashed across newspaper headlines during the past few years and which will be quite recognizable although neither the correct names or localities are used. Most of the action revolves around Cagney who appears as a Department of Justice agent. It Is he who traps the "Mad Dog of the Gangs." whom no Jail could hold, and exterminates him in a rendezvous with death. Marearet (Lindsay, playing the role of the' 'sister of Caenev's boss. Robert I Armstrong, provides the romantic I nnterest with Cagney. Ann Dvorak. as the wife of Public Enemy No. 1, i. 1 1.. i. ecu aiiouier opportunity to sing and dance, she leads a chorus 3f beauties in a nieht r.luh seme S and her song, especially written for the picture, is already one of the season's hits. Other prominent members of the cast Include Bar ton MacLane, William Harrigan and Russell Hopton. Rehearsals For Minstrel Show Outstanding Entertainment to Be Staged by Local Gyro Club On Election Night For Objective Fund Excellent progress is being made at rehearsals for the Ovro Club's minstrel show to be held on election night at the Capitol Theatre and an outstanding entertainment Is already assured. The proceeds will go to the club's objective fund. With H. N. Brocklesbv as con- ductor and C. P. Balagno aS piano accompanist, the following will take part: Interlocutor C. V. Evltt. End Men Jack Cobb: Al Small Want Ads KUU KENT FOR RENT - Six-ronm mndprn house with furnace. Apply 1851 Graham Ave. Phone Red 104. (234) FOR SALE Office safe, extra thick ! walls, giving perfect protection against fire. Daily News. (tf ) IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITI3H COLUMBIA . IN FHOnVTE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINI3. TRATIOW ACT" AND 7J.'JL MArTE!l CP THE ESTATE Of GEOHOE moWNEXL WItlTE ' .t,r,DH'TEASED- INTESTATE. ,hat by ord"r of ' w . : . ou appointed TJrWe. hav'.rj r-:aitn aualr-Bt the '3Jn?. trr.!V(rlw v-i i . . i ore tue 5th dav nf iin.k.. . 1935. end nil rv.rtA. 1 .. - w" "wirn m rorthvrtth. KUKMAN A. WATT Otfl-'al Administrator 1933 J-iorer. AD, AUCTION SALE TIMBER SALE X10988 There will ho r.ffor . ...i. ... He Auction a.t .u. ntth day of Ontivr ion n. of the District Forester, Prince Rupert. B.C. .the Llccncr Xifmna n 00Q feet, board men.. nt c.J dar and Hemlock on an area adjotnlna Lots 652 and fi.vi t.ii t.i V. ' ' JJ . .oiaiiu, IUWIl Charlotte Islands Land District. une year will be allowed for of timber. Provided any one unable to attend the auction In person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated aa one bid," Further TXtrtlHUra ma wt ..vm., u,- vniCT f orester, vwtorla. B.C or Dhtrlct Forewtor, Prince Rupert, B.C TIMBER SALS X18874 t.-86?'. .tnder" wl be received by noon on the 7th dav of October. 193j. o ,Phf of licence X18874, to Hemlock ' on an .I.. h 'fe of Loulae Narrow, Cum! SdIS.tow Charlott Ulanrts Further nartJAiiUr. -v - . Jack Dougherty and Laurie Tap Dancing Mrs. II. Hodgson. Soloists Dr. R. O. Large. Leon ard Cripps, Sam Joy and Mrs. A. J. Webber. Chorus C. Wr Dawson, D. O. Borland, Frank Dlbb, W. M. Watts, Joseph Wickett, W. II. Tobey. S. J. Jabour, Reg Blake, Dick Meadows, S. J. Hunter, A. J. Webber, J. A. Teng,. J. H. McClinton. Prior to the minstrel show there will be a torchlight nrocession In blackface in which members of the Gyro Club generally will partici pate. USE "TAItZAN" Always the Same r out Always the Pest for Bread, Cakes and Pastry Gilbert Campbell - sailed Inst. night on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Mrs. E. A. Wilson., who has hpPn paying a visit hero with her daugh ter, Mrs. C. R. Blggart, sailed last nignt Dy the Prince George on her return to Seattle. IN THE BUPREME' COURT OF BRITISH JN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMIM. ,. AND IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE or CHARLES KAR3KIS, Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that by order of HU Honour Judge W. E. Fisher the 10th da. of September AB. 1935 I -M appointed Administrator of th Estate of Charle Karskls late of Atlln. BrltUh Columbia quired to furnish same properly verlfle.i to me on nr hAfrvr. K mil. .1 1 ' tober A.D. 1933 and all persons lndeb-ted to the Estate are required to na? forthwith . ''eaneM to rn. HERBERT F. OLAS8EY Official Administrator. I itii I I I I Dcater't NTom.. THRILLING Tonight and SatnT James Cagney Here in "G Men" On Capitol Screen Week at End of IT'S ALL HERE i m"uus neauine cases HvpH r' I- AmiZin? Shots Of M mc". eniiiic man-W mnphinoyif t i., "unu!l: ; wj iiicreaiDly "fc Hailprl Frnm f nicr A p. As the most remarkable picJ " r "8 ,ae8Pad far i.mivca iu uuu oi mose thinesv, iilst must coo! Ul,by 'At 7:38 & 9 44 'MIEII Starring JAMES CAGNEY -Ann Dvorak - Margaret Lindsay OUR GANG in "Sprucing Up' ADDED ATTRACTION Chapter 5 At 9:06 only) "Mickey Mouse's Garden" Colored Cartoon WHIFFLETS i j From the Waterfront i I Delayed' by having had a heavy freight cargo to discharge at Skag-1 way and further held back by foggy weather, C. P. R. steamer Princess Louise, Capt. S. K. Gray, ordinarily due here this afternoon on her way south after a regular voyage to Skagway, will not arrive until S o'clock tomorrow morning. Mr. Justice II. B. Robertson sailed last night by the Prince George on his return to Vic..irUa lnw urn M 11.. bupreme Cour Aulz-, NEW ROYAl HOTEL J. ZarelU, Proprietor -A HOME AWAY m iiowr Ratei til) ov MKoomi HoU CjM Wafer Prince Ruptrt, BC Phone 281 ?.o. Bm the emu WAY 10' BETTER. BAKING BAKE BREAD AND ROLLS In half th time with half of the work I Bale Quaker Easy Way with Quaker Flour, tht quality flour made or tve.y balinf fwfo!to the maker of the famous Quaker OatL Send for FREE book on "The Qul Method of Eay Bread Baking" wW tell how to make bread and rolls v kneading or overnight aettlng. ThouanJi of Western Canadian women who hv tried this easy method would use no other-try It yourself. Valuable Baking Book FRFE Th.Qu.ker O.iiComp.nT.Dtpt. 52 M.,hodof E..TPBr,.?d,B:1r.7.tOP, ' booU"MTh Qu'k" Nam.. Flour The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famoiiil Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. DaUd the Uth day of September, 1935. j f fi V Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Gold Storage Co., Ll(L