i 4, 15 Use the Best Ten AIADa TEA A Fresh "Shipment of lilevs oz. nags 4 -oz. Jubilee tins Lib. Jubilee tins ....... Toffee Clones ltd TTiie. Pioneer Drtiqgiats l.i:i:KlliXsTJXTsTrI..13'K- arriving Vancouver "Monday .am. rffeW, toumg, to Tort Bimpsoa inyoi. Btewart and point. Leave Krlnc Rupert Bunday. 8 pjn u JUST ARRMD I L Rum & Butter. Fjir and Date ififWt Id Assorted; price per pound vv 25c . .. ... 60c $1'.Q0 MU'HY'S DAIRY MILK GHOGOLATE MUDS H-lb.-OCp bags'531' Vie Kxall Stow Phones: 81 & 2 Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 pa Ljund Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 1 p.m. till 9 p.m. w. . f .1-1 HT . n Are tou Keacly ror vwinten heaters ir types and We have a fine Selection of uzes to assure the 'warmth and comfort of any ti.fatm-. fnr t'tuid coal or iil bumcc lnstal- .1 J inc. ncA. " " ' , , i iatlon In attractive finishes. Drop mjand inspect , our selection. You will find that our pneevare r,B..v. fcOROON'S HARDWARE SS? HUNTERS' 1EQUISEFES i " ' . , sTt 1 ' N - tn ft f A ues - Riflps - Uun uu - uun uitwoc . Suns - Knives - "Lanterns - Flash Lights Shells .and- Cartridges In all gauges and 'calibres THOMPSON1 HARDWARE GO. OTD. Is,. . . vnt at "mer mrormatlon regarding au saumgs bhu I PRINCE KTJPERT AORNCTt fTblrd AVne rTionVMS UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Ht.ir-.. ti Driu piinert for Vanooutet 1 MS. CATALA EVEKY TUESDAY, lt30 V.M. I nrnvmg Vancouver Thursday tSS.CAUDnNA'EVEU'k FU1DAV MIDNIOHT. CANADIAN TAGieC 10 Vacouvcr via Ocean Falls and way ports PRINCESS ADELAIDE, 'FRIDAYS, 'l0 P.M. T Vancouver "Direct PRINCESS LOUISE, Oct. 4th, 16th. rrviutBS NORAH, Oct. 25th, Nov, 3ra, aisu T Ketchikan, Wranjell,. Juneau .and.Bkatway PRINCESS LOUISE. Oct. 12th. PRINCESS NORAH, Oct, '21st, 30th, Nov. 17th. wF?r formation and reservations call or write V. L. COATES, General Agent, Prince Rupert, B.O. It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News v. cupie oi tne whole district are uoiug iKJGAl 1NEWS Welle's Dance night. i Moose Hall to-1 . '.. i Thanksglvlng-4larvest 'of the! .PresbvterUnChurch.coct 21. I iBewsum auacotdrortaDLeBy ria- img-in 32 Taxi it-costaUiie 'Ainie, iYou 'can 'leaivu iji iat ilXert Uj low :ts$tiOi JtUy.splaaHc. i 4 mile. Mrs. Watt' dancing -.classes-'start Sat, - Oct. -5. 1:30 an. ? Forttep- fdancing ;Fhone 'Blue'a22. fc '(230) Announcements i.asiiSisMSMSissisiMSSMMsMs"iissiswsiiiSii I C. 1 D. :L.metlng Moose Hall, iSunday, "October! 6, 18 pan. Speaker. C. J. McKendrlck f Vancouver. Walter ;Cross;alled:laBt flight on the Prince -George lor a?vacatlon trip to'"Vancouver. M. P. McCatfery" Tfeturned?to the city son last nfght's train from a trip to' Burns Liike andvSmithers. tflear -Dave Sadler, 3tadio linger from the -H. M. C. S. Skeena, tonight, 8 p.m. Pentecostal Assembly. Baptist Church -Bazaar and Car nival Saturday. Oct. 5," 2:30 to 10 p.m., next 'Thompson Hardware, 4231) C. C. F. meeting Moose Hall, Sa turday, Oct. 5, 8 .pan. Speakers, F. Roberts, Vancouver and J. E. Pan- ter, candidate, , . 4231) Don't forget bridge, whist and :dance In Eagles' Hall,-8:15 tonight, In aid of Boys! Band. Drawing for raffles. 'Admission, '2ic. John Bowman is leaving Bllmor on tonight's 'train for' Cheshire, Eng.. via Winnipeg, Minneapolis, Chicago and New York, sailing from New York on the Lancatrla on October 18. "Baptist Bazaar,- Oct. 9. United Annual Supper October 8. Lutheran Church Bazaar Oct. 10. Metropole'Hall. Gyro mlnlstrel show 11:15 pjn October 14, Capitol Theatre: Canadian Legion -Bazaar Oct. 17 Ilygga's Bazaar, October '25. Junior Chamber Hallowe'en dance Moose Hall-October '30. Hill 60 Hallowe'en 'Tea October 31. Hugh Martyn; vocal rtdtairNov- ember 1. Presbyterian . Bazaar, vNovembei Daughters of Norway Bazaar, Nov. 8, Moose Hall. St. Andrew's Cathedral ' Bazaa. Nov. 21. Orange Ladles'- bazaar. Nov. 28 St. Peter's Bazaar December 5. Urilted Bazaar, December 5. TMooseHall TONIGHT AVclle's :BalloonDance Featuring 'Freddie Graham Vancouver Radio 'Stdr Commencing 9i 30 Adm.25c MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE PILLOWS UY ' SIMMONS 45 Yalrs Miows- g jJ5Q from, per pair 327 Third Ave., Prince HUpert Phone 775 JUv WhcSr 'Lovely Ottawa hostess arid will-known Canadian horsewoman, wife ofoni of Canada's moit distinguished wldieru it Fv W. Lockyer, - who 4ias been en- igaged for some time In the Insur ance business here, sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs..F'R. -Wilson of In verness- are; paying a brief visit to the. city as the guests, of Mrs. Wil son's parents, Mrr -and -Mrs. H. T Cross, Fourth -Avenue West. Called 'South 'on account of the death of his mother, J. C. Hutchln son of the teaching staff of Booth Memorial" School sailed last nignt on the Prince George for Vancou ver. Jack McNeil arrived in the city on last night's train from Smlthers arid sailed -on the Prince George for a'buslness trip, to Vancouver. Rurklev. Shannon. Dromlnently identified with mining development at Usk, arrived In the city on last night's train from the interior and sailed aboard the steamer Prince George for Seattle on business. Mrs. F. B. Kemp, who has been " engaged in field missionary work at Kltwanga for the Anglican Church, arrived in the city on last night's train lrom the interior and sailed aboard'the Prince George for Vancouver whence she will proceed to Quebec where she will embark October 12 aboard the steamer Empress of Britain for her home in England. Queen Charlotte: Island No. 1 Sliingles 3X,43.60 iper M. SX,4;50,-perM. NTesti: f'RAOIATED 11 1 I ICil 1 Dr. Alfred Thompson ofWancou ver. who has been -on a xnp; through this district arid 'has been snendine the cast few daysiiereas the guest of his brother, -J. H. Thompson, will sail tomorrow morning on the Princess Louiseaor Alert Bay to pay a brief visit "With his sister, Mrs. Potts, before ipro cefldlng to Vancouver. :te:iii'B:i,rr,r:iaa:KrjiiSH.KBlw RUPERT 1DELICATESSEN Your CatorinK Needs Skilfully Fulfilled 1 r v We cater to socials, clubs, banquets, luncheons, dances, dinners and bridge .parties. Made-to Your'Order Nothing too large or too small. 'LUNCHES -PUT UP TO TAKE OUT Phone us any tkne. Give Us a Trial Phone Black 625 IB rti r I II 1 VflTIOtAV I 111 It ill riLjrrii; con i III 'OFfirP I III lOli) SIXUUU ilYCUUC 1 II M l i n mm ma 'I 1 I niURSDAY, OCTOBER'3 7:00 ;pan.-Toplcs of ihe ''Week. KJR. 7:45-3CinK Cowboy, KNX. 8:00 Old, Time Dance, CFCN. 10:00 Till -Tomorrow, KJR. FRIDAY, tCOCTOBERU Short Wave 25 Metres 11:00 is!m. BBC Orchestra, GSD, Daventry. H;00-World Series, KDKA. 1:45 D.m.DAR Program,iKDKA. SlOCTreen'Rlch.TaJKA.Sl Tnetres.; Standard Wave 7100 First Nlghter, KPO. 8J00 Musical Jigsaws, KJR. 9145 Henri Damskl's Orchestra. j KJR. 9130 Souvenirs of SongKNX, 11J30- Leon iBelascCs Orchestra, KOL. SUPERIOR. RADIO ELECTRIC Phone' Blue 320 "One of the Favourite -x Supper Dishes in the home of 0 iBtwlJhe'iDwaroDi into small; may Ni i iticvieii is Macaroni with Cheese and White Sauce ... AND HERE'S HOW I MAKE IT" sauMrs.Sbuker, cook at the residence of Lady MacBrien-wifc of Major Gtntral Sir James IL MacBrien, K.CE, CM.G.t-D.S.0:, Commit, sioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and former Chief of General Staff, Ctnadian M ilitia. 'MACARONI WITH CHEESE AND WHITE SAUCE -Pflb.'imctnXii 2 ublespooni butter H lb. dww w Uu, '.ccofdios to pcnooi! IMP f Nctdt' Eviponwd Milk. Serves eo or uk,inii1 'tjmiiW in rariUlv hotline fiilteJ W. Iliuu 1 Y? -witet-'Mike white Auce by 'melting the . ybuirer. tddiog to it the flout.mnd when well blwlded sdd the- Ne16' Evaporated Milk and vatei; Cook until thick, stirring mean- while.r(Peppct may also be used if oovpic -fen a more highly seasoned dish.) , '"Grate-cheese or shave ii thin, add it to the aauce.Whn'the cheese is melted, pour the suce over the'inaafoni,'fflfK well and put Jr S laabaU0gaiin.aptiruuewiuigiaieajcc5c 3aadbroain theoyen. i fRS. SHUKERrlil'e other cooks la Canada's finest homes, has found thai NestleV "Evaporated Milk adds that extra bit 6f flavourthat extra smQotnness to nertecipci. tj. l.1. ii "All iKc mnhm of the MacBrien' familv like macarouii ; , nnci'wuH iu-j.i " " - wltb cbecte arid wnite sauce, but I'vd found it's best when made with N wilt's Evaporated Milk. In fact Only when I use Nwtle'i dp I get the delicious, aeamytfavOut thai snakes thiliith to. popular." Dijcritainatiiig housewiyes throughout Canada use Nestli's Evaporated Milk-it simplifies thetocooklngand adds to its goodness. Nestle -is'simplf pure cow's milk with more thao'ihalf the 'water removed. Nothing is added. It's twice as rkK as ordinary 'fluid milk. Vtodfir'si-1adiate4 for Sunshine Vitamin D. , -r lyitrtf You'll lettfirisd at the low cost of Nestle's. Order a r-" IRRAWATED . . EVATOKAItu f i I r Vr i. : n i 91 I lit 1 W ' I M( BETTER WAf M U V&i I I Lilt I f ftp fenjoy your leisure than 'throbgh ur Rental Library . . . RE'AD:the best of the recent books of Miction, travel, Tomance, adventure and mystery novels. New books are added every week right off the publisher s;presfe. 75 cents fo rone month change your book,' every, day. Double subscription 2 books at a time-tone home-$1.25 per month.. The most pleasure for the least money. "u. Some Recerit'Titles: ' 'Ann 'Bridge? "ILLYRIAN SPRING" - "HOUSE OF THE FOUR WINDS" Buchari 'SACKCLOTH Aft) SHJC-" 4)eeptog' "BLOOD RELATIONS" ....:.-.4 PniUip .UiDDS "HONOUK. UUMJ xJAViV "SECRETS OF THE WHITE LADY "THE MOON MURDERS" "THE GOLD CHASE" "DEEP DARK RIVER" "THE PURITAN STRAIN" "CLEARING IN THE WEST" "VEIN OF IRON" u "THE DARK GLASS" - - "CASE OF THE BLIND MOUSE" mm j..i..i:;:;. ....Jacobs ....Landau . . Moriarid Chambers i ..,Rylee t'Baldwln McCluaig '..'Glasgow ....::....Cdst' ..Freeman LVoewvts Fresh Ox STEER BEEF Fresh Ox RTS prime Rib, per lb. 45c Sc lb' Pot Roast, lb. 10c1: ! Ayrshire Cross Ann, lb 12c ACON Bri9ket, t)er lb, .....8c Eggs, B Grade Qffp Bijtter, -Comet Jgg large, 3 doz. ... 3 lbs. ; Mushrooms .2Ap ; Eastern Oysters C Fresh, lb Pint Picnic Hams J;Qp resh -Cottage OAn l-0 MXIXy lb Cheese, lb, Legs of Lamb 25C s of'Pork 25C Remember You Can Get Itat :llie 5teHlu i 3 m r 9 IP ? el Si