THE DAILY NEWS Cine — sl ahhh MrT ne meemeaee . a ee ‘ ' 1s ees ae o- ot ea ts He ve mcvmneresomrernefit | = — ~~~) ban runcHAse NoTIC JHASE NO | Skeena I TICE | “one neti ai eg District vee 1 wng., m e , " o" . i sat ere H. G, cfc el S Range 5 ~~ > —— ‘ and mn ty purehess th intends 4 Falcsouth, iain ie ——__——_——-— . = iaieni ommene: ¢ the following ply for ¢ ner 0) ng eseri - General Merchandise : per of at 1406, thnks wea BO chisna th oe E S LAND P : 3 es L a | chains to ne ast hp pe ainaa,t a W. Cor- DEVOTED P RN. a URCHASE NO using to the point « ; rere 5 ener | argest Stock | 160 eres more-or leas, cea thease worth 80 RINCIPALLY R ete oly, - hy —— TICE = | Bebe Austae. om. wae containing “LY TO THE IN = J | rapide, movies that deme tae steak teat W. L. BARKER L ) sf P ' — | ug. 26. ge B. H. G. MII ; TERESTS OF W sooty, tor per occupat! Tallman, eM A ae | owes rices in Nor f h | Skeena Land Distr PM. Millers Agent ‘ead Win tits isaljiin OMEN described a Rion inner and to| s rchitect rete (noth ict —Dist : : a lit : meneing | @ follo econd avenae and } i ~ em B. ( apply. for’ ce that Herbert J. Mackie Range 6 to subjects of + hpereane of the paper, wh ofa ol Kutayateon In anted on the so ig al -> ie Westenhave Lara ird street oe _ mamas tte OD . described perm iasic on lumberm ie of Pem-| 2%@ invi rest t , which f of Crow ream flowi: let on the uther!, + Bros.’ ; { i et eeribed land m to purchase ti intends to vited to contri 0 wome' rom da) west tales. Paenee couse id right bank | .' Office. ts oo mee emer | of Commencing a & post ee following gestions and a. to its iieiein Any and all of “ “ will be devoted Vase hike 2 singe or cet 20 ae te east | f — ~~ " | west corner qoitz or Zim planted on thi Cosy Co » are invi ns, and to tak e ladies of Pri y lowing the ' coe north he the shore cee MUNRO vibe ‘ ee | the Gaewis. Lat 708 tints ita River, left bank rner” will fill a soci ited by the edit e part in its di ince Rupert te Seg a spore lites ay, ee el & LAILEY bis rs rer BE a or leas, boundary of ce northerly. PA tern ais ocial need. or. The hope is iscussions. Sug- cm - ieee 5" the gt | Sto Architects. gAMUEL HARRISON the lettfoante yeh eens , 1 auin = expressed that “Th Dated pag ‘egeatedAugurt 7,18 ny the | rk Building, , ss TARY PUB | po sie 68 oni tien, 0 Ge ner OF se ie | Pub. . 9, 1911. ust 7, acres | Second Av: NOTARY PUBLI | more of meee 80 quae totlowing FASHION —— Aug, 12. JESSE a | er Vv. F.G.G Pouce leas ment contai 8 more or tans te NOTES j iceapiiaas Skeena Land D ALLMAN | . GAMBLE | Dated Augast 21, 19, 1911 ning 160 a F Sites wo Sree caer notice cision Disttiet of © STUART & - Te ‘ Pub. A past 21, 1911. feercat ne pert, oecupati rah E. cast Rai | the amuel Har ris [Piatt See resh from the Re MANS WAY — ntion, sam, infant to 20-5, | aw-Butler Building 5 AUD Om ‘ae | Skeena Land 8. Clements, Agent cognised time Com the folowing. Gens ee | eee Bui : ORS Me : Take Distriet—Distri ta, Agent Cent ed | Kind —— weemmencing at ing described Pri nilding Phon Aiea’ North Dee that I istrict of C res Car C f corner 14 a post pl rince Ru e No. 280 : akota, U. 8.’ Gec Coast Rai ee ond rom the 0 chai janted at pert . On | {or permission i m5 An eS oe of oe The _ L uctor and Lone Sun ow °_ northeast en iy (lighoy North. P.O. Box 351 : ae Real Es | Commenei hase the scliowtae ae apply e large collar |} orn Lady went, thence i ean Range V. 4 iti (Harvey ALFRE ‘i ca tate and S e@ | West corner ng at @ post g describea| COME tO Sté ias evidently . casei west, pt see 40 chains south, See” chains| of Bi 'D CARSS, c APPROVED AGREEME tock Brokers | teense south 46 china,’ as the south- | frill stay, as well tl ; y She pursed her | ‘ Dat ncement containing & a pny to pom and gone ban. : ‘sno. OTT, B.A. - }REEMENTS F¢ th aeUaa 30: tae tle t 80 ehains, . as the side sed her lips < ated Jun ning 480 post of On! ’ ~ Lae IR SALE | thenee north 80 alan Cae ae ins, purse. S ps end sk Pub July 1 14, 1911 acres more com- 2.0. Came : ° ao , SALE PURC containing 4 cents te takes ee cae 40 chains Probabl . She hedc shut her » July 15. . SARAH x lena. Cc berta Bar Al i Prince Rupert ; JRCHASED | Dated Ju’ a aaees tnoee or tae a came chains, ably more j car fz ad come out wi Skeena La’ Fred Be ALTON ARSS & BENNETT 4 = tian loan tee weer eae tlare w . wash silk wai are. She withou pans Land Distriet—Di Bohler, A\ Bar ia and ie won Pre PORGE oan bef worn this summer e waists |2s much he told the conduct ; Rupert, Nae hee Pade aed me oy Onsh-teanaeas te Notaries, Etc, i | Ski 3 Cowell E »e . ‘+r than y vile “to tend) . C., oecupati e! bloc! ’ a = Stewart ||. Take, notice that i,t wat | The in ever| The cond " (owing sett "perme iscomotive “engineer, Sela e a " LSS LALIT Hh Ni lotioe ~Distriet . = : ‘onduc lands: ion to * ; ere i Dakota, Os 1, Peter os Sone Range V 1e all-white hat ‘ blankly uctor looked bank ane ata as purchase the 8 as : PeTornr~ bear mission to pu ‘a tavdler, tat ot Towner jhold ani at continues t y. He didn’ at her | miles dista Zimogotitz sreees on the WM. S. Swe HAVE A COMPLETE AS owner dats rehsn the fiona Sexe | i important place ir s tolher off. She hed t want to throw | s24,th, ant upetteam) in bout ‘three 3) . S. HALL, L, D.S., D. DS. i At aw E < & corn at 6 inery. 1 summer fli » She hed ‘ y ieee eee eee y_ direction DENTI wr eey aa } LIQUORS, eave tik BEERS WINES | themes ee thet plasted. oe alin lial tated 1er | linen suit and it a a nice white ane thence lmogotice Fiver, thence ne River yp eke and Bridge wtas ) . ss . STOCK NE AND Dated peat se nains, thence uth 80 chains, ings ple es ; “ly ight get e mencemen ce east 40 hains, thence north 40 | toca! dental ork a S soe J ul iad $0 pat at pee » | the aced direc 1 tele soiled Panel dune 1 a PS ae tions skilf peciaity, i me ——- Pub J 15, 1911 point of ec chai the back irecily < ephone + ras June 7, ing 160 post of traction ics admi treated. ° HERE ARE uly 25, . | commen “Ey are s y at e to se Pub. 7, 1911. ) acres m corn- of nistered Gas RE THREE OF OUR SPE 1911. ved ete TA naaNn | Marte are seen on many of and find out whe headquarters es LINFORD SEWALL Bi or ee “4 Budweiser B SPECIAL LINES ereke Land Distr: E. Cowell, houet Be est hats. iy of the }he tol at to do al ; Geo. R. eee ees nee Rupert. . ' } eer, We wige iii ce eee ict —Distriet of C ns The wi aid her. ‘‘S about it le Distriet—D Agent i-12 | 7 , are sole age ssi ‘owner, rien tne I, Adolph of Coast Ra: e wider skir‘ wai . Stop th + | occupation oo I, Le A ‘ \ D gents for No | at-law, intend Dalista *c if, Glristianeee, Vi enter skirts now hav ait a minu : ne car. O to ker, intend uel Freer of Vi lex.M.Manson B. ened ( . ouble rthern : | the f to apoly for occupa’ ianson of ithority lave te, I'll si ¥ tr, the foll to aj ancouver, A, = W. haces Guaranteed to be 12 Whiskey et comlenans to apply for permisaion to attorney- | Pari oy, of the great e the He sto | son aS . ina encing, at as ee 1 WILLIAMS He, Waa 8 As Eee ) 3 ye 12 years in th { one-hal g at nds: purchgse aris at costume stoppec th . eee a nesta tae planted 2 & M Sole e weod | f miles a post pl Ss. ers of th e car, < L. frees on the Barri: ANSON ) ole agents for N ood before bei | Trout Ri GF Pp mockheast ote . unt for , and wen north, s 8. E Port Nelson shore sters, Soli V Maan bottl eye FH ) narthenst of ut one ana} Cut crystal 1 a telepl : t to| South’ to shore 1 Boe Bhagptenn| Cannery » Solicitors, ete. ‘ ictoria Ph B.C. ed soul t 5 chains side of the head of | mj ystal is « the e phone, in $ te shore wake — Box J oenix B th 80 chai fade: tag ‘a Lakeles Lake, | ’ ye of che tri earnest pr ’ spite of point of flee, thenee thenes 20 285 : 7: ee Pecan thence ‘west .60 chains’ the os g arcicles si che trim- | the protests of the ce ne ek a ase $0 Prince Se eR . it commen = _fhaina, hence for fall and — indicated | w © -pestengere. Som aoe of Pobe daly 8 1911 wee ‘eres more Rupert, B.C ig ) enchcneiomerete | Dated June DOLPH # point! Taj er. ere in " e of th LEMUE P. i > CHRIS a { a em | Skeena J 1. pauan |) 2* orthe e + | Pub. July one 1911. p CHRISTIAN ailored sk great h Land . M. Collison, a ; rn —— . red E. C SON skiris < brok urry Take sai Agent Pp - p y ist Liquor C E. Cowell, A, gored Ss are to | ers were . Three notice tha District of RINCE RUPERT 4 5 Skeena 1 , Agent ed and oe ye both 5 aboard, : sess laborer t I, Coast HN b nt ompany, ro We. 7 § Stewart Bue he theme tte Sa | clusters edt theo —the latter in eee _ eet or th eae ne? the following deseribed lan tree ree E. DAVEY 0. Bex 57; | dager t, B. C.. oceupatio Millar Jobnsto Tai e foot sd the st er they reach of Willinme Crest ieee, ds: ER OF ’ : ace uae m storekeeper, intend ot | Tailored ; stock excha : ach- | of-way crosses Creek whe ted on the PUPIL SINGING wat | Gomme lands: © purchase t, intend to | dresses sell a 24% arge in ti hank, thence and 3 the north oF wM. nei the follo othe : s of se it 2345 s ume chains bac! FOXON, nort: ing | 1€ z serge a 5 so to | enai south "9 Esq., ‘a ; nuble Week| . ae north from the a 8 post planted abo wing | r light-weight w ge and|{had I me B. and X chains, thence north 3 c from the creek A.R.AM.,"1ON. nies rvice 6.4.5 — Bnd above the forks of tha Saat tes i about one mile | be conspicuc woolens senll }4 bought at 24. Th X. they ee eat ate 50 ees, taeer = CG ' . ei - a , B. 7 - he Pull informa. | TH & MALLETT Doted March FOUL Renae Ard som 4 ference that I ma lead to the in for‘perinision’ to purchase maine, intends Prince bap ya hee of ained from a-| T irst inse » 30 - - ° C > e peo ] : « he h id I l- Col the fol ” to ap 1 pils the | Pl HIRD AVE sertion Marcl erjoy ple get a | and tt ad been murd cae Owing described : , B a 5 . . é : : > . re d 40 ing at a post Mi A | umbing, Heating, S Vil | ment out 0 4 ot of nArown into ee dered | ree 40 chains west lanted iss Ver: r . E, MCMASTER Sasee Met Steamfitting and q are able to be { the trouble they the use of the mi the river. By|%& ry Valley fe northwest “corner of Pupil of ee reenwood REIGHT AND PASSI » oe e: Srd Ave ot Metal Work COAL NOTIC How it estow upon others “}easy to di . microscope it wa Serer ey 40 aa , District of Const Range | itesek, Paris and Berlin ENGER AGEN hone 174 : w NOTICE . fF aus jolt a me at as distinguish be on cine of commenceme ance Garth 0 akties st |Room 2 : ort ond Ave. bes. ttn at ekshon: P| St ae ia’ polite ‘to hi a man when he shape of the bl yetween the | P% ae Tree Ghnina te | 8. Alder Block U d 8th S Skeen vigil tect be. a ag A > ‘ I j—- ae . na Land Distriet—Distriet of Q — |to have her | iis wife in public the man and ance corpuscles of o EY GREEN | se $bb444444 Rupert cities then Aueeee ween Charlotte used to i r look as if she w . {much g d of the bird. But Skeena Land Di wee (==E E zx SEStetetteeette Rupert, eer Cows Aetia Mi. Browne F ed to it! wesn ¢ graver questi ’ ut a], Take notice istrict— District of C BY ©& Co Wr] + FOS seotet ioe a thew nief Commissic pation, intends rince Odrnat the disti ‘ stion comes Ww Rupert, oc: that I, The . of Cassixr ——— Ptah + +++ licence to joner of L to apply cce.sion distine : es when | f2 cupatio) omas Ca: REA | = J M $F | on and under prospect for coal ands and W ard nally there is ¢ I tion is sougl 1 er vecmnisebon to = ebipeaies taken of Prince 5 1AL ESTAT PACIFIC + a, C CHEON J | West Coast of Be ioltowias eon, oF and petroleum even his satanic s a men that the blood of m ght between Basal purehase ee ee apply | Kitsumkalum E ’ mr : n | atanic meajes 5% . a an ci lescrib- | Lan eg iz Carries complete stock of D = of the meneing at a post ane: ted son the | Raia aii chap I 1g jesiy wouldn't Bee Abas nei fe and that of south from ine ot 8 OO planted oe ner | KITSUMKALUM d For Sale ‘+ ion paid to fill of Drugs. § + n 80 chi orner of C. L. N > miles ere 1s & 2 on ember of ck fi ‘alls ¢ one mile | a N Theaire Block ' slice preserntsea | comm chain, thence wat Ney tdtt thane | who ie sili on PR eo ta a of the mem. | uth thence irom the beach, thence 2 about | B.C. ‘ . + mone No. 7 , Oe er ab beaten thence | \ ' irg to tak f vig yy e horse ment, ce east 40 chai est, thence 80 © ains | wae Canadian P itt : $4b44444444 o. 79 Second Ave. % Located Aug AUSTIN M. E ains to point) ) man who nee . take him. ame or dog or}, containing 820 acres more or les Ccaeeaie | S. 0. E.B ‘ i oa acitic Railwa Sttttetet 904066000608 Pub. Aug. rn ist, 1911. 3ROWN, Locator has no time to n ' s the money A new test of Desed Taly 2 1911 “THOMAS CARTER tp Siete Ru . B.S. ae : a8 Se PPC TT ‘ 1e@ Z ? ao ’ rre e a . Mi F i ae A pert Lod, ; di Famous Pri y é Skeena Land Dist people's aff 1irs eddle with other has now been f¢ oy penien oe | mach month in the Sons of En hed 318, Sons of fig 1 ine us Princess | = rict ~Distriet N ; airs, use i suund which is i Skeena . s of England Tuesdays i Ol eae: P ‘ $ Tak sl of Queen C ogirli sc se in the a : hich 1s . Land District—Di in a ee r ake not and: Shari girlis¢ . 1e Se 8 In Take ; riet—D fs A ‘NP BS Fri Incess Ro | Pre- : Rupert, areilion Austin M. Brow ote unti jualified for matri This is c erological laboratories Rupert, labore that I, hevweat ot Coa F. V; CLAR 1s ais rid, e-e€ th io r til i u ‘aul Range ERN K, Sec. 7 ay, Septemt va mptions & P ae Chins aren m aaddler, intends t of Prince she knows | trimony is called the precipi »ries, | te purchase orer, intend to Hagen of eae v EST A. WOODS. | 0. Box 812, Pri ees Vic mber 8th, at | urchases penne to Seeaee tog] of Lands a Ww. apply te | baby s how to spe Y} By this i precipitive ommenci following a Aas for seraien . President, #,Prince Rupert PRS G.McNab pat Gam, || Locat v's gue vader Se folownig descr Ey 8 for y properly spenk a}.— is immunized rabbit’ test. | Oat tro Willisms Greek ne a ws ai, d Seattle vocate a - ‘coast of G . ; olew : ; 7° 1s ake . abbit s se reek on ete o ntth peated Oe ac aah "Commencing at 8b ig, Geseribed lands rare om Some historv r s taken after beir t’s serum | est from RR... thence shows. en she noth MISS E : et neral A, r Valleys, Naas Fe aparseg tee Baye Be post plante \ ' y repeats itse the I ng acted wan 16 onan’ thence 40 chains, uth- | LSIE F is! gent tors,’’ Box No ae “Loca north 80 er corner ofc. 1 a thse ition abil our own priv a a itself, but e blood reaction d on by | Dated eS point ype 40 cl thence | 7 AL.COM ROUD 2 ears x No, 989. re south 80 chains, | tent otra an al 4470 then o 1 ate history i a disti , m and it will gi Y | Pub. July 25. 911. cbse. 2 thence | ‘each -L.C.M. “ieee ) § IN | commencem: ns, thence west 80 chains, the: ce | LO be repeate y is ag istinct clo . will give y 25, PAUL i er of Pi ee | ake 202 sales Shenae peated by y i pt ud in a te Fred L HAGEN Piano, Violi howe e LAN DER Located scone AUSTIN 3 oo point of Picks sitetin' tal y your neighbors aor blood, but - . tube with | Skeena Land D E. Cowell, Agent s Voice Culture. in and é | . Aug. 19. » Wi, ; N, Locator tho as a wom: . le , t with r Take noti istrict—Distri | nd A ‘ 7 ugl a mar Ww e have sai : 10 othe notice that P\ istrict Be ve i Fel ght her feet were t who This i e said with n her. | Pert B.C., pordogart toad M. bot of Const ‘Senie k } tween 7th & 8th Sts, Pri t i ...FOR 1a Land District—District of so they had to k ; oo small— iis is scarcely cc o other. coply Sor Eecanseon Gril Resiness vrince: Ru- | ; nee Rupert . . ee ori 2 y rec . nds: c. . HAZ sik bas li Rupert, shtice ‘that kee of Queen Charlotte cell, ep her in a padded stated that the | rect 28 it Is “sCammenciny at a Dost chase the following | ELTON 4 Gasoline Launches, Scans ae miso ae, eo | sated thet the blood of the ape | Sperier org | E. L. 1 For Hire by H ! and Canoes | the Tol pect for S Tene and Works Yo the Chief very ume you, guess igh be disti ed in this test and Pe erly boundary of wimber mmawe fase. 08, as | Funeral ; FISHER ake th BOA e by Hour or Day of Gre pwing deseribed la petroleum o r a licence | Y“'* good j : ss right it distinguished f 5 canr.ot | bound ence northerly. { limit 545 ( to west- | Direct e fast | H TS BUILT AND RE ay Graham Island: pe petroleum on nad Sacer judgment shed fron ary of timber. Umi followi old numver | c or and Em! t light-a . Johnston D REPAIRED Commer di: the West © : In the n the hu Pe eer on ernie Of chains said wes e HARGES balmer er Inlander fc raught st Cow Creek P ss MORONS Be Dae li oe same way it i man. | westerly 20 Meben Fe) See Hae ary THIRD REASONABLE ander for Hazeltor eam- PHONE 269 GRE 0. Box 187 east 80 chi east corner | aanted three miles Cc ene the bl y it is said McNeil R chains more or fives limit, ‘th leas AVENUE azelton 269 GREEN Oe as ekelane thence . L. No. 4469 cast leaning Fi od of the ; id that | left bank iver, thence ess to left thence OPEN PHONE 3 PPA ee thence a eee seeaee For the fi g Fine Curtains cannot by thi horse and the ass to point ai iean ce" southerly’ followin said | DAY AND NIGHT ——— eee : j , 1e ? as * “ae oes AUS’ ns to point of | ,, e finest and s fro s test be distinguis re or less, cement, ccotaien a or less ted A ‘TIN V somew om : Inguls = 100 »B, Ro pon te uugust 1a, torte M. BROWN, Loca -orn ecru curtains mewhat |; one another. I ’ guished PERCY acres chester f hare : tor} method is oe the following]; essential tha . In this test it Date June 19, 1911 M. MILLER. - Agent LIND Land Distriet—Distri Housek & favorite, says G free from | vat the test shell eae aren Sat HA 9 CARTA Take : ‘J riet of Queen Ch sekeeping: TI 7" 100d |; yacterial i — € | Sk | YNER R notice th an arlotte oti ‘ 5° 1e curtains ¢ indee — al impurity Skeena Land Distri : U BR c SAY S GE and | Rupert: eaddler, fy mp ae Brown of Pet shaken free of d tains are leed from any purity or ante Land Distriet—Distriet he | NDERTAKERS anp E) OS. TORAGE - prospect for, Lanse and Wark _ the Chiet put in a b ust and then substance Bloc | orhes foreign permission cD tarcoer, jae of Tipton ay 8rd Funeral — See co i 3 i . * ag * : , y stay . o * * - | Ord G. T. P. Transfer Agents Const ihe flow rer ibed etyleum on and few quar . But this time aJoe. nt b i stains on cloth- “Commenci eee i, se | ave anne wd ‘ ers promptly fill > Commencing "at nd: nds on the West | ¢ ee rr of corrmeal we .. {gre ‘ : e distinguishe : west from thee at a post pl - No. 86 ince Ri ee OTR S ae Prices reasonable, ofthe northeast eosin planted thres ie ae ear is put in she ‘eth with great certainty. shed with | Zorth 48 sue os W!'Cormer of Lot 4408, eo ee , er, Centre St. Pho chains Shaina, thence 80 chain ©. 4469 th: tthe lace. T e bag wi ook . poin chains, th west 20 chai 6, thence upert » Pea m ae iy thence 6D shame wert, * ones ace, The whole i vith —— — & ee ee Oe ee ains, thence d ei coment, chains east ( ence 80 | kneade 10le is rubbed ¢ ON pene ate or less. ment containi chains to th M NO Be, 10.0.F Located Augusy AUBIN i a Sl anes together and left red and RETURN OF LAURIER teat fh it} ae SOON acres | °° ran Ho e bts in the 12 3 For S : eet oye rm yre eesatan| et ee haat riby.iae t as it is add rie nat pa t ] n the Hel a e: Lot in Secti : : xt day. Th E ioe .M. Miller, Ac R | Work e ele ® ion 5 w is take ’ hen » ta aste Skeen : er, Agent | Spri ingman’ ° Every To 4 kerson Block bargain. Ginws fons frontage mt Skeera Land District—Di . taken out of doors, the the bag “2 Bettors Favor Thi eae Land District District of C | Spring Beds, clean wale 't i se . : Ai- . —Distriet of A moved i » curtains esul is a +» occupati ; nk 8. Mi oast Ral Sh lI esday FE © Fulton Street, | Take noti Islands of Queen Charl and shek ains t of El : 8 | for cupation civil : 8. Miller of nge 5 R eets Membe y Eveni a + IR notice that A otte ; sheken clea ection Ixe, Pepreanen. 0 engineer, in of London ooms 25c ors ing nte | Rupert, oecupatio ustin M. Br meal and |} ar of the ai : on at fon taleien dao ph: | BEST 50c are re of the 0 rad 2 Rupe Commiass Austia M. Brown of Feines | f ung on : € . —— Commenci owing described IN TOWN : eque order i 1 licence mmission * ends to elias . the ine z Ss wsrars re Co! cing at ribed | FO) ested to and rin the city Trowee property in S ie: aon Pre Paite tue coal, oft and Works Ke: free of odor, They wi line until hz everal Vancouver . er ae 28, cb Dost plants’ at the N. E. Pe Go, oe THE MONEY oe the lodge ent property. Sectioc 1 for | Vest Coast he tehowies a ot ane Betieren the fresh ard y will ther look ave been inquiri people who sone, BY Shanes Shanes, cnt Be senien, eRe ay » Prepricter . j Commencing at & a Island: nds on the erd clean, ar ites fro ‘ . juiring REE ae taining an nanan 0 pala’ oo th 30 shale, eee Ip or ent ph i atened | of the southeast A Planted three mil the ricl will still have m friends in the E elegraph paced August me tare OF leas cement, con- | C4 a nishe 3 north 80 chair of C. N jes east ch ecru c 4 ; ave | advis La ’ . Aug. 26. . FRANK lw ADE e d apart- . pains, the 0. 447 u co advis é st have be ANK | »W, TACK $20 4 month ment, Good vee a wast Wo chains to | thence south ras curtair lor, Colored Mad- |in ve that the weight af es aN Sk =e Mujer Agent | Hotel Central Cor. Firet A § : ; i . ‘ point of : ains mé : Oo . atti Skeena L : : and ve. » See ; AUS of com ay als ntreal ttin Distri and Distri E Tth Street , I USTIN as so be cle To g istr istric uropea tle ie ee Sere coca | cn prone d Mad-|n Mangal Tee, #0 othe srt at Coast, fans acre cnt notes ome NOW i ce ; ne th : lection n, of Pri m. Francis Ni ; 50 per day Rates $ is the time —_—_—__—— at Sir Wilfri result is | locomoti nce Rupert, rancis Nichol- P Poe oe NEWS Kort Geor me te buy a lot or two in | Skeena Land District—Distriet of Q Bett velttetnad ilfrid Laurier will b permission fireman, ha 3.0, eocunetion } eter Black - - ig a ARa2Inog en jf eall for in erie plan. Please wen notice that Jalande ween Charlotte If er Market Now Mr Sant power, e | described 1 to purchase the He ly for Proprietor 5 t Per ne m and free mé | ert, occupation aa . Brown of P reciproci , arl Com : lowin — Aang . iodies more lot on S . aps, | the Chief Cor ddler, intends of Prince procity rep wi es M. Hays P menein; & = ae ae IGARS .. », cals :: Newsp Good ee Summit avenue at $500 a teenee te emanate Sal ted’ Works tor Macdonald a y, which Sir John of the Grand Tru ays, president ha bank o ae 8 ost planted on th eenmiiaintiaadl Patt’ a : TOBACco apers es: * | West d_ under the following d » ofl aud petroleurs oad approved in 1879, w was here on M - Pacific, who |! air bi miles up ces mere sive, Notice to is GT Ss » oan | Commencing and: ‘on the | * 8°06 thing ¢ » Was : onda * eetion f na 4 Creditors ie 4 Pw : FRU . of the » g at a post planted & 31 year wire f ay, recerv little i rom the j wester- aia : HAR ITs HN | BO outheast corner of C. three miles Uni ‘ ars ago wh rom M Z ed a Zi im-o-got-i “ junction of ; K DYBHAV | 90 chains west, cornet Gt Ks kod three tiles cess nited Ste , when the | wri r. Willi im-« got itz river of the|T ee t, thence 80 chair 80 chains north, 50 thence States had a wright vice ‘ em Wain Franci “itz river, and the mai ake Noti N mencement. tains south to poini chains | 40,000. populatio: : -presider - cis Nicholson's and marked Diy ce that all o Pattull point of com-| 000, i n of | sayin ¢'8f the Haale. n’s south: Wm, | Morton are creditors of o Block Located A AUSTIN M, B » it must b ying that th ane, north 40 reast ; required of H, H e : ; : ; i chai chains corner, | lai to . : | Pub ae ugust Lat, 1911. ROWN, Locat thin e a bet e bettin ins, the , then . ms send ii Z . Aug 19. or g now, wh ter | wa ‘gin Mon less nee south ce west 4 properly n their i , when the ; s three to treal to snore li 40 chains 0 | with th proved in i) the Unit population one that : 40 chai ne of riv more or e Creditors’ accordance a ited Statesi of | would the Liberals | of." ns more o} er, thence to Willi rs’ Trust Deeds * es is over 92,000 be sustai rals | Of river to po F ed slcan whos east | 4 ams & Man Act, * 102,000,000" Province matalned.--Varcnywer valning pons hus Copa po f Sep ignee, on or bef soligitore for " ; WM gee more os tens n- | tembe' ‘ore the 2lst seth 4 ee iticeans the rv, 1911, after day 4 Dated July ne She enlace wih ; which date i VN, esta proceed i » agent, among the ond Siatatieala : D. G. STUART, Ast 2