IKIMS BZJ7BJ11 IT B J B.1 HI BZB F.B !B3 Bl ITUI' BUT METROPOLITAN Fine For Third Avenue baUBiBIB IBttB FB -' B ! it, DAILY EDITION Shoes Men A new shipment of these popular shoes for men has just come in. GENUINE CALFSKIN OR KID LEATHER OXFORDS $ ROOTS Oak bend soles and rubber heels, a iy . J! 1 - 1 1 fine polished upper stock and they fit, wear well and are comfortable. Popular lasts to choose from. Sizes 51 to 11. Per pair, $4.85 LIMITED i or - The Family Shoe Store 1 Phone 357 BIB IB B IU iM iM iMMfM M3 THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Pubhsbed Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue . H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor Advertising: and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone 86 A4Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Saturday, February 23, 1935 EIGHT HOUR DAY ' 3t se.ems curious that Premier Bennett should now be introducing a Dominion eight hour day bill when British' Goliimhia has in most industries been retrulated by an eight -hour day law for a number of years past.- It was the government of which the present Premier of British Columbia ,wa& a.member that passed that bill but owing to keen .competition with other provinces it was found neces- tl' . . 1 A? t .. il - -Ml- 1 faryxo maKe some exceptions, suan as in me paw miiis anu railways. :' We are all. for reducing the hours of labor as long as it floes not interfere with our ability to compete witluother countries. 'The difficulty is in competing with such nations! as japananu nussia in wona marKeis. liie uiunsn Columbia Jumber industry competes in the British market with the Russian lumber which is produced under conditions wjiich would not be tolerated in this country and the .employees earn just enough to buy themselves a sufficiency of fpod which the British Columbia logger would spurn as not being fit for a dog. RAIN ON VANCOUVER ISLAND - At the village of Tofino on the west coast of Vancouver Jsla'nd there js a Dominion Government meteorological gtation and it reports that the rainfall at that point in .the month oi January was 62.G inches. During the same time the rainfall 'at Digby Isand adjoining Prince Rupert was 6,84 inches. Prince .Rupert should feel annoyed to think other points on the British Columbia coast are stealing her laurels. Howeverj-Avgladly pass on the crown to Tofino and as Vve miist be distinguished we eagerly seize on the title "City of RosesV' Already wo have the largest fresh hall- but market in?the world and the largest fish cold storage plant in the world. Now we shall also wear the title of the queenU)f .flowers. r3 I - . " - ' . . - Armed Host Guards Einstein In exile Irom his native Germany rroressor Albert .Einstein, world -famous scientist, is pictured as he rested at the summer camp of Cbrnmandef Oliver Locker-Lampson, British statesman, who sponsored the professor's visit to England. Following reports of Nazi threats against Einstein, Commander Locker-Lampson (left)tfi6tntistwlaNingrwith a shotgun across his knees. 15-4. O. Munro and 3 11 E. Miller and S. Jurmaln Miss O. Munro and Miss Connie Morgan vs. Miss Betty Parlow and Miss Beatrice Berner Miss Vance and Miss Davis vs Mis. Rogers and Mrs. Stevens. J. Gibson vs. J Murray. J. H. Horton vs. S Jurmaln. " We're coiriK to Ogden's, Sirs," ORT TOURNEY LOCALS WIN STARTED HOOP GAME Annual C. N. K. A. Badminton Ketchikan Owls Unable to Find .Competition litis Under .Way Basket and Are le fealed -Hy Score of 31 lu 1G The annual Canadian National) . Recreation Association badminton j The Ketchikan Owl five inter- tournament got away I start last niht with the ? results: Men's Shinies R. Tobey beat 15-8. they said; Choice mild, mellow leaves Only go inlo Ogden's Fine Cut . . . to make a cigatette Ipbacco that always gives a smoother, cooler, more satisfying smoke. Try Ogden's. And choose the best cigarette papers . . . "Chanlecler" or "Vogue". Youcan'j beat that combination for all-round pleasure in "oiling your own". SAVE THE POKER WANDS OGDEN'S FINE CUT yr Pipt Knout OtJtn'tdl PUg half, score being 15-4. . jiiuiviuuai scunng: -Intermediate Game Warlrors 23i--Mlller. J. Coma-dina. Fltzpatrick (It. Navlor (6i Domlnato 4t..Vlereck U2. F.I Comadlna. High School H3) Campbell 2i. Morgan 7, Lindsay 121, ToUvj 2. Davis. McMeekln. j Ladies' Game j Annette's 22 Stone 110), Bod. die 7i, JEva Morris Jllvett. Brand. IHgh School Ult E. DavU (2. Ellison, McLeod 7. T.TJavla, Blafne 2, Mussallem, Tutjeon. Inter-ToH-n Game 1 Canadian Legion 1 34 (Armstrong iI8), Chrittison, McPiee 12, Blake M). Suehlro, Ritchie. Ketchikan Owls- -rl6) Pawjey, Burton. Inman 'li. Pawsey (3, Burton 3. Johnny, bundas, Peterson 4. Sons of Norway Away Ahead In Whist Leagu Fraternal Whist league results last .night were as follows: I. O. O. F. 4, .Sons pf Norway 5. Grotto 5, Canadian -Legion 4. The league standing: W. L. P. Sons of Norway .0 0 C I. O. O. F. ; .2 2 2 Grotto 2 4 2 ' " St. Andrew's . 12; Lesion , T ,4 4 1 JU-J " SPORT CHAT The following teams are sche duled to meet tomorrow In the Ten Pin Bowling League":Nelson's Five vs. Grotto; Moose vs. Elks. no mi. LIAms I'.IA avi:d For the East , Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl days , 5:30 p.m From the East ..1 T.Tuesdays, Thursdays' arid Saturdays ... .... 10:15 p.m. Electrification Of Man is Subject OfPastorEarnes I At the Pentecostal Assembly lat night a large attendance listened to Evangelist John E. Unmet, superintendent for British Columbia, as he spoke on the BleetrtfkatiQn of Man." He stated that there seemed to be many nominal Christians who appeared to be electrocuted Jwlng to their deadness and non-ablllty to let their light shine Jap the Lord and Savior He stated !thr uii aomethina better in Christian than this lp Kood diauTuad "udiJg STl Z tollowin. to the low ceZ. lo,t to thefast 55, i i2' W. Bacon 15-12. led u beuar brand. nf hall hi.t rm.lrt 1,,Uk w" . 7 r : " .: Creddie Morgan beat M.' Vance 0-11, U-9, 11-8. Xadies' Doubles 15-12, 15, 15-8. Tomorrow's Games Tomorrow's draw is as follows: Miss E- Miller vs. Miss G. Palmer. S. Jurmain and B. Bremner vs.' C. Stevens and J. Murray. R. Tobey vs. R. Franks. Miss T. Davis and MJss.F. Thomp son vs. Mlssi.ucllle Brooksbank and Creddie Morgan. moviiHt Canadian Llon lioupm. . h . . . w whU.n woul(J i 1 1 l r. T'i.-. nt..:AU " C' .r sink i Ti .1 v 'J V L.T -,T . TL 1 power to do serviee ior u' nc ;not the baskets. The first half:' . ,, v., ..,v J. II. Ilorton beat D. Miller 15-13., ln fMBr of the locaU. ; .Tl? TJwrman 15-14. , When the second half .Lirtwl the : "T""' "7. B. Bremner .tat r. BouUr 15-12.1 visitors had three of their M. r 1 "JET"1 15-3. :on the llne-un hilt they could not' " ..." 7. TT '.7..,... Indies Singles hold the shifty Leion caters and ... .i B Parlow beat II. SUinp-Vinoent. .when the game ended the Amerl- ( .r,. Z... L 1J-10. 11-4. leans wne on the small end of a . .,.,, f th V'Pr"'" " -U..v-..-.,W1-l-l-UUIll. . . , ,.,(.,..1,, " ' a ...... .... . giris uoumea ine score ; whoe made mo ivML-r u-ui avail- on the Hinh School lasses and went and to emy ,kln. chrtlt,an uu.uc u. a xu ,hc kef WM tod able to Lcacue exhibition. The Manne-' h. nM ,.iti. ,k,t Mrs. Horton and Mrs. Gibson louins had thinai tlvelr own wav i l . TZ T7 ,TTT TuT beat E. Miller and G. Palmer 1M2. ihrouRhout the uame wtth an 11-6 """1 ' "r" " TT " T.K 'score at half time. McLeod of the. . . k. ui . JUen's Doubles Co-(ls and Stone of Annette's.. nnA God ' and. in , ... S. Jurmaln and B. Bremner beat '.were the scoring stars of the eve- D. Miller and F. Boulter J5-12. 15-7. 1 nine. Mixed Doubles The Warriors, with Naylor Dlav- Hprton beatung at centre, romped over the JUlgh School to win 23-13 ln an intermediate exhibition. The Students were -1 J "points behind the Warriors at the end of the first from rrwuequence was able to see the "signs and won ders follow the preaching of the Word." After the service was closed, some thirty seekers after more of God remained behind for prayer. Superintendent Barnes' Sunday morning message in the Pentecos tal Tabernacle is being taken from the "Sorvis of Solomon" and In the afternoon and evenlns at the Oddfellows' Hall he will )eak on the "Queen of Sheba" and The Johnstown Flood ' respectively. BASKETBALL February 25 C.N.R.A. va. flroUo. Groito ya. Annette's. Hluh School m. II, lllL r - witiriora, iiign ryuixi vs. ocyj mians. February 28-Mooer va. Grotto. Legion vs. Warriors, High School vs. Grotto, Scout v Scythians. March 4 C. N. R. A. vs. Moose. Annette's v. High School, High School vs. Legion. High School va Scouts. March 7- Grotto vs. C. N. R. A-Warriors vs. Hlsh School, Annexe's vs. Grotto. Scythians va High School. March 11 Grotto vs. Moose. Gortto vs. High School, Warriors vs legion. Scythians vs. Scouts.' March 14 -Moose vs. C. N. R. A., Legion vs High School. High School vs Annettes. Scouts vs. lUgh School. SCHEDULE OF BRIDGE February 28 Swifts vs "Rupert Brand" Musketeers. Grotto vs. Ramblers: Canadian J-eglon vs. C.N liX March 7 Canadian Legion v. SwltU; "Rupert Brand" Musketeers vs. Orotto; Cjl.R-A. vs. Ramblers. March 14 Ramblers vs. Swifts: Orotto vs, C. N.R.A.: "Rupert Brand" Musketeers vs. Canadian legion. " SCHEDULE OF WHIST iJSL u'S Bm,a,rdi March 4-t. Andrews vs. i:o.OJ.. 528; . L? L"S 8 ag !3ons of Norway vs. Canadian Le-Not a single game. In TJiursday 'lo . night's fixture ha, yci been played ; Q F vs Canadlan nt,?. a 0Utfs(lTdlng games ,n Legion. Orotto vs..Bt. Andrews, numerous othe fixtures. j xhe JeaguC standing to date U as NO MIMES' lUmING fDUowsj None of -the scheduled fixtures In the Ladies' Bowling-League wgre played last night It Is expected the (matches will be ruri off oyer the I week-end or ;earh 'np&t week'. C.N.R. Trains Mail Schedule For the Kast 'Monday's, Wednesdays and Fri days .' : 4:30 pjn From the East-Tuesdays," TliursOays .and Satur days 0:15 p!m For Vancouver- Mondays Vtrrifn) -...4:30 pm.1 Tuesday 12:30 pjn. Wednesdays (train) a. 4:30 p.m. Thursdays 9:20 p.m Friday ... 11 p.m. TheMarkets Retail prices current here are as follows: fees B.C. Fmh Extras. Oracle A Lar.e oartoned. d. Local, new laid. doe. Orjylc B, large. dC. Fresh Pullfi. dog. 30 .40 IS Apples Wlnetaps, fanqr wrapped. 3 lb. J Box' . ITS Yellow Newton, faney wrapped 3 14 Box 2.75 apitaenberjii. fanay wrapped 3Va lb 2t Box - '....I- 250 Bulk. 4 lbs. 2& Box . 1.9S Delicious, faney wrapped. 3 lb. 6 Box ... 2M Fruits llothotise Rhabf tu ft. 'einona, doz. 2e to praogoa, ds. 25c Ao Grapefruit. CaU each. 5c to Grapeiruit. Florlck, each 10c to Bananas, lb. Emperor O rapes, lb. 'Mutter Fancy cartoned, lb No. 1 Creamery. 3 lba lard Pure, lb . u , VfRf tables 8weet Pdtatoca, lb. PotatrjeJri. 4 Terroee, 12 lba. Sack Ashcrolt. 12 lbs. Sack Onions, nc, lb. . Garlic. Imported, par lb. . Cabbage, local, per lb. 4r to Cauliflower. larM, Cal.. 2Qc to feVS&KB-S'Z .."..-."... Carrots, Iff lbs. Turnips, uprivcr. 10 lbs Bccta. bulk. 8 lbs. Celery.'-Caf" hWl Leeks, bunch West Indies Tomatoes B 9 5! is Monarch, Ib, ,-.u .1,0 2$ 166 16 US .05 2: 25 .. X6 Saturday. Pfui Society Elopers Are in Trouble flggggggggk lt ggggV Jjta ' gMgggJPbL Mrs Howard DeWa lnj Cok W. pressing iiarrc a.z . Gr rj 8 fooJhail :.T" w.?T) befaT.': ,,h' f-i with he Coctk djas,- 'p" J '-i1 Mr- mother s..-. - S -trie" .:e fom..y -r III 'invrt ..:v ihauftcur a:.il S' .irn i: 'above rl-i i .- and jewels The Kir! - "-n bf-low iLHtoce. Cal. 25; Feed Hay. nulkiey Vatey Tlmo i. 100 lbs Wheat, Albervi .... Bran Middltnga Shortt oau Fine 04 Chop crapi mau BaHaj Laying Ma4tt oyUr filnil Aleals Fowl, No. 1. lb RoaMlnf Ohlcken, lb. Ham. aUeei first grade Hsrr.pletilf first grade, lb IlaooB, atdr. vUred bei xr IHwk. tboulder lb Poik, ipln. lb Pork. leg. ib. Porc. dry salt vcm, join id Uetf.jiot roast Veal, tltoulder lb lb )h Isetf. naat natme -lr lb Ul.4mfcl).Zk to .10 , Lamp Chops. Ib. J6i Fih .15i HaUbut. lb. X Systematic Service Kfficicnl : systematic service is the best and most economical. 01m SKIIVICK ItKCOKI) will show complete re rd al repairs made and uL replaced A copy at Un returned with .ill rts by- , SU!?KKIOIt 'KADIO-KLECTKIC I'hnnr (Hue 320 P. ELIO I (JUNO llltr. J)1:aIJ-:r Exchanging and Auclloncrr Corner Third Ave & First 8t Phone Gr. ru 4:?1 U 8 K I) It A N G E S McClary Ourney. Oxford. MalWblc wnd Ch--all ln good condition J a. . . ana an Kinds of household goods etc " B1 tm nxw,i sajaUBJixat a: PYREX WARE HtEAL I OIt,QVEN BAKING Rqund Casseroles with cover, each Round pie plates, each Individual Custard qups, each Round Casserole with Pie plate Cover, each m I'hone3U . a :-ji;bib i a : a ra ra.ca.ra r: a a ;:a s JU25, $1.50 & "'' .We & ,r . JOc ft J- Sli-0 GORDON'S HARDWARE Mcllrlde Rt, B:a:a:a:a a1 a :B:a:a :a: . H . j J n a i