i ft PAOB rotr m dasx mi Baturda- Feb 3 sliiptoms all moffeclread Moreover, milk itself builds growth better when eaten with oatmeal, than with most cereals! IN a simple, healthful breakfast of oatmeal is stored the precious vitamin B that combats poor appetite, nervousness, constipation. And the amount of this vital clement in a single bowl of Oatmeal is equal to that, coa lined in 3 cales of fresb yeast. Why milt huiUi i.Utr uitb talmtal Milk contains the growth vitamin G which doctors say works best in combination wiuitlic vitamin D in oatmeal. Therefore, in a deliciot's breakfast cf Quaker Oats and milt. Nature combines, in. themost perfect union, the two elements most vital to the healthy growth of active young bodies. VHAT DO YOU NEED? We have it. Here is what we carry. TOBACCOS AH brands and sires Spud Cigarettes. 20 for 20c CHOCOLATES, CANDIES, NUTS FRESH FRUITS, all kinds in. season ICE CREAM, per qdart 75c CAKES and COOKIES BREAD and BUTTER FRESH CREAM and .MILK ' " COOKED HAM SOFT DRINKS and GINGER ALE TEA, cdFFEE and SANDWICHES Served HOT CHOCOLATE TUY OUU SODA FOUNTAIN Our Service is Good MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY "Where Dollars Have More Cents' P. O. Box 57S rhone 18 ri ! rs jrii'H tu in iinmiti! II. J. ZUMKEHIt Fully Equipped and Experienced Chimney Sweep Authorized certificates issued with each chimney cleaned. Call or Telephone Thompson Hardware piti iiwirai i COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and, Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ' ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat, Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 riioncs 55K SNAP5 CLEANS AND POLISHES Bathtubs, Washbasins, Windows, and Mirrors. Cannot scratch. l vitamin B I V lewortk of ddidoui Quaker Oata contaisi more ol it than 3 V alnol Itrti jreut I Quaker Oats contains not only all these vital dements, so essential to health it is further enriched by irradiation with the Sunshine-vitamin D. ' Hence Quaker Oats and milk is tb; ptrjict breakfast. In this delicious and nourishing combina- . tion Nature and Science join hands to produce a food unsurpassed in nutritive and growth building value. Order Quaker Oats from your - gr.tcr -oaaT. LXTRA CATUalS CocJU 9 kilt thi Uijii Ml. Costsjtii'dt V iuk.foUoniy'i ittVli tmtUft Cvl ttltt. tilt tomtom tuitmfiU for muml mmiUiJui. mi GEMS PROM LIFE'S SCRAP-feOOK HUMILITY '. I believe the' first test of trulyi great man Is hthymllity.-iuskln The higher a man Is in grace, the: lower he will be in his dwnf eslee'mJ Spurgeonl v '; i" Humility Is the steppingTstone po, a higher recognition of i Deity Mary Bake Eddy iv If You Eat Starches Meals, Sweets Head TJiu They're All 4ece$ary Foodt But All Acid - Forming. Hence Mott of Vt Hate "Acid Stomach" At Time. Faty A'ote to Relieve. Doctors say that much -of the so-called "indigcition," from whiclt so many of us sulTer, is really acid, indigestion . . . broughl about by tori many acid-forming foods in our modern diet. And that there is new a way to relieve this . . . often in minutes! Simply take Phillips' Milk of Magnesia after meals. Almost Immediately this acts to ntultatizt the stomach acidity that brings on your trouble. You "forget you have a stomach F Try this just oncel Take either the familiar liquid "PHILLIPS' or. ?? the convenient new Phillips Milk of Magnesia Tablets. But be sure you get Genuine "PJIILLIPS Also in Tablet Form I Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets are now on sale at all drug itorrs everywhere. Lach tiny lauici ine equiva lent of a teaspoonful of Genuine Phillips Milk of Magnesia. Phillips MDC IM CAMAOA mm By Westover WATERFRONT WHIFFS Cov Bay Question to Fore Frozen Halibut Situation Not Very Satisfactory More About Mystic Rites The Cow Bay question appears to be much to the fore again, judging from gossip to be heard along the waterfront. It is said that the provincial government and the Canadian National Railways are again negotiating for an exchange of property and that, once this is completed, considerable improvements will be made to the roadway including removal of the bluff on the west side of the road near the mouth of the bay. Talk of $ the filling in of the bay, long a local bone of contention, is also heard once more. There are also rumors of some of the squatters there being given notice to vacate. There Is considerable difficulty In getting anything In the way of official confirmation of the reports. The frozen, halibut situation this spring, according to official figures, is anything but satisfactory and this Is said to be one of the reasons why fish buyers of the coast are showing considerable diffidence In meeting with the request of the halibut boat owners and fishermen that a minimum price be set for the year. Canadian frozen stocks at February 1 this year are placed at 2,429,779 pounds as compared with 1.046,780 pounds a year ago. Ameri can stocks show a corresponding increase this year. The dealers, as per agreement, are holding out for the following wholesale prices for frozen: fish: chickens. 10c: 10 to 12 pounds, 12c;- 20 to 40 pounds, 11c; JO 'to 60 pounds, 10c; 60 to 80 pounds, 9 Vic; whales, 9c. After having taken fish In the harbor for ten days with consider able' success, Capt. R. Oammon was prospecting for herring outside yes terday with the Znardi. The fish had gone down too deep In the Harbor yesterday afternoon to make It possible to seine with any degree of success. The Zcnardl is taklne the fish lor the Tucks Inlet reduction plant and was selnlne airaln In the harbor last nleht and this morning. Thc-odd spring salmon Is still be ing pleked up in the harbor by trailers. As long as the herring are In, there will also be springs. Mitchell it Currie expect to com-plete'by. next week the contract for re-decking and other Improvements at the marine department's wharf at Digby Islcnd. Armour Salvage Co 's service boat Daly made a trip to Port Simpson yesterday with Ralph Parsons, fur '.rade commissioner for the Hudson Bay Co., and R. H. O. Bonnycastle. western Arctic manager for the company, both from Winnipeg. The party left at 6 o'clock in the morn ing and returned about 4 o'clock In the afternoon. Mesrrs. Parsons and Bonnycastle sailed last nieht on the Princess Adelaide for Dr. Carter's Ordeal Written as it might be described a thousand years or more hence, the following account of Dr. Neal Carter's recent initiation as a mem ber, of the Ancient and Mystic Order of Sea Serpent Worshippers before an Improvised altar In the catacombs of the Pacific Biological Station with appropriate burning Jf incense In front of a shingle laid on. the carpet representing the ihlngle strand 'of far-famed Henry fsland, has been prepared: "After the complete destruction Jf the Usanian town of Prince Ru pert by our. aerial fleet in 2999 some curious relics of "serpentians" were discovered through the work of of flclals representing the Interna tlonal Society for the Prevention of Sea Serpents. Most of these have been explored statistically and it Is not proposed to discuss them In this place. "But the most curious, and possibly the most valuable of all these relics, has not been made public. I propose to remedy this oversight. The relic In question is a manuscript dealing with a subject partly religious and partly political. The latter aspect, however. Is obscuro and of little Import. "The Most Glorious Hylo Ko, P. R: J. Q., etc., has shown In Chapter 32X of his monumental work on "The Significance of Serpent "Worship In the Aboriginal North American Culture' that a tremendous impetus was given to this curious form of neo-pantheism in the second decade of the 20th Century. Apparently the recrudescence of serpent worship was due largely to the energy of an obscure sect known as the Con-speclflc Stlolo-gical Batlon with headquarters at ,Manlmo, or Nlmeno, on the lost isl and of Vangouber. One of the high priests of this cult, to whom this amazing manuscript Is ascribed, was known by various names. Some ot those which have come down to us are Nail, or Neal, Karter or CartCrdoc. It would seem that this Natl or Neal. during the period when serpent worship had reached the zenith of It popularity, performed the chief part, or at any rate assisted, In a remarkable ceremonial of serpent worship near the aboriginal village ot Prince Rupert. Hylo Ko (loc. clti has demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt that an actualvantmal, possibly a sea cow. or sea steer, was used In this ceremony Which took place at night' during the1 full moon near the sea's edge on a secluded strip of shingle. Following the ceremony, the details of which have not been re-1 corded, parts of the dead animal were sent (o all the followers of the terpent ctilt. No doubt this was analogous to that similar quaint custom of distributing fragments of cake following the wedding orgies of these aboriginals. But that, of course. Is. purely speculative. Apparently, these animal fragments were passed from hand to hand amongst the devout, who, no doubt, profited greatly. Finally trie fragments were assembled at one of the main villages of Vangouber Island known as Brltannlca-in-exlle. Philologists can. perhaps, throw light on this curious name. Here a rude presentation of the animal was constructed and, suitably illuminated, Became the centre of curious midnight worship. "This scene, under the star-oowdcred sky. although savage and revolting, must have had moments Jf impressive solemnity. I will not .larrow my readers by a description Jf the orgiastic rites which took place but we can, at 4east, picture these Wild creatures, and their women, swaying and staggering about the recumbent figure of their Serpent Ood as they are lashed to greater and greater frenzy by the abdominal retchings of the brazen saxaphones, the belching of turn-turns and noises of equal harshness must we forget the priest's part in the ceremony. He stands at the point of greatest illumination. His cadaverous face, like the white belly ot a dead fish, shines dankly In the fire-light, while from his throat issue untutored howls and bellowlngs. "With this preliminary explana tion we may now approach the dc- rtnhprint' of the manuscript Willi' at the first meeting over which Ex-Mayor Cyril H. Orme presided. Speakers, besides Dr. Bedford, were Dr. Neal Carter, director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station, and Otto C Young, refrigeration engineer attached to the station staff. Hie second meeting will be held next Thursday. ' After making a siedy run north " ' t i - a r .. ft. - a sure hand. There can be no doubt . union sieamcr vciuure. vapw. s.i that lifter one of these, probably ' nest aeorgeson. arrived in pori at nnnual. ceremonies the Driest Na!L,3:15 yesterday afternoon from the or Neal. felt moved to preserve In soutn una sauea ai w mianigni on Immortal verse his faith in. andhcr rtturn to Vancouver and way kinship with, the revered serpent. ; point. The Venture will be nvtklng While to our sophisticated minds one or two more trips on this run the theme Is naive, and the stmc- '-n P-ace of the steamer Cardena ture primitive, nevertheless the which la relieving on the run of archaic flavor has its appeal and the Catala while the latter vessel the curious will reflect that even in takes her annual-overhaul In Van those remote times our sub-human , couver. progenitors had their moments of) vision. They, too, reached for the stars. There has boen heated discussion amongst the learned as to the proper classification of the medium used but wl'h such noincn-clatural subtleties we are not con cerned. Suffice It to say that the concensus of opinion places it In the category of verse llbre. This was a form of early poetry written by those who were unable to pur chase a rhyming dictionary. Here, then, Is a free translation of this indent chant. "Serpent of the Main "I worship Thee. "Oh. you are green "And you are white " "And you are black "As the spawn of night "Serpent of the Deep "I hymn your praise. "Oh. Cadborosaurus "Oh Serpent dread. "When on the shingled strand "I fathered thee "For all posterity "To worship and acclaim "I. Neophyte and Scribe. "Fulfilled my priestly vow. "Serpent of the Depths, "In esoteric imagry "I worship the. "Oh, Cadborosaurus "Oh Serpent King! "Along the corridors ift time "Hand in hand, "Time defying. ; "Space deriding, "Hand in hand "We pass "Along the corridors of time. "Serpent dread, "Cadborosaurus, "I salute thee! "Oh, you are black "And you are white. "You glitter like the frost "At night! "In Ursine quest of fame "(So hard to grasp, so ill to holdi "Your form will rise "In glittering verslmllitudc "On silvered lawn "Where statesmen (save the mark), "Expectorate. "Serpent of the kelp "Forgive your Prlct, "Your Scribe. "I worship Thee. "This the Swan Song, "This the apotheosis "And the downfall dire "Of Caddy and Ogopogo. "Oh, sing a song of sea-cows "Sporting Jn the chuck "Sing a song of anything "Carter's out of luck!" Lecture's For Fishermen" Disinfection of boats, changes in liold arrangements and procedure 'or the handing of fresh fish arc subjects being; discussed ,by Dr. R. II. Bedford oi the scientific staff jf the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Stitlon in a specially arranged series of two lectures before halibut b6at owners and fishermen and salmon trollers in the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union Hall here. There were about one hun from still ruder Instruments, Nor.dred men present Thursday night I Winning Words ' Timely Recipes SANDWICH FILLINCS For home parties the hostess has to make her sandwiches hours ahead; and thousands ot Canadian women pack lunch boxes every day and worry about ways of keeping sandwiches perfectly frth. The new minute tapioca will work mlr-jacles for them. No need to get th" j bread limp by taring the filling Isoak Into it for Vur while the sandwiches are rolled in paper or a damp cloth. This tapioca holds the moisture in sandwich fillings and yet does not in any way Interfere with the flavor of those clever appetizing 'combination that everyone likes (The tapioca help to make chicken, fish or cheese go a long way. too. To prepare sandwich fillings, place liquid in top ot double boiler and bring to boil iver direct heat Combine minute tapioca and dr seasonings, add gradually to li quid and brine to a brisk boll stir ring constantly place Immediately over rapidly boiltn water and cook five minute, stirring occasionally. Remove from boiling water. Com-' bine remaining ingredient In or-i derjtlven; add to -tapioca mixture' and blend. Cool, mixture thickens; as It cool. j Chicken Salad llllinc One cqp chieken stock: Uuee tablespoons minute tapioca, one teaspoon salt. teaspoon pepper. TMLltfcM'NJB ADWBaTHtb tH I tT.''S OME tM Ml3 L a I i'm glAD TO KMOi I DO VOUl h-tkfa iT? W'sl ViE NEVAJSPAPatt- VCTl A t OF THOtB TOMES andT VOO.awo ir MJO'a tovy If 581. lEk IfcEAUTtKn- 1 gj We want your YfeffiHrVnif.' RAPID-FIRE DELIVERIES I'LL "BHOVA4 VOO VOO "9 UMES TOMr.HV Three WnnerToT; Fllmdom' v ped rooked rh; k finely chopped sweet pickles ), spoon pimento f; tablespoon vineaa. naise Makes two e.ip: 1 M) j Vour. vrutMO fciT- VMB CAM UOOtC AT UATtBtl" am llif.hfl ii.,... In One llctort' OOWTIR IMERRER PREDRIC fPflKCH Chorus in curm !H.aViulM Wbnpoleite A Oreat SUre PUjr 1 Framed as a IJrilUanl Mct ritlurr Also Cartoon snd M ' teaspoon pou,.i: NEW ROYAL ; HOTEL J Zarelll pi : "a iidmk away hovi iio.mi; Kates 11.04 vp JO Rooms lint ti C t Vt'f Prince Rupe BC Phone 211 PO B -al HYDE TRANSFER Office, 315 Second Aye., Phone 5S( All Kinds of Cartage 5 Trucks For Quick Scrvwl Coal & Wood For Sale, Dry Sawdusl xj'f r ,4n Our coal's deJivemfert ,APSTTfTUl'e- COAL! We have the b T Rupert. lt -i da' ' but we treat v . t MJMHKK & SI.INGI.ES Why not do tlia .now. so that you the summer Ph i prices. We will . . BUILDING SUPPLIES Brick Cement and Tile We have what you want at : MAMW 1 THJO BVAMS svivr ' CAUL MW 1. 1 mrir I It L 1 1 .KUh ' I 1 4 ; I"- 1 Philpolt Evitt & Co. Lid. Phones 651-652J