L ' llmdoritvoiL -0-1 &v 41 MACKENZIE'S FtfRNITUKB 00 Window Shades, 36x72; Color frten and Q(f cream, th jOUv Mail Orders Foruirdrd Promptly Pbone 775 Third Ave. "You trmembtt how wom-oiii 1 used to br afirr djy' shopping, and a wrtk of bout Jnoifig nearly fieithrd nic. Really, it iimpty amaiing the differ-cnce thee short Ue nude in the nay I feel. Vi'by, ) tan alL milei and milti . ttb Jatk now ... be a it's almost lite a second bcoetinona." ctrclwrip shoes 6 y 8 lA C H F O R D The Family Shoe S tore Third Avenue LIMITED Phone. 357 THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. P. PULL EN Managing-Edhor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance . $5.00 For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week .10 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year sm ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per lncn, per Insertion . i .40 Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion .02 Local readers, per Insertion, per line 25 DAILY EDITION Wednesday, May 22, 1935 SALT LAKE SWIMMING We are nublishimr a letter from a swimrrnnrr-wVii who states that the accommodation at Salt Lake is in very poor condition. Particularly . dangerous is the divine tower r i;ti a h - which jh jiaDie to conapse at any time and people using tjie pool may be injured. Very few places in the north have a swimming pool such as'that at the Salt Lake. The only complaint against it is that the water is slightly stained from filtering through the muskeg. It is almost the same color as the water we drink, all of which has a slight non-injurious stain. The sea overflowing into the lake occasionally keeps the water salty and much better for swimming purposes than would be resh water. . In the past the swimming arrangements have been in the hands of a swimming club which 'has raised the money vith which to repair the floats and dressing rooms. The )ubhc works department of the provincial government las kept the walks and the landing float in good order. The people of the city interested in swimming have done the : The park is nominally controlled by a Parks Board without funds. This board was appointed during the Oliver regime and, so far as we know, has never been changed. This board, if it is still legally in existence, has" the right to prevent abuses at the park, to protect the trees and the fouling of the waters. It once spent some money in clearing a small section of the park near the head of the bay. It also delegated its authority to the swimming club -so that it was enabled to make a charge for admission to galas, using the money toward improving the floats. The same board is supposed to have control of the provincial park on the side of Mount Oldfield adjoining the city and also the Oliver Lake park. Possibly the best WAV fif frptlinrr imnrnv-omnntc runI of the halt Lake would it be for . - those . concerned to form a fcu-ung swimming ciun ana tnen get in touch with the provincial government, nossiblv th flirent Or nilbllC Works Pnrrinpflr For Vnnfc fVmvn iimn o w . , ' r - -y v. w v.w j WIIWV, vV CiD (ill annual tag day for the swimming club. At any rate it seems that those who wish in hrp tho should first organize themselves into a club. They should uu ui jcam, a snare 01 ine worK ot raising lunds Doubtless uwy wouui receive support it it was shown that they need iicjjj mm are prepared to mane the most ot the money ex pende1. The object is an excellent one. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FKOM llOMB" Rat's $1.00 up 60 Rooms Hot ti Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O, Box 108 SPORT! ! . ( BALL PLAY I UNDER WAY I Extra Inninr Required Last Eve ning; Before Sous Could Earn Verdict Over Legion Big Crowd Local Transportation Man Wins In - Drawing For Trip'lo . Vancouver 1 Sons of Canada beat Canadian Legion In the opener of the 1935 baseball season last evening by a score of 5 to 4. It was a smartly contested extra Inning battle which provided plenty of action for about three hundred fans. The seascn was officially opened when George Rudderhara, former president of the league, pitched the first ball with Sergeant Greenwood at the plate doing his best to knock the apple out of the lot. The weather was Ideal. The game opened up with Lind say doing the hurling tor the Sons and Eddie Smith for the Legion. Stalker started the heavy hitting by poling out a three-bagger In the first inning and scoring Bury, later crossing the plate himself on an Infield error. The Sons, In their half of the Inning, retaliated when Hill scored. In the second inning neither team counted but, in the third, Moran scored for the Legion. ; In the fourth Lambie made a coun- ter for the Sons while Johnson added another run In the fifth to tie the score at three all. In the' first of the sixth Pierce scored for the Legion and it looked as If the game was on Ice but Johnson again : scored, this time on an error In the last of the seventh to tie the count again. In the eighth inning Llnd-' say made short work of the Legion, j striking out the three men who J faced him. In the last of the eighth, with bases full and two out, j Lindsay smacked out a Texas Leaguer over short to send Yager ' home and the game was all over. Smith fanned fourteen batters and walked six. Lindsay fanned eight and walked two. Lambie, who went in the box in the third with two men on base and none out,' sttuck out the next three batters.1 Lindsay returned to the mound In the fourth and managed to hold. the Legion after that. At the end of the fifth inning tiny Miss Joyce Moran drew the lucky ticket for the trip to Vancouver, the ticket being No. .623 held by Harold McDonald of the C. P. R. office. The drawing was In charge of Bill Stone, the announcer for the evening. Sons of Canada Gurvlcb Lindsay p., Cross lb Tobey 2b., Lambie 3b., Johnson ss., Yager If., Hill cf., Slmonson rl. Legion Bury c. Smith p., Stal ker lb., Pierce 2b., Antonelll 3b., Moran ss.. Commons rf., Campbell cf., Morgan If. George Arseneau was umpire and Allan Davies, scorekeeper. Prizes were won as f pi lows: Johnson Bottle of liniment for first person to strike out. Stalker Pair of running shoes for iirst three-bagger. Stalker Pair of silk stockings for first hit of the season. Moran One shirt for first two- bagger. Score by innings: Legion . ..2 0 1 0 0 1 0 04 S. O. C. . 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 15 Batteries Smith and Bury; Lindsay, Lambie and Ourvlch. Baseball Standings National League W. L. Pet. New York j 18 8 .692 Brooklyn 18 11 .621 Chicago 15 11 577 St. Louis 15 13 .536 Pittsburg 16 J6 .500 Cincinnati 10 10 .385 Philadelphia 8 16 .333 Boston 8 17 .320 American League Chicago 18 8 .692 New York 16 12 .571 Cleveland r 14 11 .560 Detroit 15 12 .556 Boston 14 12 .538 Washington .......w...l3 13 .600 Philadelphia 7 17 .292 St. Louis 1 17 .227 THE DAILY NEWS WcdRtwlfcy, Mty 22 NEW ISSUE: t - TYEE MINING 500.000 Shares at 20c por Share CONSOLIDATED COMPANY LIMITED (Non Praona) Liability) A company organized to develop by the u ol modern mining and trootrnenl methods the Vfoven bodies of gold. ilver. copper end zinc ore known to exiet upon Ml Sicker. Vancouver Island BrltUh Columbia, and previously developed by Old Country capital more than 30 ywirs ago.' Authorized FINANCIAL STRUCTURE Issued for Property. Equipment and Development work completed (in escrow) This Issue To Remdn In Treasury 2,000,000 shares 900,000 shares 500,000 shares 600,000 shares OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS ' Preeidenl, Oiler Beener, Vancouver B C Man. Dir.. P E Peterson, M E, Vancouver B C Vlce-Pres.. Frank Buckley. Vancouver, EC Director. S W Miller. Vancouver, a C Seaetary. I. M Coady. Vancouver. B C V -rC fn ' K TYEE ' 3 "u"o PROPERTY In the early days the rlchoe ol ML Sicker were Ulna mteed from three dates eniy-fo Lemra. Tyee, and Richard III. The present oorapany oontroli 33 data, end booHom ktelwdlng rh tbi original ones. The consolidated crppty 1 withto tit atCes of tldewnler and a good mc-oi road crosses the property. HISTORY Intense rivalry In the early days prevented economical operation. Yet. one mine paid 20 per cent, dividends. Modern mining and mlil bvj methods, phut the increase In gold and silver pices, now make the raining of the great ere bodies profitable. ORE BODIES The average width of these ore bodies Is over 20 feet, and soma cf the slopes have shown a width of 46 feet of oUd ore." stated the Annual Report of the Mfceer of Mtoee (1903). Thousands of tons cf this ore ate avail dbje for Immediate Ueatmeot OPERATING PLANS It is the intention of the company to brkif hc consolidated property 10 the mlliing stage and to Instal a modern mill as soon as possible. Work from the start can be done In cnmmr-rial ore. according to government snd engineers' report. CONaUSION f- The large bodtef of commercial grade ore awaiting I media reduction, the odvurtco rsent of mnnroVrr) krvrwldoje and practice since the early days whe the mines were Operated the lr.creafed price of goW and silver, the enhancing values cf br. metals, and the consolidation of three important prop&Mec unite In- moVim Tyee Consolidated Mining Company Ltd in under'aklng from which the speculative elerr.er.4 has boen almost entirely remcved. In addition o bringing employment to a large number H t n !t should bring quick and large profits to these who parrldrxile In this, the original offering of Treasury Shires IMPORTANT COMPARISONS GaMf. IlMS Hmimmdm Of S, "It IIIMM AMtvt tm m III I-m r-l Ojft tM tt Mt m H ( ft- U (M IH . Nl l Aft i. mm 14 iri Hi MM W. .MM, n CiMto GcM. OM . m SJt ti . , II . ! M1 UOmtmm 6ft Dior ttr.wi.-rfr jfSjv,r - mmm ttm mt: t4. tm i , , . m m m j ' i into.. ft m at mSTm m. if 6W.J S pmt OHM. t U f f Ik . i t ml f SO mrt i rty i r ' iltv Ciwii. 4 M pat om at Tc f t wmt. aa car aaa 14 tn i IMS MAIl IHO TOOAT Ta T CemHMd Mtntroj O. tid. Sleek Ci-Mnqa Bolkftn. Vancourar. B C. PWata m, wefcout ijHlo, a eppy cf th eoapUte fporl oa TyaaCotmlkfawa USntnqCo. tld Order Through Your Own Broker or Send Your Application Direct to the Company TYEE CONSOLIDATED MINING COMPANY LIMITED 1003 Stock Exchange Building. Vancouver. B. C GIRL GUIDE MEBT HELD Continued from Page 1 Three-Year Star X Due March 1935) Patrol Leader Muriel' Eby. One-Year Star (Due December 1934) Oulde Betty Wilkinson. One-Year Star--(Due March 1934) Oukle Kathleen O'Neill. One-Year Star DueJuly 1935) Oulde Betty Borland. Service Stars First Company. I. O..D. E. 4- year star, Patrol Leader Hafcel Mas- tin; 4-year star, Patrol Leader Ha zel Lear; 3-year star, Guide Sylvia Croxford; 2-year star. Patrol Second Edith Cronp, 1-year star, Oulde Ruth Scherk and Oulde Ounar Skaland. The patrol challenge cup was again won by the Sunflower Patrol, Patrol Leader Honora Sllversldes, this being the fifth consecutive year. At the close of the evening Dean Gibson called on Mrs. Anderson for remarks. Mrs. Anderson, on behalf of the Oirl Ouirte Association, thanked Capt Brewerton and Lieut. Kellback for the splendid work among the girls such as was displayed that night. Dean Oitxson also stressed appre elation to the officers and made special mention of the work done by Mrs. Squire nd Mr. Watt. The evening closed with the singing of the National Anthem. High School Girls in Play June Hues Make a Sensational Comeback in Softball In yesterday's game of girls' High School softball the June Bugs defeated the Starettes5 to 0. The June Bugs scored one run In the first Inning, two in the fourth and two in the fifth. The battery and first baseman of the winning team were very efficient. The weak fielding of the Starettes was the cause of their defeat. Umpire, Miss M. Delancy Reporter. Kay Fortune. Scorekeeper, Margaret McLach- Taxi 99 Tlve latest in motor transportation 3 CAR SERVICE Stan Moran, Proprietor lan. June Buns June Armour (captain), Norlko Hayakawa. Margaret McLachlan, Chiea Nlshlkaze. Jean MacLean, Betty Wocd, Marcelle Ja-bour, Winnie Cameron. Helen La-klc. Jlelen Valentine. Starettes Babe Menzles (captains Eileen Dcane.JJot Blake. Kay BEAVER and MUSKRAT We have a biff order for Jxitli these varieties of pelts Ship In your furs and we will wire the money at once. Jf not acceptable will prepay return express on goods. Goldbloom The Old Reliable Fortune. Linda Field. Kav M Adele Mussallem. Laura Mayko Izuml. Charlotte pi Go Fishing the 24th w:th Dependable FISHING TACKLE Rod, Line & Reel Special S2.50 Baskets, from My Rooks . 6 Lines, from Reels, from 2)C You don't ni?ed a flslitn-llcence this year Kaien Hardware PIIONK 3