M.ai rem -u ae- Our Liquidation will carry on until the end of this -y month. Everything in the store is offered at bargain prices. Another Lot of 30 Suits at the Special Price of Don't miss this tempting offer as the manufacturer can't make these suits for what we are selling them. See the suits on display in our windows. Hats Made by Biltmore Special All shades, silk lined, at the bargain price of Acme Importers COOL! CLEAN! SPEEDY! BETTER! CHEAPER! 1 I Cook with ELECTRICITY It gives you all the advantages ol ordinary cookery without any of Its disadvantages. And It gives additional advantages that other forms of cookery cannot even approach. There Is no waste heat. Heat Is always even. Pood values are conserved. Meals are tastier and prepared with Infinitely less trouble. Your kitchen Is always cool and clean. And, most important of all, an Electric Range costs LESS to operate than any other type of range. Pay Only $5 Down Balance spread over two years Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited 11 you want anything, try a classified ad. Clay Porter, well known Portland Canal mining man. is a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert tuday bound from Seattle to Stewai i WEEK-END SPECIALS Shoulder Roast of Veal j 4 lbs , Leg of Veal ! per lb .Hamburger Steak 25 C .Sparc Ribs ! 2 lbs. 1 Pot Roast of Beef : per lb. Boiling Beef ! 3 lbs j Shoulder Lamb ' I per lb. I Leg of Lamb per lb Prime Rib Rolled per lb Stewing yeal per lb Stewing Lamb per lb , Corned Beef 4 lbs. Phone 957 50c 15c 25c 10c 25c 15c 25c 18c 10c 10c 25c JONES Family Market Phone 957 We wish to announce that the REGAL SHOP is now established in their new home next door to the Hulklcy Market. We should like to take this opportunity to thank our customers for their loyal support during the past two years and trust that we shall be favored with your continued support In our nqw store. JOHN80N'S FLOOR WAX, 1-lb. tin JOHNSON'S FLOOR WAX, Liquid, tin BEAR CHLORIDE OF LIME, 1-lb. tube Soap, 3 pkgs. TEZ DAILT mrwi 'edne-.da mi.ix- i i I J-H The Letter Box ItUI'LKT'S SWIMMING HOLE Edit ui. Daily News Will you kindly publish this letter for the public in general of Prince Rupert? Where are we coin u to swim and dive this year Prince Rupert, as most know, lias very few beaches warm enough to swim at but we do have a Salt Lake Kineially understood to have hot springs in it This hat been one Ideal spot for a swimming beach In bygone years When a person can go In for a swim at a latitude of 54 degrees f t urn April to September It It something to boast of. The Salt Lake this year ii a disgrace to the youths f Prince Rupert. The diving platform is com-pletcly rotten. There are no spring boards at all. The floats and ladders are loose and floating around, the bathing houses have both collapsed. The sewerage from both bathing houses runs not twenty-live feet away from where we swim and dive and the sidewalk moat of the way is rotten and ready to collapse. It is a known fact that bathing acids greatly to health and development and is a universal summer sport of which Rupert people should be well in the lead. But are we or can we' No. we arc not and cannot be until circumstances permit Surely the parents of Prince Ru ro-rt aren't going to sit back and let their children swim and dive at the Salt Lake when at any tlm they arc likely to meet with an ac-i ident or catch a disease. My suggestion Is that both the chamber of Commerce and the prominent clubs start a campaign and raise a fund sufficient for re-eonditionlng or else get support from Hon. Mr Pattullo By reconditioning I mean to tear ut completely and renew all platforms diving boards, bathing houses and sidewalks and have everything new and, when build-in u the "bathinc houses and tnllu n.ivc Uiem back towards the entrance to the lake so that the sew erage will go into the sea. not into thr lake. All this can be done with very little cost. Thanking you kindly. Mr. Editor AN ENTHUSIASTIC SWIMMER WASHING DAY SPECIALS Everything For Washing & Clean- ine at REDUCED PRICES Orders $1.00 or over delivered Free PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES 4 CZn per pkg 0 OXYDOL-Large OOo - per pkg .. MX GOLD DUST 99p per pkg ttv TOILET SOAPS Coleo, 9Tp Lilac. Lavender, C for . . 59c 59c JOHNSON'S OLO-COAT CQ per tin OoK, We have an Electric Floor Polisher und Vacuum Cleaner for rent Qf nn per day vJ.UU We dellve rand call for at no extra charge. HANSLICK 2 tins 49c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER Qp ft ncr tin BEAR POWDERED BORAX Q 1-lb. tnhP lOt 12c SUPER SUDS Beads of OCn All other soaps and cleaners at reduced prices. Call, phone or mall jour order to MUSSALLEM'S j ECONOMY STORE , Where Dollars Have More Cents"! P. O. no 575 Phone 18 I j ' anrsn mrnum WMwwMnw'swmmnMwwm I A Daily News Want-Ad. j will gel what you want, j GREAT FILM AT CAPITOL 'Royal Cavalcade" Notable Chronicle of Events During King's Quarter Century Ilcign "Royal Cavalcade," specially pre-1 pared British moving picture to celebrate the King's Silver Jubilee, comes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here tonight and tomorrow as a notable feature presentation. Chronicling the story of the 38 years of King Oeone's reign. It Is said to be a richly glowing tapestry j of real life packed with mighty drama and human Interest i Against an ever-changing back ground of tunes, catch -words and news Items of the day and with a cast of every big name In Bngland's stage and screen workt, "Royal Cavalcade" travels the gamut of every momentous event during the past quarter of a century. Among Its gripping episodes are the Titanic" disaster, the Sarajevo Incident which led up to the Oreat War. Lord Qrey's eve - of - war speech, an air raid on London. Foch'e armistice parley In train, the signing of the Versailles peace treaty. Scott's heroic Antatctic expedition, suffragette agitation in Downing Street. Lady Aster taking her seat in the House of Commons, the memorable general strike and nany other historic Incident. Such brilliant stage and screen players as Matheson Lang, Oeorge Sober. Owen Nares. Ftorrle Ford. Vltce Lloyd. Seymour Hicks. Cllf-ord Moltison and Harry Tate are Deluded in the cast. The presentation of, "Royal Cavalcade" here Is sponsored by Uie I. O. D. E. and there will be a special matinee for public school children tomorrow afternoon in connection with the observance of Empire Day. Another feature picture. "Have a Heart." featuring James Dunn. Jean Parker and Una Mcrkel. Is being presented on the same program. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Under the direction of Canon W. F Rushbrook of the Prince Rupert Museum Board, the skeleton of Prince Ruperts "sea serpent". ' basking shark was loaded on a truck yesterday and moved from; the Prince Rupert Fisheries Ex-! aerimenui Station to the upper! floor of the public library building ' where it will bt assembled as a per- j mitiont AvfrtlttH In 1 1. I lUHiiuk Muuik tn me museum 1 board's collection of relics Bringing passengers, mat! and reight. C. N. R. ' earner prince ohn. Capt. Dan McKinnon. arrived n port at 7 o'clock tills morning rom Vancouver ,yta( the Queen harlottc Islands and will be here ntll 10 o'clock Friday night when he will sail on her return south iver the same route. Northland Transportation Oos iincr North Sea. Capt. A. W. Nkker-on. arrived in port at C O'clock last vening from Ketchikan and. after llscharglng four carloads of fresh lalibut for transshipment east over Canadian National Railways, sailed at midnight for Seattle. With a good sized list of passengers. C. N. R. steamer Prince Rupert. Capt. Nell McLean, arrived In port at 11 o'clock this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and sails at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Anyox and Stewart whence she will return here tomorrow evening southbound. On her voyage of next week, C. P R steamer Princess Adelaide will make a special run north from here to Ketchikan with passengers from the south. The vessel will sail Friday afternoon following her arrival from Vancouver and will be here the next niornlng southbound. Bill Bagshaw's TAXI Phone Fleet Cafe 849 r lipencr for your wrcknj upplf of Kodak Verichrome. It's the film llui mke pic lurc-ukifiK cur. Gimhincd wiih our devclopitiK and priming MTYicc, ic aiturci yuu of better sojpihoM Ona ever. RODS HOOKS FLOATS LEADERS OAFFIIOOKR LUNCH ROXK3 zntr.t EVENTS im asms HIITOKT rMON THE CORONATION TO TRC KOTAl ItVll JUBILCd ROYAL "Royal Cavalcade'' at 8:20 Shows Once Only "Hive a Heart" At 7:00 ii 10 06 Rill I mmtiM r"4 (m i lnlfl aM 1 You'll See: Ju --u .hh , iw rl-K W. - St"t kt AM,(utk. , Flying -TkW M.j.ltn m k tk.).-k Vil., , k (MIM l k pmt II Ta A GlORIOUt. TMtltllMG PACtANT IH4NACTtt) fY INCIANOI rOMOtt AT!$T$I OIOOt IOIIV tlVMOUt NICK KOI) IOIOI AUtTM Tltvot AIIMUl riMCI AlfMU 0tnt IADV AITO aA!" Alia ucrro tor oaiiki OMMT OOtlM" Ain oii itn ho4t HAIIT f ATI 01M MAIM IIAHIF VOiMI ccmitamci tMomi MAIOAIU VIM( 1AM LIVItA C M MAIIAIB AN5 HUNDRlOS Ol OTHIS ClttlllTltJt J TI.Mi: SCIIIIDULL Even- day i- K modern camrr.. one can makr rx let Kodak do .: have all the f m. It.MtV IillOU'Mi; thing In a rru: .:: lar vest porkn . $18; earritiK n Jim KODAK and as simple ,r . goes In thr p k stses, and j :' KODAK Sl.i:S-T ramera Exli.i like a fine w. pictures unrtfi' tdoal camei h f: especially rerinui,' S42e Z'iX4', Wl'.l. FLIES AXES EGOS LINES SPOONS BASKFT SINKERS SPINS; r COMPASSES GL'T V i-Xi CAMP STOVES LANL''.'i '"-T : 1'nder Auspices Imperial Order. lUuthtcn of the Dnsin- bpf-elal Matlnrr Thurwiay at I 15 l or rublic School Children Onlr More Pleasure with your Kodak Ready to serve St HI 13 you with w c your size of KODAK VERIQIROME FILM JTOP st our 1 Kiwl.t m r. CINi: KODAKS L I'ltOJICTOl For Home Mm can do it ki:i:p your i-K Ti iti s ulnc Kodak Aibun v reelved an esp- -i.. ment. prices to tic. $1.00. $125 $ $ and up. Bring your Mr. Quality PrinlliiK I' FISHING TACKLE Lr. May 21th marks the opening- of stream trout fUliint M ui ""PP1' VDIir lirrris. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO LTD. HYDE TRANSFER V. CAMKKOX Manager ' PHONE 580 Dculcrs In Coal. Wmwl n..i.. c?..n n.. finwdiiS'' Tables and chairs for rent. Wine bottles boupnj I'urniturc movinc Express General hauliw 1 11