oo ao HYDRO-ELECTRIC DISCUSSION CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 that we can’t be trusted to spend this money, why then it’s time for us all to quit. I think the work will be better looked after by having an executive committee.” Ald. Kirkpatrick. “T don’t know, Alderman Clay- ion, if you have gone up against a great deal of adverse criticism in this city during the past week, but I can assure you that I have. It to this that I am trying to work now. If we put in this executive committee I am certain that our action will be seized upon tomorrow morning to be used later on to plaster the whole bunch of us up.’’—Ald. Newton. “The thing is as bad one way as the other. If we abandon the is overcome rise to the idea that the only way we can do business is by having every man of the council on the job so that each man can watch the other.’’—Ald. Clayton. Alderman Hilditch fired the last shot by remarking that he meant to take care of his friends—those who voted for him—and to have the work done in a business like manner. ‘‘Three men on a com- mittee can do this work quite well, where nine men on_ the council will only waste time argu- ing about it and gei noihing done _— ton, peh! he knows what I think of him!” Alderman Newton-—"‘Oh, you can say what you please, but go to the people and see what they think of you!’ Alderman Hilditch—‘‘I am only sorry that I listened to the Mayor and did not go to the people before. Here the Mayor broke in with the order of business and brought the bickering to an end for the time being. ELEVEN LIVES and McGrath Building. Four tally. (Canadian Press Despatch) Juneau, Sept. 6.—Eleven lives were lost and fourteen persors executive committee it will give | Were injured, of whom two women are not expected to live, when the Juneau hotel and the McGrath building burned to the ground on Sunday night. The known dead are: W. Morrison. W. Davenport. Selina Dowling a native girl. Six bodies have been recovered from the ruins. Juneau, Sept. 6.(Later)—Seven bodies have been recovered from the ruins of the hotel fire. Five more bodies are known to be in the debris. ———————————————— THE DAILY NEWS ———— _————— ——— “The News” Classified Ads. —— ee ee One Cent A Word For Each Insertion== ~THEY WILL REPAY A CAREFUL se The Insurance People LOST AT JUNEAU Fire Destroys the Juneau Hotel teen Were Injured, Two Fa-| Fire Life Marine Accident Plate Glass Employer's Liability Contractors’ and Personal Bonds Policies Prepared While You Wait. Mack Realty & Insurance COMPANY. P.S.— Houses and Rentals. Cc. M. HAYS PLEASED Satisfied With Citizens Verdict on Assessment Settlement After his return from up-river President Hays was asked if he was not gratified at the result of the voting on Saturday. “Certainly we are, and you can make that as strong as you like. It was nearly uranimous, wasn’t it? It demonstrates effectively that there are few ‘knockers’ in Prince Rupert. “Yes, we are both pleas?d and relieved at the result. ~~ ee Money to Loan a rs re ee + Money to Loan on Prince Rupert Real Estate. Agreements of sale bought. P.O. Box 958. tf-181 Help Wanted OS oo Wanted general servant. Apply to Mrs. L. W. | Patmore. 201-tf Boy wanted at once to learn the printing trade. Apply News Office. Bow Wanted—Apply at Orme's Drug Store. 198-tf | Wanted—Good sized to help in kitchen and | make himself generally useful. Apply James Hotel, 8rd Ave., corner of 8th Street. f Wanted a woman to work in kitchen, wages $35 a month, with room. Apply Prince Rupert General Hospital, 200-tf For Rent Rael mayan Furnished house, cor. Sixth Avenue and Young St. Modern in wor respect. Phone 83 or call Pattullo & Radford 196-tf Special rates by 165-t Furnished rooms with bath. LOOKING OVER— the week. Talbot House. Neatly Furnished rooms, gentlemen preferred. ~ Nice Furnished Rooms, Mrs. Greenwood, Alder | Block; Third Ave. S-tf For Rent—Sons of England Hall, 2nd Ave., for | Dances, Fraternal Societies, Socials, ete. Apply | Frank A Ellis, Box 869 or phone 68. 186-tf For Sale Apply Mrs. Mullin, over Majestic Theatre. tf | oie § __Mhites Portland Cement... | | Skeena Land District Do away with this. Patronize a white ‘laundry. WhiteJlabor only at } Pioneer Laundry. Phone‘l18|(— FOR SALE Ross & Reciprocity Committee Rooms are Open Every Evening Corner 3rd Avenue and 5th Street 9090000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009 Everybody wel Come Phone 125 G, C. EMMERSON AGENT | Rupert, | to the C biel Comm iasi. Naden Block Second Ave | or FIRST AVENUE AT EIGHTH STREET Newly Furnished and Steam Heated Rooms A FIRST CLASS BAR AND DINING ROOM IN CONNECTION RATES 50 CENTS AND UP BATHS FREE TO GUESTS P.O. BOX 37 ROBT. ASHLAND A Windsor Hotel —, COAL NOTICE ; In o Qusen ( harlot, Take notice that Austir tr occupation saddler est © oast ‘ot Graham Commencing at a post of the southeast corner o west 80 chains, thence p 5 east 50 chains, thence south 80 & commencement AUSTIN M Located August ist, 1911 Skeena Land District Take notice that Au sat Rupert, saddier, "t intends t to prospect for ec val, j the following deserity ree | lands Graham Island Commencing at a post plar the southeast corner of ( chains west, thence chains east, thence commencement. 80 chains n 80 chair AUSTIN M. BE Located August Ist. 1911 Pub. Aug. 19. XOWN, Locator Skeena Land District— District Isla Take notice that Aus { Rupert, occupation saddiler, ir Chief Commissioner of Lands licence to prospect for coa and under the following ost Coast of Graham Isl a Commencing at a pos { Queen ¢ Farms For Sale: Relieved, q One lot Section 1, Block 19, Second aiihiaa & Seobias avenue. Price $9450,"cash $5250. Terms $550 cash.| Two lots Section 5, Block 27, with of the northeast « north 80 chains, south 80 chains, thence commencement at all.” Clearly Alderman Hilditch has Jp cs rs rt a crs Ps et ers 4 because it enables us to go right a c For quick sale, lot 38, block 27, on with our improvements here. two streets. Price $588.75. “tf, studied the ways of the present city council, and then of course it is so much nicer to get any little plans done cosily in committee behind closed doors. Why even the bigger part of the council found it so over the past week end. “LET HIM GO HANG HIMSELF’ (Continued from Page 1) went on to say that he had no idea really how the money of the city was being spent. Though a member of the finance committee he had never been satisfied with the method of going over the accounts. It was done in a hurried and slipshod manner at best and most of the accounts were passed simply on the strength of the signature of either the chairman of the streets committee or the city engineer. ‘‘Let Him Hang Himself” Dark with anger Alderman Hil- ditch arose to reply. ‘‘Alderman Newton,” he said, ‘‘says he has no apology to offer me for his edi- torial.” (‘‘No, I have none,” re- iterated Alderman Newton). ‘He says that he wrote it because of stories circulating in the town about me. He says he had no intention to stab me. I think that he deliberately lies. Only a few contractors anxious to knock the bylaw for themselves could have had any stories to tell about me.”’ The Mayor—“'I think you should take back that stamement about the lies.” Alderman Newton-——‘‘Oh, no, no, let him go on. He is hanging him- self every day. Every time he cpens his mouth he hangs himself.” “Bah!"’ interjected Alderman Hilditch. “If the thing came from a member of this council who had ever done anything I could have stood it more easily. But what has Alderman Newton ever done that the people sent him here to do? He has only hindered those who have would done some- thing, He tried to disrupt the engineering department, fortunate- ly without success, and he has just accomplished the house numbering system. Had this come from a working member of the council I could have passed it by, but from a groan like Alderman New- PREPARING FOR REAL WAR Great Naval Reviews Yes- terday Throw Consterna- tion Into Europe (Canadian Press Despatch) London, Sept. 6.—Both the French and the German navies at their full strength were reviewed today by their rulers. The presi- dent of France was accompanied by most of the members of his cabinet, and they seemed to treat the parade of war vessels with deep seriousness. Emperor Williams was accom- panied by a few of his naval staff only, and in the opinion of German experts the mighcy display easily demonstrated that country’s naval superiority over that of France. The two reviews made just at this time are taken to mean an early resumption of the squabble between the two countries in re- gard to Morocco. Consequently there is great uneasiness felt in all the leading capitals of Europe, as it is generally conceded both coun- tries are now nearer the verge of war than ever, and that these warlike preparations are goirg for- ward to meet emergencies because the failure of present negotiations is so imminent. Laid on the Table Solomen Mussallem wrote again to the city council Tuesday night regarding the removal of the fruit shack McBride street and Fifth avenue, or the alternative of granting to himself of a similar privilege to that given the cripple. As an effort is being made in the city to obtain for the cripple location where his shack will in- terfere with no citizen's rights or principles the council decided to ley the matter on the table in the meantime. on Musical Recital In the Central Hotel at dinner time tomorrow night Mr. Foster of Messrs. Waitt & Co. of Van- couver, will give a pionala recital to which everybody is welcome. Messrs. Hayner Bros. will be pleased to furnish further par- ticulars, If you want money apply P. O. Box 953. The Graham Island Oil Fields, Limited CAPITAL STOCK $1,000,000 We are offering for sale a very limited amount of shares of stock at 25¢ per share; par value $1.00, These shares are going quickly and will soon be off the market : : THE MACK REALTY & INSURANCE COMPANY SELLING AnnTS We have plans under way for many things—new depot and freig- ht yards, new hotel, new docks, and a hundred and things. Plans are alreedy in of preparation and will be finished shortly. Then the work struction will go right on as possible.” one course con- as fast FOR GooD| FEEDING Fresh Fruit and Veestables are Offered Today The Shrubsall establishement on Third up to date with the growing refined avenue is keeping strictly taste of this metropolis of the north. This morning a lot of the finest fruit and freshest of vege- Ru- goodly supply of fresh oysters. These the firm will carry from now receiving new supplies on cvery steamer from the south. The first of the monih opened ard several tables arrived on the Prince pert and in addition @ on, the season for venison fine carcasses have been rcccived. A large consignmert of poultry will arrive on Saturday’s boat S. A. HARVEST FESTIVAL Help Along the Good Work with Anything You can Spare At of Salvation Army in Prince hold This is the first Harvest week the Rupert the end next will the Harvest Festival. Festvial to be held in Prince Rupert, and will be mede have it quite a feature. An opportunity is beirg given to all citizers help along the good work with contributions of every thing sale- able or funds if preferred. ‘There is also a special plan on foc. in regard more later. efforts to io the scheme but of 4! Take a Citaias’ on It As the city solicitor held that the terms of the proposed insurance contract to be entered into regard- ing the Prince Rupert civic cheriot ieam purchased by the Meyor, were ridiculously exacting for a city like Prince Rupert iresmuch as they insisted that the team should not be ‘‘exposed to darger,’ ihe council Tuesday night threw the insurance proposition over- board holus bolus. P. R. Indoor Baseball League. Royal Blue Ribbons v. Quill Drivers, at the Auditorium, Thursday, September 7th. Game called at 8.45 sharp. Admission 2% cents. eee Sale of Good Furniture Thursday, 8 p.m., ihe Brin Co. No reserve. to lance one year. L, Daily News. 200-205 Near Prince Rupert. A snap if hold goods. Address Box 268. uf taken at once. oe eee rq Insurance isi islipaea-~ srcorncconiecivin OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just settlements. We write every known class of Insurance, The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. & { Lost and Found 1 Lost between Central Hote! and wharf, ladies’ sold watch and fob; monogram E.O.J. Reward | by returning to News office. 200-t-f BOYS Two Five Dollar bills to be given away to bright boys. See Mr, Munroe at the News office. (| ~ ot esos fermi meres PLEASED WITH RUPERT | Thought We Ness Could Make | | A City Here Mr. and Mrs. Arch. W. Steven- of Montreal, Mr. Stevenson is a well son are vistorrs the city. known financial expert representing large and is on an annual tour. the first time has Prince Rupert he favorable impressed by it. rk was that you would never be make of it, but I have, and it is bound to be several British he visited and is most believed what ! told, able to a city see you @ large and importan, one.” Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit “How in Heaven's name you have a Pound Bylaw if you haven’t any pound?’’ demanded the City Solicitor sternly of Al- derman Douglas last night. (The way two grey haired old warriors go for each other some- can those /times in council is better than a dog fight). “I left it to you to frame up the bylaw," declared Alderman Douglas unflinchingly. “Well tell me where you are to put your pound, and I'll make your bylaw,’’ answered the City Solicitor. ‘Put it on the Sniff Yacht,’’ suggested the undeterrable Douglas. But the City Solicitor sniffed at the very idea and the bylaw is still hanging fire. On File Returning Officer M. M. Steph- ens reported formally to the city council Tuesday night the result of the bylaw and assessment ballot. The documents were put on file, and the figures ordered to be entered in the minutes. Reciprocity doesn’t conflict with the British preference, which Lau- rier nails masthigh. ‘Address immediately Box | | For Sale—Chicken Ranch. 2 Storey house, house- | i | One to companics This is building, two rooms furnished, kitchen, two baths, store, parlor and piano. Price $4200, cash $2500. One lot Section 6, Block 11, Sixth avenue. Price $2250. $500 cash. j |Two lots, Section 7, Block 22, Sixth avenue. Price $1050. lot Section 7, Block 16, Sixth avenue, Price $550. One half cash, balance 6-12 months. Combination | Combination three lots, two in Section 7, one in Section 8, all for $1050. FOR LEASE | | | | Three lots, Third avenue close to business } section. Good lease, For Sale (Snap) | Four lots, Section 8, Block 34, Eleventh avenue, all for $369.65 cash. | Corner lots 13, 14, Block 12, Sixth | avenue and Fulton street for lease or | will build to suit tenant. ON GRAHAM ISLAND 170 acres, with one-half mile of water- | Price $20 per | Crown granted. one third cash, front, acre, months, balance 6-12 160 acres Second Ave.. GRAHAM ISLAND 160 acres, $20.00 per acre CLEY VALLEY , $10 per acre; $10 per acre BULK SKEENA RIVER 153 acres, $12.50 per acre G.R. NADEN COMPANY Limited. 320 acres Prince Rupert, B.C. FEED STORE also gar- Jeremiah H. Kugler, Ltd. | We carry everything in the feed line, olg Feed Store, Market Place PONY EXPRESS Prompt Delivery PHONE 801 PONY EXPRESS Baggage, S Kigs or Motor Car day or orn Seventh Ave. and Fulton Storage and Forwarding Agents. Fo | den seeds at the lowest market prices, at Collart’s | ero The Big Furniture Store HART BLOCK Main entrance 2nd Ave.; 6th St. entrance, last door in block Bigger ana Better than Ever F. W. HART ese Phones 41 or 30) | P.0, nox «| Wire SYSTEMATIC MERCHANTS’ DELIVERY SERVICE amas Shade vows Frames JUST A WEE DRUNK plying Indian with Hooch made a new ol business method of Magistrate Carss ruling this morning. the making a reduccion on taking a quantity it was the reverse. Tom a little so he got off by paying the costs. Bill Jackman was very drunk and had to pay $5 and costs. Mr. Batavich pleaded ignorance of the law prohibiting giving a drink to an Indian, he handed a warning and a suspended sentence of thirty days in the jug. Instead customary Robinson was only drunk so was What's Your House No.? A report from L. Bullock-Web- ster, th8 contractor for the house numbering of Prince Rupert, Al- derman Newton's scheme, reported progress last night in a letter to the council, Alderman Douglas declared that while the numbering was getting on fast enough now he noticed a lack of uniformity in the system of placing the num- bers, Some were on one place on @ house and some on another. His own ancestral halls had been numbered apparently both on the billiard room conservatory entrances or round by the servants’ hall. The City Clerk was request- ed to communicate with Mr. Bull- and Suspended Sentence for Sup-| for Electric Lights That form the tistic CREPE decoration, Prices--35c, 40c and 50c McRAE BROS., LTD. Everything for the office foun- dation for a very ar- Paper which produces a quiet dif- fusion of light and adds greatly to the furnishing of a room. ock-Webster about the system, USEFUL PRESENTS For all occasions can be purchased from our up- to-date stock of ee Jewellery and Souvenirs oeoeee R. W. Cameron & Co. G.T.P. Official Watch Inspector. Cor, 6th St, and Second Avenue. PHONE 82 Located August Pub. Aug. 19 Skeena Land District and under the West Coast of G Commencin at the north 80 chains wes chains east, thenc commencement Located August ist Pub. Aug. 19. Skeena Land District Take notice that Rupert, B, C., oceupat spply to the Chief ( orks for a licence etroleum on and ur ands on the West Co Commencing at a 7 of the northeast corner 80 chains south, thence 6 chains north, thence commencement Date of Location 41 Pub. Aug. 17 Skeena Land District lelar Take notice that Austin M Rupert, occupation saddier the Chief Commissior for a licence to pros; leur on and unde on the West Coast of Grat Commencing at 4 5 of the southwest corner 80 chains east, thence chains west, thence & commencement Al Date of Location, Pub. Aug. 17 Skeena Land District Take notice that Rupert, occupation « the Chief Commissioner licence to prospect for under the colioeten Coast of Graham Island Commencing at a post of the southeast north 80 chai t 80 chains, thence we mencement. Located August Ist Pub. Aug. 19 Skeena Land District Take notice that Aust Rupert, saddler, inte Commissioner of Lar to prospect for under the following Coast of Graham Commencing of the northeast corner 80 chains east, | chains west commencement Date of Location Sist Ju Pub. Aug. 17. Skeena Land District Take notice that Rupert, sade iler Commissioner of as a io prospect for under the following Coast of Graham isa Commencing at & por of the northesst corner south 80 chains, the north 80 chains, then: commencement at 5 M Located 31st July, | Pub, Aug. 17. weat 30 ehalt vast 80 chains to pe BROWN, Lee on OO shee 14 District Skeena Lar 1 pris Take notice that Rupert, occupatior to the Chief ¢ for a licence to on and under t West Coast of ¢ Commencing * of the southeast corner ‘ 80 chains north, thener chains south, thence © commencement 7 then st 5 east, ten ba is west (0 poiat it TIN M BROWN, Loes! Located Bist July, 1911. Pub, Aug. 17. { Queen Charbott n of Print District Islands Brow® Take notice that Au atin My " Rupert, saddler, intends 0 Ny A Commissioner of to prospect for ss under the follo wing | Le Coast of Graham le Commencing at ® Pp of the southea ¢ corner, 80 chains west, thence 0 S chains east, thence 5” § 5 ‘ell commencement ,uSTIN M Row? 911 Skeena Land District ands Located 3lst July, Pub. Aug. 17. 4 Chane trict of Quee ® Skeena Land District ope ef of Bree that Aus intends 19 ty lor tion sa ds and yner of Lan oil and pet oal By ribo od land Brows ° Take notice Rupert, oecups the chief ¢ zomnra len toner cence to prospe e oe under the fo allowing Weat Coast of Graham a ane thre Beginning at # por at p YN the northeast corner Q chains east, ther t chains west, commencement iles 8 my al ie Located Aug Is Kab. Avg.