5 1 I i g i The Choice of Wisdom "SALAM DAILY EDITION 7 C J&s Shoes must be TF A FOR Summer Wear That's why we urge you to get yours now! New Imported Lines Just Received jj See these in the following numbers 17 "-nuxiciuaiB.&iBJ&ia. kamjix: b.bjb aiajaaaEBJguajav d Women's White Deauvllle T-Strap Sandal, moulded QJ flC J M leather sole. Cuban heel ; sizes 3 to 8 g jg Women's White Deauvllle 3-eye Tie, moulded ... QO jjj w leather sole and Cuban heel, sizes 4 to 8 I For comfort, coolness & style see these. They're new. I The Family Shoe Store I iz lb saiai a .aias a em ta vb ra & f i aicin i ca nr a a ra ri i n a THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupeit Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue O. F. PULL EN Manatting-Edrior Advertising and Circulation Telephone 9 News Department Telephone, -i,.... .. .86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Friday May 31. 1936 VERY FEW PLACES BETTER A resident of Prince Rupert who often gets outside and sees what is going on in other parts of the world recently remarked that he knew of few places where life was as pleasant as in this city. He stated that the last place he would like to reside would he, in one of the big cities. Prince Rupert had most of the city advantages and, at the same time, was sufficiently rural to satisfy his tastes. Enumerating some of the advantaffes of life here, it was mentioned that there were no snakes or other reptiles, no bad flies, no annoying insects such as cockroaches, no droughts, no duststorms, no floods, no. earthquakes, no intense heat, no intense cold, in fact nothing to make life unpleasant except at times rather more dull or rainy days tha.n might be considered conducive to enjoyment WHERE THEY HELONtt The proposal of the relief camp men to move to Ottawa with a view to influencing the government there td provide for them would be a good move Ottawa is where they belong. If the problem became sufficiently pressing at the nation's canital it is nrnhahle that thu RfVmftt Gov ernment might be moved to take steps to ameliorate the conauion wnicn exists. To say that nothing can be done is to admit incomnetencv. Suppose the local business men, bankers, doctors, lawyers, newsnanermen and nrtisann found thpmspW with out occupation and without salary or dividends, it is quite sure they would not wait for years until something turned up. They would turn them up or suffer in the attempt. It is to be hoped the camp men will take their requests to the foot of the throne at Ottawa and demand action. At Ottawa the inhabitants are being kept by the tax-pares, of other parts of the country and share few of the problems of the provinces. It would be a great thing for them to know at first hand what the unemployment problem means. They might take notice. SPORT LEGION IS ;KITWANGA VICTORIOUS Defeated Young Liberal Two to Nil In. football Game Usj Evening The heavier and more experienced Canadian Ltgtan team defeated Young Liberals by a score of two to nil last night la the second senior football fixture of the season. Sonny Dickens scored the first goal for the Legman in the first half and Johnny Pierce the second after the switch-over. The Liberal goal-keeper. did not have a chance with either A bad wind was Mowing almost throughout the game which made the ball difficult to control. The chilly gusts also kept the stee of the crowd down to amaU proportions. R. B i Brtck) Sktajter acted with satisfaction as ref&ree. It was unofficially reported this morning that the game would be protested on the grounds that the Legion fielded an unregistered player. C. N. R. WINS IN BOWLING Takes Second Half Honors And Qualifies to Meet Annette's In Play-Off Canadian National Recreation Association defeated Orotto 1488 to 1163 last night to cinch the second half ef the Ladies' Bowling League and the right to meet Annette's, winners of the first halt, in the Leharaptenship play-offs. In the second Cflxinrc last night, Strikers had a close 1563 to 1525 victory over Doodads. Mrs S. P. Wooddde was the high average scorer for the evening with 19;. The players were: Grotto Vance, Morgan. Munro. Eckennan and Morgan. Canadian National Recreation AssoetaUen Alexander. Strom- dahj. Woodslde. HaUberg and Bal- llnger. Strikers Inglis, Cuticle. Crox-ford, Jones. Morse tnd Ottite. Doodads Morln. Ourvkh, McLean, Smith, Dungate and Mc-Keown. Season's Higt Records The highest single game score for the season was 287 made by Miss R. Stramdahl of the Canadian National Recreation . Association. High average for the season was 182.1 by Miss L. Owen. The league second half standing O. W. L. Ttl. Ave C. N. R. A 14 10 4 10331 7375 1 Annettes. 14 6 8 10112 722.2 Carna. OlrU 14 10 4 9357 704 Doodads 14 8 6 0740 695.71 Strikers 14 8 6 9649 C89.2 Blue Birds 14, 7 7 8580 6345 Grotto 14 4 10 8865 6325 Coquettes 14 3 11 8747 624.7! SOFTBALL SCHEDULE! June 3 Canadian Legion vs. Orotto. , June 6 C. N. R. A. vs. Canadian: Legion. i June 10 Orotto vs. Junior Elks.j June 13 Junior Elks vs.. Cana-' Man Legion. j June 17 qrotto v. Q. I. R. A. ' ' June 20 Junior Elks vs. C. N. R A. Daily News Want-Ads. al-; ways brng quick results. . BASEBALL Friday, May 31 Legion vs. Sons of Canada EN FETE Visitors Came From Par and Near Celebratfea KITWAMQA. May 31:-WKranga was cfowod wth vliillnta fsotu many points atom- the 8ke-na River on the eeee'tw of its Vic toria Day catekrauor. Cedarvalt Woodcock. Kgwyngs Yailf naby. Nash, states w! K twan coot saaona th point represented. Weather could not have been surpass and there was a complete proataja f sport which kepV everyone busy and rnttf-tained. A big dance at niffct broufht UK feattvi'ir u a fit Us coneJuetan. The day's pteeaeitngi got under way with a patadi in wluh the KiUaqa Bmag Band the Cbek-i-Dad tribe' of Kuwaiiga and the Lucky Since salttull players participated, the lae of marrh "being through the toww and up u the sport field. The bateeaB. game between Oe-darvale and Kttwaaaa wa won by Kitwanga by a More of one to nil. the winning team receiving a $18 Htze and the losing, $6. On points In jfrt foot races Ce larvaie was fleet. Woodcock second Kitwanga Valley, third. Kitwanga Lucky Strike, cap-ained by Sarajb. TaU, defeated iarvale Saapajr Nlae, Miss Jonia, aptaln. by a Mare of S to f in Uw , adiea' soflhaD gane. During the sports the Kitwanga Jrasx Ban4 piaytd several of the .ate marches In splendid manner After the spU program, re-(reshmenU ware served hi the Xmunity Hall by the OpJk-a-Dad rribe. The dance in ,h evn$f at the ' Cr mmunUy Ha drew a large' r.?wd of vtsjUorg as weB as local eskiwiU. Music "was fninUhed by 3dward Tart's qttimUn. the re oertoire of which included the lat-t popular numbers The dance commenced at tipjp. and eon tin -jed unl 3 a m A statement was issued by the tports committee of Kitwanga -Mttihate H. Bright, preatdeet; Joe Williams, treasurer; Harold D. Sinclair, secretary, and Dartd Wells expressing appreciation for the iteenee of so many visitors and nvlttng all to rome again to Kitwanga for the i xt i-ilebrati n to be held on L, Day Wttk IJSQ $1 ! T I lilt . KUI 1 FINEST. t(MMN OUV Thii advertistment ii not publiih-ed or dupUyed by theUqudr Control Hoard or by toe Government of Untiih Columbis, DOLLAR . DAY i t SATURDAY Fraser & Payne's Saturday Closing 8 p.m. LAUI- SILK PANT IKS AND HLOOMI.KS DKAPKKY ItlHP Novelty Trwuned Panties and Bloomers. May Drapery Repp. 52 inches, wide. We.lai Belle quatHy. dalusterfd finish fi AA gokt r,e. natural and are) -' nn ecelient eluc pair far V-UlJ DolUr Day. 2 yaid, for OlOQ W.hJtis La vi nder line. Pialn Silk Tailored Pamirs il-INt'll SHADOW CLOTH and BhMasrrs iwn tan labric. beauttlui fmiM. m.gluh Shadow CUMi all iy it,' ii"uw i on Mmi tgt ckrs- - t'-r drapery and loos coven a n lMhit Viy 3 ,,d t(M mi-s liueiK. nu.vv, mmw ntEru fuU rhtMtwi Pw lAiea.4 Silk in all ftQj MAliltAii t'UUTAIN r'AUHUt new shade. Doitar Day. pair VaiJ huUiiMaora M in ujor iuu cm ftn UlUKS' .NKLK lUISK ' PoiUr fay, 4s ytfd, tof $1JU Asvurtfd slds pure wol plajn and fancy top SILK Cl'UTAIN Mrrs DolUr fay. 3 pair for tgXiUU HlUf WIUKV a.nk'm:'h's: ' " - fUU H)lk Lisle. assmteO shadca and tops Glflfi SII.H flllfTAN KHS siaea av, to ig. uuur pay, pf (w ?AUU A twUfr grade X WHlw wide, itc , ' (h s,Wi1tHS a Pa'M. t shade 01.00 ff nn n , m'uU? m. .ar pay. 2 atda for r44w 7Cn CURTAIN PAMUS Dollar Dy each Ml uM sue 3' yards long, M lnch wiu- 1 smm v4lvf wiJCl 7 r ,nr ru S1.00 U Ail tUik Ikdspreads, sMe WJOQ inche. oak.r t gold green row and mauve. t CO CQ WINDOW KIl.tDiJi toped edge. Dollar Diy. eaeii ?4MiJ if w or Oreen mounted on ggou qu .:. , Colored KnJslX , 69C "! ' ' 79C ' UU the scalloped edges o q DoJUr Day each Iff MEMSTiTCHiii riVtow casks Boys Holiday . and Pull sue Hemstitched Pillow Oases e nn o , rl 1 1 ready for use Dollar pay for AU OpOtt Uolhlllg TVHKISU fcg ( LOTIU V Pure Wool Navy Blue Windbreak. Assorted colored Tutkuh. Vf Cloths J?ni V 33 and 34 o nr good size. Dollar Day. 6 (or AOL, Dollar Day Olu0 tm iUa fMiTlis buvst tw l.o pa.vt Red, or Blue check Urge size. 33x31 g nn Oood hard wearing Tvecda, amruo i Ins Dollar Day 5 towels lor ?XtUU sues to 14 years Q1 1Q 1 Dollar WMr Dap oaii pair , w , .. . v--A7 JA.MAKK TAPLE CLOTHS Eire &2xM inclies Dauask Table Cioliu aborted BQVS FOX SEIWSK I.ONO PANTS colored borders apd plain while Q-f All N)r "luc Pox Serge PanU. wlra Dollar Day. 2 for 3X.UU sire 8 to 12 years 04 PA Dollar Day Dalr Oi-Ov WtUTE FlANNlXpTTF - Oood quality plain White flapnclette 04 nn HOYS' IlLUi: TWILL P.INTS oft&fleery. pollar Dgy. 7 yards V.vU jood heavy cloth elastic aUt ban? - . 1 bottoms, sites 6 to II years 04 A(j i n Dollar Day, pair pl.UU U - n rrmts and Uress boods novs- blue coverall PRINTED SPAUVA TA.ITETA, lltiry blue twill cloth, red trlmmn An English (abrlc. 3$ Inches wide, guaranteed knee ,tte 4to 10 years SI 00 absolutely fast colors, several new design to Dor Day 9XVV DoiUrDay.ayardMor rr, , S1.00 ?AUU WVS' V-NECK SWEATERS iioy.V pure Wool V-Neck Sweaim. hi,, PLAIN SPARVA TAH ETA brown tees 32 aivd 34 Q4 A A 36 Inche. wjde absolutely fast color In shades Dollar Day, each ?.UU A yellow, green, blue, rose, mauve, scarlet. BOYS V-MCK snrvriKS srcaaL si-oo sjpsr 5Qc checks and floral OUgns. best ea nn our OX.UU broadcloth, sizes 8 to 18 years CQ quality; DolUr Day, yards for Mflr D";,Tch ' " PRINTED OKflANDIES HOYS' SHIRT WAISTS Ai2r!" "n ,aJt ruin and Ifiped brSZ good . for. 81,00 K'jggg'-" 59c A hi. J'nf" FAST, CL?U rU,NTS CHILDREN'S BATIUNq SUITS from; rKii DolUr Dy. I WS yards ! Ch0OS for SI .UU 00 ,,"rB thInR sulta. assorted 7Q M CPtor!, zci 24 and u only, fftt.h (I roup I 5 Towel for ITRKUSJi TQWKLS Samples and run of the mill at real bargain prices $1.00 Group II 4 Towels for $1.00 Oroup III 3 Towels for 1.00 . ..... l--L..JU.U II J J..1.JUI I 1.. J"" RAILROADERS WIN SOFTBALL Defeated, Junior EJks by 9 to 4 Score Nfgt Tle Canadian National Rccrea-Uon juocltlo last night took, the measurekhe junior Elks soft-bill frarh coming' dqt on the1 long end of a 9-4 score In a City League fixture. The Railroaders got away to a good start In the first inning, running In three men, but, by the fifth Inning, the antlered herd had tied the ccore three all. However, the C. N. R. A. scored two men In the slkth and two more In the eighth while their opponents only scored ! once more Horton was. gqpd for the p. N. R A. while Naylor playtfd oh air tight game for the Junior Elks. Batteries were: C. N. R. A.. Tobey and Budlnlch; Junior Elks. Arney and M organ. ' ' , Standing o( league to date: 11 L. Pet. Qrolu 2 0 1JD00 O. N. U. A. I j Jan Junior Elks 2 ,,33 Legion Q i ourt socceSW JR. LEAGUE The schedule drawn up for the spring season f as follows: June 1 Borden-vs. High. June 5 Booth vs. Higli June 8 Booth $, Burdu June 12-Hlgh vs. Btn " June. 15 High vs. Boon. June 19- Borden vs hV 1 June 22 High vs Mori' ' GROTTO TAXI 456 Tluee Cars a your wrvicr Bert Morpan r,iop, Bud Harric