PAflE FOIW g- . . . 601 200 Youths Iiorxi FOOTBALL TttE daily news 1 . . GYPSY LIFE IGANTIC IS PROBLEM The PEOPLES STORE Ltd. Lieut, Cot. S. D. Johnston Gives Interesting Account of ICerent Tour Through State We are closing out all broken lines in our various shoe departments at prices that YOU CANNOT HELP HIT BUY. FOR THREE DAYS ONLY! As These Lines Are Limited, Would Advise to Shop Early JUST A FEW OF OUR "GIVE AWAY" PRICES Women's White Pum Straps and G.xfurds in plenty i vmety M.'.'y b'oken sizes 0-i70 Qi QQ To clear 1. 0 Pairs of Women 5 black. B:wri and Suede. Pump.v Ties ar.d Sra:- in various heels Values $5 50 To clear SCHEDULE Jane 3 Young Liberals vs. Regiment. Jane 6 Canadian Legion vs Resdment. June 10 Young liberate vs. Canadian Legion Taxi 99 The latest In motor transportation 3 CAR SERVICE Stan Moran, Proprietor MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Stay young and let your friends admire you. Sleep on a Slumber King spring and spring tilled mattress. They are built for sleep. I'hone 775 Third Ave. CO CT5 S1.69 I g CO CT5 U3 ro V Island; John Wacyk, Edmonton; M. Clark. Terrace; Charles Thomas, Vancouver. Ryal J Sutherland, Vancouver. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates J1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 21 P.O. Box 198 Bs trruKUt w?umimxKmtux --.ii.Tvi rrantrarwt uruw-n a Get Your Oil Burner Wicks at GORDON'S HARDWARE We ar now carrying a large stock of ready made wicks and Mens rilarc nnc Brown Oxfords in up u date 'vte. 90 pxir to choose from T c 14.1 Meis Spor. - oxfoicls fawn ana b:ack & uh:: the mir.ut.-s yles T' clt-ax 'MRS MEN'S STORM KING GUM BOOTS In Goodrich, Gutta Percha. Dominion makes, highest grades possible. Sizes 6, 16, 11 and IS. To clear MEN'S, BOYS' AND YOUTHS' RUNNING SHOES 420 Pairs Running Shoes of all descriptions. To clear - 69c up Boys irom 87c up Mens from 1 Si wteklnVfor the Imperial Oil Burner as well as cut w'lcklng for : ftthflr: wick -using oil burners, both for fuel oil and distillate. sxiiais.ii'SjmBitsrara S1.98 :n b' wn & Real up $2.85 $4.37 1 WOMEN'S TENNIS AND RUNNING SHOES SPECIAL Prs. White. Fawn and Brown Oxfords and Straps with plain or colored trimmings, wtih heels or without Greatest variety to choose Trbnx Values to $2.00. To clear 78c I 99c I op THE CUT RATE SHOE STORE Hotel Arrivals Steamship Sailings Prince Rupert j W. G. Mitchell. Oceanic: W. B. Wetmore. . A. Tate. D. J. Mulr. D.I jC. Scott and A. Sutherland, Van-j jcouver; H. L. Gray, PenUcton; F. W. Budd. Montreal; T. W. S. Par-, sons. Victoria; H. McDonald, Stew-: art; M. W. McKenale. Karnloop; j A. Bemer. Telxwa; Miss M. C. Poh-, nert, Anchorage; A. Watt, C. N. R.; j B. A. Latta. Edmonton; S. J. Mayer, tSmithers. J. M. Cave, Vancouver. Knox Thomas J. Nason. ettjr; S. Raymond, Prince Oeorje; B. Winston. Burns Lake. Savoy J L. "Brash and P. Patterson, Surf Point Mine; Jack Bennett, Porch er or Vanconvei Tuesday Catala 1:30 pjn. Thurs. ss. P. Rupert 10:30 pjn. Friday ss. Prtn. Adelaide 10 pin. Ss. Cardena midnight May 14, 24 ss. Pr Louise 5 pjn. from Vancouver Sunday ss. Catala 4 pjn. Wed.. Pr. Rupert 10 pjn. Friday. Prin. Adelaide 4 pui Ss. Cardena pa. Aiay iu, 20 . pr. ixiuue . ajn. For Anyox and Stewart- Sunday ss. Catala ... 8 pjn. Wednesday ss. P. Runert 4 pjn. From Anyox and Stewart- Tuesday ss. Catala ...11:30 ajn. Thursday ss. Pr. Rupert 8 pjn. ror Naas Klver and Port Simpson- Sunday ss. Catala 8 pjn. rom Naas River & Fort Simpson Tuesday ss Catala 11:30 ajn. or Queen Charlotte Islands May 10 and 24 ss. P. John 10 djh. 'im Queen Charlotte Islands-May 8 and 22 ss. Pr. John ajn. or Ocean Falls Thurs. as. P. Rupert 10:30 pjn. Friday i Prin. Adelaide 10 pjn from Ocean Falls Wednesday ss. P. Rupert 10 ajn. Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide Ss. Cardena From Skeema Kirrr Friday 15. Cardena For Alaska-May 10. 20 ss. P. Louise BASEBALL pjn. pjn. pjn. ajn. SCHEDULE May 31 Legion vs. Bora of Canada. June 4 Sons of Canada vs. Elks. June 7 Elks vs. Legion. June II Rnnc nt Hiniita v T S gion. 3, June 14 Elks vs. Sons of Canada jj June 18 Legion vs. Elks. 2 June 24 Grotto vs. Canadian Legion. . .. 3. Try a Dally News classified ad. Before the Rotary Club luncheon yesterday. Ueut. Col. S. D. Johnston tare a very Interesting and racy account of a recent trip to California in which he and hi companions travelled 0,300 miles including a visit to Mexico and j Nevada. Southward they took the Interior route, ret'imlng by the coast 1 Among tke things mentioned was the ease with which gardening was carried on In the south. Evidently ill that was necessary there was to throw a few seeds on the ground I and nature did the rest He found I gardening in Prtnee Rupert much, more complicated and Interesting.' ! In many of the stores nearly all jthe goods offered for sale were of (Japanese manufacture. In Mexico :he country was flooded wtth Euro-i pean goods. English woollens and j other materials bctng In great demand by United Slates visitors, the import duty into Mexico being much lower than in the States. I The gypsy life that is developing. J Col Johnston said, was creating a j problem in the United States A race of drifters was being developed and around the cities were I huge Jungles and each Inhabitant I had a car. Sometimes the side of I '.he car was one of the walla of the 'temporary abode. I In Mexico the roods were bad and recent rains made driving dangerous. They took in the usual sights in that country. Boulder Dam proved an Interesting place to visit. Many of the workmen at that place rode to work to two-decker buses carrying from 150 to 200 men. The work of the C. C. C In which young men 18 to 28 years of age were employed In. forestry and other work at a monthly salary of $30 with food and clothes was also men-; tloned. A touch -of the wild west was seen In Las Vegas, Nevada, some of the characters being typical westerners of which he had read but up to that time bad never seen. At the conclusion. President J J LitUe thanked Mr Johnston for his address, BOWLING SCHEDULE: June 10 No. 1 vs No. 2. No. 3 vs No. 4. June 12 No. S ts. No. . No. 7 vs. No. 8. June 14 No. 9 vs. No. 10. No. 1 vs. No. II. June 17 No. 2 vs. No. 3. No. 4 vs. No. 5. June 19 No. 6 ts. No. 7. No. 8 vs. No. 9. Jsx 21 No. 10 vs. No. 11. No. 1 vs. No. 3. June 24 No. 2 vs. No. 4. No. 5 vs. No. 7 June 26 No. S vs. No. 8. No. 9 vs. No. U. June 28i-Na 1 vs. No. 10. No. 2 vs. No. 5. July 1 No. 3 vs. No. 8. No. 4 vs. No. 7. July 3 No. 8 vs. No. H. No. 1 vs. No. 9. July 5 No. 2 vs. No. 6. No. 3 vs. No. 1. July 8 No. 4 vs. No, 8. No. 5 vs. No. 9. Jul 10 No. 8 vs. No. 10. No. 2 vs. No. 11. July 12 -No. 1 vs. No. 4. No. 3 vs. No. 5. July 15 No. 6 ts. No. 9. No. 7 vs. No. 10. July 17 No. 1 vs. No. 8. No. 4 vs. No. 11. July 19-No. 2 vs. No. 9. No. 3 vs. No. 10. July 22 No. 1 vs. No. 8. No. 5 vs. No. 8. July 24 No. 4 vs. No. 10. No. 2 vs. No. 7. July 2-NO. 3 TS. No. 11. No. 7 vs. No. 9. July 29No. 1 vs. No. 5, No. 4 vs. No. 6. July 31-No. 2 vs. No. 10. ., No. 3 vs. No, 8. Aug. 2 No. 7 vs. No. 11. No. 4 vs. No. 9. Aug, 5 No. 6 vs. No. 11. No. 5 vs. No. 10. Aug. 7 No. 2 vs. No. I. No. 3 vs. No. 9. Aug, No. 3 vs. No. 11. No. 1 vs. No. 7. Aug,. 12 No. 8 vs. No, 10 ' Personnel of Rinks The personnel of rinks Is as fol- SPECIALS for Saturday and Monday Only Hosiery Servio? f9c Crepe . f5c & i5c Chiffon 05c Rayons per pr. 29c 4 pair ... $1.00 Sockeos, 2 pr. 15c Children's and Olrls' Cotton Stockings, fawn and black 1 " 1 Tarns ft Caps, nearest colors at 19c Lingerie Beautif il Larr Trimmed Satin up, watte phand 183 Lowly Crepe de Chene Hot timmrci adusi- abw shoulder strap full length $1.39 8a Un Teddies tti peach and (tt dH white Oi.UD Crepe Je Chene Ted dies, peich and whire Blouses Dre sses 5tilp-d Taffetas love M-r-- 25 PQ Crepe and Waffles in vltUS " the latest designs :";" .; si.98 Silcujir.-: aft Tailored out of the finest. 8a- Sa'i M S3.50 , 81.85 KNITTKI) SUITS, i . . : ; Two anl J piece style Prints fancy and Bramble eluding : : tttiits. !n an asortmen bluh ,,r - ,v of colors ar,d CO "Q ."i.30. 6.50, 7JS0 up Maybu- .D Just Arrived From Montreals Largest Manufacturers New Desipn Sand IntcrSize nrosses and Crepes Ennble The newat and prettiest d- Jr Q flC Mgns in fine aand weave J.J7 sPU.JDj 22,Z S8.95, $10.95 S2.95 and $3.79 -rr3-, The Ulest In House Dresses SP8 Coals Tree Bark T -edi. Monotone 70 Tweeds. Nubbed Tweed and IJK- Broken Cbeck and Plaids - Alo plains in cord cloth and Suede Taffeta Princess In white pink and peach. W.o, U.J.J, Lace trimmed and adjusUbie (7 QC CO Qr hould-r strap )(Jt)t QJtJ 98c, $1.05, $1,19 f.IT YOFRS sow Silk Knit Bloomers UNDERWEAR 69c. 59c 49c, 29c Mesh Underwear in pink and t white Several vyles U chtxm- Linen Th( Cloths "m 1JL 49c Owl st SJ.10 and $2.39 Xffdi-jm 'nd '.ire SWSBrBSSCKraSSSWaBSWK9BSSflBSflSSSMSSfSEBXKVrSSS &g skip: Mail Orders Attended To Promptly lows, last named in each case he No 1 F. Vlckers. J. II. MeLeod A. R. Nichols, D. Borland. ; No. 2 A. J. Webber, R. E.James, P. Lakkv J. J. Little. ' No. 3R, Gammon. A. T Parkin. W. H. Tobey. O. Woodland. No. 4 J.S IrTtne. 8.D Maodon-ald, W. II. Wilson-Murray. L Ar-roll. No. 5 F. A. MacCuUum, T Mc-Meekln, II. W. Birch, J Watson. ' No. 6 F. A. Roger. E Dlekman. P. 8. Walton. J. Frew. No. 7 O. Crerar, W. Ooatea,- R, M. Wloalow. D. MMPhee NO. 8 II. T. Oros. W Millar. F Dlbb. P. Tinker. No. 9W. D. Vance, Stev? King R. E. Reason, J. Preece. No,. 10 J. M. CampbaJL T Mc- cirroont,,J. w. Donald. MaAuley;. A. Me- No. 11 A. O. Aves. 8. Painter. J. Boyd. O. Hill. Helping millions to END COLDS SOONER The r SWAGGER SUITS To fit the matron hort three-quarfr tyies Beautifully ored As low $5.95 $7.9i) $9.95, $11.95, $13.95 up Be sure and see treir R;v gains as the quantity : Saturday only Twin ? renter Sets $2.39 Insist on "GRANTS BEST PROCURABLE" The Orlilnl W IU l an m tlrct (mt tr4l lwf f . r, t .MlrJ Basra, SIT tUmltf !Mrf. 1 B-l This advertisement is not published or displayed b Control Board or the Government of British t d your paper does not arrive, telephone a Bir- r..-H A Large Asortmmt In girls' and women s Pu.. ut Coat Sweaters Rargins frorr, 95c up Men's. Women W. c Bathlnic RulU and Trui k- 95c up See Ou- Mm's Window For Values MERCHANDISE SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED ..Attr'l eoples Store i.t.MiTr.1) Third Avenue, Prince Rupert ts AGED BEST PRut L HAf MELLOWNESS I r , , U LJf. AND RICH 1 (nrw HIGHLAND MALT I T, j CONFIRM ITS f g 'u- .J'y ssaKssnssBsssssssssVsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss the offif