Today's Weather Prince Rupert - Cloudy. light southeast wind; barometer, 29.98; tempo1 e. 61; sea smooth. Vol XXI N quinu. lie was in receipt oi teie-prams and me-a of congratulations from all part of the world. Born at Madoc. Ont. In 1883. Dr. Da foe Is now fifty-two years of age Vote For Men In Relief Camps Is Asked in Petition OTTAWA. May 31: A petition ins been tabled In the House of C ommons by Angm Mclnnls. Labor member for Vancouver South, asking for an amendment to the Elections Act whereby men In unemployment relief camps may bo permitted to vote The petition, Mr Mrlnnls id. was signed by len 'housand persons. I r1 Today's Stocks tCuuiUi 8 tJ, Joht-Uwi Co ) Vancouver Alexandria. .01',. 11. C Nickel. J5 Big Missouri. .66. Dradlan. 2.10. Ilrnlornc. 6.10. H. R. Cons.. .03i. U. R. X. Oold. .09 Vi. Cariboo QuarU. 1.16. Dentonta. .41. OeorgU River. JOOYt-Oolconda, .27. Orange. .09 Vi. Mlnto. .14. Meridian. .074. Morning BUr. .094. National 8ilvcr. .04. " Noble Five. .08. Tend Oreille. .60. Purler Idaho, .10. Premier. 1.71. Ouesnel Quartz. .12. Reeves McDonald. .15 (akV Hcno. 1.62. Silver Crest. .01. Salmon Oold. .11. - '"' 5; Taylor Bridge. .17. Wayside. .154-Whitewater, .07. Wavcrly Tangier. 00ft. United Empire. .05. V Toronio , Central Patricia. 149. Chlbougamau, .19. Lee Oold, .05. Oranudn, .32. V ) Inter. Nickel, 28.15. ' Macass.'i, 1.05. '': Noranda, 39.W). Shcrrltt Gordon, .71. Slscoe, 2.81. Ventures, .00. Lake Maron, .05. Teck Hughes, 4.17. Sudbury Dasln. 1.45. Columarlo, .08Vi. Smelter Oold, .05'. Can. Matartlc, .58. Little Long Lac, 5.50. , Astoria Rouyn, .0314, Sladacona, .2214. Maple Leaf, ,08V. Pickle Crow. 2.53. McKcnzle Red Lake. 1.20. Ood's Lake, 1.40. Sturgeon River Gold, ,73. Ited Lake Oold Shore, .32. San Antonio, 3.58. , ' , TEACHERS Dournemouth Killing PRINC E RUPERT, B.C ., FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1935 Another Entrant in Maternity Sweepstakes Thi mu.arlu.. i t t a ahi.ur"o and hilr mother irm car of the it ug conVn-ders in Toronto - novfi maternity maraihun for the $500,000 cs it.- of Charles Vance Millar. The children w.-re all born to Mrs. Ambrose Harirson. Left to R sht in rear: Patricia, holding Dorothy; Mary and Wilfred. Centre row: Gloria. Madeleine. John and Theresa. Front row: Am. brose. James. Joseph. Anne. M Harrison, holding Paul and June. Young Chauffeur is n 1 . r . 1 Louisiana Oil Company Boosts Sentenced to Ueatn: Wages 5 Percent: Mercy Recommended NEW ORLEANS. May 31: The Standard Oil Co. of Louisiana an nounces a wage Increase of LONDON, May 31: (CP) -George Percy Stoner vasjfexas Qjgf Q found guilty by a jury oi ten men ana iwo women ai um Bailey today of murdering Francis Rattenbury, former deliberated for fifty minutes and, with its verdict , of iiviiicii rnlnmbia architect and land speculator. The jury intiltv brou cht in a recommendation for mercy. The pre-lpt Minister-souSht in con-j K idlng idlng Judge Judge imedlately Imedlately sentenced nection With Killing in Town ASK MORE iv.. ivrrrnt Increase In Effective September This Year Requested of Commissioner cent In present salaries efiectlve September 1 this year. In support of the request, the association points out that restoration of salary cuts and annual Increments has been In progress In , the young chauffeur to death but ; stated that he would bring the plea for mercy before the proper authorities. The Jury disregarded the plea on behalf of Stoner that he was Insane with drugs and Jeal- l ousy at the time. Salaries! 'Mrs. Alma Rattenbury, the wi dow, charged Jointly with Stoner. was acquitted on the murder charge and also on a second Indictment charging her with being an The Prince Rupeit Teachers' As-1 accessory to the killing. In his soclatlon has passed a resolution charge to the Jury, the Judge poin-nliraii. citv Commissioner W. ited out that It was necessary to show that Mrs. Rattenbury had J. Alder for an Increase of ten per-1 Halibut Arrivals nther nlaee for some time, that, American h rnt of living is steadily In- Betty. 15.000. and Visitor. creasing, that the provincial and Cold Storage, 6c and 5c frrirral services have been restor- . Canadian ilng salary cuts and that the flnan- Rejlef. 16,000. AtHn, 5.5c and 5c .clal standing- of the city is much Improved, counselled and suggested to Stoner to commit the murder. 7,000, now- Mother, 12,500, coia storage, s.oc and 5c Of Orange NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PARIS. May 31: (CP) Follow ing the resignation of Premier Pierre Flandin' i.i. raornin ed In the Chamber cf D'nulles on its demand for sweeping i r 'icil w th speculation and the outflow of gold from the country, Fcmand Bouisson, 60-year old president of the Chamber of Deputies, accepted the Premiership of France tolay an-t the task of waging the financial battle on behalf rf France. During a hecUc all-night ses sion of the Chamber, the minis- ! California State Police is Shot House Has Passed Budget 54 to 33 SACRAMENTO. Cai.. May. 31: The State Legislature by a vote of ORANGE, Texas, May 31: Police 54 to 33 passed the budget Involv- rt'nniit.. tVild n,,rr. chnf In? nn pst.!mtpd exnendlture of miles. Normaiidie Due Sunday Night At New York viuci un" o - - a a few Iew hours nours more more than man four lour days. nays. dead in the street Wednesday. A $339,000,000. The budget now goes The nt trans-Atlantic speed Baptist minister Is sought in con nection with the killing. MEN VOTE AGAINST RETURN TO CAMPS; MARCH TO OTTAWA . :i ! i VANCOUVER, May 31:-The ! ' result of the secret ballot of relief camp strikers on the question of returning to the camps was announced yester- , day afternoon, showing the , men to be opposed to return- j ing to the camps by a vote of 600 to 200. Instead, a mass f march to Ottawa Is now plan- ned, tentative arrangements being for it to commence on Monday. to the State Senate Baseball Scores American League St. Louis 10-0. Detroit 7-2.. New York 4-9. Washington 0-3. Cleveland 4-4. Chicago 8-0. Philadelphia 4-13, Boston. 7-8. National League Cincinnati 5-2. St. Louis .12-4. ' Chicago 6-1, Pittsburg 4-4. Brooklyn 3-0, New York 8-6. Boston 5-3, Philadelphia 11-9 George H. Arnold returned to the city on last night's train from Portland, Indiana, where he was called a few weeks ago on account of the Illness of his brother, Dr. Lucian H. Arnold, who died - sub sequently. LE HAVRE, France. May 31: The giant new French liner Nor-mandie. which sailed from here at 6:28 Wednesday evening for New York with 1070 passengers on board, should reach New York In record Is held by the Italian liner I Rex. VANCOUVER, May 31: (CP) Wheat was quoted at 80'8c on the local exchange today. FIVE CHILDREN ARE BURNED TO DEATH IN SUBURB OF TORONTO TORONTO. Mav 31: 1 Five children ranging i: Today's Tides High V-' - -U L 12:53 p:m. 19.1 It. Low 6:41 Am. .11 ft " 18.4 p.m. v 73 ft. (CP) in age from fifteen months to nineteen years were burned to death this morning when fire destroyed the home of Harry Scott at Alderwood on the outskirts of the city, Scott, his wife and one child escaped. . i PRICE: 5 CENTS HAS TERRIBLE EARTHQUAK E STONER FOUND GUILTY OF MURDER-WIDOW ACQUITTED DR. DAFOE BIRTHDAY I'hyiician to Famous Dionne Quintuplet! is Now Flfty-Two Years Of Age CALLANDER, Ont, May 31: CP Dr Allan Roy Da foe. physician to the famous Dionne quintuplets.! 'rlebrated his birthday Wednesday, the day after that of the1 . . i . i . . . . . i Twenty Thousand Reported Killed in Catastrophe in District North of Karachi MINISTRY DEFEATED Flandin Resigns With His Cabi net In France Fernand iAjuMn Atw Premier Many Other Thousands Injured While Numbers of Homeless Reach Huge Proportions Entire Communities I Wiped Out and Property Damage Enormous l Airmen and Officials Among Dead i KARACHI, India, May 31: (CP) In one of the most terrific catastrophes of modern times, twenty thousand : persons were killed early this morning by an earthquake centering on the native city of Quetta in northwestern India, according to reports received here todav. First ad- 11'ata AT O --l rr trn nf iima --l.rm4-T. 1L.'U1.. A. 1- 1 in's cabinet early nc'c A mcajjic iwiuic, iiiuicaiiug uurty mousanu after being defeat- aead' but more detaUs are begin- mug to graauaiiy come in, aescno-ing a frightful holocaust which, In addition to the enormous mortal toll, left other thousands injured and hundreds of thousands homeless while property loss Is enor mous, complete cotamunitles being " enUrely wiped out. It Is probable Premier MacDonald's Resignation that later advices may increase the. In Hands of King, Tis Sair; number of fatalities. I Acceptance Deferred Forty-four attaches' of the Royal Air Force airdrome at Quetta. ln-! LONDON, May 31: It Is repor- . . . . J .1-- . , , -ter- f finance T-tnedtrtlrHwl"WK" wtl,u Pil"'te-.iaueQ..A u teiignaiipn oi rnme wfiich Premier Flandin who cof-7IncssaSe Teeetved-tonlghrTrom the Minister J. Ramsay MacDomtld is f t Onptra tr'IroToco etif!tn ' , i Quetta wireless station lapsed during the debate, ten dered the resignation of the VANCOUVER PARK TO BE NAMED IN HONOR OF LATE FRANK HART A move is on foot in Vancouver to name one of the parks of that city after the late Frank W. Hart of this city, one of Vancouver's earl- away here recently. The sug- gestion has been made by the 1 city archivist to the Vancou- , ver Parks Board by which Ave i body It was considered favor- r i.. ,5iv ic nScrmrflivl Wnmnn is 1-VppiI Two P"cent tor M employees receiving' ably a few days ago. ii Mca of Insanit J is Disregarded W oman is 1 tccu nn on iwo. under 5m a yeaf n order to meet Indictments in Connection ith Sensational the higher cost of living. Z FORMING CABINET estimated already in the hands of the King that twenty thousand persons had but will not be formally accepted been killed at that point alone, until such time as Rt. Hon. Stan-The dead In Quetta Include a num- J ley Baldwin has formed his new ber of government officials. ! cabinet which may take a few The native city, railway station days, and civil government offices were In well informed quarters it is destroyed In a sericss of three vlo- Intimated that Mr. MacDonald will lent shocks. Four out of every five take over the post of Lord Presl-of the population between Quetta dent of' the Council now held bv and Kalat, one hundred miles to Mr. Baldwin and that Sir John SI-the south, are reported to have mon, contrary reports nothwUh-been killed. Every building In the tanding. will continue as foreien area was either destroyed or ser- minister. iously damaged. j . The earthquake shocks were so strong that even birds were thrown j from their nests. Quetta is 540 miles north of I Karachi and Is the. capital of Brl-j tlsh Baluchistan with an area of more than five thousand square Caledonia Synod Sessions to Be Held Next Week Annual meetings of the synod of the Anglican diocese of Caledonia will open here next Wednesday with clergy from til parts of the diocese in attendance and the bishop, Rt. Rev. O. A. Rix D.D presiding. Rev. F. H. Wilkinson, rector of Christ Church Cathedral, Vancouver, will preach at the opening service on Wednesday morrt Ing. The synod will continue In session for a couple of days. SIX DIE IN EXPLOSION Mysterious Blast in Downtown New York Building Many Injured NEW YORK, May 31: Six per- I sons were killed and some twenty Injured In a mysterious explosion which virtually destroyed ' a large i brick building at the corner of Twenty-First Streit . and Third Avenue. Assistant Commissioner T. W. S. Parsons, provincial police, returned to the city on ths Prince Rupert last evening after having made the round trip north from Victoria to Anyox and Stewart. From here he will proceed on the Princess Alice tomorrow morning to Atlln and Telegraph Creek districts on an official tour. ill a.- i 1 ''4 S I