Friday. May 31, 1935 WALLACE'S Stock-Reducing Sale Phone !) Yard Goods Specials SATURDAY, JUNE 1 Print The latest patterns, aU fast 1 Qp x colors, 36 inches wide: yard Curtain Nets 30 Inches wide 16C per yard Cream Curtain Voile-frills, 2 yards for -With colored Beach Cloth In pink, white, blue, natural and green, per yard ' ... Printed Pique In all the latest patterns, per yard Ja: Cotton Crepe -Various colors 7 yards for FOR SALE 25c 29c 39c Plaid Olnghams In an alluring 9Qf selection of colorings, per yard " Check "Olnghams For curtain or dress purposes, in green, yellow, rose and 9 fin blue. 38 inches wide; per yard Printed Broadcloths In attractive patterns, per yard All Silk Hat Crepe Assorted colors h?avy quality, per yard 29c 85c S1.00 Unbleached Sheeting- 72 ins. wide Q-f A A J UU nice even weave; 3 yards for ? Srnd'vv Cloths Assorted patterns 2 yard for 81.00 White Flannelette Nice, quality; 7 yards for Silk Curtain Nets 3 yards for P. How Slips Hemstitched 5 for Early Ad. Copy is appreciated soft Check Nainsook For underwear, etc pink or white, per yard Plain Colors in Dress Voiles per yard . Angel Skin Suede Taffeta Several shades; 2 yards for Primed Silk Rayons In attractive patterns, 3 yards for Cot top. Filled Confort-rs- 80x72 ni-e clean patterns, rach Window Shades Cream or green complete. 36x72. each Check Glass Cloths Red or blue check. 5 for Lot 3. B. 9, S. It and unprpvemsnts . . SliDO.OO Lot 13, B. 22, S. 5. and improvements 45O00 Lot 4J56, R. 5, CD., unimproved,. Crown Granted, 130 acres 125 DO Lot 1, B. 3, S. 1, and Improvements 200.00 Lol'4."B. 27, S. 5, and Improvements 2500 Lots 9 it 10, B; 15. S. 7. and improvements. Chas. Veas Estate - 5O0JB0 N E. V Lot 3063. Aiyamh (153 acres) and improvements Wlntermute Estate 100.00 Lot 3053, Alyansh 103 acres) 8 acres eieared and ir. hay. Wm. Stewart Estate GOOjOO Lots 5 & 6, Blk. 43, Sec. 6. ind Improvements, including contents, Ida Ramsay Estate . 5O0j00 Lot 1045, R. 5, CD. (19 acres) and improvements. Terrace &50.00 Blk. 3, SI of D.L. 1099, R. 5, CD 4 acres) Terrace 100D0 OFFICIAL ADMINISTRATOR. Salvation Army Self-Denial Campaign The Salvation Army's Self-Denial campaign has been launched for 1935. Your assistance during prosperous times and In the years of adversity has enabled us to carry on. The need is as great as ever. The results rest with you. Don't withhold your support. Whether Little or Much, GIVE air t ' j . : 4,.. . ,; , Baden. Powell Boy Scouts and others who have volunteered to' assist will call on you this week wearing official collectors' ribbons. 1.00 S1.00 19c Third & Fulton 19c 5 S1.00 S1.00 S1.00 Plaid Flannelette Blankets 70x81. in blue. rose, green and gold Cf) ne very special, pair Krinkle Bedspreads Cream ground with stript s of blue, green, gold or Q-f HT rne each S2.45 75c 1 ,j White Turkish Towels With rose a-. : ?n.-; Ra'-on Satins-Light and dark shades OCp stripe. 40x22, heavy Quality O-f An 36 Inches wide: per yard OOK, 2 ror A.VU Printed Velvets-In four designs nQp Kr-rh Rods-Gold Seal pTnn 3S inches wide: per yard 1 UK 4 for i.lfU Serrr and Other Dress Goods- CI Afj J Suede Taffeta WaisU -New styles CJ1 ftft 3 yards for ?AUV aborted Krv each Vj.UU Figured Pure SUk Crepe de Ch-ne QOp wnute Washable Handbags Q- Jtc re?, value SI. 75 yard; per yard "" novelty styles; each v.a.Tw Today's Veather KITCHEN With a New Ceiling Electric Light Fixture Unit C-l yfq Complete . . VA4" Hdt'PJates 1.75 Kaien Hardware B 4 HI 5i a n l "I l ! Dead Tree Point Part cloudy, fresh southerly wind: barometer. 30.06; temperature. 57; sea choppy. Triple Island Cloudy light southwest wind; sea smooth. Lang ra Island Raining, fresh southerly wind; sea choppy. Terrace Part ckvidy. west wind. 52. Any Raining, calm. 48. SVewartr-Ckwdy. calm. 48. Mrs. George Arsemau. who was called to the city a few weeks ago on account of the death of her father, the late Wilfrid Gratton. ;il!ed by the Prince Rupert last 'Tight on her return to Vancouver.! MODERNIZE . YOUR T1IE DAILT NETTS Thursda CAMPAIGN IS CLOSED Sum of $30,000 Plrdjed to Employ mrnt Service Committee In Work in City The employment service campaign ended yeatetday when Uw objective of $50,009 was reached in pledges of work to be done during ; the present summer. The canvas of the city h completed and the exact amount atmod at has been secured. The comraHtee. headed by J. J. Little, is naturally rather pleased' to think its efforts have been sue-1 "cessful and consldcable benefit to the city should result WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Delayed again by having had heavy freights to dreharge at way-points. C. P. R. steamer Princess Adelaide, Capt. S. K. Oray, is due in port at 10:30 tonight from the south and will sail an hour or so later on a special voyage to Ketchikan with passengers she is bringing from the south. The vessel will be back here tomorrow afternoon returning south. On the King's birthday. Jut 3. j the post ojftee wickets will be open from 8 ajn. U 12 noon. The putoUc 'lobby will be open from 8 Un. to 8 pjn $1.00 i Mail Schedule wr the Last Mondays. Wednesdays and rr days -JL 4:30 pn rom the East-Tuesday. Thursdays nd Salu days 10:15 p.n i'r Vancouver Mondays (train) 4:30 pjt Tuesday ....... 2:M pji Wednesdays (train! . 4:3C pp. Thursdays 9:20 pw Friday . It pm May 6, 14 and 24 4 pm rom Vanroutrr 3unday j, 4 pm ruexlay 1 train 10:15 pm Wednesday 10 ajn T Thursday 'tjalnl 10:15 Friday 4 pjn Sa'urdiy ftraln) 10:15 pm May 2, 10 and 30 ajn 'or Anyox and Steward Sunday 7 pm Wednesday 3 pm rom Anvot and Stewart Tuesday .. H:30 an Thursday 8 pm i'or Naa Itlver na Port Simpson-Sunday . ... pjt lom Naaj River and Port Slmpo Tuesday, 11:30 an 1 We wish to announce that the REGAL SHOP is now established in their new home next door to the Bulkley Market. We should like to take this opportunity to thank our customers lor their loyal support during the past two years and trust that we shall be favored with your continued support In our new store FUR COATS We have just received the largest and finest assortment of Ladies' Fur Coats ever received in our history. These coats are the last word in design shown in Canada's largest centres. You arc invited to come and inspect the same. Goldbloom The Old Reliable In Koop GOING with 2 for BETTER BRAN FLAKES TaraT yonr sppetite to genu ine bran flVci. Crip deli cioui flakes of wheat with enough extra bran to be mildly laxative. Kellofg't PEP Ilrsn FlaVes are truly better bran flsle. Packed with nourishment. AI ways criip and ready to eat with milk or cream. Sold by all rTocrrt. Made by Kellogg in London. Ont. PEP stiM ruin ECONOMY SPECIALS .More Value For the Same Money MAC'8 DE8T CiT OKLKS BtANH. Una, HAPI'Y VVL PKAiS- 2 Uru MUS6ALLBM8 ECONOMY Butter, Firsi gra 10, 3 ib 8NOWCAP PlLCHAaD8- l's. UU. 2 tins ... HAPPYVALE PICKLES - Sweet. Sour or Mustard per bottle . QUAKERP HEALTH BRAN Large, per pk PURE ONTARIO HONEY 2t4-lb. tin ASHCROFT CATSUP 26 oss.,' each SHAKER SALT - IMDLKS ORAPBfRUIT Talis, per tin ...r PEANUT BUTTER Bulk 2 lbs. CALIFORNIA PRUNES Fresh Stock. 3 lbs. OYAL YORK CARBOLIC SOAP, per cake MANYFLOWERS TOILET SOAP. 4 cakes FRFSH RHUBARB 10 lbs. 25c 27c 85c 27c Quarts. 33c 23c 36c 20c 15c 23c 23c 25c 5c 25c 25c Ml FreMi . Trulls ir Vecetal.lrs at Reduced Triers TICKS 1 1 FRUITS : VKOKTAIII.S At Reduced Prices MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Where Dollar Have More Crnl" P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 er WMcwin o am nxKtats smzm II. .1. ZITMKKflK Fully Equipped and Experienced Chimney Sweep Authorized certificates Issued with each chimney cleaned Call or Telephone Thompson Hardware DRAMA AND MUSIC TOO Jran Harlow and William I'ohcII Score Hit In HUekless." Their First Co-Starring film "Reckless," which comes to the (.apt 101 Tneaire mis week-end is the story of a beautiful blonde dancer who rUt from a ba-k-country carnival dancer to the gni-den lights of 11 road way a darning star who becomes a nattm-wtdc sensation, who marries a playboy with millions, who capture socjrt) (by her charm. Jean Harlow is the' ' girl and Wllttam Towell is co stai ,nd with her. ' The girl becomes tangled in front ' page sensationalism through the suicide of her husbanri 8h- tight ' for her name and for her child In the background It one man vhj hu always loved her and understood her and who come. to her J rescue. I Miss Harlow, as the torch mi -r ;and dancer, appears for tli f r.t ,Ume as a singing and rianrin yxi 'in cuualin muttca! tiumbci j WUIUm Iowell plays thr vi ' I the promoter of everything f T flea circuses to betrded wriler Franchot Tone is the million. are playboy wh" vin Mi Hari'iW-hrt and whose suicidal art drag1 hor from the pedos'al uf fam Uie mad of scandal. In thi- ci : arr included iu-h 4r-pf'ndablc players as Ma I!"bvii who nlays Miss Harlw ttum: ' molhr: Ti HUv mi-; Na' r ndleUui. who sun4 Uif ma,"i liv uf Ihr humor; Rn-iliurl H i wU retnoinhered on thr New Y ik sat: little Mlckrr Rooms .ml Henry U hrnvjo. wlv 1x4:1,. ITjcm's fatfasr J Thr Di-tur Ititrnducr-, ffiur lively musical numbers. In all of which Miss Harlow anpoars inirr o- dancer Tbrse arr Rf-k: III Diddle Dee Du-n'.hint's IWd flotv I)rfr and j Hear What My Heart is Rvnr: ' C N. It. TRAINS nr the fsiU. Mmdf. Wrdnelays and frl dav . J JO pm rn1 thr Fal Tuvwtay. Thursdays and Ritur navs in 13 pm 7 Ma ?, Fun's on the Loose! Thrills Fly IIirt! MctrrGol(iMn.M uuie you vvitl Kiant muHiral melodrama! Otl et for Hov lama of a iw, ., DlddU De Dl,r ne neon p., s ee O'amorous J , dance to glut . cadero!" Srr RHeyH amar. . Set the fight , Hunt Club' B e See the chirr- H ear a Onsttfor Jr., ing and dan.-.i,, t," caderof ' WILLIAM POWELL HARLOW 'Reckles s H?r JtJfi 11 tr lowd'iati h'-i' ii Mae i"Hal!t'-i . M K neyt Hear A v t enarlon! vlortoua 'on; Jerome K-"- ody master'' ami Tin: si rrniiTi.Nf. CAST 1$ A III MM I It KKANCIIOT TONE "The Btn L May Holon Tctl Hcaly Nat Pendleton yVitu:'' t: TOMOIIT and STlRtI TWO Months for ONE In order to stimulate memlrhip ir ur K Library during th sumnifSr icnson aubsTii ti 1- Members are enUUed ui one tiork only, whli n.. changed as often as convenient 2 Where 2 books are required for one home the reuU one month subwrtpUon will be 3125 fur two book AtMttlnnal tank ma h iwntMl at the rttfUUr fit'' of the price of the book for one week or portion 4 -Rental is payable in advance. Charge acooun's ram ened for library rentals. 5 Commencing Autust first aU rtnUls wul be made t i the first day of the month. Proper adjustment to n rcqutrrmrnt will be a minted with aU sttbserjbrr ft. -MnWrllMtra aim rmmnilhlr far rMlSanahlc Care ' SfflNGQLEEN Th" standard of quality amony Browns. Reds, Black , Orceni. Qrev. White In 5-gallon cans Oriento Oil Shingle Stain (container JU5 and J1J0 fallen in tho month of June will receive Two Months Membership For 75c This is your opportunity to do pome excellent read-inj?. Two months for 73c. Join NOW! New Rules and Regulations tiif urn of bKks In proper condition. Take advantage of the Special Summer Kate. Kffcc-tivc durinj; the month of June only. 7fc for 2 inonlns Over 300 latest novels to choose from. Tu-my to thirty new ones added every month. eMaeSnsMd -aaB ;r.S SMI SJJS gl eilr) PHONE 3 THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. liH