May 31. IMS g ! - . .1 Ji THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVBi" !J-J Want Ads TheMarketsir .? mx Ktsun iK2 is su- it ji i s km xmsn miMtrtKiugMTmnt. . m mi u mi iiriiiiiii its i FOR SALE Annette's June AU-. ary Sale $7k Ajnlv . N-wi office. M ,vP t-ft with us for ie) ii 4'H ip Osa' with Htm a. r- Price $12 50 WraUjftils finishing tf PAINTERS j PAINTING na PapcrUngln; j M iJcr. Phone Red 802. I COME TO Dunn's Cottages and Tents f " holiday on famous North H a h River and sea bathing. B ' for hire Fishing and i i i 1 1 k Open air badminton. . k golf. Dancing. Diniaf "tn Oood plain cooking. '! .ids moderate For partlcti- MRS, DINS' Sanran River Near Masw ii bc COAL! COAL! Cur Famous Ed ton. Alberta and L-.tley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisaction. Try a t ;n of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We s!sr sell Timothy Hay. Wheat. , OaU and Uarler. j- ! Prince Rupert Feed Co. j 58 Phones M FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Systematic Service Efficient & systematic service is the best and most economical. OUR SERVICE RECORD will show complete record ol all repairs made and all parts replaced A copy of this record returned with all seU serviced by- SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC Phone Blue 320 1 Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 I 5 Sacks COAL 1 Sack Kindling $2.50 Cash A Daily News Want-Ad. j will get what you want. French Style TO those (revellers wlio know rural frtcet, tfitre comet tt Wirt ont luppy memory the pot of vesetebit soup simmering In every Fundi firm kouit. Hie worn wootd eed tke teste won end yon wondered tf you could ever be Mtitfied wltn other loupt, But now, Royel City Kitchens offer you the tmt uyof end Unj end test by the skillful blending of 17 different vegetable la true French style without fete of ?sy kind. Royel City VcieUblc Soup miy be uted for teled. Faster Way Now to Relieve Neuralgia - DISCOVERY 'ALSO EASES BAD HEADACHES -MUSCULAR PAIN OFTEN IN FEW MINUTES nemember Ibe ptctnres below ben Vfiu want oaf relief from ' satin. Aspirin mmi even bad headarite w oeuralipa often in a few tninutesj An Atnitin labi! I wains "tukioa bold' T ymr pain prariiraiiy a w( im you itwVrw ii. Ami Atpmn it $mlr For Atpirin durt ml harm the htart. n.emtmbcr thee two points: Atpirin Sprrd and Atpirin Suftty. And. tee tint yuu get ASPIltlS, the mrthnd dodor 1 ptnaibt. It is made in Canada, and ell druggists have it. Look for tbe name Mayer in the form f crow on every Aif-irin tablet Get tin of 12 tablets or eeo-nomical bottle fcf Ut or 1U) tablets. Why Aspirin Works So Fast rrD n AiDltil ttttn m tw 0 U. tt & BE- RRE it lauchn Hit bottom. K Is dttinU- IN1SICONDS ST STOPWATCH An AipVMi taMH tmt to MM gnu and at """k. Wlut hsprma la Umc fan iNUWrra in yourttomach ASrlrlN tiWrll start "tatunc hti4" ot pun a lew minute afttr Ukinc. Wtien in Pain Remember These Pictures 'TILLIF. THE TOILER" Re tali prices current here are a i JJ 'follows: I JJ E g " U.q Fresh, Extra, Qrade A Urge. cartoned, oz. I X Iocal pew lal4, iwt .. Qradfc A, Mourns, do? 23 U Freh PaVeUfc do 2t Applet Winesap. faney wrapped, 8 lbs. .25 Box - 2.75 Yellow Newtons;- faney wrapped 3 lbs 2 Box 2-7? i Frultt I Outdoor Mnuoarb, !b. 'Lemons, doz. 15c to iQrapges, dez, 2J& to B E in Lettuce. Cal.. head 10c to .13 M .... jjiS Grapefruit, Cal, each, 5c to .. .G!b firanefruit. Florida, each 10c to .IS l .if uanaias, in . b Atatrelfctn Pears, 4r to ... Australian Grape. !b. ... - Butter Fancy cartoned lb ffo. Creamery. 3 lb? .35 3 .82 R Lard Pure. lb. 9 Vegetables Sweet PoUtoe, lb 10 Potatoe. Nq, 1 Terrace. 12 lbs. 2 Back 1?? Ashcrof L 12 lbs. .25 Sack 1.75 New Potatoes, Cal.. 2 lbs .25 Oreen Onions, 2 bunches .05 Onions. Auit., lb. .05 Garlic, Imported, per lb. - J5 (Cabbage. Calif., per lb. 8c to 10 ; Cauliflower, Cal., 20c to 21 j Parsley, bunch .0" I Carrots. 10 lbs. 25 'carrots. Calif., buneh .08 Turnips, uprjver, 10 lbs. ,. 2b Beets, bulkt 8 lbs, . 2i Celery. Cal., head ISc to .35 Leeks, bunch XC Mexican Tomatoes, lb. 20 Hothouse Tomatoe. lb .25 B. C. Spinach, lb. .10 Asparagus. Cal lb. .18 Green Peppers, lb. .55 Radishes, bunch : .04 Cucumbers, hothouse, each 18 Feed Hay, Bulkley Valley .Timothy 100 lbs. jsk: a a m 1.45 Wheat, Alberta 2.40 Bran .. '. 2.00 Middlings " - 2.40 Shorts - -2.00 Oat 2.45 u M H II m a m a a a m a a a a a a Fine Oat Chens 255' Crushed Oafs .'. 2551 Barley i 250 Laying Mash 2.75 Oyster Shell .. 1.65 Meats J Fowl. No. 1. lb 25 Roasting Chicken, lb .30 I Ham. sliced, first grade 40 Ham, picnic, first grade, lb i Bacon, side, sliced, best grade ) Pork, shoulder, lb. :.. ,Pork. loin, lb Pork, leg, lb . Pork, dry salt, lb ASPIRIN IS THE TRADE MARK OP THE HAVER COMPANY, LIMITED. ' Veal. loin. lb. 20 .45 20 .25 25 25 25 CLOCK SALE SATURDAY, JUNE 1, FROM 2 TILL 4 DRESSES I COATS Street Dresses. Afternoon and Jacket presses. . COATS 10 only, from sizes 14 to 20. reg. value Priced to $19.50 s7 00 to $1,LS0 Q? Clock Sale Special t?fUV Clock Sale Spwlal OOft7U Di.s-Printa Crepes and plain, sizes from cOATS-fl only, women's large sizes from 40 14u44 S2.00 tp 52. reg. value to $24.50. QIAOS Clock Sale Special v"'vv Clock Sale Special tjAtoefO House Dresses Tub fast and sun sizes ' 7)C Clock Sale Special SUITS SUMMER HATS White and pastel Q-f Aft I shades: to clear at v I SUITS Mannish style for women and boyish I chappy suits for girls, all rtrictly tailored SKIRTS-AU new summer shades O-j Qff guaranteed lining, swaggers Q7 Q Clock Sale Special v clock Sale Special PULLOVEK SWEATERS All new summer shades, reg. value to $1.95 QQp WHITE PURSES y QQp Clock-Sale Special 24 only Annette Ladies' Wear Co. THE STORE OF THE BETTER DRESSED FOR LESS Federal Block Prince Rupert, B.C. Jcef, pot roast, lb. 12c to Veal, shoulder, lb Beef, boiling, lb 12 Beef, roast prime ih. lb. . .20 Beef, steak, lb. 28c to ... Lamb, shoulder, lb Lamb, leg, lb., alack Cooking Figs, lb Dates, oulk, lb., 8c to Shifting Her Worries .30 22 Fish Halibut, fresh, lb. .15 12K - -Ml .is Anglican Tea And Sale Enjoyable i a s m- are If . nm noon n a l iiomr ui iiiis. 11. -Jmokeo Kippers, id. ... isc. ana -mi of a very pleasant tea on Salmon, red spring, fresh, lb. .. 5Tnursda afternoop under the aus-Whlte. 2 lbs 25 Honey at Home of Airs. C. Tlie home of Mrs. C. H. Orme was wxtrated Honey, per Jar 20c to 30 1 Smyrna Natural Figs, lb. 3omb Honey Nuts Walnuts, broken shelled Walnuts, shelled halves, lb Almonds, shelled, lb Hour Flour. 49's. No. 1 hard wheat .. Second Patent 1.80 Pastry Flour; 10 lbs. 45c to . .50 ust. Pastry Flour. 10 lbs. .35 Dried Fruits White Figs, lb 2h Lemon and orange Beet j Citron- peel 3" Prunes, 30-40, lb. .45 1 Prunes, 40-50, lb. ,.. .45 Prunes, 60-70, lb. j Ralslhs,- Australian seedless, lb. 1.95 1 Raisins, Cal, seedless lb Currants, lb. Apricots, lb: ; ADDles. dried , 14c. to Peaches, peeled, 18c to .1U 25 .32 .15 .13 .11 .14 .15 J5 JO .17 .19 . sugar White. 100 lbs ;...x. 620 j Yellow. 100 lbs. -. 5.70 l : r r " . ( ,.i.t .icit r,rrr 1 -ao. J VOQ ictt HERE'S -Otfl OVCAV. V WAS vmor 1 T L , , PnsSHS L MO - Tacr vsiOirav Nova v., , - , i-jkvr I I I rT- A.-M I Til I VH II I AwnLi 1 ' I IIUIU mttucj 1 Jfr . f 1 I ..- -' m 9 n m & a a i n I P 1 itiiitsua tail una ia uuuii imim im imm ru u s an rjiMJ-nri Jariiiri in vm ru ixmtmtmzu pices of the Woman's 'Anxlllar of St. Andrew's Anglican XJatheral, with Mrs? C. V. Bvltt as convener. The guests were received by Mrs. Orme while pourlns tea were Mrs, J. C- McLennan and Mrs. W,- H. ' 4 obey. ', A well patronized plant stall was in cnar;e 01 Airs. w. u. Aspmaii and Mrs. Charles Ellison. Mrs. F. N. Good and Mrs. W. J. Xelson had charge of the home cooking. Acting as serviteurs were Mrs. J. P. Cade. Mrs. William Cruickshanjp. Mrs. A. L. Holtby, Mrs. J. A: Hinton, Mrs. J. W. Nlcholls Mrs. A. RNir chols and Mrs. A. E. Parlow. Mrs. F. A. MacCallum was cashier. Good Way To Stop Acid Stomach' s-i 1 - rn saw I 6ET- IT V A Challenge to Fight aT WEBDl rJV. f OHVES SOME-j 5 .-u, I Eli SOMBTWIMe 1 1 WET'S HHAR OV7l ( 'M "SO VOME'I VQU THlM THT WILL. MMCI.I PEOPLEFTwI S.SMVLE, A y'Al PBBSQM-OOR.OLD B&K COME AT k! OM TtAE NExTj yAv j'll. VAiiggtrv r ACnr 'y Anr druftgtit will U yon t Wit it way to stoD acW stomach and Ind!t- tlon'1 to taka a UttU BlsuraU Mar n..l. In water after maala." Thta W atop your lndlftatlon and ttti SBtt; atomAcb. get rid ot gaa and ttlstlnt In o lima. Ask toy drtfctiv -t By Wstovr III .4i