FAQS IOTJR ...v You Need Goods We Need Cash Our prices are always right. Leave your order today MU6SALLEMS ECONOMY UUTTBR. A-l, lbs 13. C. EGQ8 Orade A lane, per das. .. LI BUY'S CORNED BEEF 3 tins - PILOT BREAD S lbs. : CHOCOLATE BCLAIRS per lb - - SAVOY CABBAQ B Large heads, each FRESH ORAPB8 per lb. JAP ORANQE6 per dot per box 73c KIPPBR&) SNACKS To clear, 4 tins PINEAPPLBRel dessert, 3 tins ROMAlf MEAL 3 pkgs. DELICIOUS APPLES Fancy wrapped. 4 lbs Orders $1.00 or Over Delivered Free! MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" r. O. Box 575 Phone 18 Suprox Special Radio Battery will give up to 1000 hours service, and is then rechargeable. Inquire about this revolutionary development In storage batteries. James Martin Massett, B.C. Prince Rupert CHECK YOUR TUNING DIAL Stations heard on tonight's reception, not on correcjt dial setting, will indicate that your radio needs adjusting. Phone Blue 320 for particulars. SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC i D. ELIO Furniture Dealer & Auctioneer USED FURNITURE HEATERS l or Coal ami Wood KITCHEN RANGES DRESSERS RADIO REDS Third Ave. Opposite Thrift' Phone Green 421 Box No. 96 A Daily News Want-Ad. will get what you want. Improved Outlook For Coming Year Seen By Retiring Head Of P. R. Commerce Chamber "We leave the old year ancLenter the new under more promising auspices, with a more optimistic outlook, and -Q this better feeling should help materially in the efforts to uC, bring about still further improvements during 1935," OOp1 stated John Dybhavn, retiring president of the Prince i Rupert Chamber of Cpmmerce, in his report at last night's i it annual uiuuer meeiing 01 uier j Jhamber. There has been an ap- preclable Improvement in all lines 49cSe 17c 20c 20c 23c Industry during the past year nnpjand the outlook for the future Is 2 1 quite bright. "During the year many matters pertaining to the city and district have come before the chamber, Including the following: "Exportation of hemlock logs. This is a matter which this chamber has been working upon for several years. Our labors were substantially rewarded last year, by authority being granted for the ex- 90 n : port of thirty million feet. No stone 1 is now being left unturned In our SI 00 vv fort 10 bh?ak lnt0 thc markct- If ;We are succesSfUi njs business has OCTp' great potentialities for Prince Ru- pert and district. "Reduced rates on tourist automobiles between Prince Rupert and Hazelton and Terrace, also between here and Vancouver. For many years we have endeavored to get the reasonable rates established, which are now in effect on the coastal steamers, and which will be given a trial during the 1935 tourist season on the railway line. shipments have already been made, and prospects are good for a con- 1 1 ...... 1 1 1 U I ft I "Pulp mill matters. Much, committee work has been done In re-?ard to two proposed projects and the sltuaUon never looked brighter than it does today. "Gasoline tax. Through the eft forts of this chamber and other bodies, the government of British Columbia granted a special conces sion to the fishermen of this dlj- rict, whereby they are exempted irom putUng up the rebatable 5c which fishermen In the south have to do, thus saving our fishermen much work and inconvenience. "The constructiori of a new fe- deral building at Prince Rupert. ', iuc icasioimy 01 an aeroplane landing field being established here ! and an Inquiry into what the fe-l aeral government would contribute towards the cost of one. "Longer period of stop-overs of C. N. R. vessels while in this port. "Imprpvement of mall service from the east during the summer months, provldlne a more pvpniu ng ln fines collected by them will shortly be given consideration, with a view to abolishment. "The employment of local men and boys on C. N. R. vessels. "The re-monetlzatlon of silver. "The proposal to amalgamate the Canadian Pacific and Canadian Na tional Railways. "The conservation-of our forest resources. "The advisability of Immigration to create community settlements ln the Bulkley and Nechako Valley areas. 'Some other matters were: Schemes for the relief of destitute persons, unfair features of Dominion taxation, wage reduction restoration to C. N. R. employees, housing scheme for Canada, standard retail business practices and the construction of a golf course at Prince Rupert. Visits "On June 11 some eighty members of the Vancouver Board of Trade visited our city and were entertained with a trip to Metlakatla on one of the Armour Salvage ves sels, and by motor car to the Cold Storage. They In turn entertained the execuUve of this chamber and a-number of other prominent citi zens to dinner on the ss. Prince Ru pert. Past-President Johnson ad dressed the gathering on our high- Way needs. "On August 21 and 22 the Associated Boards of Trade of Central B. C. convened In our city and delegates iere suitably entertained during their sojounu. "Cllve Planta, MIA, visited Prince Rupert, on the request of Exportation of aspen logs. Some 1 V chamber, during early October and addressed both the Chamber of Commerce and the Junior body on thd Pace River outlet situation. "On-August 27 C. p. Fullerton. chairman of the -.board of C. N. R. trustees, visited the port alone with a party of transportatibn officials and was interviewed by a committee from the chamber. Junior Chamber i -"On March 2 this chamber rex mercc, and it Is with gratitude we acknowledge the very active and energetic work performed by this body during the year' in various Idds of community activities." GEMS FROM LIFE'S SCRAP-BOOK PRAYER More things are wrought by praypr than this word dreams of. Tennyson. distributed service during the week'' They, never sought lh vain, that "Facilitating the entry pf food- ,uht. the. Lord aright-Burns. stuffs Into Alaska from tfyls port, 7r - "Reduced freight rates on pro-1 De.slr.e prayer, "and no loss can luce' from the Islands to here, and ?uc-rora trusting God with our merchandise from here to Island es!res that they may be molded points. Also on hay from the Bulk- a cxaltcd before they take form ley Valley. Irj.wordf and lh deeds. Mary Baker "One cent a mile fares from i' oolnts along the line of the C. N. R.,1 ' " also reduced passenger rates from' And p us this, and every day, the Queen Charlottes. ;lorUve more nearly as wc pray. "Treatment of Indians by the po-' Kble lice. Assurance has been given usl I by the Department of Indian Af.' Tr?uote and perplexity drive me fairs that the custom of police shar-110 Pfaye'r' and PW drives away perplexity and tro'uble.- thon. "TILLIE THE TOILER" 'i -Melanch- Prayer is not conquering bod's reluctance, but taking hold of Ood's wililngncss-Phlllips Brooks. t FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Miniature Railroad Train Travels Under Own Steam ' "j ' This miniature railroad was m anufactured In England. The tracks, of seven Inch gauge are near- ly a mile long. The eugine. which burns coal, develops a speed of 25 m.p.h, on the level, So anytime you wish to buy a complete railway cheap here a a bargain WATERFRONT WHIFFS Little Change in Halibut Regulations Expected-Great Increase in Value of District Fisheries To Return to Local Station, While there has been no official promulgation up to to-' day as to the regulations which may be imposed by the International Fisheries Commission to govern the Pacific halibut fishing industry during the 1935 season, according to what can be learned at Prince Rupert in the most auth-1 oritative quarters no changes of any consequence from , 1934 are anticipated. Quota limits, " It is undersood, will be the same as th a barge in Vancouver harbor, last year and March 1, It ts expec-1 Cp.R. steamer Prlnceas Norah , ted. will again be the date for thc capt. Thomas Cliff, Is xpoctt opening of fishing opcraUons. A here tomorrow afternoon instead statement from the InternaUonal of ln morning from Vancouver! Fisheries Commission Is expected enroute to Skagway. Extra calls! momentarily. "The fisheries showed a most decided Improvement during the annual report at last night's meeting. "The quanUtes landed were greater and the value to the fish ermen on fish- landed ln District No. 2 was Increased approximately $1,292,000 during the year under review. This does not Include 350 whales taken In- this area ." Orvllle F. DehstedL now engaged In studies -at McOUl University ln Montreal, hay ' advised Dr. Nea'-Carter director1 of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station that it 1 his Intention to re main with ther scIenUfic staff of the Prince Rupert station. When he nas completed studies leading to his Ph. D. degree, he will be re turning here permanently. Delayed somewhat by making the calls on her way up the coast ordinarily made by the Princess Adelaide, whose sailing this week was cancelled after a collision LIMERICK CONTEST First Prize, Subscription Daily News, 1 Year to Second Prlcr Subscription to Daily News, 6 Months Limerick must be original and must be signed by the author. Names of writers will not be published unless verse wins a prize. Many of verses submitted will be published, if thought of sufficient interest. which the Vessel has to make include Campbel River. , Englewood, Port Hardy and Ocean Falls. It U not known definitely as yet how year.f " stated President John Dyb- long the Princess Adelaide wlH ' be nizett the Junior Section of the h; v - "I, 1, Z. Z, 7! k, T.T;": ber of Commerce for 1934, In hljiclpated that it will not be neces- sary for her to miss any more than the one sailing. FARMING IN 1931 (Continued horn page on I The combined efforts of all these produced results that are highly gratifying and the fanner Is In a much superior position as regards markets than he has been for some time past. "The results of these combined efforts have been that railway officials have co-operated in granting rate reductions on produce to Prince Rnpcrt, giving a temporary reduction on the rate on baled hay to Vancouver and certain freight concessions pefmltUng thc shipment of perishable produce to Prince Rupert on the regular trains." C. N. R, Trains For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl day 5:30 - -.. pm From the Fast-Tuesdays, Thursdays and aitur-day 10: 15 pm. Li A Friend in Need SNAP i u p i r i u t POWDER CltANJ ,.4 POLIJHtl viMOon,Millon, I ATM lUt :4 -AJM IAIIN1 CANNOt KtAICM .-. t Helping millions to END COLDS SOONER I is ;5 P i s LAST SHOWINGS From m Tuxedo to OvtrlU From a Rolls Royce to a IUt. WagonIt's Funny What U, Can Do? Delightfully produced b creators of "The Thm mi KOHT s MONTGOMERY in HIDE-OUT" with MAVIIEKN O'SULLIVAX KDWARD ARNOLD Mt 1 41 ii t 41 ADDED TREATS DONALD NOVIS In THE rOLICY OIUL fcxTRA SPECIAL "Holland In Tulip Tim The story of the t s L , the rjatlve: tunc-Holland alt done .. - color process . r.t r. for the evr: MOTOR CYCLE COSSArXQ HYDE TRANSFER Phone -580 -Phone Jasper MORE HEAT COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson. Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy May, Wheat, Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 51 Phones 554 Coal LESS ASH MACKENZIE'S ' ITRMTl RK BUnketi from per ca, jvh Flannel SheeU. from per pair km Msttresses, from Hit Door Mils, from, 1M Phone 775 Third Ait Prince Rupert , im i: mst of ,si:u;ti;i, vim:s ami li quoits Th folloain brand tt eixaintbU C (Mfirnain Start. Miil ordrrt thetild h ttrit ! nr Vvndar, r I Mil OriWr lVpu liqiw Cn(rl fUird, S$7 Iktrtv K, VinHif, B. C SCOTCH WHISKY (Imported) AnlH,ury . . f... $4.35 Gr.ruJ Old I'.rr ... TT . 4. BO J. R. I). I'rii Stock j. , " 4.00 Sindr Mtcdontld . " 3.S5 Sintiit'i "Crm of lh Bt.'tr" , ' 3.CS U'hrilr' "limit of Lordi" Hl 4.00 BRANDY (Imported) . llrrmrMr'i Thr S(r S3. 00 S2.SS HOLLAND GIN (Imported) U'olf' Schnappt, 26-ot. f 3.71 CHAMPAGNE (FrerKh) G. II. Mumm S: Ca'i Eur. Dry $3.75 $2.00 G. II. Mumm IC Co' I Cordon Rou(t 4.2$ 2.2S (Socin Viniol( ! Chimptfnt Sutmour) ' CHAMPAGNE (CndUrt) Olon Chmpin, Lirgt BoiiU $1.90 SPARKLING BURGUNDY1 Ciloru Sptrtlint llurundr, Lrg, BonU :, ... $1,7$ VERMOUTH Ctlont, Frrnch and lulun, rWI $1.2 CANADIAN wlNES . ' , CI. 4. . . Clon ar . $2.S5 $1.45 7$ SOf Olon. Rrd 2.3 1.4$ 71 $0 Slingr' Uin 2.63 1.4$. 7i 90f Slinxrr'i Grip gg( (0 This aflvertiM-meiit is m.t jiuMi lied ,,r li .pk)vtl In h' Control Hoard or liy the (iovcrumrnt of H'rllfb l'ul' 1 1 1 i J If you lose any thine, try a clasnlflwl atl. ,' uuu Z' v r ' .... . l .. fdr':H:-'i f ' :B 1 1 i u ...... "irp .1 irgo?gv- ih?" Tlc"; ojyy :;,;:. 1'"'"" , : mold 1 -1 iM'A m ..?reav-v'j.'9Sj-h 1 rj uifK n ;i By VestoYer if ' iJP 'J1 ; . . . . . i ' i i "3