L ,!iry 29. 1935 BOOTS, Chemists, Nottingham, Eng. EXTRACT OjF MALT And Its Preparations Kttracl of Majt with Cod UvT Oil rtirtt of Malt with Cod Liver OH & Chemical Food Extract of Malt with Owl liver Oil and Hypophosphite Price per pound jar, 90 cents REXALL MILK OF MAGNESIA TOOTH PASTE Regular 50c per tube Special at 25 cents per tube Y ve just iKJiht a special deal on h tooth' 5 "c iiml while it lasts v offer it to you at half the 1 , regular price. (ilVK IT A THIAI YOU'M LiKK IT Ormes Ltd. Jit Pioneer DruqisU rue Kesall BUra rkBMt 11 it Or I Vail r from I a.m. lilt 1 f.m. &andlv, aad lUUdiyt Frm It till ) f.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. STOP SHIVERING Tlie hottest coal In town is a local product I DK.MANO Bulkley Valley Coal 11QTTKST cm:ankr . . . I 111 W M aall .. aim in ih mm repreeniaiivr iw uiu " .......v. .... rorrtrt ie for your particular nredt. A SATISFIED CUSTOMER CO In oureoal yoilll find the. haat. your home 1 i iimrii Phone Us economical h the Jest advertisement any firm can have. Wc do our best to supply enmnlete you with the mast suit- 'qurement8. When In douht play trumps. 651 - 652 PH1LP0TT, EVITT & CO, LTD. Lessen Your Bulb Expense liy thrm In carton, of lit and ssve. Besides, jp have. Ismpu for replaremenU when you need th- INSIDE' FROSTKn 2iVatt, -10 Watt & CQ Watt each 25C M?rton $140 Qordon's Hardware rhftll til U.UeMa SMI tl W4 fc ' - UNION STEAMSHIPS UM'ITPP Bteainrs leave. Prtuce Ruoort for ,Yancouvr- TS.S. CATAI.A 1-VHfV Tll-SHAV. l!30 VM Arriving Vancouver Thursday T-8.S. CAUUKNA EVERY FK1WAV MIDNIGHT.. Arrlvlug Vancouver Monday a,.ni, w,Ur itlllngt to Purt mmpu, Al!e Aw. Mio. 8MM NM rther lnormatlon rejaxdtng H sailings and kets at SPECIAL KOUNO.TIUP FARES TO VANpbfER $32.00 'turn limit Marth 31st . .JVW mintB UVniX AOENCTI ftti A!10 r.. Meatiafi it doesn't py to advert) pwr PTO"'ct U dot pay to buy thoi adrUIH P - X . 7 f AOS TORSI 'f -J r, IT, LOCAl NEWS NOTES n-l'l ; -..",.,,, , , , Be www andtomtotiiWebTid. tWiwn feat a at Walker's iH la Taxi- It costs the sun, u Jon M ILM dajr. phu 1c. a tt am. , I Fmh Tlti4m an4 8olai j At the awellng of. the Ptloe Ru-keard Vaomt, HnW Ileal, (if), pert Chamber of sainerte last - rvenbyr J. O, jh km elected a'- lo the course of his rjtV far th number J succeed D Q. Stewart as PH year at the annual) reetUnf a- representative el Stewart a no hwt night ol the Frtac fafee'rt Mobley. Chamber of Coiaon.tWfv tHUrjl r- iPresidtnt Je)o Ojbhta pfi4 M, U 8?pp, farmer Untied States rut appreetatlon far.wnk rem www aaicer l mae Rupert f Qtrta and assistance it,vo b tht.na urn nuMta at KUthlkan. tmuttw, th xartou eammttwts. th sretttarr an tht Tteprs lnt, C V Rrttt. who sa aNi (Wat fo sext rat moivtha utnj hU Mr DjbhaTn'w atmnc fx on, the city Certificates Presented At Scout 'Meeting- Rim; J. Westwood. CfdirvaU; LS? Robert E Evans, Smlthers. Savoy J H Jones and Mr Millar elty. WEATHER REPORT Terrace Cloudy, calm, -2$. ' Anyox Cloudy, calm, 33. Stewart Cloudy, calm, 23. Haiclton Snowing calm( 11 Smlthers Cloudy, calm, .mild. Bums Lake Cloudy. Cahri, 10. Announcements Jlggs Supper January 3L Cross country ski race on Mount Olafleld postponed until Feb, .1 "Nordkapp" Whist Drive an I Dance, Metropc4e,HaU. Peb, Utva 8 pjn. Normanna Male Chorus. Ot Ket? chlkan, concert Moose HdjU 8A- lurday. Feb. 9. 8 pjn. L.O.BA. ruary 14. bridge and dance,. FfbK Dance. Seal Cove -Parjsh : Hali, February 1. Balagno's Orchestra. Presbvlerlan AnnWersary Ban quet. February 4. Prlnc RunerV. Badminton, aub dance rebrarji v Cambrai Annual ValehtlAenc February 4. ii Mrs. Mandy Recital February r-r .-'.'7: Moose Hall SATURDAY Scotch Dance Cancelled For This We?k - . - ii ' .in' "n COrSTIPATIONi3 ' RHEUMATISM wilH. ww txivi W a ndte irm jres-trday"ltom Hatlofv KOBU o Ket-hJka on bhall o4 thv campaign ta rats f uwjfct at Kf tthltan an the ocal oi the birthday o PresU dent Roovtelt for th Warm Springs Foundation for relief of in fanttl4 jnrafysls sufferers. 1 Want Ad -for -Sale The weekly meeting 'of St, An-' -. drew Sea, 8tout Ust clM eo FRE8H. Flounders and Sole reenced with, the preseomion oT sale'on Helen. O. Cow Bay. the Scouts' registration certificates ' to artaus. ScouU hy. the Scoutmaa- - " . ter This certifies that they are le- WANTEP for tfi tie for the jear 183. SxeratS(ouu! WE twj second hand tquox- and passed tests. Business was. disc v-ti sed and loslructVsoal clae& In iiorse codes wilt be held on, Widoe j. day under the Scoutmaster. Bastet- ball and physical dfltt ended the meeting. Hotel Arrivals Print KwjKrt J. It Hamilton, Vancourer. Knox F Sandtrtaud. Prince Qeorgc; S. M. UuUlns, William Harvey and J. Burns. Toronto; Carter. Vowcll wine, bottles. Tor prices paVj-Anj quantity. C.onunuoicatQ Vancon-rer Bottle Co., 102fl Main Street. VaneouTer, B.C. 1271 , AGENTS WANTED MAnE-TO-MEASUKF, ClOTUEa A0ENT8 wanted by prominent linn speckaUzlnj in this business, tellent outfit supplied. Men witn practical knowledge and estate llshed clientele pteened. Apply giving details, English & ScoUh Woollen Co. Limited. IZ& Si. Ca tnexme St. West. Montreal Zl MALR UEtP WANTED A VtSSfHi from the depression Be. a. Civil Servants Postman, 'CUftonu Examiner, Clerk, Sterv ographeu etc Fre Booklet "How to 'get a Government Job. M.C.C. Chtl Service School. Win hlpeg. RELI.MJLE tmpi to take qate store route Distribute and collect. Kel prpcuctj. Potected territory. Earn excellent weekly Income. Beriand FOUND FOUND Christian Science Quarter ly In black leather case. Appl Dally JJews, tf PAINTERS pAlNTINCJ ana Paperkanglna MoUc;.b'rne, Red 80X. PERSONAL PRIVATE Home, Kindergartens pay We start you. The Canadian Kindergarten Instltue, Winnipeg. END Your,Tupture trouble's with our . terf.ec'td .invention. No leg straps.) I Hi elatwv NQ wxnt.- jnex-ipVslvei Write for free Ul'ustra-ted,1, bookie Snritk. Minuticturinc Company, pepv. 33 fKE&ivN, wnr. Established 18&3. TlMHt.H- SAM'- n3 U4s. tiS ncrlh or Kltuiuig 21 trlrt., X? Jvj .viu t wio'd tor ravoxi r.tlnxtor. yurtjiw prticuUrs of te CWX Fter-stff,. ViciiTU. 'B.C.. or titl Forratef f rttwp .Hubert. 1C 5 K mpw , ,. in i.i,, Niw royal HOTEL ;J; ZarellJ, Proprietor "i AWAY HOME Kaies ll.N uf 50 Room4 . Hot &Qqld Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Pfcon H" P0. fso 1M A Law Every Mother Should Know ami Ohservc AVvff Cirv 'our Child An I'nlinoitu Itemrdf without sLvktng Your Doctor First Accwin to any doctor you ask, the only safe way U rmtt to give vour chiki a rrnevly yi don't know ati about, without asking kim first When tt comts to "milk of BUgnesiat that you know emy-vhere, tor over 60 years, tkj?tr have said "PHILLIPS' Milk of Magnesia for your child." $cr always say Phillips when yoi Uiy. And. for yur own rcace of mjnd, that your child rets thw; t& finest nun knout, Jktade in Canada. You cm Mix chm rusit tot afpF1 Uiii tor "w (mioiw PMhr Milk of Md- aadveuosaiurtn . dTV IHibiK in wrI Sr ' PI!ILLIPS, ffiAc tfayneSt'ru TIMBERING IMPROVED Better Pikes and Increased Volume t Business Expected Next Tear A. E. Parlaw, dlstritt forrester. n a report on forestry aetrrttles for 1934 presented to the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, at Its annual meeting last nigh, stated as follow: All lines, of forest production showed considerable Increase. The I log scale was 138 million F-BJf. for the calender year as compared of the Increased output came frac three 'arge operators on the Queen , Charlotte Islands, but operations i an the mainland coast also pro-1 dvced substantially more than In th previqus year The demand came from the large pulp and paper mills and from manufacturer? of high grade spruce lumber in (Powell River and Vancouver. Log production east of the Cascades shdwed little increase. 'Poles and piling scaled approx-j Imately 900.000 lineal feet, a sight Increase but the bulk of this ma-terial represented liquidation of old stocks produced before the siump arid was sold at low prices Ttie slock of old poles are now Cleared out and a beginning has been made In production of new poles. All future shipments will be; fjoih hew production. "Railway ties In 1934 scaled 316.-000 pieces compared with 128.462 In 1933 and although there wHs no Improvement In price It has meant more cash distributed among a great many small operators all aJong'the railway line. The present Indications are for still larger tie contracts In the coming year, with slight Increase in the price paid per tie: Two. shlDments of a seen Doplar Irtirc hivo hfiftn mflrlft fmm t.Vlfa nftrt to the Orient and the material ta" reported to be-very satlsfactorj' There Is every prospect of an Increasing and sustained volume of 'business developing,' Authority has been obtained ftdrh the government for the export of hemlock loas to the Orient where a considerable market for this ma thTTTi net iSSTthS tertat exists, and a good trade maj noon 'on. the isth day or mmm-hot;. ikjs laeverop snoniy in mis nne. for the purche of Llffnc X17633, to) i.ivhll th nrlrps n.ilrt ffw all log ou &ii m Mch covrr portion ot i forest products have remained low,. ciu Und, di" tnere has been some Improvement snown, particularly rowaras me end of. the year antt'the very con slderabl Increase In volume of sate more money into dr- ciilatloa, which helped to stimulate all tines ot business. ! "Ttjere U every Indication of still better prices and Increased volume f business fpr the coming year." FINE REMEDY FOR ACID STOMACH . ToUr wit .of popU hv tiomtea kmhv i tin iirtT aattatr. oeicning. (is, ivt UutUti ire all lgn; ol 1 eld. A apoonrul of BUui null iftr nfl will nr BdttlQB within thru thr ml SS3SM CHURCH NOTICES acU thy know it or not. too murn r&trd M iK orerriim this mtnutra any druikUl "HI lTl you that. Try U and FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Freae hut- -Her. W. I). Cirant llollingworth, n.A. Otcantet: Mn E. J. Smith i; A.M. Ssirjnr. ;;ct: 2 7SW- THE TEACHER" iri&,8unday School 12:80. Westvlew School 7:30 PJI . Sermon Subject: "ISAIAH SPEAKS TO OUR TIMES' RnfSMMR the special -AnnjTeriary Serrices on February 3rd, and anniversary banquet on February 4th. All vlaltta welcome PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY SIf Sixth Awnne West Htm. B. J. North, Pastor Sunday. II AJJ Subject: "CIIORCH AT EPH2SUS" Sunday School and BIMe Cfaaa, 2 P-M. Sunday, 7 :3apJ&, All rrrice wiil be held m the Ptntecottal Assembly PLEA8S NOTB-Tranirtftattfl (Hffcfltf at Jk coast. ' '. made if Impossible for Rev. J. E. Bame to arrive here when -, expected. The services to have been beJd in the Oddfellows' . Hall are cancelled for this Sand;. We are expecting Mr. Barnes to arrive Sunday. H he does, he wfil speak at night in the Pentecostal Assembly. .a ST, ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL 'Church at EafelarWD Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean Organist Peter Lien Choir Conductor A. J. Lancaster A Special Mission and Crusade of Witness will be conducted in St. Andrew's Cathedral commencing Sunday next, (27th). SUNDAY. 8 A.M.. Holy Communion. 11 AAI, Morning Prayer and JSeimen Subject, "THE HOLINESS OF GOD." Preacher Capt. Hutchinson CJV. Anthem "O For a Closer Walk With God." 12:30 P.M.. CMldren's Service. '. 7:30 PM, Evening Prayer and Sermon Sttbiect, "A CRIPPLED LIFE.' Preacher. Capt. Hanney CJL Solo, H. Lincoln. Mission Services will be conducted each evening throughout the week at 8 o'clock. Children's Service every afternoon at 4 o'clock. Special Service for women only on Tuesday at 3 pjn. and for young people on the same evening at 8 o'clock. On Wednesday and Friday there will be a celebration of the Hsiy Communion at 9:30- sun. and oa Saturday at 8 am. Everybody is welcome. I HAVE MY OWN DAIRY ON my cupboard shelf. ta5y to keep-no waiting-no waste. Nestles is the HANDIEST.MOST DEFERABLE FORM OF MILK TO U5E-BECAUSE IT'S JUST PURE COWS MILK WITH MOST OF THE WATER REMOVED. THEN STERILIZED AND SEALED IN AIRJI6HT , CONTAINERS. NESTLES DOUBLE RICHNESS cuciidcc ENSURES,! i Fiwrt FIND.SM00THER cMnnTHPR f'l RSll I AND and MORE more uniform UNIFORM grlSlktWkttkmkm RESULTS RESULTS IN lNCQ0KINgBMM COOKINGry - ov , - WORLD'S ' jSfc standar! U OF QUALITY LOOK FOR THE ATTRACTIVE Msf iri,. WOIID S LARGEST PRODUCERS AND UtalLCi OF CONDENSED AND SELLERS EVAPORATED MILK t -I B 3 v x s i i n -a i