Fremont. 13500. Atlln. 6c and 5.5c III nil) nnoo. Atlln. 0.1c and 55 1 Remus. 10500. Oo!d Storage. 6.2c and 5.5c. Zarembo. 15,000, Booth, 05c and( S5c j Canadian Morris H.. 14,000 Atlln. 55c and 5c i Nornen. 8,500, Co'.d Storage, 5.7c. aim sc. Dorgund, 5,000, Atlln, 5.7c und 5c Wave, ,0W). AUln. 6.1c and 5c SUIT IS DISMISSED 8M1THER8, June 20:-Judgc W. F Fisher In County Court here on Monday, dismissed an action In which W. H. Thorne of Winnipeg i ued the Columbia Power Co. for damages, clalmlnj a nuisance through noise, fumes and vibration from Us power plant to a nearby house which he owns. J. T. Harvey was counsel for the plaintiff while H H. Ortfflif appeared for the defendant company. Ends Dictatorship LONDON. June 26. Word hn has been received here that the Hegent of Jugo-Blavla has abolished the dictatorship and a Parliament will bo elected soon. Ethiopia and Italy. Vancouver D. C. Nickel, .28. Big Mlsosurl, 57. Bradlan, 1.90. Bralornc. 5.00. B. R. Cons.. .03. B. R. X. Oold. .03 Cajlboo Quartz, 1.10. Dentonia, J2. Dunwell. .044,. Georgia River, .00. Oolconda. Mk-Orange. .03. , 1 Indian. .01. Mlnto. .WV. Meridian. .05. Morning Star. .04?. National Silver. .03 j. Noble Five. .07Vfc. Tend Oreille. 53. Porter Idaho. -08V4. Premier, 1.64. Quesnel Quartz. .10. Reeves McDonald, .10 Reward. .02. ' ",' Reno. 1.41. Silver Crwt. .00?i. . J Salmon Oold, .11 'f T Taylor Bridge. .20. Wayside. .13Vfc. v Whltewatcr, .07. Waverly Tangier, .00i-United Empire. .05. ' Toronto Chlbougamau, .WV. Central Patricia, 1.63. Lee GoH, .04 V. Granada, .21. Inter. Nickel. 27.75. Macassa. 1.66. Nyranda, 35.25. Sherrltt Gordon, 57. 1 Slscoe. 2.65. Ventures. .83. Lake Maron. .03 4. Teck Hughes. 4.08. - . Sudbury Basin, 1.32. Smelter Gold, .05Vj. : Can. Malartlc, .62. Little Long Lac, 5.15. Astoria Rouyn. .03 Vt. Stadacona, .21. Maple Leaf. .04i. Pickle Crow2.43. McKenzic Red Lake, 1.23. God's Lake. 1.62. Sturgeon River Gold,,i79. Red Lake Gold Shore. .33. San Antonio, 3.65. , ln 0,nc,a circles Intimated 28:-! POUT ES8INOTON June Th marlraje took place at the hjlml" Musllnl had asscr-local "t a u protectorate over Unlled Church parsonage on frank Pl the on 80,ulI?rl Monday evening, with Rev. Ba hlield oftlclaUna. of MUs Eileen cou,d acPL " Wesley, daughter ( Mr. and Mrs.! r.jbcrt Wetley. and Lee Wing, la- n restaurant proprietor. Attcnfj dints of the couple were Mr. and Mr Howard Starr Following the c-mmony. there was a wedding rjpper and celeb'atlon in their ;om'a rctaurant Mr. and Mn, Lfr Wing will reside here Halibtit Arrivals Summary American 132.500 pounds. uiii 5.5c to 6.3c and 55c. Canadian -36.500 pounds. GC 55c and 5c to 0.1c and 5c. American Yukon. 24,WW; Tordeiukjold. 9.-000: Oceanic, 15.000: Brothers. 12.-000 Wabash, 6,000. and T890, 0500, told Storage, 6c and 55c. Bonanza, 23.000, refused 6.4c and 4.5c and left for Seattle. I - Today's Stocks (CtourtMjr 8. D. Johixlon Co.) HEATWAVE IN EUROPE : ! Scandinavian Countries Suffer Most From High Temperatures, , "Twenty Dead In Sweden LONDON, June 26: A heat wave has been sweeping Europe and many people have succumbed to high temperatures, especially In the Scandinavian Contrles. In Sweden alone twenty people are reported dead as a result of the Intense heat. Today's Weather Terrace Cloudy, calm. 54. ' Anyox Raining, calm, 53. j Stewart Cloudy, calm, 49. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 52. Smlthers--Cloudy, calm, cool. Burns Like Showery, calm; 52. Ded Tree Point Overcast, light southeast wtnd; baron-'ter. 30.14; temperature, 56: light chop. Triple Island Overcast, calm, sea smooth. Laiigara Island Raining, light southerly wind; moderate swell. Returns From Victoria Today; C. H. Orme Attended Meeting of B. C. Conservative Association Executive at Capital CiH. Orme, Conservative candl date for Skeena Riding, returned home today from a visit to Vic-' torlai While there he attended a meeting of the executive of tin.; Today's Weather Tomorrow Tides Ik Vlupert-Part cloudy, light High .11:00 ajn. 16.8 It. non fc Vf-rind; barometer, sons- 22.50 pjn. 205 ft. tempe. -Ix?; sea smooth. Low . 4:43 am. UL It. 16:35 pm. 8.8 ft NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol, XXIV . No. 146. A? t PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1935 PRICE: 5 CENTS PREMIER MUSSOLINI STILL ADAMANT ITALIAN PUGILISTIC BEHEMOTH FINALLY MEETS WATERLOO Italian Premier Still Determined to Handle Ethiopia in Own Way Capt. Anthony Eden Fails to Make Impression Upon II l)ucc and is (Jiven Cool Send-Off in Ix'avinjr Home .League May Have to Countenance War ROME, June 20: (CP) Official circles intimated to-day as Capt. Anthony Eden departed on his return to IiOndon that the British diplomat's conversations with Premier Benito Mussolini had not changed II Duce's determination to make a "complete solution" to the Italo-Ethiopian problem. Eden's farewell, if anything, was ' . cooler than the cool welcome he received upon arrival I Ort tSSinClOn Diplomatic circlet are now of the w opinion wiai uie r.niy cuuiuc icifc firl MlVflPC Eden Is to find so;ie formula for VJII I mill 1 1LJ th i-aBu- 0f Natloni under which Restaurant Man Italy could remain a member should war break out between illH Coming Here Next Week Photographs show: Above. The Prince Robert, which will be here next week on the Alaska service. Top left; The altar In Sitka's colorful Rusisan church. Below: One of the many grotesque totems which add to Alaska's colorful attraction. Alaska tourists will also find much of Interest In Prince Ru-. pert to attract their attenUon. AERIAL SURVEY OF ALASKA HIGHWAY IS TO BE LI1E VICTORIA. June 26: Fol- lowing the approval of the Alaska-Yukon highway by President Roosevelt, Premier Pattullo has appointed Surveyor Swannell to make an aerial reconnalsirnce of possible routes through Northern British Columbia to connect with the Alaskan section. The survey will be made soon. 140 DEATHS ON CANTON River Motorship Capsiied Hoipinff With Many Fatalities Near HONG KONG, June 26: Motor ship Sau Juan, curving 260 pas sengers on the Canton River, cap sized today near Hoi Ping, the number of casualties being 140 per sons dead. Flrltlslt ; Columbia Conservative As- get as far as Slave Lake village, soclatlon .and also paid a visit of .Highways are under water ln some 1 Inspection to his Victoria business, 'parts- - . Peace Country Flooded Today Trains Unable to Traverse Whole District and Highways Are Flooded EDMONTON, June 26: Word received here Is to the effect that a considerable part of the Peace River country Is Isolated as a result rf floods. The train was able to Consolidated Mine Head Flies Into Placer Grounds VANDERHOOF, June 24: Flying lis own Puss Moth plane, W. M. Archibald, mine manager for the Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. landed here on Thursday after a five-hour flight from Trail. He oroceeded Immediately to Fort St. lames where he boarded the com- oany's Fairchlld plane piloted by Ken Dewar to make an Inspection VANCOUVER. June Emery, who was arrested days ago on a charge of lncltln BAR SILVER . NEW YORK, June 26 --Silver was quoted here today at G9'3c an ounce. Ronald Pitcher, William Bremner and Robert Armstrong, members of the local unit of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve returned to the city on the Prince Joe Louis Wins Easily Over Primo Camera by Technical Kayo Route Fight Stopped in Sixth Hound to Save Former Champion From Further Slaughter Had Been Down Six Times Severely Battered All the Way YANKEE STADIUM, June 26: (CP)-Joe Louis. 196 pounds, Detroit negro, scored a technical knockout over Primo Camera, 2601 pounds, after two minutes and 32 seconds of the sixth round in their fifteen-round battle here last night before a crowd of fifty-seven thousand ersons which paid gross receipts of $328,655. Camera, badly battered ll thefrj way and bleeding freely from the mouth, went down three Umes In the sixth for counts of four, four and three. Then, with Camera dazed and his hand down. Referee Arthur Donovan stopped the slaughter. Louis; punching was amazingly powerful. N. B. Government Names Its Policies For Re-election Premier Tilley Would Assume Ministry of Labor, Giving; Him Three Portfolios SAINT JOHN, N.B., June 24: CP Objectives of policies announced by Premier L. P. D. Tilley during the New Brunswick general elections campaign coincide in three respects with the platform of the Liberal opposition led by A. A. Dysart These policies concern labor would be transferred Itlonal expense to the province. 26;--Ivan This office has been administered some by Hon. H. I. Taylor In the Joint capacity as Minister of Health and to riot and who was at that time Labor, Dr. Taylor Is nearly 73 years refused ball after being committed old. Mr. Tilley has been premier for trial, was yesterday granted ball which was set at $5 000. for the last two years and minister of lands and mines since 1931. Proposal for a 25 Increase In calls for an annual total of 75 miles, and an Increase to 100 would provide a "much greater amour of employment." he said. AT CIIESLATTA LAKE INCREASE IN EMPLOYMENT At June 1 Advance Was Considerable Over Previous Month, Records Show OTTAWA, June 26: A substantial expansion was shown In em-.), ploymerit wj-June 1 when reports from "9.270 " farms showed 915.TO2 workers on the payrolls, an Increase of 22.704 ovst the previous month, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics reported today. Crop Prospects On the Prairies With frequent and well distributed , rains during the past two weeks, crops prospects are promising in practically all areas of the prairie provinces, says the Bank of in improved system of distributing Montreal crop report. jny June irce ;ciiu ji uwu, luiuiei a ins tance in land settlement and es- frosts have not damaged grain Irrnns hut market wardens have tablishment of a national park. )suffered to some extent. Warmer Other points la the Conservative benenclal. , weather wouW now be program promise increased con-jCoplous rams have als0 improvcd structlon of hard-surface roads, ;crop conditlons m aU other pro-transfer of one cabinet portfolio vinces of th& Dominlon .In Quebec and restoration of government , growing conditions are satisfactory, grants to hospitals and sanitaria. ;although nr weather is now Premier Tilley has been optlmis- needed In Ontarlo evCeiient oro- if the company's operations at the I tlc reSardin8 the unemployment gress u belng made by aU ln Slate Creek placer grounds. He left on his return south Saturday, accompanied by his co-pilot, D. P. MacPhee. Bail is Set For Ivan Emery Who Is Up For Trials. uiuauun. wc are ui uupca mm marked the Maritlme Provinces a with the improved conditions, and improvement in all crops Is shown. with further assistance by the government for work there will be no need for direct relief," he said. "But If such is not the case, then those so unfortunate will be provided with relief and medical aid." The government leader an nounced that if his party were re turned to power June 27 the min- but here again warmer weather Is required. In British Columbia, owing to the dry spell In May, below average yields are indicated, although recent rain has materially improved conditions. KILLED IN ROCK FALL Three Employees of International Nickel Co. at Frood Mine Lose Lives COPPER CLIFF, Ont.. June 26: (CP Caught ln a fall of rock ln hard-surface road construction i No. 22 slope on th next year also was announced by! of the Frood mine 2900-foot level of the Inter- the premier. The present program national Nickel Co. of Canada, J. McGrath O. M. I of Lejac Is ! VANCOUVER. June 28: .Wheat George this morning afteq-haying rit present paying a visit to the na-been at Esqulmalt barracks to ve parish of Cheslatta Lake lake courses of training4 south of here. three miners were killed early today. The dead are Patrick Powers. Ony Honornay and Isydor Slomka. Five men escaped. Vancouver Wheat was quoted on the local exchange today at. 7834c a bushel,