A-irU 1 1W5 JASMINE ot Southern France TOILETRIES solid Creams 50c Liquid Creams 50c Face Powders fOc & $1.00 Hriliiantine 33c & -10c Talcum Powder 35r KUf!l . , 50c lipstick ........... 2.x Perfume 25c In 3 1.00 .ne Sets for Men and Women from 75c- to $7.50 An ideal gift ! POTTER & .MOORK .MITCH AM LWENDER Sets from $1.00 Novelties 75c & SI. 00 Easter Novelties, 5c to $1.25 Ormes Lid. Jtt Ihonecr Druqtjiats -xt Retail lUn rhne: II tj "Open Daily rrora X a.m. till 10 p.m. Sunday and Holiday Tram 1! noon till Z p m, 7 pjn. till 9 p.m. HYDE TRANSFER Office, 315 Second Ave., Phone 580 Garden Soil For Sale Cedar Fence Posts, 8 ft. long, 15c each THE -CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED THAU, BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium 1'hosphatrs, Snlpliat of Ammonia, Superphosphate, Complete Fertiliser Producers & Refiners of Tadanac Brand Metals Oold. Silver, Elcrtrnlttlr trail. Inc. Cadmium. Bismuth. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Stam?is leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver T.S.S. CAT A LA EVERY TUESDAY. 1:30 1M. Arriving Vancouver Thursday T-S.S. CARDENA EVERY FHIDAY .MIDNKiHT. Ai iving Vancouver Monday ajn. MUing to Port simpoot.. Alire Attn. Anyoi. Stewart ar Naa HJr potnu. Le rrtaM Rupert Sunday. 8 pjn. further Information regarding all sailings and tickets aU- raiNCE Kt'fYKT AOKNCTl lair A . Phone tu a l- I ... D. ELIO M'KNtTUKE DEALER Esrhanging and Auctioneer SPRING IS HERE "ucj cleaning time once more1 You may have something you would like to exchange. Call us up. We do the rest. Phone Green 421 Corner Third Ave & First St l:..a:?Bi, rMTwaW! Wtwmt WMl SHI MURESC0 r beautiful, durable, economical decoration ot walls and ceilings. Mure a0 is supreme. It can bo applied over almost any surface, Including most wallpapers, ftUif rial to Murcsco the avcraae room may be purchnsed for $1.50 or less. It comes in eighteen beautiful tints. . "on? 311 GORDON'S HARDWARE MrBrlcte Street wxmmmmmxuxMxn vatmm mm tmrntrntmsm wli;o 4tj) ouoijaoid -3AJJJB jo" wop jodsd anoi jj LOCAL NEWS NOTES Nordkap meeting tonight at 8. Be warm and i comfortable by riding in 3 Taxi It costs the tame. tf You ran rwU a car at Walker' aa low as $140 a day, plus 7c. a mile. Chief M. 0. McKay of KiUekn arrived in the city Saturday night and is returning home this evening. Mrs. 8. A. Nkkerson. who has been on a trlu to Vancouver, re turned to the city from the south on the Catala last evening. D. Esselmont vm a passenger aboard the Catala last evening bound from Vancouver to Stewart where he expects to locate. He is a brother of W. T. BMtfmont of Stewart Angus Currie. manager of Clax-ton cannery on the Bkeena River, arrived in the city on the Catala last evening on his way back to the river after having fent the winter in Vancouver. W. O. Crisp, manager of the Hudson Bay Co store a Kitwanga. and Mrs. Crisp, who have been on a trip south, arrived in the city from Vancouver on the Catala last evening and will proceed to the interior on this r-ver.imc's train. Announcements Salvation Army Rale ot Work, Home Cooking, April 3. Presbyterian Church Choir Con c rt, April s. 23. "Chloc," United Church, April 11 and 12 Queen Maty I.O.D.5?. Daffodil dance Easier Monday. Presbyterian Easier Sale April 17 United Church Batter Sale April AnglicanSpring rale. April 25. Cambral Tittle's Treat, May 3. St. Peter's Spring Sale. May 9. Catholic spring sale. May 16. Baptist Church Supp?r April 25 Moose Hall TUESDAY Rupert Legion No. 45 meet at 8 o'clock WEDNESDAY Moose Lodge meets at 8 .clock. CNGLAND will be gay with pageantry, colorful with visitors from all parts of the Empire. Enjoy the many special events! FROM . . . VANCOUVER $140 $214.75 SINGLE RETURN TRIP For Information, Call or Write: CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. V-6-35 Can. -id inn Na tio nal TRZ DAILY NEWS rOB THRU ; ' i-jj A. W. Llpsln returned to the city on the Catala last evening following a irslt to Vancouver. T. Tsujl, well hnown Japanese salmon iaJtcry opemtpr. sailed last ! Friday night on the Prince John for Jedway, Queen Charlotte Islands. D. Brown appeared before Magistrate McClytnont in city police court at the week-end on a charge under the city bylaws arising out of a recent chimney tire in the Federal Block and was fined 15. NASAL CATARRH . . Just a few drops up each nostril CUABS HEAD QUICKtY Further enjoyable dances were held Thursday and Saturday nights j ja ai me Empress social Club. About 100 persons were present on each occasion. Music was by Julius Welle and His Night Owls and Oscar Wlngham was master of SSMBSaSsMPSMaMM Build B.C. Payrolls" A Letter We Are Proud Of mi The lady who wrote the following words was raised cn an Ontario dairy farm and has travelled widely: "I can truthfully say Pacific Is the best milk we have ever used and the only milk we can persuade the children to eat on their hot cereal. We would not think of making pumpkin or custard pie Don't Gamble Use "61" Quality Varnish or Enamel Save 55c Buy one quart "61" Varnish or Enamel, get Free Brush and BotUe Turpentine Save 25c on Pints Save 15c on Half Pints FOR THE GARDEN ROSE TREES, DAHLIAS, BEGONIAS, GLADS AND ALL KINDS OF SEEDS Bone Meal, 5 lbs. for 25c FcrtiliM-r at - Kaien Hardware MAN TESTIFIES UNDER OATH Mr. Dhmu. 122 St. Cwirvt St., rkttm, Out,, want btbrrita benefit Tom hi irttJcc and in order that vtryone may b convinced vl it ibwlutc truth tie gave hit ttatement under Mth before a noury. Mr. Dagncau tate "l wjr badly run down. 1 uSerJ terribly from nervue. I had a and a irregular and my ctn)Jftui a bad. I tried l'ruit--tive a hort time ami touli frit het'er. Now 1 am regular, lave good complexion and 1 am never nervous any more. Now I can do a full day wprk without ieltiiK tired and Weep Fruit -a-tives on hand in case any of my family become runstited." CPT uf Ml. lWnru't iwucn Hattnieni ill l tent ua rmuwt. Write FmlutivM Uw.Uiun, Oiitan. rautr-A.Tivuu - tvtaywHUi i with any other kind of milk. I also know of several public halls and lodges that use no other kind than Pacific Milk for the coffee they serve to hundreds.' Mrs. J. B. Many thanks! Pacific Milk B.C. Owned and Controlled" rLANT AT ABBOTSFORD rai iam.iflEii u bsbvlei mimi t i i bj kluixii ii mi auauisizll wamswsKmMzmxM-Mn APRIL CLOCK SALE TUESDAY, APRIL 2nd, From 2 Till 4 DRESSES Street 6t Afternoon, sizes 14 to 52. Reg. value to $19.50 Q C A fk Clock 8ale Special ?tJUU New Spring Polo Coats Suitable for Young Girls. 12 to 16, in green, brown, navy and blue JO QC Clock Sale Special 00,UO 5 DRESSES Novelty and Plain Crepes, short and long sleeves, sizes 14 to 44. CO A A Reg. values to $0.65; Clock Sole S. Want Ads FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 1418 2nd Avenue. Phone Red 421. tf LOST LOST Boy's tricycle on McBride Street Phone Red 578. 77 PERSONAL MEN l Buy youc Sanitary Supplies direct and save 75. Standard Lines. Send $1.00 for 15 assorted. Imperial Importers, 211 Lumberman's Bldg. 509 Richard: Street, Vancouver. B.C.". tl i WILL the lady and gentleman who; escorted the little girl home to; Ninth Avenue at about 8:30 onj Wednssday night kindly commu-;. nlcate with Box 235 Dally News, j 141 PAINTERS PAINTING ana Paperhanglng I Moller. Phone Red 802. MISCELIiANEOUS UP TO $50.00 EACH PAID FOR U. S. INDIAN HEAD CENTS. We buy all dates regardless of condition. Up to $1.00 each paid for U.S. Lincoln Head cents. Up to $150.00 each paid for Canadian coins. We Buy Stamp CollecUons, Medals. Books, Paper Currency. eU. Send 25c. Coin for large illustrated price list and instruc-Uons. Satisfaction guaranteed or 25c. refunded. HUB COIN SHOP, 113-10 North FORSYTHE, SAR-NTA, ONT. Tender Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to noon Saturday. April 6th, 1935, for the purchase, dismantling and removal ot the building known as the PaUu?fO Block, situate on Second Avenue, including all phunblng and heating fixtures. Building to be removed within thirty days from date of acceptance of tender. We reserve the right to reject any or all tenders. G. P. TINKER & CO.. LTD. Besrrer Block. Lloyd's Baby Coaches $29.50 Lloyd's Colla psible Carte y- $8.50 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Phone m Thlta a? e. WAISTS These are a new shipment of suede taffeta blouses, sizes 14 to 44. 04 (YA Clock Sale Special vlwU PURE WOOL PULLOVER SWEATERS All colors including white, sizes 14 to Q4 A A 42; Clock Sale Special . JXUU FABRIC GLOVES In gauntlet and button style. Reg. values to JliS.palr. All colors St sizes; Clock Sale Special, pr."""' FULL FASHIONED CHIFFON it SEMI-SERVICE HOSE in Debutante and CortlceBf Reg values to $1X0. New spring .EJf shades; Clock Sale Special, per pair Systematic Service Efficient & systematic service is the best and most economical. OUR SERVICE RECORD will show complete record of all repairs made and aU parts replaced. A copy of this record returned with all sets serviced by- SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC Phone Blue 30 MANURE For Sale $1.50 a Load DOMINION DAIRY Phone Red 608 4- m 3 B I ! ANNETTE LADIES' WEAR CO. I - THE STORE OF THE BETTER DRESSED FOR LESS jjj 5 Federal Block Prince Rupert, B.C. sirs ttiiriiiitiim rem ra i : imrmn i tni it tin fi : mMm tm m jmtm.a mi nit m COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to glye satlsf acUon. Try . a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat, Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 Phones 55S PERMANENT WAVES During the month of March jthe New Thermlque Guaranteed Permanent Waves ' complete, at La Parisienne Beauty Parlor 10 Fourth St. Phone 9 Annual Satin-Glo Sale Is Now On 15c on Halt Tints 50c on Quarts YOU SAVE; 25c on Pints $1.00 on Half Gallons We can.im5ply you with all the coupons you require These special prices continue until April 6 only, so here is your opportunity to decorate. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. Advertisements Are a Guide to Value Experts can roughly estimate the value of a product by looking at it. More accurately, by handling and examining It. Its appearance, Us texture, the "eel" and balance of it all mean something to their trained eyes and fingers. But no one person can be an expert on steel, brass, wood, leather, foodstuffs, fabrics, and all of the materials that make up a list of personal purchases. And even experts are fooled, sometimes, by concealed flaws and imperfections. There is a surer index of value than the senses of sight and touch . . . knowledge of the maker's name and for what it stands. Here is the most certain method, except that of actual use, for judging the value of any manufactured goods. Here is the only guarantee against careless workmanship, or the use of shoddy materials. This is one important reason why it pays to read advertisements and to buy advertised goods. The product that Is advertised Is worthy of your confidence. Merchandise Must be Good or it Could Not be Consistently Advertised. Buy advertised Goods. If you want anything, try a classified ad.