Prince Rupert Fresh easterly wind; barometer, ,29.48; temperature 45; sea smooth. Vol. XXIV . No. 292. ording to schedule, meet in mid- .4. SUCH A POSITION WILL NOT BE POSSIBLE AGAIN, HE DECLARES MUCH HARM DONE WHICH TIME MAY RECTIFY SIR SAMUEL HOARE EARNS OVATION WITH HIS EXPLANATION. GENEVA, Dec. 19: (CP) The council of the League of Nations formally shelved the Franco-British plan for peace at a meeting late today. LONDON, Dec. 19: (CP) Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin admitted today that he had made an error in accenting .. the . now lifeless Franco-British plan for ending i i ii - t t j? the italo-Ltnionian 1 LClIW l-iVlliUilCAH war 1 ana CWIll promiseu Ji UUI1V.U me fcliV. nouse oi V- .V.. um die had a weak heart, she Is not be- t Brltaln had not advocated I ... it . t m un failure failure. -.. . .. i ' lievr-d to have d!"d of heart That suffocation by carbon monoxide poisoning was the direct cause of accidental death was the verdict Yriuitk ui of a coroner's -" - Jury yesier - the plan through fear of Italy. "We had no fear as a nation," declared Sir Samuel, "of any Italian threat. If the Italians attacked us, we i-i i n I ln tn nM4 lnHfrlncr frnm I WOUlu rcuiuaic an, jub"'li ...... day but how the actress came to past hlstoryi we should have re- hav- blood on her face and a loos- tallated with SUCCCss. j cned tooth has not yet been ex- ,lTne situation has become more plained to the satisfaction of the acute sajd Sir Samuel. "We alone authorities. The Jury recommended haye taken mmtary precautions, a further thorough examination There lg flcet ln the Medlterran- ..i.Aii.cfine nf the CaS. r-.i TirttfcVt vpfnfnrrp. uiu an tiiiuMiMB,xw can. iiivic niv w v. v.- Although it was believed that she ,n Egypt Malta and Adsn. had died early Sunday morning, Nq sWp no machlne or no man t. 4 n m a friend has . nv nnv nther mem- i KVwwlj uwuu v m - Udd iAVli iii- v v tc.Ufled to having hsard Miss ber state." i Todd. voice on the telephone at 4 former Foreign Secretary! o'clock Sunday afternoon. Carmen sald tnat lt nad ben in an atmo to the actress' movement .mme-i r; 1 . explanation of the dlately prior to her death. Pierre Laval.Hoare peace assanca w Roland West was closely qucs-much his Uoncd yesterday in regard to his plan, said fot cov- crnment s Joint el orte with Great intimate personal relations with the dead actress. He had lived in ta,HfJ.T2 previously given at at Gen Gen Miss Todd's house, he said, and agements floret l.nwi IUn chp U'ilS Sim- t'Va posed to liave died. Vancouver Wheat Previously acknowledged $110.25 Gilbert Campbell .......... 5.00 I Annthpr bombshell was thrown into the entangled political situa Premier Stanley Baldwin California Boy, Shot by Mother, Rallies Slightly , SANTA BARBARA, Dec 19: Uvermore ir.. shot recently Jewell, estranged wife of Roiana g nere 0f a threat of war that dis-iDy his mother. Mrs. Dorothea Llv West. Miss Todd's manager, states rllssions took place positively that she saw Miss Todd At tne conciusi0n of his address, driving in her car on Hollywood slr Samuei was greeted with thun-Boulcvard Sunday afternoon with derous applause in contrast to the a "handsome young man." 'silence In which he had begun Four hundred guests who at-. speaking. tended a gay party in the Troca-; In the meantime, a furious de-dero Cafe Saturday night at which bate on f0reign policy was in pro-Miss Todd was present will be ess ln tne House of Lords, grilled with a view to obtaining all Bombshel From Uerriot information possible wun rtu CP)-Premier w.n HufirifT a firfnirinsr nniu. eiuiuic, UU11116 . n tion last night with the announce- - . . ,onfcrence. no more mpnt that Former Premier Edouard , ... . Herriot. a minister without port- ion . behalf . .. . the cltleS( lt ls an.! . . . fnitn n the Laval cabinet, haa re wneat was quoiea at obc on . . as leader of tne Frenc-Ra- local local exchance exchange yestiiday. vesteidav .slBned SodaUst party; Thls may . Lfrnin threaten the overthrow of XmaS UOnatlOnS 'the thP e Laval Laval Bovernment government which, which, in in re nounced. DRUG ADULTERATION LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.C. Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides Safin PREMIER ON CONFERENCE "attullo Declares Ottawa Meeting; Accomplished All That He Expected Of It Public Yorks To Be Given Consideration Bri- tlsh Columbia prorram Not Dead Aid! Given VNCOUVFR. Dec. 19: (CP) -Premier T- D. Patttillo. returning yesterday from Ottawa, said the Dominion provincial ....... confnrenc ..llt..l.'IP - - w. - j mons that "such a position V-- - shall not be possible again." . accomplished an he had -expecwi IllUttk HIMV UMWBB 1 U i . i..u i i u:n.. :ui and 1 admitted it it to to accomplish" accomplish" an-i an-i British British Col Col He said he felt himself chiefly responsible that much harm had been doneH' which it would take time to rectify. Premier Baldwin's version of the Pacific her sister ship. China Clip- j peace plan debacle was that tne per. which Is to leave Alameda on j government had lost contact in n-u... n ra-nlarlv Scheduled ' On -lo -,IV Cr Rim lipl Tlnnr For. mall-carrying flight to the Orient jegn secretary, who resigned last i night in face of loud public pro- f fpr) r17 A Til ! tests against the project he had IlLlY iJLlAiri I engineered with Premier Pierre ! Laval of France. IQ Oirr k Mr. Baldwin went on to say that III IV 1 LI L Li Li the Deace dan was "absolutely and completely dead" and the British' utfiorltles Not Satisfied In Regard government would make no at!" To All Circumstances of Thelma tempt to resurrect it. j Todd's Tragic Passing Hoare Given Ovation 1 Sir Samuel Hoare, speaking be- LOS ANOELES. Dec. 19:-An fofe premitr Baldwin, said Italy autopsy revealed no trace of alco- consider an oil embargo as a ii n.lV tVia the mv- . hniism iii connection with mys tcrious death of Thelma Todd, screen actress, whose body was found in her automobile on Monday uay Although niHiviut" it had been said that military sanction and act oi war He did not entirely approve of the , peace plan himself but it hadj seemed the best aid to Franco-: British U.lusn relations. rciauuno. In any case, Takes Blame umbla's program- had not bn dealt a death blow a stated li, some reports "There is absolute no truth in those reports' th i Premier said. "At the closing P' jn- ary session, held In camera, several orovincial premiers earnestly urged that public works on a large scale should be given consideration The I unemployment cqurisU to deal with the whole problem of unemployment will, as a result, have as ona of its primary functions the coordination of all public works undertakings,". - ,rV- . The greatest achievement of th; conference In the opinion of Premier Pattullo was the acknowledgement of the principle that th ' British North Amirlca Act should be amended, particularly with re gard to the financial relationship of the provinces to the Dominion. Li view of this acknowledgement the Premier could see no reason that constitutional amendments' could not be undertaken soon and . he expected to see something don 1 1 at the coming session of the Housii of Commons. I The provinces had taken, aj st.ronz stand in connection with. the necessity for assistance to the municipalities to carry their unemployment relief burden, Mr.Pat- tullo said. The result was that it ,was agreed that the federal gov-'crnment would make larger relief appropriations to the province which will, in turn, increase their grants to the municipalities- Late Telegrams TEN YEARS FOR BARRACK VANCOUVER, Dec. 19: (CP) locK iirM. tn h- 1X)U uarracK, conviciea uy a ou .iirv.t.iv 'raliioH after havine been preme Court Jury last night on a . . - under an oxygen tent In hospital cnarge m uvmg m pait NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1935 FRANCOBRITISH KAN Premier Baldwin, Speaking In House oi Commons, Takes Blame For Big International Debacle HELD BY TYPHOON FhilHplne Clipper Unable To Leave .Manila Yesterday To Meet China Clipper In Mid-IMcitic MANILA, Dec. 19: The Pan American Myiu . ....v Clipper, which was to have hoppsri iff from here yesterday on her return flight to the United States deferred its departure owing to a yphoon. Capt. Hilton announced departure would be made today li leather was more favorable The PhUllDlne Clipper will, ac- IS American and Chinese representa ! tlves for direct sale 6f Chinese silver stocks ln return for American j dollars. N'ew York Price Weak ntn NEW YORK. luniv, un. Dec. 19: i. (CP) yir Yes i Sergeant R. W. Bowen, Pro- j terday.s prlce of 553 per ounce vlnrll Police. Succumbs At ! u.,. of three cents Smithers ; for silver was a drop , from the previous day. bringing the ( . ! price to the lowest level since February 26, 1935, as the world silver cfnff Rprirpant Riphard William , wvui wwbv j ilia I AC 10 txyJtxi cii j a iiv Bowen, provincial police, who was.crisiSi The collapse continued to- il.. tu..J .Ulnf DkImma I ... ! a a. recently apponiueu tiuci ui rin.caay Wnn anomer crop 01 rai Rupert district for the provincial jcents. Fixing of the price followed police but who was una"ble to come the placing of the London price here to assume his-duties owing to i at 22 3-16 pence an ounce, oft Illness, .died at 6 o'clock last eve-!i3.i6 pnce I nlng at Smithers. He had been chief Owing to the chaotic condition!! of tha Smithers. district for the past; in the white metal markets. Lon- year. I don was unable to fix other than Born in Wales in 1882, the. late a nominal price yesterday and th-: Sergeant Bowen had had a long Bombay market closed for the and varied Dollce career. His first , rest of the week. u on the . i experience in police work was with The sliver market had the ten- sen-1 n- the Glamorganshire constaDuiary uency 01 unseiums ue an., for the past few days, following avails 01 pro-smuaon. was 'to -Canada and ket wlth prices off generally. Th an operation for the removal of fenced ten years impr waj U00i000 sharM bullets. 1 Dy Mr. jusuce uems Murpny. ! Re-Arranging Of No V'kJ city JJU-- nolice at "V Fernle, w....., being O in ' as compared with 1,390,000 shares TALEB MILNE FOUND charge there during me sinne 01 .v " 7 .S."LL .r whioh hp resioned to vances had been recorded. Closing DUYL,iiSUJiM, renn., uec; i; " , . . . avprasp vesterdav industrials 1 (CP) Caleb J. Milne Fourth, kid- Join the provincial force ln 191Z D ! I I napped scion of a wealthy textile a,v " oil' utiUt utilities 28 28.20, 20 oft off .09, 09- bondi bona, Keliei LOanS farnuy. was found dazed and and became a chief constable at. trus-sed in a roadside ditch, his Ashcroft. being later stationed at - UP . . ,1 ij ..,... Vemon for a number of years, then Government loiicy More Grants to be Made uy eye ana up 6-.-u w.u. at Pp'nHptnn whpnrfl he ha' was irat. Ottawa to Provinces For Cities night. No ransom had been paid. OTTAWA, Dec, 19: (CP) Pending re-arrangement of provincial relief grants, which will be in creased as a result of the Domin- Prohibition Secy r asses m oouui trans-' WASHINGTON D.C.. Dec. 19" I ferred'to Smithers. A few weeks ago (CP) Reiterating a previous state-he was. promoted to he rank of ment that the Treasury is stUi (staff sergeant and .transferred to buying silver. Secretary of the 'Prince Rupert to succeed Staff Treasury Morgenthau said today n C tL Sergeant Alex McNeill as district mat tne government nas lasen an , Vancouver Was Lonp Promln- jhealth to accept that transfet. -cnt'In B.C Dry brganiiation ' . Sergeant-Bowen is survived by . TT"o , A , support c.mnnrt of oi the tne group group by y a Donations to' the Salvation Army 'time something nmpth,nff definite aennite was was done aone.t-roniomon . Prohibition Association Association since ince 1915. iu. Christmas Cheer Fund to date are Kesienation Accepted to eradicate the growing menace 01 ,is cieaa nere ai me age 01 seventy t KrnnM rwr 19- (CP)-Soon Sinued on Page 2 I adulteration of drugs In India. (eight. Mexico's newly mined output dur line. r tuuiv u j pw v - ft,rt to have come here to succeed Serving the past year-about 72000,0(30 igeant W. J. Service as city chief j ounces. Rev. William Fortune Of, but was unable on account of his ' WORST WEEK ON ROADS High 9:06 ajn. 18.6 ft. 22:06 pjn. 15.6 It Low 2:20 am. 9.6 It 15:50 p.m. 75 ft 'his widow, a sUter of Tom Uphill, 1 LONDON, Dec. 19: (CP) More re-, CAIXlUTTA. CALCUTTA, Dec. Dec. 19: 19: (CP) (CP)-D. D. J. J. WEST VANCOUVER, De; IP: . M. L. A. lor Fernie, ana two, cnu-1 peopie were Kinea on wiu-i ... . i u n lunntdTOrinh 'rm ; n wniiom'- r -nrtim i Hrpnh inn cpri IR. and dauohter. wavs durlne election week than ln rent cent crises, crises, naa nan Deeii uu given w.v , nuni, um, piwman (luomiu, ui v. ... wv j . . iv., . . r . - - - -; - , . . led h wnrrint Herriot. at recent -t meeting Mm Hprl.ired declared it It was was trpnprai general spcretarv secretary of of the the People's PeoDle's, aeed aged 16. 16. He He ,was was a a member member of of the the any any other other week week this this year. year. The The to total Masonic craft. of 165 was 32 more than the pre- Detalls of funeral arrangements vlous week and 25 more than the haye-not yet been learned; h?rei" j corresponding period in4934. PRICE: 5 CENTS SHELVED CONFERENCE PLEASES PATTULLO SEAT IN P. E. I. KING AND QUEEN OF ITALY kaaam' kwawawwwwwwwwwm HtWjK 3MMMMMMMMMMMMMM HON. C A. DUNNING CHARLOTTETOWN, P. E. I.. Dec. 19: CP Hon. Charles A. Ddnning. minister of finance, has been invited to contest Quesn's constituency, Prince Edward Island, for his seat in Parliament. Announcement is made that'J&J. Larabee, successful candidate in the : recent' geh-eral election win resign in,' favor of Mr. 1t)uhri1ng. As, Prince Edward Island Is now the only province not represented in the' cabinet. Mr. Dunning has accepted the offer. Mr. Larabee receivas -a position in the Department of Fisheries. OFFICER IS DEAD LEAD NATION IN TURNING IN THEIR WEDDING RINGS Eighty Million Dollars in Gold Thus Given to Country In Its Emergency Pope Pius Asks For Truce At Christmas ROME, Dec. 19: (CP) Queen Helena, invoking God to bring victory to Italy, contributed her own and King Victor Emmanuel's wedding rings yesterday in a great "Faith Day" ceremony in which some eight million other women and two million men in middle and southern Italy besran turning in their gold bands to the government. BRough estimates indicated that BAR SILVER DOWN AGAIN Slump Continues on World Market Attributed to United States-Chinese Deal LONDON, Dec. iorfcp') Bar silver continued its hasty retreat yes- "terday when London brokers set the nrice at 23 pence per ounce, a reduction of one and seven-eighths pence, without attracting bids. Recent change in the United States sliver purchasing policy was j married couples would thus give the nation more than eighty mil lion dollars in gold in the national financial emergency. The Italian government yesterday claimed that its north Ethiopian army had defeated the Ethiopians in a three-day battle along the Takkaze River, killing five hundred warriors. At Vatican City Pope Plus- asked Italy and Ethiopia to declare a Christmas truce and Jo refrain from hostilities' during the Yule-tide. . - - - - Townsend Plan Candidate Wins , slump. Reports from well informed, .sources said that negotiations are Scored Three to One Victory Over under way in Shanghai between, Democratic Opponent ln Michigan DETROIT, Dec. 19: The first candidate sponsored- by the Town- send Plan has been elected to pub lic office in the third district of Michigan ln the person cf Vernon W. Main- who defeated Howard Cavanaugh, a straight , Democrat by a vote of three to one. Elderly people turned out in strength to support Main. Quadruplets In Northern Texas Newspapermen Are Endeavoring To Check up on Veracity Of Report FORT WORTH, Dec. 19: Quadruplets, two girls and two boys, are reported to have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Commons in Northern Texas and newspapermen have been endeavoring to verify the report. The babies each weigh from 5 to 5V. pounds and are said to be ln excellent health. There arc nine other children ln the family.