oes Nar Ren aa 9 LATEST NEWS OF JUNEAU FIRE Passengers on City of Seattle This Morning Believed Num- ber of Dead in Hotel Ruins May Reach Eighteen. Many strolled down to the dock this morning to meet the City of Seattle from the north, in the hope that she would bring some further details of the terrible hotel fire at Juneau. But the ship’s officers could only corroborate the occurrences without edding any additional details. The City of Seatile was Juneau wharf the day after the fire for less than ar hour. It was all over then but the search for bodies was going on, ar excited crowd surrounding the smouldering ruins. There was then reported to be three bodies recovered. At Wgarrel the next morning they learned by wire that seven bodies had been recovreed, which is sub- stantially what the News received by wire. Among the few passengers going through from Juneau only des- criptions of the horrors of the calamity were obtaired, with no additional names of those lost. They variously estimated the num- ber of dead at from twelve to eighteen, including those who were fatally injured. “What was the cause of the fire?’ remarked an old pioneer from Douglas Island, ‘‘the people have fgot to find out. They were busy sifting the ruins for dead when we left.” Twelve injured are said to be in the Juneau hospital, the lives of nearly one-half of whom are at too despaired of. SKEENA PACK IS BIG ONE Northern Didhesies are Bigger! Than Ever Says Inspector Williams. / Mr. John T. Williams, the Dom- inion Inspecior of Fisheries, in port today with the cruiser Falcon, on his way to investigate is some reported seizures on the Naas. Asked by a News reporter if the fears that the salmon pack would be light this year were warranted, Mr. Williams said that THE DAILY NEWS * BASEBALL SCORES Northwestern League Spokane 3, Vancouver 3; eleven innings. Seattle 8, Tacoma 0. Victoria 4,3; Portland 1. 0. National League Chicago 9, St. Louis 0. Philadelphia 8, Brooklyn 3. Pittsburg 4, 1; Cineinnati 3, 6. American League Washington 6, New York 2. Detroit 3, 0; Boston 4, 3. Philadelphia 5, 4; Pittsburg 3, 2. Pacific Coast League Los Angeles 2, Oakland 5. Vernon 4, San Francisco 3. Portland 0, Sacramento 1. ° BIG LUMBER COMBINE Washington Lumbermen are Arranging a $50,000,000 Jack- pot. ; (Canadian Press Despatch) Aberdeen, Wash., Sept. 7.—-A meeting of lumber manufacturers of Gray and Willapa harbors are | considering a proposal from Henry Pierce of Spokane, representing some Eastern capitalists, to form a company of all the mills on the iwo harbors. The capital would be thirty to fifty millions. MR. BORDEN’S TOUR Goes to Prince Edward Island Today (Canadian Press Despatch) Ottawa, Sept. 7.—Mr. R. L. Borden closed his New Brunswick tour last night with a meeting at Sussex. He proceeds to Prince Edward Island for a_ series of meetings today. SOME ENCOURAGEMENT Fund for Englishmen Who Bring Their Families Here (Canadian Press Despatch) Vancouver, Sept. 7.—The Board of Trade has formed an Imperiai re-union association fund of $20.- 000, to be held for deserving Englishmen who bring their wives and families to this country, WOMEN AS_ JURORS Significant Result of Success of the pack for the Skeena and Naas districts were bigger than ever. “IT cannot speak of the south districts, but | j | j j only of my own. Last year the Skeena river pack} was 222,000 cases; this year it is} approximately 245,000 cases. On| the Naas the growth is even larger. | Last year the Naas pack was 40,-| 000 cases; this year it is already | 81,500 and still operating. The Government is doing everything | possible by protecting the spawring grounds and by fishing regulations | to protect the salmon and ensure | large packs in the north,’’ said | Inspector Williams. Shipping Intelligence At 11 aim. today the Civic] Sniff Yacht passed ouvward bound| with the Commodore Her wireless operator signalled | “all well” passing Digby Island. on board. | Third Avenue just past Seventh Streeit—Auction Thursday evening 8 pm. High class furniture. The HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO Canatian General Woman Suffrage (Canadian Press Despatch) Seattle, Sept. 7.—Of twenty- three women called for jury duty in King County, Mrs. Jennie Gordon is the only one who re- mains on the list, the others being excused when pleas of exemption were urged. Adjt. Smith in Town : Adjutant Smith, the pioneer Salvaiion Army. officer in this district, arrived in Prince Rupert this morning on the City of Seattle from Wrangell, Alaska. He to meet and confer with Major Morris, the Provincial Chief who is to arrive on the Prince George on Saturday, Adjutant Smith is well known emong the Indians of Port Simpson and Port Essington among whom he worked for several yeers before going rorth io take charge of the Alaska command. is Electric Co., Limited FACTORIES: PETERBOROUGH, ONT MANUFACTURERS OF EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL The Canada Foundry Co., Limited AIR COMPRESSORS DREDGES BOILERS BUCYRUS STEAM SHOV- ELS BOILER FEED PUMPS CAST PIPE COCHRANE FEED WATER HEATERS CONCRETE MIXERS GINES GAS AND GASOLINE EN- GAS PRODUCERS HOISTS LOCOMOTIVES MATHER & PLATT TUR- BINE PUMPS PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH %eom4 Melatrre Block Toronto, Ont. MOTOR DRIVEN TRIPLEX ORNAMENTAL IRON PILE DRIVERS ROCK CRUSHERS STRUCTURAL STEEL Ss UNDERWRITER STEAM PUMPS Phone 245 GRAHAM KEARNEY, AGENT The Graham Island CAPITAL STOCK $1,000,000 We are offering for sale a very limited amount of shares of stock at 25¢ per share; par value $1.00, These shares are going quickly and will soon be off the market +; — - THE MACK REALTY & INSURANCE COMPANY - SELLING AGENTS Oil Fields, Limited —THEY WILL REPAY A CAREFUL — ~ Phone 150 Money to Loan The Insurance People ||+~~~~ te eee se ee Money to Loan on Prince Rupert Real Estate, P.O. Box 953 re ents of sale bought Life tf-18) a 4 a Os st ss ecident Plate Glass Help Wanted Employer's Liability } Contractors’ and Personal Bonds Pore rss mss sree L w. | 201-tf Policies Prepared While You Wait. Mack Realty. & Insurance COMPANY. P.S.— Houses and Rentals. TAX RATETO BE "TWELVE MILLS Wanted general servant. Apply to Mrs Patmore. Boy wanted at once to jearn the printing trade. Apply News Office. Boy Wanted—Apply at Orme's Drug Store, 198-tf Wanted—Good sized to help in kitehen and make himself generally useful. Apply James Hotel, 8rd Ave., corner of sth Street tf Wanted a woman to work in kitchen, wages $35 a month, with room. Apply Prince Rupert General Hospital. 200-tf Owing to Provincial Govern- For Rent | | ment Dilatory Dealing with aoe Coe G. T. P. Assessment City Assessor is Hindered. Furnished house, cor. Sixth Avenue and Young t. Modern in every respect. Phone 83 or call Pattullo & Radford. 196-tf Furnished rooms with bath the week. Talbot House. Neatly Furnished rooms, gentiemen preferred. — Apply Mrs. Mullin, over Majestic Theatre. tf Special rates by : . 165-tf At the meeting of the council yesterday afternoon Mayor Man- é ma > Nice Furnished Rooms, Mrs. Greenwood, Alder son brought forward the report of one ee ae Tisett | the finance committee, which is] For Rent—Sonsof England Hall, 2nd Ave., tor | : : Dances. F . Socials, ete. Apply an estimate of the receipts and Frank J Ein Bos boo or phone 1n6-tf | expenditures for the coming year. ep ere err reenter The expenditures amount to $196,- 465 and the receipts to $107,406. He said that owing to the delay For Sale For Sale—Lot 5, block 27, section 8, $350. Apply in the matter of the railway!” P.O. Box 105 203-205 assessment the assessor would be | For quick sale, lot 83, block 27, section 5, facing A ° ; two streets. Price $585.75. Terms $550 cash. late in getting to work and it Was nee one year. Address immediately Box < L, Daily News. 200-205 therefore necessary ‘to consider z S E For Sale— Chicken Ranch. 2 Storey house, house- | this report as soon as possible in hold goods. Near Prince Rupert. A snap if taken atonce. Address Box 368. tf | order to pass upon the rate of . die assessment. The report wes laid on the table for the time but before the adjourn- , ment Alderman Kirkpatrick in- troduced a bylaw for the levying of a tax of twelve mills upon all Insurance fp ers secre sme OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just settlements. We write every known class of Insurance, The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. | for school purposes. The bylaw was read ea time and will be brought up Comfortable furnished apartments for lady or gentleman roomers at moderate terms. single apartments or convenient suites for | housekeeping. Splendidly furnished with all modern conveniences, hot and cold water, etc. | / second | . | for final passage @t the adjourned] AYbiy Mre.J. J. Rootes, the Bulkley Block, | meeting on Friday everis g. Sixth Ave. and Fult®n. Phone 179. wot — $+ ——_-—- --- —_——— | ” a = BULKLEY BLOCK RE-OPENS | BOYS! } Two Five Dollar bills to | be given away to bright boys. See Mr. Munroe at } the News office. Excellent Apartment House is Now Leased by Mrs. J. J. Rootjes. Mrs. J. J. Rootjes hes taker 1 | | | 4 avenue rear Fultor sireet o> d will re-open this subsiariicl b-ildirg| as a first rate furnished roomirg | As Good as Reciprocity After speeking last night house. The buildirg is furrished| ihe effect reciprocity would have throughout in modern style, with|on the black cod industry of this hot ard cold water, end the rec m5 | coast, D. R. Young, editor of the are well aired ard lighted. Situ-|Queen Charlotte News, had a ated centrally for both the business |}hreakfast party at the Inn_ this seciion of the city and the growirg district across McBride street this new eparument block will be found both comfortable and converient| on morning to demonstrate that black cod was no more injurious to the human system than is reciprocity economically, It was a fine break- under the capable maragemert Of | fast, black cod beirg served to the Mrs. Rootjes. guests in varied appetizing forms. POPULOUS DISTRICT Wonderful Workmanship Occupying quite a considerable of the ‘available clear space on the G, T. P. wharf op- posite the freight sheds this morn- irg is hung a huge totem pole sewn up into sections for trans- The mighty genealogi- iree from the Charlotte Islands in the Prince John, and to go to Victoria to be re-erected as a monument to a passing race. Third Avenue Lane Betwoen 8th and 9th Streets te be Graded. emount The commitiee or public works reported favorebly on the petivion to grede the lane be.weer Second and Third avenue and Eoghth and Nirth streets, ard the meeting of the council yesterday afternoon the report was adopved. Alderman Hilditch said it would be much easier to put in sewers and water mains now, and that the cost would be something less than $150 a lot, which was nominal compared with the ber efit che people would gain by it. portation. | cal came across Queer at is Up to Ald. Douglas A communication from the board of police commissioners was read yesterday afternoon, recommend- ing that a pound be esiablished. li was referred to the committee . on public works with a request SCHOONER WRECKED that the maiter be given im- em mediate attention, Jessie Miner Founders at Bris- tol Bay, Alaska--Crew Saved. the British Aviators Win Bosion, Sept. 7.—(Special)—-At the aviation meet here the English aviators captured prectically all the important events. ' Graham White flew fifteen miles across water in less than fifteen minutes, and in a strong breeze. (Canadian Press Despe.tch) Seattle, Sept, 7.—News reached here today of the wreck of the schooner Jessie Miner ai Bristel Bay, Alaska, on June 10th. All the crew are reported saved. over the Bulkley Block on Sixth |# | ' “The News” Classified Ads. ==Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertio LOOKING eo OVER— ‘Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118 | | | BESNER & BESNER, Proprietors | | Eocovpenente. | FIRST AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT | | prone 80) | Seventh Ave. and Fulton lands in the city, for ordinary ies dead lof the opposition campaign—pro- icipal expendi *s including ante , : ; canpicipal Sexpenttitures iChuding |navy in Ontario, anto-navy in board of health ard school pur- ge ta ais a 5 ‘ : | Quebec , ultra-protectionist in the poses, the amount siated being | Wanted—Cheap lots in section? and 8. If price| ~ ae ' $100,130.70 Of the ‘tax. tnine!| right will pay cash. P.O. Box 105. 205-111 | East, low tariff in the Wesi-——-one mills is for general purposes, one | jis reminded of John Randolph's mill for board of health and | pee t ‘celebrated remark about his op- hospital purposes and two mills| POEQ Rs |porents: ‘‘Principles—the honor- lable gentlemen have seven prin- In | ciples 5 | Manitoba Fress Press. pat Dolaway with this. Patronize a white ‘laundry. Whitellabor only at ew x Hotel |The New Knox Hotel is run on the aco First-class service. All the Latest Modern BEDS Sic UP | | | P.O. BOX B04} PONY EXPRESS SYSTEMATIC MERCHANTS’ DELIVERY SERVICE | Baggage, Storage and Forwarding Agents. For Rigs or Motor Car day or night Phone 301 Tory Loaves and Fishes Noting the variegated character loaves and 2 fishes.’ To Repay Province Ross & Rec Committee Rooms are Open Every Evening Corner 8rd Avenue and 5th Street Iproc] eae COCO OCOOOCOK: — | Ever come YOSCOCOO00094 Whites Portland Cement... | Skeena Land Distri G. C, EMMERSON os Take notic AGENT | Rupert, ‘oce } to the Chief Cor for a licence | Phone 125 = Naden Block = Second Ave | 9” an: under est Coast of Graha Commencir of the southe |W } ec ‘Windsor Hotel. FIKST AVENUE AT EIGHTH STREET [| Newly Furnished and Steam Heated Rooms ic A FIRST CLASS BAR AND DINING RATES 50 CENTS AND UP BATHS FREE TO GUESTS ROBT, ASHLAND es P.0. BOX 37 jand under the follow ‘des arms or € scammancing sts por | | of the nort corner of n eat 80 ch IMMeENce | Located August. ist | Skeena Land Dis Take notic | Rupert, saddier, intend Apt ommissioner of Lands a to prospect for coal, oil and | the following deseribed land Graham Island Commencir ROOM IN CONNECTION | the southeast i chains west, | chains east, then: | commencement AUS Located August ist. 19! | Pub. Aug. 19 ae Land District Dis | ‘Take notice that Aus M. Br | Regert, ocenpation saddle | Chief Commissioner of La and | licence to prospect {c Commencing at orth 80 ch south 80 chains, commencement BO chains, th nent ——$$$—$_____ COAI upa ng al ee th GRAHAM ISLAND eee Acoust tat 19) , 160 acres, $20.00 per acre Paenwe 39 Skeena Land Distric D { Queen Chariots BULKLEY VALLEY | ‘Take notice tha Ae 7 160 acres, $10 per acre; 320 acres | fe? Chiel Cor ered aan eee $10 per acre feetecedee toe ta P Weat Cc «