. " page root 1 GFCT Victoria BENNETT SPEAKS TONIGHT (MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH.) CFJC CHWK CJAT CJOR CRCV CKOV Kamloops Chilliwack Trail Vancouver Vancouver Kelowna A NATION-WIDE NETWORK 6 to 6:30 p.m Pacific Standard Time LAMB WEEK Will be observed in British Columbia September 14th to 21st inclusive. Housewives are asked to co-operate with Producers and the Trade in devcloplnng this important branch ol ths live stock industry. BRITISH COLUMBIA LAMB Comes direct from the pastures and is of the highest quality. EAT MORE LAMB. MUSSALLEM'S OFFER YOU QUALITY, PRICES and SERVICE Purity Flour. 98 lb sack for 49 lb. sack for . ;.. Alberta Rose Flour . 98 lb. sack for 49 lb. sack for 3,40 1.75 3.25 1.65 Eskimo Hard Wheat Flour Q 4( 98 lb. sack for OalU Pastry Flour, Australian 10 lb. sack : .39 Flour prices s.re up. Buy now Breakfast Food Wheat Gran- OQ Ules. fi lb. sark ltJ Christie's Cream Sodas, 1 lb. pkg., 2 for Christie's Rltz Waters OQ per Dke mO Pastene Pure Olive Oil per gal, Pastene Pure Olive Oil -J 4 per Y2 gal. .. Fresh Tomatoes, por basket QQ 27c, per crate '' good for canning or catsup. Phone or mail your .order to MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents", r. O. Box 575 Phone 18 Half Price FUR SALE This Is the 'greatest opportunity in a lifetime to buy a high-class Fur Coat of latest design. We have a large stock recently imported which were purchased at half the usual price and we are Plvlng our local customers tht- benefit of the deal. Ladies should not miss this .opportunity to secure a Fall and Winter Coat. G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarclll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM DOME" Rates 11.00 ay 50 Rooms Hot it Cold Waler Prince Rupert. B.C. .Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 -Build B.C. Payrolls" For Babies ft "A most delicate baby, I have found, can be raised on Pacific Milk. It is highly benefiplal to the child." From a letter by Mrs. W -. We have scores of letters telling of wonderful benefits to children by the use of thl3 good milk!, .to children who were 111, some of them serlou&ly so. , 3J Pacific Milk 2.25 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE CHESTERFIELD SUITE Covered in combination tapestry, reverse cushions QQQ Special VJO 327 Third Ave., Prince Rupert Phone 775 FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue COAL W Furniture Moving LIVING AT AGED HOME Life At Kamloops Institution Described by Nick Coulter Very Comfortable Grotto Taxi 456 3 CARS AT YOUR SERVICE Proprietors Bert Morgan & Bud Barrie Don't forget the number 456 PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SUpbuilde v ami Engimecra. Braaa Cajtin. DevtrU and Arctylea elding. OpodalUu n Sawmill awl Mining Machinery. A Tfpoa Cm Knglnea Repaired and Orerhanled. Is Three Prince Rupert Peoople There "-i-A. E. Allen Died Recently , (By Nick J. Coulter) PROVINCIAL HOME, KAM- fOUnd thlS Institution mnnHnrfiil .home for the aged and a credit to f the people of the Province. There ire rjearly 140 inmates and each one is given personal and lndivi-jdual attention. Rules and regula tions are not so strict that they Interfere with a person's actions providing he behaves himself in a gentlemanly manner Each person has ,his own private bed room. Hot and cold water, toilets and bathrooms are located on each floor. The dining room seats 120, ten at each table. Food Is served family style-The menus are as BreakfasU-frult, porridge, toast tea or coffee. Dinner soup, meat, veeetables desert, tea. and coffpe. Supper cold meats, vegetables, fruit, .tea. On the ground floor Is a sick ward with nurses, in attendance where the old timers are clven thn best, of care. Here is also a smoking room with comfortable chairs and tables where checkers and card games are played. There is also an auditorium where divine sprvw are held by the different churches of the city. Each nlf.ht a radio pro gram. is rendered from 7 to 9 on both long'and short waves. A large farm Is attached tn thi home where all kinds of products are grown, the farm work being done by prisoners serving time' In provincial goal. Prince Rupert's pioneers here nt. present are John Irvine. RnhPrt Wilson (Barney), John Campbell. a. AJien died a few days ago. C. N. R. Trains for the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday5 6 p.m. from the East-Saturdays Thursdays -10:20 p.m. tin duly mm Monday, Septte.. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Chum Run Starts on Queen Charlotte Islands Aerial Angling Party Has Good Fticccss Inspector of Fisheries Flying to Babine I Lake. . . j The run of chum salmon has now started at Skidegale Inlet on the Queen Charlotte Islands, according to word received Ir. Prince Rupert, i The run of chums and cohoes on the mainland is quite light. Early 'September sees live canneries still In operation ,in Prince Rupert dis trictInverness ar.d Claxton on the Skeena River Butedale and Namu on the mainland coast and Lagoon Bay on tne Queen Char lotte Islands. After having taken a party of Premier anglers to Khtada Lake for the week-end. the Pacific Airways bunkers seaplane, at present based at Stewart In commercial service, left this afternoon on its return to Stewart. The party, which left here at 4:15 Saturday afternoon following arrival. earlier in the day from Stewart, was at Khtada thirty-five minutes later, having landed at the lower end of the lake to take In tow a boat with which it taxied to upper end of the lake. Spending the here tree weeks today and haveniSht at Khtada, trc plane left at 11 o'clock Sunday nomine for La- kelse whera it jsper t the afternoon making short nassenser flights, re turning to Khtada about 6 o'clock last evening to pick up its party with which It landed here at 7:30 The members of the Premier party who had excellent success were R. DrysdaU, D. L. Coulter, Harry made the flight to Khtada and La kelse Lake with Mr. Drysdale and Pilot Charts Elliott. lng boat, which has beeri based at Swanson Bay in fisheries patrol ser vice during the summer, arrived here Saturday afternoon from down the coast with Pilot Maurice Mc Gregor and Mechanic J..G. Haslett on board and Jef t at noon today for Babine Lake with James Boyd, su pervlsor of fisheries for District No. 2, on board. Mr. Boyd will spend two or three days at Babine Lake in connection with an inspection of tne hatchery there, C.N.R. steamer Pnnce John was taken on the pontoons at the local dry dock this .morr'ng for annual overhaul. The vesse! will go batk in the run between here and Vancou ver via the Queen Charlotte Islands, sailing for the south from here Saturday night in place of the Prince Charles which is to be tied up here for the winter. Capt. W. P. Armour, head of the Armour Safvage- Co., is expected to arrive here about the end of this week or the first of next with the new service boat Algle for the company's local fleet. The Algle. a former Atlantic Coast rum runner, was recently acqulid by the local concern and has had one of two engines removed in Vancouver and converted to a single screw vessel. Capt. Armour Is expected to leave Vancouver for Pr'nce Rupert tomorrow with a big scowload of coal in tow. Mrs. Armour and dauehter. ! June, will.be returning north with him. Lieut. L. H. Haworth of the local unit of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve left at the end of the week for Esquimau where he' will take a course ol naval training. Bringing north a light list of passengers, Union steamer Catala, A. E. Dickson, arrived in nnrt. nt.l 10:30, last night from the south aijd sallied at midnight for Anyox, biewart and other northern points whence she will return here tomorrow afternoon southbound. '" i C.N.R. steamer Prince Rupert, jCapt.Capt. Neil McLean, returned jto port at 8 o'c'ock Saturday I night from Stewart and sailed at 1 10:30 p.m:, following the arrival of the train from the East, for Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Powell River. t ; Heading southward following the closing down of the Emelter towhn camp, Skipper hnd, Mrs. F. G. Brls- (tow and son of Anycxwere here the latter part of last. woeV bound from J Anyox to Vancouver 'aboard their Mi MUSICAL ROMANCE Al Johnson and Ruby Kreler Up In "Go Into Your Dance". j I "Go Into Your Dance." first of th wvlr fatnr offering at the : Capitol Theatre, In which Al Jol-' son and Ruby Keeler are co-atar- red, Is not only a musical comedy but a picture which is replete with dramatic situations, hilarious laughs, romance a.id spectacular dance numbers. It U the first time that Jolson and Miss Keelef, who Is his wife, have played together on the screen and th;y are said to make a perfect ttfam. As a Broadway entertainer In the picture Jolson is barred from the New York stage because of his fond ness for the ponle? s well as, wine and women. After sharing honors with a little dancing girl. Miss Keeler, In a nid-west town, he stages a sensational comeback but falls for the wiles of a blues singer, Helen .Morgan 01erda Far- rell has an Important part as the wise-cracking hard -boiled sister of Jolson who tries to keep him from ruination through his own folly. The cast also Includes Barton Mac- Lane, Sharon Lynne, patsy Kelly and Phil Regan. The comedy drama is interspersed with several song and dance numbers which are en joying current popularity. Hotel Arrivals Savoy John Ferguson, Lewis island: Mrs. C. Iverson and son, Oona River; Mrs. George Oliver, Ketchi kan: George Oliver. Mr. and Mrs. Melville, W. Dlckleson and D. S. J- T- Brentzen and C. Evans, city; Campbell (Biz Missouri). Jimmv Mr- a Mrs. J. R. Brown and E Bryant joined the party here and I A 1 M. Letnes. Port Essineton; Mae Dudoward, Myrtle Robinson and R. E. Valpy, Inverness; E. W. Moren, L. "Wester, O, Olson. L. H. Evans and E; K. Hendrlksen, C.N. r . t t i - j-t it Royal Yvonne Lambert, G. Jackson, S. Croxford and E. Yomomoto, city: O. Kenney, Terrace; O. Evans, Portland; W. Sim, Porcher Island: E. Yamomoto, Oceanic, Prince Rupert J. W. Morison, Mr. and Mrs. F. Maurice McGregor, J. O. Has lett, E. A. Tate. W. Marshall, A. McKague, G. Richards. H. Singleton and Kathleen Milllgan, Van couver; W- G. Mitchell. Oceanic: i George W. Cripps and J. Donaldson, city; Buckley Shannon. Usk: Angus Currie and Harry McCavour.! uiaxion; Mr. ana Mrs. C. O. Anderson, Petersburg; Canon Alfred J.. Vale, Chapleau, Ont.; E., Yaxley and F. Martin. Montreal: t) a Campbell. Stewart; C. B. Elliott, Moscow, Idaho. 28-foot square stern cjibln cruiser Playmate. They arrived here on Thursday evening and left Satuday morning in continuation: of their southward voyage. During their stay here, they tied up at the floats of the Prince Rupert Yacht and Rowing Club. SUNNY LIVING starts at the table How Ton feel and how too look depend largely on the foodi von eat. The balanced menu provide! the "bulk" to prevent common eoniti pation caused by lick of tbjj e tential fiber. Common constipation frecjuentlj causes headaches, Ion of appetite and energy. Yet, in meat cases, it can be overcome pleasantly and safely by eating a dtlicions cereal. Kellogg's Au-Bian is a natural food for normal individuals. It far. nishes "bulk" in convenient and concentrated form. Alx-Bban alio provides vitamin B and iron. Isn't this sunny way better than taking patent medicines? Two table, spoonfuls of All-Biak daily are usually sufficient. Chronie cases, with each meal. If reliaf is not obtained, see your doctor. Serve All-Bran as a cereal, or use in cooking. Get the red-and-green pack, age at your grocer's. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Keep on the 11 Sunny Side of Life 1 1-I:I-JU.IH TONIGHT AND TUESDAY HERE THEY ARE-IN THEIR FIRST GREAT HIT TOGETHER! al jolson ruby keeler Al First NoHoaol Plrtvra 9 8 other stars 7 thrillintr snnrrs Hoaiif tr t, ' hundreds helninrr Al and Huh ... " - - -j rv 4K vu inc urir wiui xuii, rnyinm, ana excitement! with - Glcnda Farrell Patsy Kelly Helen Morjran (Feature at 7:33 and 9:41) Extra! Extra! Extra! FOURTH EDITION OF THE "MARCH OF TIME" CUKT8 COMPLETE! FAST MOVING' ALSO WOULD NEWS EVENTS. - m a w a a m n LifliJl TinjllLilVi Save Time Save Health Save Money Save your Clothes and- .PS? GIVE YOU A LIFETIME GUARANTEE A Ht-nall down payment and monthly payments to t your convenience places an "EASY" in your home. THE NEW WONDERFUL VALUE casyette on.y o sold on the same .easy payment plan. Phone for uumonsiraiions. I TheFksh which made Prince Rupert Famom "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Now at aflmccnt Piict ! iHU M ' ECONOMICAL JamWilTVl