itmuunpainniiinmiiciniiiiutiJC ML-K1AY i I RAINilTlIi Third Avenue rnone 557 DAILY EDITION Are You Prepared For This Wet Weather? See that your feet are snupr anil dry no matter the wca-thor by wearing Rubbers I Sole Agrnts t.Mtti frrrha Hnnt Buy the Be--t and note the difference. THE FAMILY SHOE STORE LIMITED Where Service and Quality Excels g THE DAILY NEWS. PKINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue II. F. PULL EN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid lnadvanc Fox lesser periods, paid in advance, per week By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and .United States, paid in advance, per year , By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Local readers, per insertion per line . Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Transient display advertising, per inch, per mserUon. . Advertising and Circulation Telephone '-News- Department Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations 98 .8 - UNION STEAMSHIP LIMITED 4 'Bteamtrs leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver . T.S.8. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY 1:30 P.M Arriving Vancouver Thursday T.SS. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. Arriving Vancouver Monday a.m. Wctklf MUTtt f Part Btmpaau, Alice Ann, Anyor, Btewirt and Niu Rlvr. polnta. Lv. Wino Bupen 8and7. a pjn. Further information regarding, all sailings and tickets at SPECIAL ROUND-TRIP FARES TO VANCOUVER Return Mmlt March 31st I PRINZE KUPEBT AOENCTl Third Atenne. 15.00 .10 9.00 .25 J02 1.40 January 30, 1035 UNEMPLOYMENT CURE NEEDED Prime Minister Bennett has brought down his imem ployment insurance bill, which is a measure designed to help take care of the unemployment problem at some f u-tu re "date, although in a time like the one through which We have recently been passing it could not meet the conditions effectively. The measure is. a good one and is a decided advance on the present system. Wiiile we are glad to see this legislation being passed, as it presumably will be, we should have liked better to see the.gqvernment make an attempt to deal with the present unemployment situation. After years of idleness thousands; of meu are still, seeking employment. Some of them havtiHieen living on the dole and others are in govern ment &mp. What they want and what they need is remu- uentuvQ employment hut the U.ttawa New Deal admuu tttrritron seems to be playing around with a measure de 5ignefj to cure a situation which may arise m the future. We.ha've today an unemployment situation on our hands, the most ?erious the country ever has had. True there is an improvement over last year, but the improvement is Itaivl laborious and, in the meantime, the unemployed rrijosfng ah important slice of life which can never be re covered. What they want is work and wages. Tlte mayors of the Western citiesin conferme'g at Calgary arc? asking for work and wages for the people. The mcjn who have been the innocent victims of the recent sad conditions are also askine for work and wages. The Premier and government of British Columbia have since and before their election been asking for federal action which would give the men work and wages. The business people of the country realize that until there is general employment they cannot .prosper.. Work and wages is what they wish to see. All are agreed that the only salvation of the country is to put the purchasing power back into the hands of the workers. .Mr. Bennett has promised through his policy, wjiich has been all these years hatching, that he will give the people work and wages but he seems to be starting at the wrong end. possibly he has a good reason for this, but it is not apparent, we should have liked to see him get to the heart at the business and take stens to nut the men to work in stead of introducing measures which cannot have aby real etiect on the present situation. $32.00 rtion BSS 1 There wu a smart Up-to-date ln all save- her aci ; With her sails pointed reti. r Her lips, enerks and head "Folks take me lor twenty." she said. r Rain, In Prince- Rupert? My deair Oh. my dear f Nothing, you know to fear, oh to fear! For the evergreen coast Is proud of the boast, Roses reign as the reign, retgniafc here. A bibulous telle tr named Murray, Was so awfully fond of a flurry. That he bought at the vendor's As much as six spenders. So he landed la. clink in a hurry. Prince Rupert stepped out to- get fame-. In hopes of headlining her name, She caight a big shark. Called it a snake- for a lark. But they ruled her contentions too lame. BADMINTON SCHEDULE "A" League January 30 Skeena vs. C. N. R.; C. N. R. vs. Skeena; No. 2 Rupert vs. No. 1 Rupert; No. 1 Rupert vs. No. t Rupert February 6 No. 1 Rupert vs. C. N. R.; No. 2 Rupert vs. Skeena; C. N. R. vs. No. 1 Rupert; Skeena vs. No. 2 Rupert- February 13 No. 2 Rupert vs. C. N. R.; No. 1 Rupert vs. Skeena; Skeena vs. No. 1 Rupert; C. N. R. vs. No. 2 Rupert. February, 20 Skeena vs. C. N. R.; C. N, R. vs. Skeena; No. 2 Rupert vs. Na 1 Rupert; No. 1 Rupert vs. No. 2 Rupert. BASKETBALL January 31 Moose vs. C. N. R. Aj Legion vs. High School. High School vs. Annette's. Scouts, vs. High School vs. Annette's, Scouts vs. High School. February 4 C. N. R. A. vs. Q rot to. Orotto vs. Annette's, High School vs. Warriors, High School vs. Scy thlans. February 7 Moose vs. Orotto. Legion .vs. Warriors, High School vs. Orotto, Scouts vs. Scythians. February 11 C. N. R. A. vs. Moose, Annette's vs. High School. High School vs. Legion, High School vs. Scouts. February 14 Orotto vs. C. N. R. A, Warriors vs. High SchooL Annette's vs. Orotto, Scythians vs. Scouts. February 18 Orotto vs. Moose, Orotto vs. High SchooL. Warriors, vs. Legion, Scythians vs. Scouts. February. 21 Moose vs. C N. R. A., Leglorf vs. High, School, Hieh m i i February 25 CNJt.A. vs. Orotto, Orotto vs. Annette's, High School vs. Warriors, High School vs. Scythians, i February 2Rr-Mooje vs. Orotto, Legion vs. Warriors, High School vs. Orotto, Scouts vs. Scythians. . March 4 C. N. R. A. vs. Moose. t Annette's vs. High. School, High School vs. Legion, High School vs. Scouts. March 7 Orotto vs. C. N. R. A Warriors vs. Hih School. Annette's vs. Orotto. Scythians vs. High fithooL March 11 Orotto vs. Moose, Oortto. vs. Ijlgh, SchooL Warriors vs. Legion. Scythians vs. Scouts. I March. 14 Moose vs. C. N. R A., Legion vs. High School, High School vs. Annette's, Scouts vs. High School. I 723 DAILY HEVT8 Today's Limericks j Beautiful Scene Greets Skiiers at Lake Louise, B.C. There once was a lady from Glou cester. Whose husband one day thought he'd loucester. But she turned up that night, , In a terrible plight. For a wild bull had chased her and touce&tet. A terrible man is old winter, 1 Who swoops away down from the hinter. . Ite makes th lnt& bl ( And piles up the snow, 1 T11T of fmf, there's not left a spMn- ter. T the pulp mlU. the pride, rrf our city. I dedicate this IHtle ditty. ' It tent here yeti But it's coming, u bet. And then we'll all be fritting pretty. !f fpssssssCsMsMaTssMsr7ZissssLy J! -m flrHlkt A sstpfasg m4uttt b tit anew ssems opened to swallow tfctse adventuresome- winter sports fans an trW syce Victoria gassier. They are examining a gwsvt ie euve- on ne of tte Vmlte near Lake Louise. British Columbia. rrar3B.'aiavaUita.iiir-BiBiTi'.!itjf.! Scythians Hoop Team Going On Ketchikan Trip; j The Scythians Junior Ln(u' j basketball team will leave after to 'morrow night's games aboard the j i halibut boat Helen II. Capt. Petei ! Byme. for a tftp to Ketchikan j where they wttt ptoy game on Prl- j day and Saturday evenings with the High School junior team of! Jthat town. Return home win be mode by the local team oa Sunday night. These making the trip will include Ham Antoneill. coach; Arthur Murray, captain. Severity) Do- bninato. Allan OttUa. Mike Mante- aono, Andrew Letourweau, Louta Astorl and party of supporters. SPORT CHAT The Prince- Rupert DaaketbaH As sociation on Thursday night ts pre senting three special hoop games which shmtkf make it an attractive card. The Junior Scythians wffl pray their return game wtth the Port Simpson Junior Athletic Club. The Senior and Junior Eiks are due to tangre In what nromfeac to be one of the feature names of the evening. The Seniors boajtt of .such stars a.-; "Man Mountain" 8tnr "The Waterfront KW" Menxies. "Camera" Dudinich, "Stonewall" Irvine. "Play boy" Hury, "Uultet Joe" Scott, "HHl IJIHy" Mitchell, "Rig Train" Lamble and "DHwdy" Johns' Tlie Junior Elks have "Dum Dum" Arney, "WhlsperlhK' SmlWi, "Naky" Nakamoio, "Farmer" Stef-fensrud, "Ossie" Wlngham, "Oggle" Ogg. "Bing" MHler, "Nasty" Naylor. "Soup" Campbell "Horsey" Lindsay and "Dizzy" Davles. The Port Simpson 'Athletic Club tangles with the Orotto. asketball! THURSDAY, January 31st First Game PORT SIMPSON (Junior) vs. SCYTHIANS Second' Game JUNIOR ELKS vs. SENIOR ELKS Third Game KKNIOIt Port Simpson (Athletic Club) vs. Grotto Children ISe; AilulU 22c A.MI.S START 1:3a P.M. Hockey Scopes N'ortliurst Is ague Calgary S, Edmonton a. National league St. Louts 2, Montreal 5. New York Americans 0, Boston 4. Toronto 3, New York Rangers 7. Try a Dally News ciawifU-d ad. Mollison and His Pupil aaaBBBLWBlsal iMaSBBBaBaBaW Jimmy Molli give Jou B. n a bouquet and wt;he . her luck on a flight He taupht Joan to f y and he m proud of dt. pupir i ability the formerly held the England to Atuiralia flight record, LINE-UPS IN Following are eaptains and members of the teams in the Ladles Bowline League: Strikers Mlaa E. O lilies, captain, Mtw V. Wrathall, Miss I) IntUcand iMrs E. llenigman. Bosion Reda Mis R. Green, can tain: Miss R. Nelson. Mlas L Croxford aad Miss A Hallberg I Muallm's"Mi3 F. Mustalkm, Bialn and Mrs. G. Turgeon. t Canadian Association January 31 Swift's vs. Canadian Legion; Orotto vs. "Rupert Brand Musketeers; Ramblers vs. ON.RA. February 7 Swlfu vs. Ramblers; C.N.R.A. vs, Orotto; Canadian Le-lon vs. "Rupert Brand" Musk-teers. Pebruary 14-fiwifts vs. Orotto: .N.R.A. vs. "Rupert Brand" Musketeers; Canadian Legion vs. Ramblers. rebrsary 2I-C.N.R.A. vt. Swifts; Orotto vs. Canadian Legion; Ram blers vs. "Rupert Brand" Musket eers. Pebruary 28 Swifts vs. "Rupert Brand" Musketeers; Grotto vs. Ramblers; Canadian Legion vs. CN R.A. Wednesday. Jaauniy BILLIARDS ARE SLOW N !.- TUan Five Fixture Are lit- complete EserutWe Uy lake Action Soon TUrer cut of Kx games ; , .JU . til In Uat evening's Prinee h ,pr EaNtard Lehiujc Itxtutr t. Lktl and Elks, ttie luttei . .two- ami taking an aggr-iui-hu dat or tvt t 8W. Jn.hv.n,,, ,-orf were as follows: ! Eart Rat. Onm. i W V yrn- roll, Elk. ICS. T Ketrfaait, 1W; WIMtaia sttf( XM. J Suthrftend, 313: Harry my. V. 20. ; The foHosvfag games were v.l 'jjmvMI: Dot) Brown. Orottn v- c P. Bulaino, Elka; OeorRe II jjatnea Andrews; Bert Morv.ii i likrn are leadifm T25 to 112 . fKKire of Jawujry b wkh th : Lwuig tames stiU to be pi.. , O. P. Tinker. C&OMKaa Leio C. P. Batagiio. Elks. O. A. Woe- , lv James Andrewn, CUTixuir; vc WHtlani Stuart Geome t, , . Ltkm, defeated X E. Morns 1 i t26 to 2 bt night WMh but two out the atattataVJatiaVlBU?iariaraV:tBlU1' s t. 5 f SPORT NEWS January 21. The fettwwlng t are yet to be played George i! Grotto, vs. Alex Harvey C r iLetkKi. T Kerrhtan vs. O A. W - ajjiOAd. Dert Moraan vs. C L Y . gliuan. J. Sutherland vs C- i ICrtppi ' Outs4aacJD games of VI E lYoune. (ipesy, O A WoUr Canadian LckIoti. and PHe Prt- ! RHWf TPAIUQ ebard c L Yaungman fr JLivy Hi- I MuTkiiiyj fixture of January 10 remajn in t played. Empreaa having .in iu'rr- i cate lead oC 9S Ua 907 jCaiaaiiand Jleimcr.f UTtana AUo poBtponed la ih? f r. in Ladir' Lrae- Sx4 Uematelo game of. the C.xr ue December It between Jam- - Ar drews. Elks, and Alex Harv v t m idian. Legion, the aggtegate v re date being 1250 to 874 ir t o ! Elks. i TinarnMa Nbtht .Canadian Legion and Vxw Mre scheduled to meet otn night wUh line-ups as fn O. P Tinker. Canadsia : - e vst'K; Cameron, Emptev A. Usrvey vs A. Donald O A. Woodrand v M F Y .r wauonai uccreauon, C L Youngman v P Mrs. J. II. Ilorton, cap- j cnard Uln; Mrs. O Stevens, Miss R, Oi- ' lles and Miss D. UaQinger. , All Stars Mrs. Alexander, captain: Mrs. Woodside. Mrs. Hodgson and Mrs McCllnton. RunertHles -Miss M. McLeod, captain; Miss E. Davles. Miss T. Da-vies and Mb A. Mussaliem. Annette's Miss P. Stone, captain; itiM.ll. Brand. Miss A Colussl. .and Mrs. M. Budlnlch Dig Four MLm M. JohnsUsie. captain; Mlss-L. Johnston. Mis L, Dasso-Dert and Miss M. SkattcboL Lueky 8trllces- Miss p. Steen. (sqitaln: Mbs J. Scott, Mfcw M. Ket- ' chum and Miss F. Yager. Alley Cat- MLm L HaUberit captain; Miss V. Joluutone. Miss L. PrlzMll and Miss R. fitromdahl. SCHEDULE OF BRIDGE Ceorgr' Crfpps vs to hriug matters, to a Ien R . be M. M.Lams vs. R MrLc Owing to the large numbr -feited games, the league si'iua Is now becoming, very ror fi. an executive meeting win i i-tubij be held shortly to take some jcucs iard Averages W Stuart Elks II Mcnzle iRIkii J. Bulger iRIInr Ci-orge Crips CL M. R Young iEmp-R. MeLend Kmp A. Donald Emn Mrt Morgnn iO W. Macey IEmp J. K. Kfcwrls Elksi. iK Ititt iO C !. liilaiino (F3ks H. D. Macdonald tO D. Brown 0 A. Harvey (CLk I. Pritchard iKmp K Cameron Emp O. A. Woodland CL W. Ilutson 0) L. Raabe George Howe lO M. M. Lamb (CD W. Wllllficroft il.1k R Stacey Empl O. P. Tinker tCL T. Kerrigan 0 J. Sutherland Oi James Andrews Elks C. L, Youngman (CD A. Bcalc (CL). 1 vm 151 124" 1444 tits 1411 so? lMT t9 JIW m K5 nrr ni irs ! ,TT 106) 6M 771 579 183 A Daily News Want-A will kcI what you want. GRAND OPENING NEW BOWLING ALLEYS Thursday, 2:30 P.M. IN ItASRMRNT OF HXCIIANGK III.OCK Kvcryone Conlinlly Invited 2 ! its K4 & St SI 91 731 & m ta 2 114 211 20 204 1S4 193 184