MACD0NALD IS PRESIDENT U llio-n llrad bf Hospital Hoard lor Omlng Year 1931 Board lie-elected '( 1 ivtc court of revision at which t-'C board Is appealing the valuation acreage property It holds In 7, , Today's Weather Ucaci Tri-e Point Raining, south "-l calr; barometer. 29.28; tern "raturc. 42: soa roimh. "ortheast wind; sea moderate. rerrace-, Raining, calm, 26. Anyox-Cloudy, calm, 35. Stewart-Foggy, calm. 34. HazeltonCloudy, calm. 32. Smltners-cioudy. calm. mild., "urns Luke-Cloudy, calm, 23. roposal is to Pay SI Per Day Under Contributory Arrangement Nunilcr of Industries Excepted Employers Would Collect and Commission Would Administer OTTAWA, Jan. 30: (CP) A contributory unemployment insurance Scheme was introduced in the House of Commons yesterday by Premier R. B. Bennett. Roughly, nirm mnn nvor tupntv-nne vears of aire would . .i.njon. O. P. Tinker ana t- nAAtnn tn the cost in uuuuiuu lu nnv nir r s Dlbb were re-elected as dl- and tlie dominion ten cenib yt is ' f the Prince Rupert Gen " -i I M: pre . F. i nital for tlie year 1935 . i tir 1 ual general meeUng last HOSPltal WOl'K I the Hosplal Association. Af-, f n . rneral meeting, the board '.o session and 8. D. Mac-was named president for i- with W. M. Brown, vlce-a H. W. Dlrch being re- For Year 19M Reported Upon managlng secretary. j Mui donald, In accepting the During the year y thankKl the board for 897 patients were treated i him. With the assistance Prin4e nUDcrt Oenerel Hospital . . , as nbrr, of lhe boatd. he hoped wth 919 the year pre- able to carry on with a mea- CU1"P' . ,. .,. r- according to the annual re-'.1 vlous. rincicncy comparable with preceding presidents. .port of the lady superintendent, iik Dlbb and H. W. Ulrch were NUss Jean Harlrson R N-, read at tne 'it:a to attend the forthcom- general meeting of tne innw - pert General Ilospiwi Asayvi. t nieht. The average stay In the hospital per patient was 19.7 days and there was a total of 17.728 hospital days, a decrease of 1,014 days from the year previous. Thorp were 93 births and 34 ! deaths In the hospital during tho year. General anaesthetics administered totalled 360. there being 107 maior and 343 minor operations. Triple Island-Overcast, strong There had been x-ray e - Juthcast wind: moderately rough, tlons. "gara Island-Overcast, fresh! Pui'" uu'"' .r , nursing staff of administration. After paying for j forty weeks a man would be en- i tlttMi in rrM-r t ner dav or S6 1 VICTORIA, B.C. Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides I v 1 High 10:21 ajn. 20.2 ft l Rupert- Raining, ttrong 23:45 17.5 It ., ist wind; barometer. 2BM; pjn. Low 3:M am. 10.2 ft. jiure. 40. sea rough. i ' 17:22 pjn. 4.4 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL MUTISH COLUxMIUA'S NEWSPAPER n. 1 25 Nr PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1935 pRice: nv cents UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE PLAN W IMPORTANT REQUESTS BY WESTERN MA Y0RS AT CALGARY Stern ParliamentariansJBow Before Altar of Smiling in atmtr rr4 nnw fnrf0 were acKnowicagiu vlth appreciation by the lady HEADLEY IS DEFEATED Dusky Sonny Jones nf Wins Technical Knockout Over Easterner Ted Dungate will sail tomorrow afternoon on the Princess Norah for a trip to Vancouver. Dionne Babies iiMi. j,iu... .k.n . tiumi n. hi..wto. nt ihp nnt.i m envemment heard so much about the famous Dionne quintupets .iat they decided to go up ,h -. fur ihMMiltM sa the nL Lhv saw and were completely conquered by the smiling UtUe sisters so cart.mly attended to jy Dr. A.Ul. Dafca. The plc- Armand Racine of T. Si N. O. Railway with Ceelle; Dr. Datoe with" Af ahows from Left to Right' Hm David Crotl minister of public welfare, holding Annette; Marie smallest of the quintuplets: Hon Paul Leduc. minister of mines, with Emllle. and Premier Mitchell Hepburn demonstrating with Yvonne how a baby should be held.-Copyright 1935. I i. i M D..Li. imponani measure is muugui Before House of Commons With Sponsorship of Gov t. Leader Missing MieV AndlHOSPITAt Searcher Come FINANCES Uuttrom Worth i Airplanes carrying "Ginger" Coote, well known northern filer, iwho had been missing for ten days 1 r-i m.i.. 1-. --.J .nil FIRE LOSS WAS LIGHT Damage Last Year nsurance Chief's Annual Report IUI1U 4t J UHU J w v. w v. , . , . - . i .u.. Responsibility for the collection " . " .'v ....... j the Commissioner W. J. Alder. The of the levies Is placed upon em ployer. The scheme will be administered by a commission which will try to amount of insurance paid was $1106.43, the actual loss over and above Insurance being therefore find employment for those out bf. was $18500O work. The brigade responded to 64 calls during, the year of which 19 were Deficit Was Larger Durin; Year 1931, Amounting to $3,087.83 . The Prince Rupert General Hospital showe da deficit of $3,087.83 m nc rnuay IUm .r8.uu, u.m operatlon durlng the year 1934 McM Ulan nf thp Tvn Rrnthprs Min- r.. .. .... i ing Co., who had gone to search for Coote. passed over Prince George j yesterday bound for Quesnel, ac cording to word received at divisional headquarters of the provincial police here. Owing to ground conditions at Prince George, the planes were unable to land there but a note was dropped telling of Coote's safety. No particulars were Dreviou& talned. weekly' for thirteen weeks plus onc,Pract,can' AU Aav tnr overv lrMlt hp h.1S Pontrl- i Covered by I V... J w . j " - - w buted. Lesser sums are provided for women, younger men and women and dependents. Certain occupational I are arc made njaue uwiuumg Including agriculture asiimumci 'according to the financial state ment presented to the annual meeting last night of the Prince Rupert General Hospital Association. This deficit compared with one of $1,167.99 in 1933. Revenue for the year totalled $68,60738, a decrease of $5,289.92 from 1933 whUe expenditure for 1934 was $71,695.41, a decrease of $3,370.08 from the "year Owing to a decrease in the num- j jber of hospital days during the lyear. there had been a consequent 'decrease in grants, explained S. D. Macdonald, chairman of ihe finance committee, except In the case of the provincial government, the grant of which had been higher owing to a 25 percent cut In grant having been restored. Pending the .establishment of state health insur-jance, which the provincial govern ment was considering, It appeared Total damage to property by fire ; necessarv: to Dress for Increases In exceptions and water durins the ycar 1934 was ! grants, stated Mr. MacdonaldrDur- $1151.43, $757.45 of this being to inf the. vpar pranbt for Indian nat- buildings and $393.98 , . to contents l lents had been wUhdrawn. Rigid bank-1 teaching, fishing, lumbering, 1934 M a total of .ilne thei,nK- dvernment government employees, employees, police police ! acc0I?,nS . t0 the a"nua "P01,4 economy had been exercised during tne Wlw lire lilt; oeparuncni suomuieo oy the year, expenditures being cur- ,ca stovepipes, The chairman of the finance Interest Redaction, Relief Refunds, Work And Wages Demanded Proposal of Mayor Houdc of Montreal For Conference In Ottawa During: Session of Federal House Is Approved CALGARY, Jan. 30: (CP) The meeting of western mayors here yesterday confirmed resolutions asking for a j complete refunding scheme to take in all municipal capital I indebtedness at a maximum interest rate of three percent with federal government guarantee, refund of all expenditures by municipalities on relief costs, work and wages j Y-or unemployed afterMarri31 and INSURANCE OF HEALTH importance Stressed in Report of Retiring President of Hospital : It eviews Yeai Operation Was Satisfactory in Spite Of Larger Deficit "The hospital has passed through a very trying year with results which reflect great credit on the managing secretary. Mr. Birch, and upon Miss Harrison, the lady superintendent." said the report of O. V. tors have caused a larger deficit to be shown than was the case last year but the results of the year's op eration are very satisfactory- Re pairs to the hospital building and painting of the Nurses' Hometo- gether with renewal bf x-ray equip ment and mattresses, have been paid for out of current revenue. Private wards have been renovated under the dlrecUon of Miss Harrison and present a much more comfortable appearance. Miss Ran cash relief for all unemployed not covered by the work and wages progtam. The meeting, accepted an Invitation of Mayor Camlllen Houde of Montreal to attend a Dominion conference of mayors at Ottawa during the federal session. Missions-Are v r WellAltended Large Attendances" at Meetings In St. Andrew's Cathedral Yesterday Church Army officers from England continued , their work at St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday. There was a large attendance at the children's service which was Wilkinson, prerident of the hospital t conducted under the leadership of board, at trie annual meeuau oi uk captain Hanney. rrince nuyciw j speclaJ service for young people in the evening was addressed by Captain Hutchison who de scribed the heroic character and life of Christ. He spoke from the words: "We would seeJesus." Mrs. J. H. McLeod and Captain Hanney both rendered a solo. ;. The halfway mark of trie mission Is reached today. Apart, from the ordinary children's and adult's mission services, there is a special service of Holy Communion. Already the Influence of this dall. registrar of nurses for British "Mission of Help and Renewal Columbia, wrote commenting very being felt In the community. iavoraoiy on uie improves appearance of the hospital. "No new students were taken into ! the training school last year but it ; Is expected that a class will commence next September. This will give an opportunity to local girls to ( enter a very noble profession and, I taiiAH n what nnparpH tn hp nh.idue to our affiliation with Vancou is , from chimneys falling on roofs and I committee acknowledced the effl-!tne creation of new and avoidable ; came UD on remand this mornlnn Vancouver carbonization of jets In oil bum- .lent work of the manaelnir secre-i expenditure. It means preparing ln;and the case was adlourned until lers, two smoke scares and one each drying wood too close to a stove. brakeman's seat too close to a boll-VANCOUVER. Jan. 30: (CP cr, children playing with matches. Dusky Sonny Jones bf Vancouver ; overheated fireplace, laklng dead smashed his way Into the Canadlani man off roof, gasoline fire, grease Ing during the year. Miss Harrison , welterweight picture last night with spilling on electric stove, unknown tpnnrtpd . a five-round technical knock-out i cause, short circuit In car. live Assistance and co-wpviuuuu m ",",'1,71.11'"U,V' 1 mcmbcri'brthe.boortf; dpetors ano 1 i i coals falling heated stove. on floor and over- The Gyro Club enjoyed a debate today on the capitalistic system. solutely necessary. The cost per 'ver General Hospital and Tranqullle hospital day for the year had been $2.74. The Port Albernl Hospital, which had the advantage of large contracts In connection with the log ging Industry, was possibly the only one in the province which had a cnimncy nres, six iaise alarms, nve, hotter financial showing than (each hot ashes against wood and)Prlnce Rupert, declared Mr. Mac-cigarette stubs, four each overheat-! donald bush ousn fires, nres. sparks sparicsi I Sanitarium, each student has the Preliminary Trial Of Indian Girl On Murder Charge Set Preliminary trial of Nina Spald- advantage of two months training ingi Port Esslngton Indian girl, on at Tranqullle and two months train-;a charge of murdering her infant ing In dietetics at Vancouver. ! son In a grim incident a few weeks "A review of hospital matters j ag0 at the Port Esslngton graveyard generally Indicates that state health I at whch Ume the girl was alleged insurance Is the most Important , to have attempted to take her own matter at present under consldera-1 nfe Dy stabbing herself. Is set for tlon. In this connection it should j tomorrow morning before Stlpen-be pointed out that state health In- diary Magistrate Andrew Thompson surance does not necessarily mean m provincial nolice court. The girl tary and the cooperation of the Jan orderly iasnion 10 meei an ex- j tomororw. R. L. McLennan has been lady superintendent. , penouure mar. is wun us, win ai-; retained as defence counsel. - . ways tie with us and which we can GETS THREE MONTHS never escape. A considerable section of' the public look upon hosplT o. C. Walker, chief supervisor of George Fonten was sentenced to tallzatlon as something to which perishable freight traflc and welgh-three months' Imprisonment at they are entitled as a matter of 'ln service for the Canadian Pacific Stewart yesterday on a charge of right tn the same way as the right Railway with headquarters in Mon-obtalnlng money by false pretences . to education thus the demand that , treaj, arrived in the city on last in connection with the Issuing of' the state assume the responsibility night's train from the east In the worthless checks. Fonten' was ar- ofr providing for hospital care and course of a trip to the Pacific Coast rested here last weekand taken attention through taxation or some and will sail tomorrow afternoon on back to Stewart. (Continued on Page 3) tthe Prime: Narah for Vancouver. V