PAQE TWO WHAT BE ITER WAY Could your Christmas Cheque be spent . . . than for a pair of Comfortable Shoes to meet your immediate requirements. Now Is the time to be fitted with shoes The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenue THE DAILY NEWS. fKINCE RUPERT - BSIT1SU COLUMBIA Phone 357 Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Hupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PUI X.VU Managlng-Edfcor News Department Telephone t 8$ Adtertisinc and Circulation Telephone SS Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation! DAILY EDITION Saturday. Dec. 28, 1935 LITTLE WAR PROGRESS Little progress seems to have been made in connection with the invasion of Ethiopia. The Italian progress nas, undoubtedly, been very slow and there have Deen setbacks from time to time so that, at tne present rate, it shoulo take many months to subjugate the little country of dark-skinned people. What seems surprising is that the Italian people could expect to win against a number of large nations when they have made so little progress in their advance against little Ethiopia. They may feel confident that their navy would give a better account of itself against Britain and the rest than has the army against the blacks but that hope seems to be rather a forlorn one. Let it be admitted that the Italian navy is in excellent condition and that preparations have been made for this possible event for many months and even years, still it does not seem likely that the Italian navy could clear the Mediterranean of hostile war vessels and make it an Italian sea. For at least a year priorlo the commencement of hostilities the Italians were preparing for this war of subjugation. Modern war material was assembled including the latest tanks, bombing planes and other paraphernalia so that, once the word to advance was given, nothing was lacking to delay the huge army. Opposing the Italians were mostly men untrained in modern warfare without airplanes or tanks or any of the paraphernalia considered necessary in fighting. True the Ethiopians had machine guns and were fairly well supplied with rifles and other arms and ammunition. They were weakened, however, right at the first by an important defection from their ranks which doubtless had a bad effect upon the dark-skinned warriors. Yet in spite of that they have pretty well held their own and made it necessary for Mussolini to change his high command, and pressed so hard that an oil embargo was considered so vital as to endanger the successful carrying out of the military movement. The progress of this little war is becoming more and more interesting every day, especially in view of the fact that the rainy season will soon put an, end to hostilities there and then there will be a Ion? wait before the advance can continue. It is .easy to keep the Italian people enthused when the war is going on but a long wait without any fighting may prove extremely dangerous. Theftsh which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED LACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian fish & Cold Storage CoM Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. WILL BUILD CITY HALL Carter - Halls - Aldinger Co. Gets Municipal Job in Vancouver VANCOUVER, Dec. 28: CP The city council yesterday awarded the contract for the construction of the new City HaH here to Carter-Halls-Aldinger Co. at a price of $885,000 including $200,000 in in. sold baby bonds. There were only two bids for the job. Lakelse Concert Unique Affair Exhibition of Athletic Training And Maypole Dancing Featured TERRACE. Dec. 28: The annual concert and Christmas tree of the Lakelse VaHey Community Club was held on Monday night of this week. One of the features of the evening's proceedings was a display of athletic training put on by the children of all ages under the direction of Walter L. Scott who Is doing notable work in this regard. In many ways, this display was' most unique, some rarely seen de- monstrations being put on. Prizes for athletic prowess were presented to some of the pupils by E. T. Ken-j ney M. L. A. Maypole dancing byj the girts also proved of Interest Beiore the proceedings were brought to a close, there was a visit from Santa Claus who had gifts for all the children. In connection with -ne entertainment, mere was a sea-1 sonabk contribution from Cambrai Chapter. Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, Prince Rupert. The displays of athletic training Included bar, bells and Quarter staff play and Indian club drill by' girls of the senior classes led byj Marie Asserude and accompanied by Allan Robinson with accordion music. The senior boys gave a hori- tontal bar display. The prizes presented by Mr. Kenney were a punching bag to Malcolm Elder, captain of the school, and a basketball to Marie sserude. The prizes were pur-.hased as a result of a grant from 'he Strathcom Trust which was -ecommended by Hon. Dr. O. M. Weir, minister of education, who isited the school last summer. I ' Christmas Cheer At Hospital Too! Conscription In France Expanded PARIS. Dc 28 Th vr,.i,! Chamber of Deputies, at the re-: -luesi oi ine minister of war. voted to Increase the period of compulsory military training In France from twelve to eighteen months.; The minister of war referred to) ine increasing military activity in Oermany and suggested that the conscription period In Franc-might eventually be Increased to two years TRAPPERS: Have big order for all furs espe clailv MINKS avn iinu i'itiwcMa Ship your goodsas soon as recelv Pri U.'P Wlro VAlit.ftAM T i.. . , " lAILMblUII. 11 ied J O -". IVbUlill Pvnrari. ... t J l -,i - rice not at once. pjiu win ways. No 1 Ranch Minks as high as $15; Interiors $15; Martens, as high as $49; Lynx, $30. In the market for good Silver Foxes Make a shipment and be convinced. U U L IJ U L O O M Is the best man The Old Reliable DAILY NEWS Saturday, r 'SPORT' L ! II I ! - I I McAvoy Wins m II hsS 1 Jock McAvoy, the British llght-heavyweight and middleweight champion, opened his first American tour by taking an unexpected 10-round decision from Al McCoy, Montreal and Boston scrapper, and followed up with a sensational one-round victory over Babe Rtsko. the middleweight champion. McAvoy is seen with the Lord Lonsdale belt, em-blematlc-of his British championships, and which he owns outright by virtue of three successful defences Of the titles. - With the belt goes a pension of one English pound weekly for life. J PROWLER IS CHARGED; j CALLED OX MAGISTRATE Holton Bakken appeared in city police court yesterday before Ma gistrate McClymont on a charge of uniawiuny entering a dwelling Santa Claus. in the course of his nouse witn a view to committing fsitatinns In Prlnos Diit.. 4ui. an indictable offenpp Rili-tron le .uivw AkUCtk liO "ivivu AO eek, did ilot forget either nursing ,al,e8ed to nave canpd at the resi- mh or pauenu oi ine Prince Ru-j u upwe Atcciymont ifrt rjpilAnl Uncnltol I OVer the hnlidav hut rnuM nnt , in nas Eve he appeared at the nurses' admiss5on tnere 80 wnt next door 'lirUfm'ie Tru i T . t to the home nf v t r, ...u ...v. i -v. tn LI 1C UrScS I aaviA WilCIC the was fnnnrt jailed at the wards in the hospital. ! has rwnanded far eight days ucic wciv gnus lor an. As usual, aoth hospital and Nurses' Home were specially decorated In token nf the festive season. The Presbyterian Church choir sang carols at the hospital Christ-1 mas Eve. The Ladies' Mmv oh,' will visit the institution tomorrow to render a nroeram of spnsnnoii music. pending investigation. Interior Weather Terrace Raining, calm, 36. Anyox Heavy rain, calm, 34 Stewart-Heavy ram. calm, 33. Hazelton Ooudy, calm. 29. Smithers- -Cloudy calm, mild Burns La)ce--Snrwm: -jim. 21 DAYTOXA BEACH PUTS UP $10,000 FOR PRIZE DAYTOXA BEACH. Fla, Dec. LADIES' BOWLING LEAGUE January 9--Annettes vs Bran ', et.tes. Maccabees vs P R. Orads. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilder mad Engineers. Ira nj BraM CaattB. El fc trie mnd ActTlua VTeldin. SpecUlUta un ScwuiLU and Mining Machinery. AD Typ .f Cm Eu8la Repaired and Orcrhaulcd. FURS FURS We have orders for Mink, Marten. Lynx, Foxes, Weasels, and we are prepared to pay you highest cash prices. Also all your other furs at full market value. Trial shipment will convince you. Ship now to J. CLONES PRINCE GEORGE, H.C. Old Country Soccer English League. First Division Birmingham nil; Wolverhampton nil. Brentford, 4: Bolton, nil. Derby County. 3: Everton, 3. Grimsby. 1; Blackburn. 1. Leeds United. 4; Stoke, 6. Liverpool, 2; Chelsea. 3. Portsmouth. 1; Middlesbrough, nil. Preston. 4; Huddersfleld, nil. Sheffield Wednesday. 5; Aston Villa. 2 Sunderland. 5: Arsenal, 4. I West Bromwich Albion. 5; Man-hester City, 1 Scottish League, First Division Aberdeen. 1; Motherwell. 1. Albion Rovers. 5; Arbroath, 2. Clyde. 7. Hibernians, 4. Hamilton, nil; Celtic, 2. Hearts. 3: Alrdrieonlans, nil. Kilmarnock, 1; Third Lanark. nlL Queen's Park, 3; Dundee. 2. i Queen of South, 3; Dunfermline.' 1. i Raagera. 6; Ayr United, 1. St. Johnstone, 3; Particle Thistle,' nU. I Leading Woman . TTf Tennis PlavPi- Killed by Horse NHH VICTORIA; Dec. 28: CP Mrs. R. B. Wilson, one of Canada's leading women tennis players, was killed on Christmas Day when she was thrown from her horse while riding with her husband. She was ; a dauahter of the late n n Tirinm . 28 -Mayor E. H. Armstrong minister of finance In a former! of Daytona Beach announces British Columbia myeniment that a prtee of $10,000 is being put up for any automobile ' --- ... j who Is able to speed racer nott'LIXG SUSPENDED .. ! break the record of the Brl- tish racing driver. Sir Malcolm Activities of the various bowling Campbell, the ran to be made leaeues have tv nunUui on the Daytona Beach sands. the Christmas arid .New Year hott-j dav seacnn Tt le ovruwtbrl Vio rilnu --. - -- .'...tiu , , ... If IU . will be resumed about the second week In January. COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Ouarantwd FAMOUS EDSOX ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 Grotto Taxi 456 3 CARS AT YOUR SERVICE PrmprleUrt Bert Morgan ti Bud Barrtr Don't forget the numlier 150 AFRICAN WINES Quality Built up through 230 years of wine making tradition. Him advt. i not published or 'pljiyed by the Uqnor Co trol Roard or by the Govern-ment of Brilisb 0,'umbii Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Red Sockeye Look for the WHITE LAPEL with the GOLD SEAL Always Carry Spares To Fill the Empty Sockets Sparr lamps m the home are a great convenience, allowing you t6 replace immediately burned out or broken lamps without robbing other fixtures. , aim an nail uco .Maida Lamps are now GORDON'S HARDWARE Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. I 1 1 THE OLD, OLD WISH 1 I only iOc each Mcltride St. Ilmnr 111 B8BnnHH3n3BnnnMBB ',i . ; Ve wish you all A HAPPV AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Philpolt, Evilt & Co, Ltd. Jgilg U.D.L. RYE WHISKIES ! JOCKEY CAP 25235 i mm, mmny mm mmr .Thu advatuement not publuhcd or dijphgd pr by,bf,GoTtramtnl of Britiih Columbia.