1é 9th 7a WEN TOT Next MAILS ) Gents foot hours ene Pee OR vm * Sept. § ee moggn . SW.” ... Sunday, a.m. yas, ras, MEUTINYY 9g 961 “oT Tap ik Wi en Nort 64.0 oo} —Pencess'May......, Monday p.m. ——_—_—_——— Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist “YA VOL. Il, NO. 2 PRINCE RuPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1911. PRICE FIVE CENTS RICH GOLD STRIKE WV HILCOT Hbow RECIPROCITY WILL REDUCE COST OF FOOD ec a~ ll teresting Comparison of Food Prices Which Every Housekeeper Will Understand — Reciprocity Will Mean Cheaper Food for the Consumer and Larger Profits for the Tradesman aA se be decided at the coming election is not one land ati azeee Bh is | to decide what we are to pay for the common hat proportion of whai ore earns shall be paid The d ble is the strongest argument in this campaign rough, the price of almost everything we handle this { reduced by the amount of the present duty and that These duties are as follows per lb. Apples, 40c per bb! dF Peaches, $1.00 per Grapes, 2 Sweet Other vegetables Other 25 2” per cent. practically the same as in Var duty ni oT 100 Ibs. per Ib 10 bu 30 per cent. Patatoés, per = fruits, ere are couver, g is a carefully made comparison of Vancouver iulls Prince the 1 rec iprocits is adopted, the Seattle ¢ food above the prices, as a ttle BSSn BBRER ire only trifling a Seattle Vancouver Mution, 13c per Ib Lemb, 15x Ib 20 24 Poultry, 23 to 30c. Eges, 30 to 45 per CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 FOG ON COAST CHALLENGES CHAMPION hipping Delayed. Rupert Left Durnan of Toronto Defeats Hac Late. Rain at Points kett of Kenora it takes a professor of economics to grapple ersonally appeals to all, and especially to the wage | BRINGING OUT THEIR CHAMP ION RUPERT’S NEW fet GRISLY JOKE “ Church to Establish an (Canadian Press Despatch) London, Ont., Sept. 8.—Legisla- tion for a third Ecclesiastic Pro- vince of tine Anglican Church in Canada wes inaugurated at the general Syrod meeting here |today, when the recommerdation lof the House of Bishops for the l|establishmert of a rew ecclesiastic | Province of British Columbia was | placed before the House of Del-- | gates. | The new province will comprise |the dioceses of Columbia, Koote- ; jnay, Caledonia and New West- minster. It is likely that this third Province if it is established different Provirces at this Synod, will be from’ the two of Carada ard Rupert's lard, for there is now before the Syrod a present notice of motion by the Bishop of Caledonia that in the of the establishment of the event Pro- vince its two houses of Bishops| and Delegates will sit together. MAY ESTABLISH A THIRD ECCLESIASTIC PROVINCE Proposal Before the General Synod of the Anglican Ecclesiastic Province of British Columbia, But Without an Archbishop motion that there be no Arch- bishop to the new Province, and that its Metropolitan do rot assume the title of: Archbishop urtil there are at least five diocese Bishops within the Provirce. S. A. ENTERTAINS OFFICERS Major Morris from Vancouver and Adj. Smith of Alaska Sundzy’s services in the S. A. Citadel will be particularly bright as the Army detachment in Prince Rupert urder Ersign Johnstone is to ertertain the two leading officers during the week erd, and both will take par. ir the services. Major Morris of the Army Pacific Coast headquarters at Vancouver is expected by the Prince George iomorrow mornirg, ard Adjutant Smith of Wrangell, officer com- manding the Army operations in Further than this the same Bishop has a secord notice of South Eastern Alaska, is at present on Prince Rupert. HOSPITAL TANK Erected by Days Labor—Cost $890 ~ FIREMAN’S WEDDING Leonard Porter With His Bride to Start Hotel | Priar a (Canedian Press Despatch) To provide for possible shortage} Leonard Porter, the fireman ring are oe ‘ = | f ater at the Genere spital | ° Serres Set Sena AMBULANCE | BASEBALL SCORES | OO rE M ETS oe Drcccre have, nae ee a omnes tb ails weathe seach tr; cerantartin Vt ted Hack- the Directors have now head a2 ‘ Ne ne Tor , yesterdi lefeated Hack if 3) sen ilia lt C : ; : . : | pert brigade to go to the Okanagan, MOTTUNE | tt of Kenora, by 5 Ie ngths in a B ‘ld Ss t D k G ee eee \Conseslitinte Ca didate ee new redwood tank erected at 2] . Dae ghnth aitinn clad uilders Sugges ark Green Northwestern League | ‘ n ’ cost altogether of about $800. | hes taken over the hotel premises vo ine ; Enamel with Red Relieving : aa | edin the Morgue may Like to Ths tank | i ‘Hately -cun cat (the cll : f — tur Time 20 minutes 23 seconds ‘ % : Vancouver 6, Spokane 4; ten] ; 1e tank is a substantial one of | !atel) un at the old town o ve Lines and Gold Lettering Select Colors for Rupert's}, ? ae ; a gained |-phe winner challenges Arnst, Aus- g j innings large capacity. | Keremeos by George Kirby, and eashne ; Rena, ; Will be Handsome Wagon. a rike-B Ambulance. S. i : 3 *ltralian, the presert holder of the ieee Tacoma 8, Seattle 3. | the property of Mr. W. Bulleck- Ving | championship When Prince Rupert General Victoria i, Portland 3. S commmction itithe question Shipowners Association | Webster of this city. With his Skidega te Hospital ambularce wagon errives National League : ; ; Vancouver, Sept. 8.—{Special)—|, . ; ‘ II ie : ‘ of the coloring of the new hospital we . . _|bride Mr. Porter will run the keda, : i k f|! will be handsome vehicle not} Brooklyn 4, New York 3. bul M CV. B Owners of vessels of the province A ee ‘ OCitY ope arket o ; ‘ ie : a arce fT 2 -mnett ‘ ; c rhic ss ate ab) he rain | Reciprocity will oper — that that macters much to those it] Pittsburg 5, St. Louis 0. _ = o : . . re ur z engaged in coasiwise trade have | hotel which i situated only about noder 92,000,000 people for Cat ada. Do will serve The builders—tThe | Philadelphia 13, 1; Boston 5, O. SURE INCE) YWIED,. APD: Bi hee formed a Shipowners’ Assoc iation: | fourteen miles from his ranch, and ‘ : | site a Ae sak gs ness that the matter be preferred]. 1 ee ; ; . ; iwe want i Lerndon Carriage Co., Montreal, Chicago 3, 4; Cincinatti 0, 2. Mr. H.S. Cl with headquarters here fruit gardens at Peneticton. : : vo Mr. oa ements heve writter suggesting that the American League SS : ie iat - $$ — a: : y . : . As the Conservative candidate ambulerce be enemelled in dark} New York 5, Washington 3. | ; Mee p A : | oh; Sade |has made his headquarters in the botile greer with rurring gear Philadelphia 5, Boston 1, ce Ba ts ad a » ; c : oad morgue,’” he said, ‘‘it is only mght lighter in color relieved in red.| Cleveland 6, Si. Louis 5. on ’ = TO T : : that he should have an opinion Che firm wished to know whether | Pacific Coast League : : te | : 3 : in the coloring of the ambulance. . the harness for the rig was to be | Vernon 6, San Francisco 1, ‘Tere will be.one. or: taro tlead oe ee ‘ ¥ ited in silve rrass to have}| Portlard 5, Sacremento 3. e Xpert Opinion That District Will Prove to be by Far — ted 4 a ee a oe “i bss ie oy , ones to carry out after the election] Two Shacks Burned on Fraser Street Lane—Feared .. ° 2 i ° th mete work In Kee pins ar¢ 05 Angeles o, Vakianc : 2. a, “hot * ° ome the Richest in the Province in Gold and Silver : Fike aa ie a "Am result,’ remarked the Chairmen,| Danger to Life Gave Firemen Stifling Task—Warn- : PSURs CSter . Re ang OF Mr. D. G. Stewart, while Messrs. s : . Is in Good Ore Belt bulance--Brince ‘Rupert :General Month Off for Matron Paar ten si ing to Fire Alarm Tricksters | reer ee , 2 Mies MacTavish the f QO. H. Nelson and Jack Kirkpatrick Despateh | Hospital be inscribed conspicuous-| Miss MacTavish the matron oO dan ceniperd: tis: Maclean Two shacks on the. lane: at|the false alarm been rung in an ’ S \. Shep Official Crop Estimates ily in gold letters shaded. |Prince Rupert General Hespital, Divas 3 Fraser street near Eighth street} hour laier it might have been the aM latlayako}| Winnipeg, Sept. 8.—(Special)—| Phe Board generally approved | has applied for one month’s leave TAFT’S CAMPAIGN were burned out last night after}cause of a serious spreed of the a e reported; The Grain Dealer \ssor iation | the meen oe ail la tO) of absence which will be granted — midnight. Following a false alarm|flames in the business district. ¥ rd silverjestimates the crop of wheat at }color, ete, and i am “ Pert etek pay provided Miss MacTavish Business Interests Sacrificed by which was rung in from the Hays | Chief Melnnis ard his men have ; Chilcotin | 177,500,000; oats 182,250,000; bar | which isin hand at Montreal may | | hace , Tariff Legislation Creek neighborhood at 11.45 came|a good idea who was responsible Hs dy . 7 , J ‘ | : ‘ . ' Ss not t 1d rT faca : a= o£ . ° 2 nh . umbie In |ley 34.335,000; flax 7,500,000 bu, | be expected shortly, Ap iis to, cost | MOSH ROT CHK . i ryerer ne i the real call at 12.50a.m. A sheek | for the trick and will see to it. In a Mr. Shepard the | $950, }yond the month. Hamilton, Mass., Sept. 9.—] belonging to Mrs, Ellis-had caught} this case the tricksters left the hh be by far Premeditated Suicide Oh! D ! |= rn *}What is believed by his friends] fire through the upsetting, it is|phone in the alarm box off the Biar rovinee, A} Vancouver, Sept. 8.—(Special) | According to the hired spokes- 10 000000000000 Olio be the first gun in President} thought, of a lamp, and though|hook throwing a whole alarm As : | ried from} F. B, Moore shot himself in tt a of the American trusts the |@ ©} Taft's presidential campaign of] the brigade got there prompily | section out of use, Anyone. caught ag head at a rooming house * last I" SiFieldis . iprocity pact will: | ‘*A TENDERFOOT'S ©/1912 was fired here last night in}the flames had a good hold of|tamperieg with the boxes will not é é ‘ } aft-Fie iv rec a $ ; . . | ° ° ° HAVE night. He left a note saying that} Delight Mi Taft and \o WOOING” ©]a speech that breathed defiance}the inside of the shack very/be likely to do it again. 5 4 | che i ’ ‘ ‘ s : 7 POLE ot : } * SENT GUNBOATS he contemplated the deed | Delude Mr. Fielding. io Oland in which he scored the in-]qut kly Mrs. Ellis does not OC- | —— Revol ianil sa fatale Pies | The News announces 0) surgent members of the Republican} ¢upy the place. It was tenanted | Occupants of the buildings burn- oluti enude oO ests, an ‘ : é : ; > as 2 : abonist in China Creat- Chinks in Clink Diminish our rainfall o that it has purchased 0) party in Congress and the Demo-])) Mr. Barbeau. jed down last night lost their ‘88 Some Alarm The. Chinamen charged with] Depl oo aia Cie Abtinhs aad o the serial rights for Nor- 6) ¢rats who combined with them} The ery went up that there|property. Damage by water ,sas i } } eplete i Ss Ss, < ° ° ° . 7 . eins, ‘ ; ( selling liquor up-river and runming} py an »y our fur-bearing animals. |® thern B. C. of Clive Phil- 0} io revise the several schedules}Wes @ man suffocating in the|more extensive then damage by ‘ ) n estre ¥ . ut s : ’ . : . - : ide aT Eo re > are > a 2 oer: Despateh) an opium joint will appear again rag down our loyalts o lipps Wolley's great sto- ©} of the present tariff at the special] smoke inside, and the hremen hre. One men, careful enough ti S.-=Condi-| before the megistrate next sat D — shila thie sadition: o ry of ranch life in the 0} session of Congress just ended. fought their way into the stifling|himself, hed his place burned OT =] ’ more ec oe : 44 ° : . ‘ ‘ . $ Chi Szechuan,|urday their case having been ad mi t our empire, and o Canadian West, ‘A Ten- ©| Never in the history of the}fumes but the man had got out.; through the outbreak from his ! matt at) oS ‘ : srupt Oo ce >, an ° * ” ra : ces ‘ 5 ee , alii r ee th © critical] journed till then a 4 Aish: exaiti te \o derfoot's Wooing,” one | government, the President declared| Neatly three blocks’ length of}neighbor’s dwelling. You cannot Wat th ) ‘ ‘grade ” } . . : . . . 2 ars - : gunt vy dispatehed say urcexport trade, andl? of the most virile stories ©/have important public interests}hose had to be run out from|guerentee thet your neighbor won't UNhos ‘ amagae O e ( ade, an + ae = . ovisions pro C.P.R. Favorite x we e ‘ k o of love and adventure ©!been dealt with in such a light-}Sixth street hydrant to the fire,}set his house ableze and so en- te ' Vi : ‘ o arke ) outlook. s 3 I oo age ive citizens we P,.R.SS am vs a ikers, and o ever written. Olhearted way with such absolute}: ‘¢ there was water enough, says|}danger your home and property, i VTC ET ¢ : Thi frern 1 CP RBs é t our bankers, ar : : ° ates ha - 4 e . ie reported safe Phis afternoon the ¢ rae ee : i Sa tastes Deal Tm To please our readers 01] jgnorance of the effect of legislation|..¢ Fire Chief. The fire caught|but you CAN protect yourself ei . oe . : . : shea Y oO ‘ « ers. . . ° . eo a C Princess Beatrice arrived from Che | "o i se PPE ROY os o we will print from one O/and with such willingness to sac-]the next shack belonging to R.|from finencial loss through a fire f 4 uab our escutcneon, ¢ . : . Aa 5 ee i a - E : 1 \ UNty Cour; Registrar south with a full cargo and a Debase our heritage © to two columns of the 0} rifice business interests to political] Bradshaw. Mr. Bradshaw men-| whether your own or your neigh- ~ Cloria : | ebas « ’ ot Pi ae . . < m0 1), ; _ wre’ : ‘ z . ‘ ‘ t Willian 7 (Special) number of passengers. She pr TNT ; © story each day in small o exigencies as the tariff legisltion aged to save his carpenters’ tools, bor’s fault by insuring your house | per Prince Ru-}eeeded to the Islands after dis Prirce Rupert General Hospital|@ type. You will like ©}which has just been defeated. Property to the value of about and its contents with the Mack oe NaS b tee! “eile st 'Board met yesterday afternoon|@ this story. It will start o sos hiatal edits A $200 was destroyed by the double R £isira ted district | che 1g . ee : coer salty an : * y “ieee ur ee ne ‘in the police court room. Verious}@ on Monday, o| For row boats and launches| fire which though of triflirg extent|Reelty end Insurance Company, : il co t »1e . * : : ry apenas 4d ¢ ee 3 ry , In. ad hi Ye if pply P. O,}matiers were discussed which are|o ©jtelephone 320 green. Davis’jin itself, oceurred in the real Fulton streci, opposite the Fire pif A MBL On 4 its present frou want money app 5m ee ‘ mea pi "AS Fegistrar of titles. Bax os tf| reported separately ©000060000000 0 o| Boat House. danger zone of the city. Had'Station. oa