i 5 e a i p an 8 m p rAos rwo THE.pAiLY Nva ' If.! lAV NOTHING DAILY EDITION UNKNOWN GARDEN S OXFORDS, STRAPS AMD BAREFOOT SANDALS Don't Fortet the Kings Silver Jubilee Monday. Ma C 1 The Family Shoe Slore ji Third Avenue LIMITED Phone 357 iiiniin s t. mm t r ; a au imw t a t it) turn tu in THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT . BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Evejy Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue II F. PUIXEN - - ManagingEdt-or Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone 98 81 Friday, May 3, 1935 We have a complete line of Garden necessities: Seeds. Spades, Rakes, Lawn Mowers, Hose, Fcrks, in fact everything used In gardening. For genuine atisfuclion In Rubber Hose we recommend Iionacwrd which Will nut kink; we also have lighter weijht hose at excellent value. WE DELIVER THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. 3 WHEN YOUR BOY OR GIRL WEARS g JackandJllI l HEALTH SHOES I You Inow by teeing inside the ihoci on the child' fool you cxamin the quality of the thoct. The system -that mtVes you tight-lute of correct fitting. Solid q u I i t y throughout flexible comfortable end until in ityle- WIN BY SACRIFICE At the labor meeting this week there was a large attendance and the collection amounted to $19.80, probably les; than enough to pay the expenses of the meeting. Suppor ters 01 the cause are evidently not very enthusiastic. In Russia, the land to which most socialists point asa shining example, the workers make tremendous sacrifices. They have given up fine clothes, refuse to accept high wages, live on coarse food and little of that. In fact, they forego most of the good thing of life in the hone of even tually making their country prosperous. The sacrifices they mane are such as to evoke the greatest admiration. Although they abjure the Christian religion, their sacrifices in many cases indicate the highest type of Christianity. No cause can expect to succeed unless those supporting it are ready to make sacrifices. Prince Rupert's third party is evidently not yet in the same class with the Russian reformers. Rut there is hope for them yet. FISHERMEN RACK TO WORK After a'considerable delay caused by a dispute over the division of the proceeds of the halibut livers, the fishermen are again going back to work and the fishing will from now on, it is presumed, be carried on in a normal manner. The delay has caused considerable loss to fishermen and owners, although the fishermen have been the chief losers. Everyone is glad the dispute is settled. MEETING! THE MENACE The British Prime Minister annniinpps 1 Vint Tin ia mooi. ing the menace of a re-armed Germany. He means that he will increase the British armaments, a very proper thing to do, it would seem, under tlie circumstances. Still tho increase in armaments does not meet the war menace, for war under any circumstances is a menace. To both winners and losers it is a terrible thing. The picture shown at the theatre last night was a terrible indictment of war, It showed just one or two of the horrors. All the honor and glory are gone. There is no glamor left. War is V 1 rl OmiO OI1M 11 fin fl IrnVklir i f nsx it mil air. tinnA I . 1 . ji.viv.uuo oiivi ijv.it rwtutv Jv. ilvj WCJl fl WIW.-C VVJIU LUUJV )dl I III the late war. Dpn't forget King's Silver Jubilee Anniversary. May 6th i MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Studio Lounge An attractive addition to the home. Lonnge by day, double pr twin beds by night. Remember May 6th King's Junllee NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZareJJ), Proprietor "A HOME AWAV FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot Si Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 I EDUCATION EXTENSION Dr. Warren of University of British Columbia Gives . InteresliMjt Address to Kolartatii'';'!' What other places are doing in the way of university extenstoiy and other educational work woa Uve litem of the address of Dr. Harry V. Warren yesterday afternoon at the weekly luncheon of the Rotary Clb. lie mentioned particularly tlte Chilliwack Economics Forum. This is based on the text book. Cole's Intelligent Man's Guide Through World Chaos." which every member is expected to read. He highly re commended this book to all people who were Interested in such studies. One feature of the course was a weekly symposium of a few minutes on current events of the day. Sub jects down for discussion Included The Present Crisis." "Money and Credit." 'Unempleyment," Trade and Tariffs." public Finance ami TaxaUon." The Stock Market," "AlternaUves to Capitalism," "Tlw OuUook." Throughout the province then were 161 branches of the Women's Institutes with a total membership of 4,500, many in the remote parts of the province. Short courses, in home economics, home nursing, handicrafts, interior decora ling and cultural study groups feature the gatherings of these organizations. The speaker also mentioned the ex. eetlent work done by Parent Teachers. lie told too of the work of the University in providing speakers and radio addraseos. Pur ing the past year 328 address were given by members with a total esti mated attendance: of over forty thousand. The Vancouver Institute was or ganlzed to provide facilities for those wishing to study and the Ker itedale Mutual Service Association did excellent' work. Musical and dramatic festivals were mentioned as possible means of expression. Dr. Warren strongly urged that prince Rupert undertake work along some of these lines. The university would co-operate but the initiative must come from Prince Rupert and the people must be prepared to do ' their part. J. J. Little, who presided, thanked the speaker for his very Interesting address. SESSIONS Annual Meeting pf Diocesan Wo man's Auxiliary Concluded YeMerday Business sessions of the annual meeting of the Caledonia Diocesan Board of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Missionary Society of the Church of England In Canada were concluded yeMerday afternoon when officers for the coming year were elected and encouraging reports from diocesan officers and parochial officers covering the work of the past year were rend-Mrs. J. B. Gibson, diocesan presl d&nt, was in the chair and Mrs. W. II. nelson of Sidney, Vancouver Island, vice-president for Western Canada, was a speaker. Mentioning that the Woman's Auxiliary had been formed in Canada fifty years ago. Mrs. Bejson urged the members to remember the Joy, greatness and urgency of the work. 'Election of Officers The election of blflcers resulted as follows: Honorary President, Mrs. O. A. Rlx. Honorary Vice-President, Mrs, R. L. Mcintosh. President, Mrs. J, B. Gibson. First Vice-President, Mrs. C. V. Evjtt. Sjrcond Vice-President, Mrs. Thomas Andrew. Secretary, Mrs. O. H. Arnold. Treasurer, Mrs, W. C. AsplnaU. SecretaryrTreasurer for Olrls, Mrs. A. E. Parjow. Juniors, Mrs. C. J. Norrlngtort. LitUe Helpers, Mrs. W. If. Tobey. Dorcas, Mrs. E. W. Tucker. Thank Offering, Mrs. F. A- Mac- ! Callum. Education; Mrs. II. O. Kennedy. I Living Message Editor,. Mrs. J. Q. ! Johns. j Prayer Partners, Miss II. M. Da-i vies O. 8. E. j Delegates to Dominion Board-Mrs. W. H. Tobey, Mrs. F. A. Mac-Callumand Mrs. A: R.Nichols; al-, ternates, Mrs. R. L, Mcintosh, Mrs. iA. L. Holtby and Mrs. W E. Colli- ,' son. I rE Have you entered the Congoleum Gobi Seal Lucky Number Contest yet? Don't delay! This eontet will definitely close at noon Sutunlay. ' All you have to ilo is to viflt your dealer's where this Prize Rug in on display. . .guess theneeret number 'tinder theGohl Seal which identifies , ' it as a genuineCougoleunt Gold Seal . .Rug, then if you guess the correct number, or if your guess cornea nearest to the correct number, the -rug is yours absolutely jree. No tiresome conditions. No obligation to buy and u gorgeous, long" t.tcearing, labour-saving Congoleiim ""Gold Seal Rug as the prize. ? Special Offer ''It you pun-hate a genuine Congoleum Gold Seal Hug during (he periml of this contttt, and then prove to be the winner of the 1'riie , Hug, you have the option of taking tlte Price ' 'Hug or of having the full purchtue price of the rug you have alretuly bought refunded. CO.NCOLEUM CANADA LIMITED, MONTREAL TIP TOP TAILORS LIMITED Made to Meature Clothe are guaranteed to fit $24.75 Sold by P. Cravetto Prince Rupert it your paper. docs not arrive., telephone the office FORTHIS Get your Spring i.ff ttt itthvlb CONCOLEUM gsJL RUCS,vSfe Lliki .J llliiUvlw M Congoleum and Linoleum stocked by m in your !nr MACKENZIE FURNITURE Js From 21 Personal Measurements TIP TOP CLOTHES are hand cut and individually tailored to your measure. Perfect style in fine woollens is largely a matter oHitand lit depends on measure. Shoes B. C. CLOTHIERS, LTD. Up to tbo minute in Rumps, Ties and T-Strap ' $2,97 a pair and up Phono: I Mack .121 Next Frizell's Market HYDE TRANSFER' Office, 315 Second Ave., Phone 580 FOR SALE asrKM 6soo Don't Forget King's Silver Jubilee Anniversary Celebration, May G