PAGE TWO I RUBB is I Bit M B I B I FDCI DTTDDrDC! I Scheme to Start RAINETTE Gutta-Percha Rubber Footwear Gives Winter-long warmth and protection, and built for long wear and comfort. The Popular Rainette with net lining. Correctly styled in every detail. Black or brown, 2-dome, Cuban or low heels. Priced at Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue a F. PULLEN Managtng-Edttor ADVERTISING KATES Transient display advertising, tz men, per insertion Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local leaders, per insertion, per line SUBSCRIPTION RATES i l.llt J02 2i City delivery, oy mall or carrier, yearly period, paid m advance 55a- News Department Telephone 86 Advertising and Circulation Telephone S3 DAILY EDITION Thursday. Nov. 28. 1935 EXCURSION FROM INTERIOR The announcement is made that an excursion on the Canadian National Railwavs will brinv points as far east as Prince George on December 10 re turning euner me next day or three days later. This will give the visitors an opportunity to do some Christmas buying and at the same time will enable local people to keep in touch with the interior. l rince Rupert people might well extend themselves a little in entertaining the visitors during the short time I they are here. It is important that these visits be made auracuve. moiic bodies might do well to consider what part, if any, they could take in making things pleasant for the visitors. The Retail Merchants' Association is the organization most directly interested. GRACE MOORE COMING The latest picture of Grace Moore, the wonderful singer The atest picture of Grace Moore, the Wnnflpvflll oinrrof here this fall, is to be here next week and doubtless most! Prince Rupert music lovers will want to hear her and see the picture. It is very noticeable that the local people like! the best in pictures and especially the best singing. It is : satisfactory to know that the local theatre brings us a good share of outstanding entertainments and it is well to Jet the management know that these good things are appreciated. ! EMPIRE TRADE Exports from Canada to British Empire countries in October totalled thirty-eight million dollars most of which was direct to the United Kingdom. Australia took a little over a million dollars worth of Canadian goods and British South Africa a similar amount. During that same month thn exports to foreien countries amounted to twenty-nine millions of which United States took nineteen millions, Belgium two and Japan one. Other countries took less than a million and most of them leys than half a million. United States took most of our eold. some five million dollars worth- United Kingdom took ninety perce-mrVjfTjm than half of our " "r1Jl1l",J" Conner.' WUrthr Tv.,-rn our best customer and is likely to continue to lead for some time to come. i -- - 4444 4444444 X I Bpsi Christmas Gift I - - r This Is a seaaotj of the year when people are sel-of Christmas glfts to g0 to U"erent Parte the world Way we suggest that nothing Is so acceptable to a former resident of Prince Rupert or to one who has friends and interests in the city or district, as a cony of the Daily News mailed to them direct at the special Christmas Gift rate of - 52.00 A YEAR 4 In this way they get approximately 300 reminders of your thoughtfulness. Adult Education K This ran ol iTovincr inrjuaca in m Program About to Commence VANCOUVER Not. 28: Towns H on the north coast and in Central 5 British Colombia are incloded in a scheme of adult extension educa-PtioD from the University of British jCutambta which k about to be ai -jUTeiy ondertakn, it wax an-II nounced by President L. S Kliiuk g of the University in speaking before y;the Vancouver Institute The lec-m : tures will be gtyen toy professors of " ' the University who wiU be seat out " on fixed itineraries and chief em phasis win be placed this year on SL50 &S1.7S ijp" ta Women's Browr. Zjc Overshoes, to fit Cuban or higher hwi.-: S a. Th-.v Overshoes originally sold at $2.75 EVERY PAIR MADE TO WEAR The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenue Phone 357 ci za i a ii raxs r ie raoi j a n x n r t r rm rxzxnsii nrxiifi THE DAILY NEWS. rKLNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA I $1.95 Norse Leader In Vancouver Passes Dennis Kirkerode Dies at His Home In Burnaby Was Building Contractor VANCOUVER. Nov. 28: Dennis Kirkerode. well known as a leader of the local Norwegian community. passed away yesterday at his home in Burnaby He was a building contractor and came to Canada about the turn of the century. Grain Moving In To Rupert Freely Local Elevator Will Soon be Filled Up at Present Delivery Rate Since the first of the week, 150 carloads of grain has arrived at the Alberta Wheat Pool's local ele vator from the prairies, 400 cars having come since the recent rail way Ue-up. The elevator is now getting well filled up. Captain Never Left Bridge on 'Frisco Vancouver Trip VANCOUVER, Nov. 28: The German motorship Vancouver Is in port after a passage from San Francisco In the entire course of which the master did not once leave the bridge owing to dense fog encountered all the way. The vessel depended on radio all the way to held its course. The captain took his meals on the bridge. TODAY'S WEATHER Terrace Raining, calm. 46. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 35. Smithers Cloudy, calm. mild. Burns Lake Bright, calm, 35. 1 flj Experts Select QUAKER OATS fill 5$ 3y FOR DIONNE 'QUINTS' OWIth the world of food science to guide them, the experts in charge of the precious Quintuplets select Quaker Oats for their cereal, even before their first birthday! Its Vitamin B for keeping fit docs children such a world of good. Quick Quaker Oats selected as the diBr cereal forth Dionne Quintuplets m DAILY "EWS Thurso" , 100 Lovely Ladies and Misses' SKIRTS Just Arrived from Montreal, all in the LATEST STYLES The Colors are Brown, Maroon, Blue, Grey, Fawn and Black These are offered for quick sale at these very SPECIAL PRICES $1.49 $1.69 $1.89 $2.29 $2-69 $2-98 $3.25 Compare these prices and materials with your catalogue We Buy For Less THE Rupert Peoples Store HAUPTMANX CHALLENGES CONDON TO TELL TRUTH V TRENTON NJ., Nov. 28: J- Bruno Richard Hauptmann, V condemned to death for the t- kldnaprmurder of Charles Augustus L'lndrjergh Jr., has Is- sued a challenge, through his attorneys, to Dr. J. F. Jafsle) Condon to make a "true" statement as to what he knows about the affair. "He," declares Hauptmann, referring to Con- den, "holds the key to the case as well as to my celL I told V everything I know about it on the witness stand at the trial." ' TODAY'S STOCKS (Gourtey 8 t. taoDAUta Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .20. Big Missouri, .GO. Bralorne, 5.40. B. R. Cons., J03V4. B. R. X. Oold, .08. Cariboo Quartz, 1.18. Dentonia, J25t'2. Dunwell, .03i. Golconda. Indian, Mh-Binto, D7. Meridian New, .10. Morning Star, .03. National Silver, m. Noble Five, MV. Pend Oreille, .77. Porter Idaho, .042. Premier, 1.75. Reeves McDonald, .07. Reno, 55. : Salmon Gold, .07." Taylor Bridge, .18. Wayside. .16. Whitewater. .00. Grange, .01 'i. Toronto Central Patricia,. 2 22 Chibougamau, .14. . -Granada, 2V,'i. Inter. Nickel, 40.65. Macassa, 2.77. Noranda, 44.85. Sherritt Gordon, Vo5. Slscoe, 2.61. Ventures. L47. Lake Maron, .03. .. Teck Hughes, 4.45; Sudbury Basin, 3.06. Smelte,r Gold, .05. Can. Malartic, .87. Little Long Lac. 5.55. Astoria Rouyn, .02',i. Stadacona, .15. Maple Leaf, X)6V4. Pickle Crow, 3.48. McKenzie Red God's Lake, U0. Sturgeon River, .63. Red Lake Gold Shore, 29 San Antonio, 3 DO. Shawkey, .64. East Malartic., 22. t New York Stock LTD. Prices Are Up; Trading Lighter - NEW YORK, Nov. 28: Stock prices' were substantially higher yesterday at the close of the day during which trading was some- what lighter in volume. Closing averages weie as follows: indus- trials. 143.39. up M; rails, 39.38, up 1.58; utilities. Z9.13, up .us, and bonds, 97.38, up .14. 1 Today being Thanksgiving Day 4 1 In thU country all markets are closed. Improvement Of Coastguard In ! B. C. Is Sought. ! VICTORIA, Nov. 28 Hon. Gor don Sloan, Attorney General, is ap pealing to the federal government for an Improvement of coastguard service on the British Columbia Coast with a view to protection of life jmd shipping. THE Young Woman Who Has No Arms Has Normal Baby Girl BERKELEY. Cal., Nov. 28: A young woman without arms gave birth here yesterday to a fully normal baby daughter weighing nine pounds, four ouncec. The motlier Is a graduate of the University of California and is very accomplich-d. being able among other things to play the piano with her feet Sam Haslam Of Duncan Killed War Veteran And School Trustee Di'rs After Being Struck By LoRCing Train "DUNCAN, Vancouver Uland, Nov. 28: Sam Haslam. an employee of the Export Logging Co., was kilted! yesterday when s:uek by a logging j train. He was a war 'veteran and had served on the board of school trustees here. ; A CONSTRUCTIVE FORCE The ever-fiowing river needs proper equipment to troruform its watte Into profit. The Royol Bank, In iti Budget Book offeri procticol method! for conierving family fund that otherwlie would slip oway. Available on reqveit. R O X A L BANK OF CANADA We Sell For Less Rex BOWLING CLI LiMiifn rot 11 f.oon iurvs Weekly Prizes For lllsh Scorn Grotto Taxi 456 3 CAKS .AT YOUR SERVICt Proprietors Bert .Morran & Bod Eir Don't f org t' irjr:ber 15G FRESH MILK A$ CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue Our Mixture of COAL One Quick IlurninR One Long Last'"? Makes a good I $11.50 per ton