Today's Weather Frln,M! Rupert Cloudy, calm; ammeter. 30.28; temperature, 42; sea smooth. xxiv No 274. pREMlKU ABERIIART . BACKS UP PATTULLO W"1W. NOV. 28!T-Tne . fernment - irn .mentor of Alberta Alberta will will co- co- LABOR TO SOCIALIZE Nationalization of Land and Industry Principal Policy of New Zealand Government WELLINGTON, N.Z., Nov. 28: (CP) Nationalization both of the land and Industries was one of the prkiclpal policies advocated In Its election campaign by the .Labor Party of New Zealand which won a sweeping victory in the New Zea- i iAiinn vpsterdav. 46 seats m raniamci.x . , - Perate funy wlth Premler x. tlon, As a result of the election, it . W ?Uoof British Columbia has only 20. Both Premier Forbes irn,, " to nave the federal "rj and Former nua IS VANCOUVER. Nov. 28: (CP) i Mayor O. O. McGeer, on authority of the city council, late yesterday afternoon sus- pended City Comptroller Wal- ter Wardhaugh, City Clerk W. L. Woodford and City Internal Auditor Frank Stead pending 4. an inwstl&nt.lnn Into affairs of the Internal audit department which will be opened tomor- row by a civic committee con- slstlng.of Mayor McGeer, Aid. A. O. Harvey and Aid. C. E. Tisdall. The action was taken at the mayor's suggestion fol- lowing the presentation of eight affidavits to the council by W. A. Tucker of the Inter- nal audit department yester- day, fr ' Tnt take over the en- re-elected. Hon. 7t nurlnV he month of October SSi110 re- h0 attCnded ttVmSaaISa? Sn" J S "Sned -ploy- haVC a 8Cneral re" -enCe ln UaWa ment In Canada, official gov- i JSjWra ctlou Party ernment statistics showed yes- declared member and terday. .. single yesterday. failed to elect a ... lUntn fOC flP- "Pi . . . one Social Credit canuiu- - -. . . ' T ,L A - . - T - " ' - t treated. .rk,- '! linn ircilclai J " ! , three daughters and one son. overwhelming the Forbes govern-j ready ment which has been m uii-c 1 since 1931. Th Mfltlnnallst government had t. nt. dissolu- Empress of Japan Is Mother Again Second Son is Born to Emperor Illrohito and Empress Nagako . TOKYO, Nov. 28: (CP) A son was born today to the Empress 'Nagako, wife of Emperor Hlrohlto of Janan. The child is second In line to the throne. There were al- LARGE EMPLOYMENT GAIN IN DOMINION RECORDED IN MONTH , ' rvwiiw Nnv 28: (CP) SEATTLE, Nov. 28: Patrolma. P. E Stephens, aged 35, continue: his fight for life in-hospital here following an affray of the night before last In which he and Patrolman T. A. Sickles were shot, the latter fatally. Finding the door of a beer parlor had been "jimmied," Stephens and Sickles entered the place and! were met with a hail of fire from i .a. inside. Sickles fell dead Instantly, shot through the head. Stephens! was seriously shot In the abdomen. A bystander reported seeing three men dash out of the beer parlor after the shooting, jump into a small sedan which was waiting outside and drive off. LANDSLIDE AT JUNEAU Three Persons Are Injured Anl Lives Of Thirty Were EndangeredTorrential Rains JUNEAU, Nov 28: A slide a! short distance above this city, fol lowing two days of torrential rain, endangered the lives of thirty persons, two houses collapsing and another two being swept to the brink of a precipice, .Three persons were Injured, none seriously. The residents of the house's were moved to safety. Engaged in Street Fight; Is Relieved Of $800 of His Gash VANCOUVER, Nov. 28: Follow Ing a fight on the street here dur ing which tie threw off his coat to more ' advantageously engage with his adversary, a man reported to the police, that $800 wa3 missing from his coat pocket. EGG PRICES LOWER VANCOUVER, Nov. 28: Eg? prices were down 2c per dozen on the local wholesale market yesterday to 32c, 30c, 29c and 28c. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1935 GRAF ZEPPELIN MAKES 4- N ON-SI OP RETURN TRIP t OVER ATLANTIC OCEAN . PERNAMBUCO; Brazil, Nor. ' French Government Passes Crisis h 28: The German dirigible Today Is Between Fascists ami Zeppelin, owing to the f And Socialists revolutionary disturbances j here, did not land this week PARIS, Nov. 28: The Laval gov- after a periodical flight from ernment passed a crisis in' the Germany. Having no passen- chamber of Deputies today, receivr .gers, the airship dropped her ing a vote of confidence from the mail- and proceeded back chamber of Deputies 300 to 190 en- across the Atlantic Ocean to dorsing its policies aimed at saving Africa, thus making the first the franc and adherence to the , two-way non-stop air crossing gold standard. On the outcome of the ocean. Good Doctors In Soviet Russia Sir Frederick Banting Pays Tribute to Medical Men of Red Republic TORONTO, Nov. 28: Tribute to medical men of the Soviet Re- Banting, noted Canadian physi cian and discoverer of insulin for the treatment of diabetes, on his return from an extended tour of Russia. Dr. Ranting says that he rarely saw tuberculoses patients in bed. Early detection and treatment of the malady is the secret of keeping it down to a minimum in that country, Sir Frederick says. Dutch Thinkinjr Of may hinge developments of the Immediate future In International affairs. While the test of strength iwas specifically on the question of fiscal policy and efforts to save the franc from devaluation In the face of the financial crisis i which has resulted In the outpour-;ing of gold from the country in large quantities of late, the matter of foreign policy, particularly with regard to the Italo-Ethlopiari crisis and the League of Nations, also j played a part as well as internal ! policy in respect to Socialistic and iTT-icMcf i n Hit 'Hoc fVio TQual rrnv public is pa.d by Dr. G. jemment ehdeavored to steer a middle course, endeavoring to placate the Socialists by agreeing to dissolve nationalistic bodies while not completely obliterating the Fascist (Cross of Fire) movement. .The cabinet itself Is not In com-Iplete accord but the majority have .adopted Premier Laval's plan and plead for internal harmony and peace in the face of the Inter national crisis. AMSTERDAM, Nov. 28:The want of confidence vote today. Dutch Parliament is considering a , vote of $34,000,000 for an expansion of navy and air forces. WESTMINSTER STRIKE OVER AND VANCOUVER MAY BE SHORTLY . VANCOUVER, Nov. 28: Fol- minster Is concerned was ( settled "yesterday. : Germany to Stand Out Against Reds j To End Says Hitleri BERLIN, Nov. 28:Germany will stand out thp last atralnst rrvm- lowlng a meeting of the Long Wlmfsm lareH neiohcfneher shoremen's Union yesterday, Adolph HUlcr yesterday. This was an early settlement of the one reason for the Nazl g0Vern- long - standing waterfront ments attitude with respect to. the strike was hoped for. The jeWs, Hitler declared. strike as far as New West-! . Halibut Arrivals . " Signal, 9,000, 7.4c and 6c. Cold ' . storage. Tomorrow's Tides High Low , 4:05 ajn. 18.8 ft. 15:40 p.m. 20.5 ft 9:05 a.m. 8.4 ft. 21:47 pjn. 3.0 ft. PRICE: 5 CENTS EVEN MORE HOSTILE RIVE FOR fimFNTAl ZITIJA TIPlM nUPflMWP MPkDC MEN A PIMP i KVV TAMA UK I Ufl I I J1 DUKsjmmJ 1UJIL UALjII nVslll J L Assumes Kvtn More Hostile (Attitude in Face oi inreav- tried Oil fcmuargo feOME, Nov. Z: naiy airucK fn more warlike tone yes- iiij saint the proposed oil Eiurio. offirials stating that (position of an embargo 'mi be cortsiaereu Dy naiy as l . -i i.. ..or arainst nations at apeed to it. in oilier quar ry, it was stated that rremler ,ssolinl Is about the start a fiTt to capture wc aii, ..... t ihr British Irritation Emu ojfet at the - headwaters --- y of the t But Nile, further it was statea lit any idea of removing troops wmlibjahad been completely iuniowd by Italy. In fact, dl- Homitfc tlrtlfj said today, that uolini has threatened to In- rrase the Italian army in Libya Grral Britain withdraws Wps from the Mediterran- Nlarferfady to oppose an oil Imiiarr bj every means," II purr b said to have asserted. Musgfini attended a confer- irith chemists yesterday tVn possibilities of devising a IsiWituie for gasoline were dls- Irjwd. Mranlinie. the decWon of Am- hrtin oil companies as to what LWiill do about sunnivinr oil I'lUljris awaited with keen in- ' Ilhnian reports that the Ita- I'lmtfrr in full flight on the thrrn front and that the in-'limutre also falliner back on "nmrth were denied here. COMPANY"" ISJWD prmountain Guarantee Capital Company Ltd. of Vancouver In Trouble VANCOUVER. Nov. 28: (CP) ptetmountain nnarnntce Capital limited was lined $100 in city po c.uri jT-.tcirday by Magistrate VlitVioenn fnr fnlllni? t1 p w annual report. It was the first prosecution under the British oiumbla Company's Act. '- On a second mmt that, rit falling hold an annual meetlnrr. the fompany wanned $25. i Robert Rector of the company, pleaded tua.ty nHrsnn!iii,, Unoa rT Till.-' ?l w keep a proper set of books, ldl"ng to make an annual report sna falling to hold the annual me?llng with respect to the com-Pany He was fined $100 on the "TSt COtlTlf nJ l ....on. I ca tence on the other two. ; VANCOinnrw ... -.m I.. ---wv, nuv. n; VVI 'Wat was nnnfnrl of ar.ln nn Hip lwvi.u Mb U tJV UK w.-w r. exchange yesterday, advanc-l1 tO 86l.n fo.. 'Closing Down Relief Camps I OTTAWA, Nov. 28: (CP) The Dominion government hopes to close down all relipf camps during the com- ing year, it is announc- ed by Hon. Norman Rogers, minister of 4- 4- Appointed Judge i MR. JUSTICE A. M. M ANSON News was received last night from Ottawa of the formal appointment of Alexander Malcolm Manson K.CM pioneer Prince Rupert barrister, one of the senior members of the law firm of Williams, Manson, Brown & Harvey and M. L. A. for Omlneca from 1916 to 1935, to the Supreme Court of British Columbia bench. He fills the vacancy caused by the recent death of Mr. Justice F. O. T. Lucas of Vancouver who died last summer a short time after being appointed. Mr. Man-son will receive the hearty congratulations of his many local friends on his elevation to the judiciary. AVIATORS ARE SAFE Safety of Antarctic Hiers Reported i By Radio Message 1 NEW YORK, Nov. 28: (CP! As steps were being taken preparatory to Instituting a possible rescue expedition for Lincoln Ellsworth, Arctic explorer, and his pilot, Herbert Holllck-Kcnyon of Winnipeg, who had been missing since they hopped off last Saturday from Dundee Island, south of Cape I Horn, for Bay of Whales in Antarctica In the course of a South Po-' lar exploration trip, word of their safety came at midnight last night In a brief radio message picked up I by H. M. S. Dunedin in New Zea-, land waters. No details were given, j Holllck-Kenyon Is a pilot for the Mackenzie River Airways and his parents live at Ewing's Landing,: Okanagan Lake, B.C. ! Another Message i WELLINGTON, N.Z., Nov. 28: CP)The steamer Monowal today reported receiving a message ap parently from the missing-airplane Polar Star. In which Lincoln Ellsworth and Herbert Holllck-Kenyon have been flying from-Dundee Islr and to Bay of Wales In the Antarc tic. The message attempted to glvel IVio fllmlanfi'c 1vflMnn fh hln i reported. 4- THREE CITY OFFICIALS ARE UNDER SUSPENSION PREMIER KING IN WASHINGTON DISCUSSING NEW TRADE TREATIES Premier King is shown here in Washington being greeted by Acting Secretary of State for U S. William Philips. Premier King discussed the new trade pacts with U WERE SHOT One Seattle Tatrolman Killed fl) Bandits And Another May Not Live t s. HHhHH : VICTORY OF LAVAL JAPANESE IN CONTROL Trafic on Tientsin-Pciping Railway Halted Britain Asks Explanation War Talk Rife Tientsin Takes on Aspects of Armed Camp With Military Movements LONDON. Nov 28: (CP) In order to prevent the movement or Nationalist government troops from Central China to North China, where the autonomy movement is spreading, Japanese troops have halted" all railway traffic bqtween Tientjin and Pelping. There being heavy British Interests In the railways which have been seized by Japan, Great Britain today officially asked Japan I in a note handed to the Japanese ambassador here, to indicate Its exact Intentions with regard to North China. Prepare For Battle TIENTSIN, Nov. 28: (CP) This city was- taking-'on the? aspects -6l"i"- an armed Japanese camp today as troops moved in while Chinese forces were withdrawn from the , Tientsln-Peiplng area. The Japanese were rushing construction of a huge air base to completion in pre paration for the establishment of squadrons of airplanes. At the same time Japanese soldiers were busy stringing military telegraph lines. War Talk in China SHANGHAI, Nov. 28: (CP) War talk cropped up throughout central China today as a result of Japanese military operations In North China where they hold the Important rail way juncturepolnt of Fengtal, east of Pelping. Nanking officials, however, continued efforts tb Improve the situation by negotiating with Japanese diplomats. The Japanese are extending their ctlvltles rather than withdrawing n any way. RECOUNTS AREASKED Number Of Appeals Are Being Entered Following Quebec'Frovin-cial Election QUEBEI, Nov. 28:-A number of ippeals ' for recount are to be made following the provincial election nn Mondav ln Quebec. It wni Labor threatened to co-operate! .nnmm vpctrHav Th rmmti .With Other Left Wing groups to ,r smht nrlnrlnallv In spats Bolstering Defences overthrow the government in theL'nlcn were won toy the govern- ment by narrow margins, I s