PAGE BET. Save Money ! ! ! Andenjoy your; Christmas shopping. Everyone knows t- yvhcmthey get good values. Thai's' why we Invite you to r 1 come in and look over our enormous stock. GIFTS FOR EVERYONE At prices that will please IN OUR BASEMENT STORE We have added a Toy Department Rut you will have to shop early as they are going fast. A Cheery Greeting Card Costs so little but brings so much pleasure. Do not delay. Order now! ' Value and Service Our Motto MAX HEILBRONER DIAMOND SPECIALIST LETS BE GAY Stylish Party Frocks $9.95 to $19.50 Beautiful Lingerie Always Makes Acceptable Gifts Pyjamas - Nightgowns - Slips - Negligees Pantic Sets - Vest & Bloomer Sets Lounging Pyjamas in joveiy pure aye satins. creDe dechenes and suknit n materials. Now on display at DEMERS The New "SILENT GLOW" Is the Best Oil Burner Because of These Special Features Scientifically designed for burning Pacific Coast DIESEL OIL the cheaper and hotter oil. Vitreous Enamelled Burner Base reduces cleaning to a minimum. Wide Inner Groove Instantly vaporizes the oil, assuring a clean, non-spluttering flame. Finger Tip Control Better cooking, no waste fuel, - no overheating the kitchen. Guaranteed for five years using Diesel Oil. Thoroughly tested and approved by the Canadian Home Service Bureau SAFE, SILENT, ECONOMICAL and EFFICIENT. Look for and insist upon "SILENT GLOW" with f these Extra Features.that guarantee perfection f in your home.." :. ' ' 4 Also "Silent Glow" Heat Cabinets For Living Room, Stores, Offices, Warehouses, Garages. Etc Made of all enamel porcelain. Beautiful in appeaance and built to last. Authorized Dealer For Northern B.C. Early Ad. Copy is appreciated A NEW WHEAT GROWS WELL Manitoba Farmer Produces Excellent Crop. Rust Resisting And ', To Be Used For Seed ARNAUD. Man. Nov. 28: CP Harvesting 30 bushels to the aire iof nlumD-kemeled "Thatcher" rust-resistant wheat. Hans Lilie- tord, Swedish farmer here Is the -nvy of hli neighbors ana a mar of great Interest to the Manitoba government. Lillejord's 230 acres of whea' " was surrounded last August b" 'thousands of rust-ruined acres. Hi from nearby farmers, with the re sult that the government expert' hurried to examine the samDlec A few days later a deal was made wun the province for 5,000 bushels at sl.90 a bushel, to be used as seed. The government agreed to make the -seed available to farmers at cost. with, a limit of ten bushel? to each of their customers. Two days after the purchase was made applications began to Dour In. and within three weeks there 1500 re quests with only enough wheat to ;uppiy500. wuejom received $12,000 for his rop. The new variety, named af ter Dr. Roscoe W .Thatcher, for mer dean of the University of Min-esota, Agricultural branch, was de veloped after years of experiment at the University farm by Dr. H. K. Hayes. Minnesota agronomist Liliejord bought ten tmshels in 1931, and kept saving the entir- crop for seed. His big test came nls year when rust made severe ravages Into U. S. and Canadian -.rops. It proved an unqualified success Experiments In the United States have proved just as success ful, with 200,000 bushels being av ailable to U. S. farmers as seed next year. The wheat has good milllnz qualities but the flour has a slight vellow tinge. It Is hardy, a eood ytelder,, and most Important of all. has proven a good rust reslster. II EYE INJURY pch of the three rrill- lion nerves In the eye' is sensitive to light. No matter how carefully you guard your eyes, there are a million chances of Imperceptible Injury every day. Guard your eyes as you. would your treasure. Have them examined now! DAILY KT7TS QUINTUPLETS READY FOR COLD WEATHER (LJPPJ , : -s &mMKrm mar r w HmnH Th? : ur:h country gets cold and the Dionne quintuplets are preparing for their s;cond winter with nice. new. warm clotli-Jig Hei is Yvonne all dressed up for an outing. She is bidding gjod-by to Dr A. R. Dafae. quintuplets medical adviser. Copyright by Central Press Canadian OUTBREAK IS Uncle Sam's Air I NOW IN HAND Force Growing! Only Natal Still Remains In lianas Of Communistic Revolutionaries Of Brazil RIO DE JANEIRO. Nov. 28: With the exception of the city of Natal, government authorities were reported last night to be in complete control of the situation following this week's communis-1 ic uprisings 'In rarious parts of 1 Brazil. Natal was still in control of the revolutionaries. The rebels had been driven from Pernambuco. It is estimated that one hundred rebels were killed with many others injured. Rebels were dllpersed by loyal roops in a clash in the middle of 'his great city jesterday after-loon. Soya Bean Bread . . Delicious for Toasting English Crumpets Meat Pies Finest Pastry & Cakes Van's Bakery j G0LDBL00M ! The Old Reliable, Wants I 5,000 Martin Pelts j 10,000 Minks & Other Furs He Is In a position tc pay the highest price going. Debts trappers owe him will not be collected unUl after next fishing season. Will Have Three Hundred New j Fijhtin? Planes Soon After t First Of Year i WASHINGTON DC, Nov. 28: j It was stated In official quarters here yesterday that the United ', States air force would have Hire! hundred new fighting planes soon after the first of next year. TROLLERS PREPARE CASE VANCOUVER. Nov. 28: Trollers of the West Coast of Vancouver! Island are drawing up plans for a) "New Deal" to be presented to Dr. i W. A. Found, deputy minister of, fisheries, who is on his way from Ottawa to the coast FENIAN VETERAN DIES ( Your ,)oar Wi, ,u VANCOUVER. Nov: 28: Edward' Henry Moran, aged 88. veteran of Uie Fenian Raid campaign, Is dead. ' He was born at Ingersoll. Ont. I BAR SILVER I NEW YORK, Nov. 28: CPi Bar! silver closed unchanged at 653ic per ounce on the local metal market today. AUTO KILLS WOMAN VANCOUVER. Nov. 23: -Mrs. C. Agncw of Kuigsway was killed when struck by an automobile on ihe street here yesterday. I at MUSSALLEf S SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY GGS C Grade 3 dot EGGS Shamrock A Large, per doz. 3 doz. . FARMER'S CHEESE - Guaranteed '2 to 3 lbsj. per lb. ... PRUNES Fresh In 10-lb. box HOLLAND HERRINGS Milkers, per keg JAP ORANGES per box GINGER SNAPS 5 doz. SWEET MIXED BISCUITS per lb. 95c! 43c! SL25' - Quality ! 25c 89cjj S1.67 90c per lb 51.70 SODA BISCUITS $ Size iOp Mcintosh apples Wrapped, per box 1 15c 25c! $2.15 Out of Town Orders Receive Prompt Attention. We Deliver MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Where Dollar nave More Cent P. O. Box 57S Phone 18 LUMBER We have a fairly complete stock of lumber at Mile 21, near Haysport, ready for rail and water shipments. If building or repairing, it will pay you to examine our stock and receive prices. SHAMES RIVER ' LUMBER COMPANY Haysport, B.C. . f I AT MANILA Giant Flying Boat On Last Lap TodayBi; Reception Planned ' MANILLA, Nov. 29:-Manila was preparing today (Friday to acj cord a giant celebration to the Pan I American .Airways giant flying boat China Clipper which Is due in the afternoon from Guam whence she hopped off at 6:30 a. m on the final leg of the first transpacific air mall flight from California The China Clipper landed at Guam Thursday afternoon following an uneventful 1700 mile flight from Wake Island. After a brief stay here the bic ship will leave on the return flight to California. Member of House Of Commons Dies 1 Noel Skelton M.P. For Scottish Universities, Passes Away -' EDINBURGH. Nov. 28: Noel Skelton of Edinburgh. Member of Parliament for Scottish Univer-siUes. who was elected at the recent general elecUon. is dead It is the first vacancy in the House since the election IU. Thrills and DraTr "WAY DOWN fcAST" Rochelle lludn, Heury Fonda At 7 00 &'.., - PLUS Edw. Everett Ilortcn "$10.00 Raise" With KAREN MORLtr 'At 8 25 0; , Travel Between . Two Countries io maue easier OTTAWA, Nov 23 r new American -Car .i Canadian and Am nay travel from the other every $jc r ma.n not less than x (z- BOVRIL 1 tCEBliiaiiKitjISWItIKI-KgJt.!1:1:I. ;r.H r 3 i Test Your Health n y More ,m Blow on this Spot If it turns white, sec a doctor at once. If it stays black . . . you're going to live and enjoy the kick of doing your Christmas shopping. Wc want you to sec our wonderful stock of Ladies' and Men's Wrist Watches We have good running Girls' and Boys' Watches 4.50 A 15-Jeweled Boy's Strap Watch in rectangular shapr CC chromium flntthoH .501 A Beautiful Girl's Bracelet Watch in the latest CI 9 Jill 3 ! shape) chromium finished case i A Similar Watch. 15-Jcweled in natural gold- QlhflO I filled case . OA,uw The New Baguette, small style In beautifully Si 8.75 engraved case and red velvet box Vu aJL 0 Many other styles to chooe from and no ma which ou take we wl" undfrtake t0 SfC 4 "K aretwcll satisfied with your purchase. 4 wellurs THt STORE WITH THE CLOCK CANADIAN PACIFIC To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and way portr- . S.S. PRINCESS ADELAIDE, Fridays, 10 p.m. To Vancouver Djrert ,f V 8.8. PRINCESS NORAIL Nov. 3rd, 21st, Dec 5th, Wn. To Ketchikan. Wranecll. Juneau and Skacway ,8.8. PRINCESS NORAH, Nov. 17th, Dec. 1st, 15th. 29tn. WINTER ROUND TRIP FARE TO VANCOUVER $32-00 Tickets on sale Nov. 1st. 1935 to Feb. 29th, 1936. Final r.-iu limit March 31st, 1936. W. L. COATES. General Agent, Prince Rupert, B I