FOR SALE OR SALE Dining, suite, chairs . j ,..t p W trie flnmlnces :md peiif stove etc. jemes, juiiwyarm girib blcytl Qulick. Phohej778. 278 EfOR SALE Two- room on . . U-A ,1 .... .J . . I . Apply Dally New. (277) IFOR SALE Office safe, extra thick walls, giving perfect protection against fire. Dally News. tf LOST (LOST -Small parcel containing socks, tie. Return Box 250, Daily News. PERSONAL PRIVATE Home Kindergartens pay. We start you. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute. Winnipeg. (tf) a the srniEMK roi kt or I'.HIIISII COI.DMIIIA III I'rohate Ami In thr Mattrr of tlir ".tiliulnUlriitlmi i n ih Milter of (lie K si ate of Samuel Nlrphenson Moore. Itfcf.ikfd. tin NOTICE that by order of His , Honor Judge FtMier the Gth day of flovmtw m i wan appointed Acunm- .sflntar of Uie Ette of Samuel Steph enson Hart late of Aayox, u. c, ! wtt. art all partly hoping claim ig?Ui alt ectat are hereby required o funiub .ra properly verified to me on or txian December l&th 1935 and tii ptnoat indebted to tlie estate' rnuimt to any the amount of their jdetmnem to m lorthwtth. NORMAN A. WATT .. Official Administrator Prince Rupert. B. C Dated the 7th day of November 1935. LAND ACT Volto of Intention t apply to l.e:ie Mini Is PRINCE RUPERT Land Recordlnc Dla.-!'-! of Range 5 Const, and Mtmte fcut 1-2 mile south of the W. A Stow:: Homeelte Iiase, on HUalu -Jlaj; tephens bland. Tare notice that William Anthony ot! of Eklakl Boy. Stephen! Isl. J?!lon Fisherman and Trapper ln-ad to apply for a lease of the follow-H described foreshore land:- "mmenclng at a post planted on a m Island within on Inlet of Skl- Bay, bout 20 Feet west of my Mi;ue. which U located approxlm-Mf 3-4 miles iiouth of the W. A. fcnrn Homeslite Lease thence Went M Feet; thence North 900 Feet '.( East 1.800 Feet; thence South W FVt; thence West 600 Feet to of oommemremertt and containing ri.".y acres, more or leas, WILLIAM ANTHONY BROWN Dated November 4th. 19?5 RUPERT DELICATESSEN Has Reopened Under New Management Cooked Meats, Salads, Meat Pies Orders taken for cake's and pies of any kind. Better Light Better Sight with our Mazda Lamps 15-25-10-C0 Watts 20c each Special Offer "61" Satin Floor Varnish j Qu"1 si" and a lightning "fpucator inj both for Jpl.tJa Only 15 Outfits Kaien Hardware sasfactory place to shop SPORT CHAT Hidden In the language of 42 no tices of motion from its various branches and allied bodies, some of the most vexing problems ever to face the Amateur Athletic Union of Canada were aired at 1U fortieth annual convention which was held in Halifax last week. A more liberal amateur definition," constitution al changes and a simplifying of the union's International relations were pressed. In varying tones, most of the ten A. A. U. branches and the Canadian Amateur Basketball Association had resolutions be fore the body insisting the line between amateurism and profession alism was too fine to be enforced and attempting to make a not-too- obvlous middle-ground. Resolutions urging the of "British principles sport," the idea that professionals in one sport should be allowed to play with amateurs In other thletlc fields, had been pas sed during the past year by the Alberta, Maritime and Thunder Bay branches and by the basketball association. The Central On tario Branch urged Seibert Signs Up SEA HAWKS With N.Y. Ranger Last of Season's Hold-Outs Comes To Term and Will Hay ' ' : Tonljht NEW YORK. Nov. 28: Earl Sei bert, last of the National Hockey League holdouts of the season, has I come to terms with the manage i m , ,ti , , , . .... incut uuu wm dc oacK in uie line up tonight when the New York Rangers play the Chicago Black Hawks here. Protest at U. S. Going to Berlin Manager Of Olympic names At Los Angeles Would He ve Americans Keep Out LOS ANGELES, Nov. 28: Jack Farmer, who was manager of thi Los Angeles Olympie Games, protests at any United States athletes taking part in the Olympic Games In Germany next year. up . . . shall be Ineligible for re- that amateurs gistratlon and competition as an be allowed to play with and against amateur." Creation of two new gov- Drofesslonals and that Drofeaslonals ernlng bodies, In track and field be allowed to play.wlth and against and boxing and wrestling, was ur amateurs" and "that cards be Is- ged by British Columbia. The move sued to athletes for registration would put the sports "in affiliation purposes as formerly, not only as with" the A. A. U. instead of their amateurs but also as professionals." -being directly under control of the These "departures" were recom- governing body. Extensive legisla- mended to be put on trial for one tion regarding the control of track! ... . . .... . l 1 .1 J 1 .4 I be permitted without an inter- jr. Moose. national permit to participate In games approved by their respective basketball associations for the current season." The request was "TILLIE THE TOILER" CSIO VCU (aET "SOME FLOvvieias For ME,. -rn-UEl sot some AH. a coopue OF VIEET LITTLE FLCVOET2 3IRLS APOLOcSIES CI VES, I ,1k, 6t eyw VSM2 j THE TA(iO MOVING UP Seattle Defeats Calgary in Northwestern Hockey League SEATTLE, Nov. 28: (CP) Seattle Sea Hawks scored a decisive four to one victory over Calgary in last night's Northwestern Hockey League game here and moved Into a tie with Calgary and Edmonton for third place in tire standing. Portland Buckaroos and Vancouver Lions are tied for first place. The league standing: SOUTHWESTERN LEAGUE "' W. D. L. F. A Portland 3 2 Vancouver 3 Calgary 2 Seattle 2 Edmonton 1 0 12 6 1 21 11 3 14 21 ,4 11 15 3 12 17 BASKETBALL j Scouts. TIME TABLE November 28 Grotto vs. Lamble ic Stone, High School vs. Annettes, Scythians vs. High School, High School vs. Scythians. December 2 Lamble & Stone vs. Moose, High School vs. Legion, Grotto vs. Annettes, Scythians vs. rw,l, m ' nfrrtvn ' CuriimWrs,' hothouse, each r.PPlnn vs rtrv'thlahs. Orotto vs. Spinach, lb. ....... High School. Scouts vs. Jr. Moose. December i&?TiGrotto vs. Lamble made to "save time and expense Jn i & Eltone High pchool vs. Annettes, arranging such games" and the British Columbia branch had a supporting resolution In the lists.) Other, problems to be tackled Included: charges the annual fee payable by branches to'the parent ibody was "excessive," a more tot ! "abrogate" articles of alliance be- j i tween the A. A. U. of C. and the , Scythlans thlans vs. AM O!2CH0r rXV My SWEET LITTLE" -T-ll I IC FEflM iClRt. vs. High School, Scy- ;HijSch(oI. SCHEDULE OF BRIDGE Canadian Secondary Schools' As-j November 28 Rex Bowling Alley j ' soclation, rules regarding the rein- ys. Canadian Legion, Swift's vs. C. statement of professionals and re- n. R. A., Sons of Norway vs. Ramb-! gistratlon disagreements. Ttere ierSf Musketeers vs. Grotto, were also some hot discussions re- December 5 Musketeers s. C. garding the Olympic problem and n. R. A.. Ramblers vs. Canadian Le-partlcularly the dlsbandment of glon, Grotto vs. Swift's, Sorts of the Halifax Wolverines, Allan Cup Norway vs. Rex Bowling Alley? champions, and the necessity of de termining new hockey representa tives of Canada at Berlin early In 1936, Port Arthur Bear Cats being at length selected. ' A Complete Waste Mrtuft m, THEE ARE VOUE. IM TV42 BASKET j w van r l . I .-- lursday. November 28, 1935 DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE ant Ads' WANTED VANTEO- -Capable lady to tak ...., ,if Kmall home and one! child (or aaoui two months j Reply 1JOX waiiy iicwa. 'ii TlioMarWcMOTORIST IFoundBodyOI 1 lie lUdl hClbj wit I UAMfj Q. C. Resident Retail prices current, here, are as, follows: Exgs UJC. Fresh Extras, Grade A Large, cartoned, doz,,....... 47 I December 5 Grotto vs. Moose, High School vs. Grotto, Scythians vs. Legion, High School vs. Junior Moose. December Lamble & Stone vs. year " in order to expose the ath- ana ncia meets was aibu prupuscu.iarotto, nigh scnooi vs. scymians, letes recelvine comDensatlon for 1 Annettes vs. High School, Scouts their services." The basketball association had a vs. High School. I resolution before the body asking, December 12 Moose vs. Lamble Comnlete elimination of Clause that "amateur teams in British Co-i & stone, Anhe'ttes vs. Grotto, Le B in the amateur definition was lumbia and the state of Washington gion vs. High School, Scythians vs. sought in a resolution of the British Columbia branch. The clause states, "an athlete who has competed with or against a professional for a prize or where gate receipts are charged or a collection taken Local, new laid, doz . ,50 Apples Delicious, bulk. 4 lbs .25 box : - ,-.ri-2.15, Delicious, fancy, 3 lbs. . .zs box -i. -- 2.60 Mcintosh Reds, bulk, lbt .06 box .' ...-.--'f ; r&, Pancv wraDDed med., VU lbs. .25 box . 2.35 Winter Bananas, 32 lbs 25 box 2.10 Fruit Pears, Anjou, doz. 30c to 40 Lemons, doz. 35c to 45' gi Oranges, doz. 20c. to.'. :u 8 ! Grapefruit, Cal., each, 5c to . ,10 4 Grapefruit, Florida, 10c to 15 4! Bananas, lb .12 & 4 j Emperor Grapes, lb. I.......... .15 Pineapples, large, eacn .; w i Cranberries, Cape Cod, lb 28 j Pomegranates, each, 5c. to 10 I Butter 'Fancy cartoned, lb .35- INa 2 Creamery, lb. ...'....J.:.,.. .3,1. i Larfl , Pure, lb, :i .22 Vegetables Death Man box r - "a Grimes Golden, fancy, 3V'2 lbs, .251 box 2.16 J Federal 04 ilO Sentence Imposed Upon J Who Struck Girl With j Stolen Car ! LONDON, Nov. 28: A auto driver has been sentenced to death for killing a girl on a b'.-! cycle whom he struck with a stolen car which he was driving. He was: known to be extremely reckless on ! the road. Mineral Tax " To Be Lower Government Planning To Raise Exemption From One-Third To One-Half j OTTAWA, Nov. 28: The federal government is planning to raise the gold tax exemption from one-third to one-half of the revenue, It Is iearned here. Head of Halifax Trades and Labor Council Has Died HALIFAX, Nov. 28: Fred Ram-1 say, president of the Halifax Trades! ' Potatoes, Terrace, 10 lbs. ........ .25 & Labor Council and well known in sack - -' i 2JW the labor movement throughout Sweet Potatoes, 3 lbs. 4...... i5,Canada, Is dead. Ashcroft Potatoes, 10 lbs.': 55, sack - f 2.25 Fraser Valley Potatoes, 12 lbs. .25 sack 1.70 Okanagan Onions, lb 03 Garlic, imported,, per lb. .35 Cabbage. B.C.. per lb. 4c to .... .06 Cauliflower, B.C., 15c to t'arsley, bunch ... Carrots, B.C., buivh ..... Turnips, up-river, 8 lbs. 1 Beets, B.C., bunch ., Celery, B.C., head 10c to ;15 Hothouse Tomatoes. No. ,1, lb. .20 Lettuce, B.C., head 6c to; Mumps Epidemic At Point Barrow 20jfjo Less Than Seventy-nine Cases! 001 Are Reported At Outpost Of .04, North 25 l .13 J are .101 Brussell Sprouts, lb 15 Vegetable Marrow, lb .. 04 Pumpkin, lb L 05 Squash, lb 4)5 Citron, lb 05 Seattle Officer, Under Arrest, Is Dead After Fall ; SEATTLE, Nov. 28: R, C. Mc-Quade, one of seven Seattle policemen, who were arrested: early iri POINT BARROW, Nov. 28: An epiaemic pi mumps is raging mi this small outpost of the north. IN-, less. r than seventy-nine cases reported. Motorists Are Now in Sahara Good Progress Being Made by Pair Who Are Driving to South Africa LONDON, Nov. 28: Two British motorists, driving from North to South Africa, are making good pro-' gress, being in the middle of the; Sahara Desert now. i POUND IN MONTREAL MONTREAL, Nov. 28: The Bri- jtish pound sterling was quoted at I the week m charges of .ieing in- . $4.98 13-16c here yestercay. volved in a theft and stolen goods , ; MONTREAL SILVER UP ring, was dead yesterday-as a rer! SITKA MINING MAN DIES MONTREAL, Nov. 28: The price suit of a fail'from the upper-bunk'. SITKA, Nov. 28: Robert Mcln-of sliver advanced here yesterday of his cell. It is believed that-he tosh, well known pioneer Alaska to 65.89c per ounce. I committed suicide. , ., .mining man, died here. Provincial police received word today from Queen Charlotte Ctly of the finding of the body of Jo seph Ingram on the Renner Estate. British iAn lnquest being held there to day. I I am at the REGAL SHOP taking orders for Gifts for the whole family. Also Cards, Tojs, Hooks, Etc. Our Rear Store Bazaar is now open Inspection cordially Invited Goods gladly reserved. mwmKmwmttMmmmm NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Kates S1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot it Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 Also Beauty Rest Mattress An Example of Thrift . ' - I II I I T ir-1 1 AU I . - . . 1.1... I r -i tf si ill MM I iri'M hvi i nvrn k fl&9 . hi C ffii A riAMDSOMt ftEV-WliO V r . .wjwi'ftsr.i ii ii' i i .in i i .: - ii u rJMrJ ' fS(,,. -t4- VP zzz wrir - B ,, WVyll jj " T sj- - -- $42.50 Buy a Spring Filled Mattress For Christmas MACKENZIE FURNITURE By Wstover t