Ill "' THE NEWS WdnMday, m, .. L ..mi J H. - I 1 THE DAILY NEWS. CLUB HOLDS Published PRINCE Fery Afternoon, RUPERT .Except - HR1T1SH Sunday, COLUMBIA by Prince Rupeit S PO RT' ITS ANNUAL Now! for .as little as , Daiiy News. Limited, Third Avenue - ft . . ; H. P. PTJLLEN Managing-Edtor GATHERING M ' fei IP r - H 4 -mm I Vmf ,. ti 3 ' DAILY EDlTiON Third Ave. PROPOSED PULP MILL LIMITED Flione 357 Wednesday. May 1. 193!ii Theoff icial announcement yesterday that incorporation papers had been .granted to The Mutual Pulp ,& Paper Mills of Prince Rupert Ltd. brings us one step nearer the realization of our hopes in the establishment of a paper mill in the city. Organization of the .company has been carried out largely through the effort of F. .L. Buckley, wjio has drawn to the attention of the parties concerned the advantageous position of Prince Rupert for -such an industry. The plant is to Ik? constructed at Seal Cove on the site of the old lumber mill. At that point a dock can be constructed which would be available to deep sea shipping and the site is also served by the railway, so that the plant would have land and water transportation. It is understood that the plans are to .construct the first unit of a plant with a capacity output of 150 tons of paper daily and 30 tons of sulphite pulp. This is a little better than half the size of the Ocean Falls plant which supports a population of two thousand people in addition to the men working in the woods. While under company control at Ocean Falls the community supported by the mill is only about two thousand, under open town conditions such as obtain in Prince tRu-pert the population suported by such a mill would be almost twice:that number. So we may take it that .when the mill is.established the population of Prince Runert will in crease by approximately two thousand neoDle. Business will improve, not only as a direct result of the mill but as a result of the improvement in railway business, from the .snipping coming to the port and from the various ramifications, of interlocking trade and commerce. It is very difficult for us to realize just how much benefit we shall receive from the new industry, not only after it is established but also during construction days. HrVir TVf. T.,1.1.. 1 1- - , iiiicu mi. Duciuey aim ms irienns were in rn( mr.v rp- cently .they intimated that work might start as early as LET US GIVE YOU A PAIR OF FESTIVE FEET. . . Sfcieihave wken oa the "lux. my" m of Sptl ig fashions! Eriiex ...contraukg leathers, fancy vrimtnings and perfor-arjons . . aor ftminine and sophlsciied styles. You! going to Jiave festipt ftrt vhta ou tep out in a new pair of Ocyx Shots. And you're going lo.Uke.them . . . very much. Onyx SHOES ' BY 8 L AC H FORD The Family Shoe Store l Today's Weather Terrace Clear calm, 42. , Anypx Clear, calm, 45. Stewart-.Clear. calm, 31. Hazelton Clear, calm, 2G. SmithersCIear. calm. mild. Burns Lake Clear, calm, 32. j WE WELCOME COMPETITION K'e sell our quality merchandise at I the lowest prices. AH othe .oceries ; proportionately as low FLOUR All brands . 1st Patent, 49-lb. sack 2nd Patent ! .49-lb. sack DR. MIDDLETON'S FLOUR--1007., )UR- -100 Ironized Whole Wheat j 49-lb. sack i Known for Quality ! 7-lb. sack ,12-doz. box SMALL WHITE BEANS 4 lbs JAP RICE 4 lbs HORSESHOE SOCKEYE per lb 3 lbs ECONOMY TEA Orange-Pekoe, per lb. BANANAS 3 lbs. NEW .CABBAGE 3 lbs GRAPEFRUIT 6 for $1.80 S1.65 $1.97 DR. JACKSON'S ROMAN MEAL COOKIES, per doz SALMON, I's, tall, per tin 37c 10c $1.10 19c 19c 37c SOINTULA FRESH EGGS OOp per doz. uOKj ECONOMY COFFEE -ground at our store Freshly 27c .... 79c 39c Both are quality proved. 25c 25c 25c Other Fresh Fruits and Vegetables at reduced prices l'bone or mail your order to MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 Don't forget King's Silver Jubilee Anniversary, July 6 STOBttmmsjatwmBM-BiTByBawarB I BROOKLYN METLAKATLA MOVES UP! ER Dodgers (Joinf Strong In National .League .Wan .Over .(Haute Yesterday BROOKLYN, May 1: (CP Brooklyn Dodgers renewed tneir bid for the National League su- A 1 1 1. 1 ! nremacy dv more uian uouuimg the count of the New York Giants wln ' " ,a. . . il .. Br n j Both games went riem yrsieruuy. i.c uuiuiumu Heds had an easy slugging victory over the world champion St. Louis Cardinals at Cincinnati to move back again into the first division.- TheVCards are now lending the se cond division with Pittsburg dropping into a poor sixth place as a result ot a shut-out at the hands of the Cubs at Wrigley Field. Jn the American League, New York Yankees eked out a close vic tory In a heavy hitting contest at the Yankee Stadium with the Washington Senators, the Sonators. as a result, dropping Into the se cond division. Jn the only pther same in the junior circuit, the .De troit Tigers vanquished ;the .St Juls .Browns at st. Louis, the National League New York 7 Brooklyn 9 f'hirago ( inrtnnatl ... St. Louis Pittsburg Boston Philadelphia 8 7 .C G 5 2 SPORT CHAT Pet. .750 .700 X92 .167 .107 .700 .092 .615 00 .462 .429 .417 J82 A meeting is to be called Jiere In the near future to form a model vacht club, the Intention being to build model yachts of several classes to engage in local, prpylnc4al and Dominion competition. Several "tale drawings of model yachts of various classes will shortly be put on display, probably in the Canadian National city ticket office windows on Third Avenue. Interest ln model yacht racing is taking hold here and it seems to have possibilities of developing into Quite a popular local sport. There is even talk of providing a special pool for QH RATS! We Wanl Thousands Of Them A big order has arrived for rat pelts and .there js a denand for furs of all kinds. We buy anything with fur on it. Goldbloom The Old Reliable Send along your furs and if you don't like our offer we will return them express prepaid, Defeated Port SjmpMm Jl Tya Softball Games Saturday METLAKATLA. May 1: A double-header of sortball was played at Metlakatla Saturday between a Port Simpson pick-up team Athletic Club and Y. P B. A. and the Metlakatla-honv'team. the lat- pine Innings and umpires were Managers E. A. Lelghton Me$akatlai and Joshua MacKay Port Slmpsoni. Base umpires were W. Lawson tPort 8lmp-son and Matt .Leightpn (Metlakatla i. Jimmy Ryan jwas pitcher and Wally elghton catcher for Metla katla. .George WJt was pitcher and Peter Alexcee catcher ;for Port Simion. The first game proved .ft XMt one. well .fought, evenly .contested and with close fielding- .At ;the e,nd of the fifth Inning -the .score was 5-1 tors were on their .foot with Browns, a a result, dropping into 4JrilenM!nt No runs fe nw,P ln the basement along with the Jdle Philadelphia AthieAies. National Iajue New York 5. Brooklyn 12. Pittshurg 0, Chicago 3. St. Louis 2, .Cincinnati .12. One game postponed. American -League Washington .8, New York 0. Detroit J I. -St. Lo4 3. Two games postponed. Baseball Standings , American League Chiqago 9 3 Cleveland 1 3 Hew York 9 4 Washington 7 0 Boston 7 5 Detroit 6 8- St! Louis -.2 10 Philadelphia ,2 10 the .sixth ,or seveaith fa the .eighth Port .SlmpMHi. irst at .bat. made another run. Met,lakatla also .made 1 a run. Jn the firstif ihe .ninth Port Simpson got ope jman ,to -third but ,: failed to bring him .home. , The visitors started J he second : game with .one jrun i,a the .first in- rlUog. Metlakatla evened up in the I second. Prom ,thwi on it was the home .team's game until the end lof the ninth. Monday, a return game .was play ed at Port Simpson. Return (lapies PORT SIMPSON. May 1 - The Metlakatla soltball team visited here Monday and took on the .Port roo m .. .it u ... . . . .ao mmp.son soiioan leums in a aouDir 83 ! header. In the afternoon tussle the 41) 'Port Simpson team lost out by icore of 6-3 and ln -the next game Metlakatla lost out 8 to 7. The line-ups: Metlakatla-r-W. Leighton. Henry Ryan, Cecil Ryan, P. Robinson, Geo Kyun, Francis Leask, Gus Leighton. Jno. Aukland, Jim Ryan. Port Simpson- Moody, Musgrave. Lawson, Ceo. White. II. White. Wesley, R. Sankey, 8. . Beynon, P. Alexcee. T. MacKay, As fi. ,urVln raiser the Cougcrs from Metlakatla look on the Llz-ardmen of Port Simpson and they endeavored to eet Uielr claws Into the hides of the Llzardmcn out bit the dust to the .tune of 14-8. Cougars A. preyyt. II. Leiahton P. Robinson. Arnold ,Le.lhlon Jno. Lautfi, Dan Campbell, Geo. Hal dane, W. Ixuth, Dlek Leighton,' Leask. Umpires Mat Lejghton, W. Bey- aon and A. Reld. A reception was tendered to .the Metlakatla .visitors by the Ladles' Band Auxiliary under the leader ship of Mrs. E. F. Dudowaxd .at .the residence of Mrs. .Wm. Musgrave: About sixty guests sat down and partook of .a .very delightful supper, LOCAL ITEMS Miss Rita McLean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. M. McLean of this city, returned on tire Catala yes tcrday afternoon from Stewart where she spent part of her Easter vacation. She will proceed pn this evening's train to h?f school teach Jng duties at Copper lty. Miss Phyllis Bushf'eld jot Edmonton, daughter pf Rev. and Mrs. Frank Bushfield of Port Essington, arrived ln the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon following a visit at Anyox. She will be visiting for a while longer -U Port Essington before returnlnglo the Alberta Capital. FRESH MII,K AND CREAM mm VALENTIN DAIRY PHone 657 Alls Lillian HalllKell ,lled W jnea'n .aCnadlan Club for .Comliv Year Miss Lllllap Halllwe.U dieads ihe Women's Canadian Club for the coming year. 6he was cted ,by acclamation at the annual meetlnsr of the club held in the city hall last evening 1th the retiring pre sldent. Mrs. A. E. Parlow. presld ing. Tlw full lUt of officers, all of whom were .chosen .without a .con test, follows: Honary President. Mrs McLen nan. Honary Vice President. JMrs, JJ McD. Hunter. President. Mrs. L. llalllwell. First Vice President. Mrs F Oood. Second Vlee President. MUs M. Earle. Secretary. Mrs. F. McLeod. As.Utant Secretary. Mrs. II. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront N Rochester. Treasurer. Mrs. W. D. Vance. .Assistant Tre,aircr. Mrs. VW. C. Atplnall. Literary Correspondent, Airs. II .for theome ,team.Jrm Uiep onp. Pullen, n both (teams .were on their toes as Executive Mr.v J. D. Fraser.Mr evidenced by the,lr wfttcbtulness not to Jet any .pppattunltlcs pass, .and ,de.tennination -to win. Specta A. E. Parlow. Mrs. F. A. McCallum, and Mrs ???. Carter. Miss llalllwell was secretary last year and. In hr annual report to the dub. she commented on the increase of 23 new members durlnr the fear. Bones were expressed that the women of the city would tak real interest in the Canadian Club. The treasurer's report showed small balance on hand. After the election there was a short business meellng and it wa decided to donate $5 .00 to the Silver Jubilee fund. Capt II. E. Nedden senior sklpjie.r of lite Canadian National Coast Steamships fleet, has transferred from the steamer Prince Rupert to the Prince Robert which he will command on the Alaska .tourist run ttiis summer, overhaul of the vessel being now n progress at Vancou ver preparatory to b4ng re-ewn- mlssloned in service Capt. Uwar.d Ubu ha come north tilts .V'ck a? ikipper of the Prince Rupert apd ocxt week will transfer to the teaincr Prince George which will be his command for the summer and which Is now undergoing an nual overhaul at the local dry dock. Coming north as master of the Prince John, Capt. Nell McLean will move to the steamer Prince Rupert next week and command of the Prince John .will b taken for Uie season by Cnpt. Don Mc-Klnnon, who is at present acting as chief oliicer .on Uiat vessel. There was no change this warn ing in the halibut fishermen's strike situation. The Deep Sea Fisher men's Union had its regular weekly meeting Jast night but it was announced this morning that it had ho further proposals to make to the boat owners M .connection with the dispute over sharing of halibut liver proceeds. The fine big motor vessel Mar audor. which has come north In her capacity as a fish packer for Ed munds & Walker to look for a load of salmon, .is again tied up at the dock of the Home QU Distributors Ltd. after having made a trip to the new fuel station of the Home OH Co. at North Island with a load of supplies. Making the trip on the Maraudor. which left here on Mon- !day and returned last night, wosT. N. LePagc, manager of the northern division for Home Oil The Marau dor arrived ,here from the south late lost week and .will probably be Jiere lor seyeral jdays yet. A converted juib-schaser refitted at a cost of $25,000 fo use, as a ilsh packer, the yessel was ormerly named the Hurry Jlome. She is owned by the Pachena Fishing & Navigation .Co. of which her skip per, Capt. Duncan A. SUns, is pre sldent. She Is 110 jteet long. and was tbutlt at Bremerton, Wash., ln 1918. plesel -engines give her a 6ped fit fourteen knots per hour. Capt. Sims was. formerly a ministerial student. He spoke ln First Presbyterian Church here Sunday night. Oswald 15c. a day can own an . , . you ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR dor. No need to wait. No need to deny you. self ami I.m. the ountlrvs economies anu uclvanlaue.s of ei refrigeration You can buy one on terms Uwl cii! l monthly payments ot as little as $3.76 or less ti.n. cents a day. You'll never mlu this small otdUy In l the refrigerator will more than save it for yon ... ' month Jay ending ice bill and food spoilage Ai.: gives you other big savings by letting you lake a! tage of bargain prices for quantity purr ha sea of or. ' able foodstuffs Decide NOW to take advantage of '. opportunity to have all these savins and the (U. tul fresh food, crisp salads and delicious In i. s scrt. electric rcfrlne mii'in alway.s mear.s Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited fc t 4l $ M P M P Living Protection LIVING PJtOTF.CTlON Is a reserve built up for the protection of your means of livlnr a live reserve for livlns people tlui I living protection. LI VI NO PROTECTION means . money In reserve for the home . money tor an emergency nv old age . money for the education ot children for business purposes. (iUlLVr HUMAN DKSUHS CKATlFJi n THROUGH A SCII N TiriO rLAN OK ACCl'MUITIN( MONI.Y CAIUJ'TlEIi; RETIJ3iiENT--As.surance of comf"' and loisure In later years, when earning p'a declines. EDUCATION OF CHILDREN Systepiatlc. convenient provision for all expense .of a urdversitv training. INDIVIDUAL AIMSTravcl, hobble, vacation nn'i otner desires. BUSINESS PROTKCTI ON Assurance of future prof. perity for a business through an ample pron - tlve reservc,, HOME OWNERSHIP With all its comforU anJ ad vantages! , v PERSONAL 8UCCESS A constantly growing t) come, with eventual complete financial lndrpcn dence. INVLST.OUS SYND.ICATJ: and Its affiliate companies r way for the average individual to accumulate u i from his or her larRe or small current income to i " LIVINO PROTECTION. The, best opportunities of a lime time are of no v u:'' j person cannot capitalize upon them. That is where IJ''" Protection comes ln, It provides lor the accumul.'" sufficient money to pay the price which Opportunit'" quite often demand. In a word living Protection U the safeguard of lite Doing the right thing at he right time U the secret of sue cevi. An investors Syndicate Living Protection Ccrtinra" ran lielp you to attain your success. So, begin at once to build your Living Protection Reserve An Investor .Syndicate representative will show a to build. a reserve fund and the many ways you tr. 1 ; this fund paid to you heo It is complete. INVESTORS SYNDICATE Head Office Investors Syndicate Ltd, Montreal, Canada. Founded 1K!)I Doug rm.zixi. Rep, for Northern Bt Phone: Orcen 8 jj.wi" ! vu(jiur-i jj mc muiuu m port uv u.iu mu vjn With a good sized list ot passcn gers, C N. R steamer Prince Hu- Vancouver, Powell River Falls and will sail it 4 o afternoon for Anyox and whence she will re rn her pert, Capt Edward Mabbs, arrived row evening southbound,