Thousands of Canadian women have learned by actual experience the advantages of Congoleum Gold Seal Hugs . . . their sanitary, long-icearing, labour-taving qualities. Here is your chance to win one of these rugs FREE. No obligation to buy ... no tiresome conditions. Simply visit jour dealer's where this Prize Rug is displayed. Under the Gold Seal which identifies it as a genuine Congoleum Gold Seal Rug a secret number has been placed. If you guess the correct number or if your guess comes nearest to the correct uu miter, the rug is yours absolutely free. 9 Look orcryour dealer's showingof Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs when getting your entry blank and you will appreciate what this rug will mean to your home. This contest closes noon Saturday winning number will lie posted in the window at 4:30 the same afternoon. So act NOW I CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED, MONTREAL nuTnrATTiAiiatAvTTr J' aliBBaBRBaBBBM Congoleum and Linoleum stocked by MACKENZIE FURNITURE m your Selkirk Falconer of Premier was a passenger aboard the Catala yesterday afternoon going through for a trip to Vancouver. He is a son of Mr. -and Mrs. T. W. Falconer of Alice Arm. MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Studio Lounge An attractive addition to the home. Lonje by day, double or twin beds by night. Remember May 6th King's Juoilce Systematic Service Efficient & systematic service is the best and most economical. OUR SERVICE RECORD will show complete record ol all repairs made and all parts replaced. A copy of this record returned with, all sets serviced by SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC Fhone Blue 330 gggggggaw B Port Essington Easter Services Large Attendances at Two Services In Skeena Kiver Village PORT ESSINGTON. May 1 -The services on Easter Sunday at the Everything to Make This Job Easy For You at Kaien Hardware SPECIAL Garden Rakes, 39c PAINT For the Fence, Shed, Garage, Etc. Only 95c per quart. . $3.25 per gallon Handy cans, 20c $150.00 Prizes. Get in the big parade. Decorate your car May Gth. Don't forget It's the King's Silver Jubilee local United Church were well attended. In the morning Rev. F. Bushflcld took as his text "He is Risen." A solo, "They are Nailed to the Cross," was well rendered by W. Spalding. Communion service was administered at the closee. In the evening a pageant entitled "The Message of Easter" was given by eight girls. This consisted of re- ! citations, dialogues and songs. The cast was as follows: Easter, Miss Grace Spalding; Light, Miss Cecilia Bolton, Life, Jane Spaldfng; , Youth, Irene Wesley; Love, Edna Campbell; Joy, May "Wesley; Hope, ; Fanny Spalding; Peace, Pearl Millar. . The choir sang the anthem "Oui i Savior" with solos by W. Spalding The church was beautifully de corated with mottoes and dozens of artificial Easter lilies and daffodlh made by the members of the Ladles' Aid. centred by real Calla lilies and 1 red carnations beneath a decorated 1 cross. I Mrs. Bushflcld, the organist, was assisted by Howard Starr playing ! the cornet. COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulklcy Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ion of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat, Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 Phones 558 THE DAILY NEWS 4 4? SPECIAL OFFER If you purrliat genuine Confolrum (.old Seal Hujc during the period of thi$ contest, and then prove to be the winner of lite Prize Rug, you have the, option of taling thr j'rlie Itui or having the full purchase price of the rug you have already bought refunded. Diocesan Woman's Auxiliary Meets Annual Sessions of Anglican Ladles Open Today and Will Continue Thursday and Friday The twenty-fourth annual meeting of the Caledonia Diocesan Board of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Anglican Church combined with the third Diocesan Rally of the Women's Department of the Restoration Fund opened this morning at St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral here with a Holy Communion service at which the celebrant and preacher was Rt. Rev. G. A. Rlx D.D., Bishop of Caledonia Rev. Canon W. F. Rushbrook and Very Rev. J. B. Olbson assisted In the service. This evening there will be an open meeting In connection with the diocesan Rally for the Restora tion Fund over which Mrs. G. A. kix, cuocesan fund organizer, will preside with special addresses bv Mrs. W. II. Belson of Sidney. Do minion Woman's Auxiliary vice-president for British Columbia. Dean Gibson and Bishop Rlx. Business sessions of the Diocesan Board will commence Thursday afternoon with Mrs J. B. Gibson, Diocesan president, in the chair and Mrs. Belson "again a special speaker. ft. J. .Tfthmir fnttimnf? fn tUn llt. - www lbU,llbU .u .,v uivjr I on the Catala yesterday afternoon from a ten day - business trip to' Anyox and Stewifrt. - I Today's Stocks (OuurUwj 6- D. Johiiatau Co.) Vancouver Alexandria, .02 UMk, 1). C.NieUl, 4L Illg Missouri, .55. Bradlan, 1.50. . Bralorne, 7.10. B. R. Oonc, .0. B. R. X.. .14. Cariboo Quarts, LOG. DcnVonla, .5G. Dunwttl .00. Georgia River, .00. Golconda, .36. Grange, .08. Mlnto, .15. Meridian, .09. f Morning Star, Jffft. National Silver. M Noble Five. .Mtfc. I'end Oreille, .01. Porter Idaho, Jl Premier, 141. Quesnel Quarto. Jl. Reeve McDotutlft .12. , Reward. (JCtfc. Reno. 131. Sliver Crest, .01. Salmon OoW, .17. , Taylor Bride, .10. Wayside. J7H. Whitewater, .12. Waveriy Tangier. .DlVfe. Toronto Central Patricia, 1JM. CU f ugamau, M. Leo GftM, .00. Granada, 36. Inter. Nkkl. 34 Ja, MaooMd, SJ4. Nuranda. 38. SherrtU OtVk, Siacoe, S.U. Ventures. .88. Lake Msfon. .Oefc. Teck Hughes. M. Sudbury Basin, IA9. Cblumario. .09. Smelter OtfW. M Can. Malarttc, .61. Utile Long Lae. iM. Astoria Rouyn, .04. Stadaeona. .33. Maple Leaf. mk- Pickle Crow. 2.64. McKeralc Red Lake, UjB. Ood's Lake, 1.46. Stumcon River Goto. M. Red Lake Ookt Bliore. J3V,, Wedne m, Its t -- MlJJ?- "If iflp RCA Vlir "CUW Trsiur" BRITISH MUSICAL "Bveiwong," romantic picture of an opera singer's career, at the Capitol Theatre his mld-wcck. presents In Its leading role that glamorous artist of stage and screen, the lovely Evelyn Laye. The British production is executed on a lavish scale, the period of the story extending over the first quarter of the presant century. A notable east support Miss Chief among them is the sea-toned diameter actor. Fritz Kort- ner. wtio pluys with authority and conviction the role of the prima donna's manager. One of the most Important roles Is played by live world-famous coloratura soprano. Mme. Conchlta 8uervla. Alice Delysta noted star of the musical comedy stage; Carl Esmond, handsome and highly popular Jarnille: Btnlyn Williams, well-aeeredlted Jn dramatic roles, and Arthur Sinclair, old favorite rlinr-ftcter maa nrr alao noted In the carefully chosen cast. "Kvensonc" vtresents a number of scenes shewing some of the meat noted rendezvous of Europe hktthidlne Monte Carlo and Venice "St. I,otif K'd" iH nwtxrr on the mid-week double bill; com- Utoea rtotmts eornedy with melo- dtsmatv thrills Jem Caenev Is WmL Uw MMortn raH tr-fiUidta Puirieia E1H Allan Jen-kHaa. Hntiart Ovanauaii. Bnencer (Htarlers. DorrHhv rre. Arthur Ajrfeawwiti and Robert Ilarrat. MAV DAV IN NTW YOKK NBW YORK Mv 1:- Mora than lOdjm iMWMma are emweted to take Mart in a May lUy narade W-tHOHBtmthw br UiHnv SneUI rwMBHtkHis are helnv hi ten bv 4he Vkv RtairMt th poaslblltty or ; W -n Mr W II nlon of td-Vaneouver Mnnri nre vtttors (in the city, having arrived from the , south on the Prln' Rimert hl, morn Int. Mrs. Belon U here in her, dent of the Wonu-: I 'capacity as Dominion viee-preal- the Aiahcai Chun t What it docs ! An rirluaUe RCA Victor mctcUw. nicnl that Glea you far more atatlona. T11 iiea In world ktoadcaata with greater accuracy and cane. Knalilra jnu tm hear aTarr note with higher fidelity. r 1 1 Hani TONIGHT and TlltUs,,tt The Inside Story f lhe SoriK-Hird!... Gloriously Sung ,nd ru! y a New Persoiulitr EVELYN - LAYE EVENS0NG) lUaed on tlr if., of the world vn , tie prima donnn rauK lovers t story, slutinu en.., ling " One N tlr - With Fritz Korlner 1At 1 00 am! :, v -- AIifJEt' James Cagney As In init m nark wlu : 1. MWllli. ! The St. Louis Kid art I'AIKKIA 1 14.1 S At 8 SI Show- Onrr On!-NMVS .?! K. t'clbr.. H'V. M; I'. "Sil mmaj" with RCA Vietor tm n iWtin rHio trip for new world of t ntertninmrnt The, pnwn porfurmtnc of Glol Trotter Radio rM pill iU ownrr in touch jith grrai mtuie from fortifn cminlriesi with tww f vnt in tlm mVinc with tSo bnst of bromlovU Ixck home. Coni down U), our tire nd Iniimthu gjtl line that hut todr tttUiuinry ihort wave wrforniinc) lb rule ratlin than th aurption. Ivaay terma on thu mndil of lixtr elioica. Thirtm modek from which to rh""' CUet Tretlen see mtult enly h RCA Vict"