1 May 1. 1W5 OPEKO VANILLA EXTRACT pure flavoring extract backed by nc the Kexall Guarantee. 3J fluid ounces 0 TOXOL Antiseptic and Disinfectant The official .preparation of -SOLUTION OF CUKtiOL AND SOAP. Guaranteed to be equal an purity and strength to any preparation of its Kind on the market. The cheapest and best of disinfecting agents. 4-oz. 25c;t8-oz. 40c; 16-oz. 50c Ormes Ltd. Jir Pioneer Drtujffi.its ll.e Knall SUi IMk.iim XI & HI Open Dally from X a.m. tilj 10 p.m. K unlay-, and Holiday I'roni 12 nt till t p.m.. p.m. till 9 p.m. Furgot King's Silver Jubilee Annjver-ry (Udebration, Monday, May 0th - - - UCL )UUi Spring Shoes E. C. CLOTHIERS, LTD. minute in Pumps, Ties and T-Strnps at $2.97 a pair and up I'honc: Itlack;i21 PNION STh:AMSlIllS LLM1TKD Rtearnm leave Prince Kujrt for Vancouver c,T,I.A r.VIUtV TllrKDAV. 1:30 VM. Ar-.tmg Vancouver Trlay T-s-s. c.uni:sA r.vrnv i-kjiiav MinMcirr. A .t ihr Vancouver Monday a m. i MlUim to Port Blmpaoii fUiyoi. Blwrt and N Ulr tnU, laMVr tlnce Rupert Sumlay. 8 pm. fCTtnrr information regarding all sailings and ticket at- 'aiNCr. Rtipr.KT AOf.NCYs Tblr4 Strnne rb SM SOUTH To Ocean Falla, I'owrll Niter and s. s. Next rriz.ell's Market VANCOUVER PRINCE RUPERT veky THURSDAY 10.30 p.m. VI Si ,nn;uliuii Xalional S.onmsliipw eHsi which made Prince RuperlFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED LACK COD - lrepred Dally By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, fl.C. "'t ForRtl Klnjt., sllvfr jubilee Anniversary Celebration, May Cth 3. LOCAL HEWS Be warm and comfortable by In 32 Taxi it costa the same. .11 I xou can rem a car ai waixer as low as $1.50 a day, plus 7c. a mile. Don't forget International Labor Day Wednesday, May 1, Moose Hall. 8 pm. Everyone welcome. (10O J. E. Dyer sailed on the Catala yesterday afternoon for a trip .to Vancouver :rfnd elsewhere in ..the south. Miss Millicent Osborne R. N., who has been nursing at Port Simpson, returned to the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon. i J B. Scott, forest ranger, .return- ed to the city on the Catala yester- day afternoon from a trip to Stew- art on official duties. ! The University of B.C. and Car negie Foundation plan a project of ! extended education In this city. Dr. ; Harry V. Warren. University of B C . will address a public meeting and discuss the plan at the City Hall. Wednesday, May 1, at 8 p.m. This is a great opportunity for Prince Rupert and all citizens are urged to attend. (100) E M. Hames of Victoria, Post j Office inspector, who had arrived In the city on Monday evening on ! board the fisheries patrol steamer i Glvenchy from an Inspection trip to Queen Charlotte island points, sail- ed yesterday afternoon on the Ca tala for the south. O. A. Yardley. inspector of customs has also beeti making a tour on th Oivenchy and will be sailing for Victoria on the Prince Rupert tomorrow night. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE WUH0UT.CAL0HEL , And YpuH Jump Out of Bed In the Morning Rarin' to Co It Ja feat mr aa tank aad the wertS laeka puak, daa't awallaw a lot of aalta. asia-aral a star, eC luaUea caadr ar ckewiaf uan aad aipact tbeat ta auka yea ddtalj aaeet aad kaojaat aad full af uaakiaa. Far Uey eaa 1 do Ik They aaly avert Ua bawala aad a aaere Mnant doeaa't at at taa aauae. The raaaea (or yeur danaif-oat leaUaf It year Har. It akeald pour eat twa Deuaae ellaaid hlle taU year bevels daily. U that bile la ae Sewla freely, rout load ooeeat dtieal. It luat deeaya U the boaala. Caa bloau ap year atoaaaeh. Tea bare a thick, bad taate aad row breath la lowL akla af tea hraaka eat la bleauebee. Yeur bead acwas aad you feel down aad aut. Your abole yataaale peiaoaed. It take these feed, aid CARTER'S LITTLE UVKK F11XS ta tt Ueae t pouada of bile SevUf frtaly aad auka yea ImI "ap aad ap." Tier ejoataia wonderlul. aartalaas, rentl. rtf eUbla ettraeU, ansaalnc hea It coatee ta aukiar the bile flow Ireely. But dea'taak let liter pllla. Ask let Carter's Little Liter PUla. Look far the name Carter 'a LUUa Liter PUIa ea the red label. Reaeat a auhatltuu.te at dm Itorea. O lt 1 C. U. Ce. Announcements Cambrai Tulle's Treat, May 3. Jubilee Dance. My 6. TEX DAILY NEWS PAQE THRU CCJ". Bazaar, Eagles' Hall, May International Tea Baptist Church May ,8. Elks Dance Friday. May 10. Catholic spring sale, May 16. Gyro Hoedown, Moose Hall, Friday. May 17. - Moose Hall TONIGHT Moose Lodge meets 8-o'dod Chapter and Lodge will, meet jointly at 9 p m. We wish to announce thai the REGAL SHOP is now established In their new home next door to the liulkley Market. We should like to take this opportunity to thank our customers for their loyal support during the past two years and trust that we shall be favored with your continued support in qii new stpre "Wj WEN, mi vs. ic Chicken 9 la King i cast cold chicks cm ia iach alk. i itMasaooas batter ) tbtp. Hour 'A irtta pepper cat ia tarnfs A red ptpptr cat ia shrtds I cap chickea broth t or I tin yoikf onlt) I cap Netdi't t,aporutJ M3k V, poand Bubmai if dttired Salt aad pepptr 10 um Cork the thredded peppers (tlto math rooms if ther art attdi i. ik bwitr for Umn miaaitt, kMpia-them cowed hil cookiag tlolr. Add the Soar and tessoniatj , alto tie Ncula't ttaporsitd Milk aod broth; atir to a tinooia aaata. Vmt ,ii chicken ia the uim to aaat. and iaat before serriac. stir ia the bextea tsi. D not allow tbeaaiuureiobotlorit ill cardie. Jl u belt to cook it ser aot water. Srrrtt si or aarta pertoai Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Evitt and S. D. Johnston, who have been on a six thousand mile motor trip as far south as Mexico, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning. nave just Deen mururu at ruijui, were passengers aboard the Catala yesterday afternoon going south from; the smelter oyrn opa .hqney-moon' trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. C. Jl. Ollbejt of Terrace, who have been spending a holiday in the south, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver and will proceed to the interior on this - f a I evening s nam. Northland Transportation Co.'s motorshlp Northland. Capt. Len T!?" Williams, arrived in port at 11:30 yesterday morning from Ketchikan east over Canadian National Rail- rvn ways, sailed at 2 prh. In contmua- syyn lion of a regularly scheduled voy age to Seattle. 4150 Cash prizes for best in dustrial, commercial, fraternal, ad vertising, British Empire, comic and novelty floats, decorated autos, bicycles, prams, clowns, comics etc. Make our entries now Jor the King's Jubilee Celebration Parade Monday. May 6th, to Celebration Committee headquarters, Canadian your entries recorded. (98) Dr. Harry V. Warren, professor of mineralogy at the University of British Columbia, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this momlng from Vancouver, being EXAMINATION for Inspector of Steam-Boilers and Machinery ComoetlUve examination for In snector of Steam-Boilfrs and Ma chinery will be iheld sA the office of the cnief inspector or Bouers in the Workmen s compensation ana Labour Building, 411 Dunsmulr Street, Vancouver, B.C.. commenc ins June 2lUi.. 1335, at 10 am. Application forms and further information may be obtained from the Cruel inspector at above ad dress. A. N. BAKER. Civil Service Commissioner (May 1, 8. 15) PURE FRESH MILK from government tested cows delivered at your home Just In tlme for.- breakfast. ' Diiily delivery. a an. and 8 ajn. Extra delivery at I p.m. except on Thursdays Mid Sundays'.! DOMINION DAIRY Phone Red .608 am ac (o FOR SALE MILKING .Ooats. $12. J65. Write Box 234. WANTED over PLANS A SUPPER PARTY AT GOVERNMENT -HOUSE I OFTfeN MAKE CHICKEN A JLA KING" tayt E Couhlring, cbefjtt Government Home, Halifax, official rtiidtnct of tbe Honourable W. II. Covert,KCHIJeutenaiit.GovernorofJ&ta Scotia, and Mrs. Covert. HAYJE .FOUND," states the Government House 1 chef, "that onlj by using Nestle's Evaporated Milk J .do I eet that smoothcrfuniy.caoiistencvjindjtidi flavour so imporuat .to ihe -success pf jhisiiish. In &ct, J find I et better remits with all creamed recipes when J use Nestle's Evaporated MUk VTe ;belive ou will tome .-to .the same conclusion as Chef Coulnn. Nestle'-c -is -ideal for -creamed dishes . . . as it is for jise in soups, sauces, cakes, pie-fillings, frozen .desserts .and n infinite variety of other delicacies. .Remember, -there are no .addea ingredients Jestte's Evaporated MUk is just purest .cow's milk, with mote Phone Blue U00) WANTED--Motorcyde in good con- i dition. Apply P.O. Box 1614. FOR RENT (100) RENT JBlx-room modern house with furnace, apply 1851 Graham Avenue or Phone Red 104. '100) PAINTERS PAINTJNO no Paperbangtri Moller. Phone Red 802. GOVERNMENT I.HMOR APT Not lrt of Application Xor Vr Ucenr- Legion BuHding. Closing day for' notice u hereby gin that on the entries, Thursday. May 2nd. Hurry! .6 T .m"ltv.u 5? T , ' . . .l intend to apply to the Uquor Contro! tlnrrv' Hurry! Orilv Only nnp one mnn more rinv day tn to tret get -1 . f7.' - of Board for a licence in respect pre- mlees being part of a building known NEW MASSETT HOTEL Hiuai at Main Street New Massett, B.C . upon th. lands dwriberl as Lots No 36 and ST. Block 4. iuld no. im Ttwnsite. in the Prince Rupert Land 1 F.ef tstmtion Dlrtrict In the Prarmce oi BrttUh Columbia, tor the sale ot beer br the elass or bv the bottle for the copsitmptlon on the premlva or eUe- w!fre I.ted this 16tB day of AprU L93S A.D oeoroe Simmons bakrhk. Applicant 1 and, after discharging one carload HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 1418 2nd I of fresh halibut for transshipment Avenue. Phone Red 421. 1 WATr.K .no r icb niverslon and I'm TAKE NOTIPR. that PilTlm OoJi (ln IJnvltoel INJ.LJ whose address I- m I i aoa Roval Bjnk Bulldlni. Vancouver, a. n will a.Tlv for a licence to take and use 80 cubic lee per aecona ana ov cubic Jeet per second, te&pectlvely. oi water out of Wann River ahlch fios North-westerly and drain into imxu Arm af TasUh Lake at a point on the Easterly shore of the Md aNut three miles from the West Arm of th airl lake The water wUl be dlTerted at pomj about 1 mile and Hi miles rewcUTeiy Ircm the mouth of the. said river and will be used for power purposes upon the hind described as lot 468S. cassiar This notice was posted on the ground on the Sth day of April, 1935. A ar of this notlca and an applica tion pursuant thereto and V the "Wa- lr Act" trui De riieo in me unw v. tl, 'r Recorder at Atlln, B.C. Oblections to the AMjUcftUon fluty be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the ComptroUer of Water Riht, Parliament Bulldlrum. Victoria, B. C within thirty days after the first ap pearance of this noWce In a local news MJRIM OOLD MINES LIMITED (NJ.l Applicant. By "William O Scott. " Agent The dato of the first publication of tills tio044.jaUi day of AprU. 13S, jaaaaaaaPW' : than Jialf he water removed. That is -why it is so xich wife of Not'a Scotia's Lieuieilcltlt- twice as rich as ordinary fluid milk. rL. rtT ,.r J Governor, soaal leader of Halifax iwifc"!' ;Kkinl dedde 0W 10 and fa Maritime;, and uvll ' JSestles a thorough trial. , Order a few tins from your lcrTi sr'-M I IK ,0iZ7 patroness of the Victorian grocer .today. You will be ItA I LfcSI 11' Order of Nurses. surprised at ihe Xovf cost. 51 500 00 JN CASH AWARDS CONTEST OPEN TO RESIDENTS OF CANADA ONLY 111 prist $25000 2nd 4tlz 5150.00 3rd prize $75.00 -4th and 5th prlzxi $25.00 sch 195 wMldy pm of $5.00 sch (II cb welt hr it wl0 herein connection with the organi-i atKsa.JUi.l-Vi UlllVCIaU.Jf JH -w-wei . taijtMa vwwm a,a. ta, a, Rupert Gyro Club sX Its regular weekly luncheon, today. President S. J Jabour was in the chair and there was a full ttpndnnr-p nf Mr. and Mrs. H. McKenzie, who !m,v,M f-. ... i uav. mm. a ta wa a a. a. a. a x v.. aar Euruv Want Ads STEKIUZtD . . . EVAPOtATtD TecbaKal School, lore mo; and .Utrecaor of .Uoaae lEcoaomxa. -tjnii Ueciawoiof the wdces will be JHita. Lottie Unocaa. niwri Jrr A M i iuarth tniL (naL Rm'm will ui K. retaroed. aleaibeti of the Kettle's orfiaizatioe and their faiiLiaafe oot eliaiMe. Send entries to CONTEST liMlTED. METROPOLITAN ALDC. TORONTO. OWr. 0. dt ThU coatetl it for recipti coataisjac MILK ai one of the iaaredieau. The milk .ted aur be otiar ope; ordiaarr or eeaporated. Each eaur . . "wnFi"w 07 unfi irooi a cio 01 nesue t mux aod i ioclode roar irocer'. ame aad addreit. Recipet wiU be iadied on the baut of umplictrj. palaubtliiT aad food riioe. Yaw out tabmit a; mtny dif ereet red pet af desired aad aria aay aamber "S'-PrHtt ao loot as each recipe it accotnpaaied br yi- MJk Uhtl- tou "tek s contest if roa jruh! Ttnal contest closet Mir 11, 193), and the 6e raiiarews .iU then be awarded. Judaea will be Miss vuavme.inoasciotauitor, Montreal uaile Star; Central jntas i A.jwtwi, Uiraaaor of Uoeoesuc Science. r. Cen FREF t0.ey.ety, con.testant. copyf Mf arouritejlecipes of Canadian Women". .,ontaininK -- origins! recipes for delicious new dishes. a5ar-- m PSTLE IHitK 4 .1, 1 over NESTLE :6TE Oil i7rn ifrtVAPORATED If Wt.ef) Oa Keep yaur iawn in proper shape with a new 4 or 5-blade easy-running, ball-hearing Canadian Lawn Mower. Several different models and widths to choose from Phne 3J1 nmsmzn: From $6.95 Han't Foret JKinz's Silver Jubilee May Cth Anniversary Celebration GORDON'S HARDWARE McBride Street DON'T FORGET THE KING'S SILVER JUBILEE Celebration .Monday, May 6 and remember that we carry Linoleum, Rugs anil Congoleum at very low prices. D. ELI0 Green 4!1 Furniture Exchange i 8 HYDE TRANSFER Office, 315 Second Ave., Phone 580 '41 FOR SALE 8-Tube 1934 Victor Radio, A-l Half original cost $65.00 Don't Forget King's Silver Jubilee Anniversary Celebration, May 6 ' GARDEN SUPPLIES We have a xmplele line of garden necessities: Seeds. Spades, Kakes, Lawn Mowers. Hose. Forks, in fact everythinj used In gardening:. Forxfnulne saiisladion in Rubber Hose we recommend Bonaeord Mhich wiU not .kink; we also have lighter weight hose at excellent value. WE DELIVER THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. front forgetKhir's Silver Jubilee Annhersary. Mar 6th Beautiful Waves By our new and latest Helen Curtis Machine, featuring Eugene and rrineess Marina combination permanents. Mi Lady Beauty Shoppe Phone 655 NEW ROYAL HOTEL" J. Zarelll, Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM ' HOME" i i H Rates $1.00 up .50 Rooms Hot & Cold Wa.er Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O, Box 190