fAUfi 1TVU 4 e y B LA C DAILY EDITION vvuaontyoti "You mncmbrt how worn-nut J uxd lo be afif i day's shopping, and a week of houseil'-aoini; nearly fkmbed me. Really, it's simply amazing- the differ-tnee (hex shoe have made in the way I feci. Why. I can walk miles and miles with Jatk now be uys it' almost like a second honeymoon." 9 SHOES H F O R D The Family Shoe S tore Third Avenue LIMITED Phone 357 THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue EL P. PULLEN Managing-Edtior SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance . . For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per lncn, per insertion Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion . Local readers, per Insertion, per line By mall to all other countries, per year . Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone ... 8C Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations $5.00 .10 3.00 1.40 sa 25 8.00 Thursday, May 23, 1935, VICTORIA DAY HOLIDAY Tomorrw is Victoria Day and the Elks of the citv have AnniAnA In il,n .1 .. I .. t 1 i 1 . does not necessarily carry on as his forefathers did, if a better way can be found. In politics he is far above all par-' ties although he may be a member of either if he considers 1 jl iu ue in tne oesi interests oi me couniry. The true patriot is not hostile to other countries but is ready and anxious to work in harmony with every other nation to the end that the world may be improved and gradually brought to a realization that war is not only useless but ridiculous as well as horrible. The Elks are to be congratulated on their efforts through the outward observance of patriotism to sow the seeds of a spiritual observance which would make Canada a real garden of Eden and her people among the happiest in the world. OUR FLAG A. song on the lips of children! A flame In the eyes of rh-m! A prayer in the hearts of women! It flies to the breeze again; The Flag of the British Empire, Its colors of blood and flame. The waves of the mighty ocean, the honor of Britain's name! How can we choose but love It? Our stay In the bitter years! While our heroes sleep In Its shelter; Tis bought with their blood and tears. May Its radiance stream through the ages, now flung to the winds of spring; . Dear symbol of Empire's Freedom! The banner of Britain's King. WINIFRED O. BRASS. amtaismdcixa trnxmrn mmmmzmm rm tm lavumra umtsta BETTERING OF WORLD CHICAGO. May 28: AP fltlie tfete Jane Addama. internationally known social worker and champion of world peace, who died in Pasrn- vant Hoapital here following a relapse after an emergency abdominal operation, erected two for-tceases of fame: her Ideals of hu-maHeneB, an intangible stronghold of the spirit, and HuU-Hause, the tangible expression of that ideal The twain were bora of a heart filled with a desire to "complete the mobilization of the human spirit" by bettering the Hfe of the world, a de&re which swept aside all bar riers of race and religion In her search for practical means of forwarding this ambition, Hull-House was her laboratory It became the source of social discoveries which sent rays of spiritual tight into the darkest pits of civili zation. j The Illinois hamlet of Cedarvtlle. (alone, knew of her birth on September 6, 1860. Before her life was , much more than half completed I the world was heeding the voice of an humanitarian whoee passion for I noaA anrl fvisttafkA Kmvomma lrnartaou-an ' ilsm as fanaticism. They profess Christianity; yet their armies slay fanatics, fanatical about power and greed and killing." Her advocacy of peace reached its zenith In 1915 when she called the International Congress of Women at The Hague. An ending of the uciucu wj Lrvc duvam-age ml untJ general noimay 10 pui world war was its goal In this the on their annual flag day instead of on June 3. The main congress failed, but out of it grew idea is to entertain the children and give them a lesjson in women's international League patriotism. Sports and games will be a feature of the oc- for Peace and Fntom- CaSl'on I WIth 131611 Gates Starr, Miss Ad- , , ... dams opened Hull-House on Sep- 1 here has been no time in history when lessons in pat- tember h, 1889, at Halsted and riotism were more needed than they are today. They are;Pte street, in the mwst of cw-needed by those in high positions just as we'll as by the!caeo,s Equa,id we8t 8We- Imml- more lowjy. Patriotism is a desire to work for the good of the country rather than for the benefit of the individual Its sym-boUn Canada is the Canadian ensign upon which the Union Jack is the most prominent feature. The patriotic desire should be to make this a country in which there shall be no poverty, no out of work group drawing relief, no grafters, but a country of intelligent, well-educated workers and voters. The patriot is one who is not easily swayed by passing fads or by base appeals to passion. On the other hand he grants of two soore and more na tlons, who had come to the capitol of the west to seek work and freedom, floundered In the Halsted Street neighborhood. Enticing these people Into Hull- THE DAILY HfcW8 Thurwla-, Mj House was the hardest wrK for the young settlement workers. The racial tides surfed strong, one against the others But the hatreds we conquered and Hull-House today fills a etty block. Six thousand men, wamen and children crowd into Its aciivltVw each week. Mtas Addama was born of Quaker parents. John and Sarah Addams, T.tiit MlAAm nna im r a Kan Vr. mUlpr an assemblyman j and close friend j if Abraham Lincoln The social worker suffered all her life from a childhood affliction. curvature of the spine. This deformity, she related, made her shrink from appearing in public with her father, less he be chagrined by hav Ing it known thltt ugl. du-kllng" was his ii rai mi uim mi a i mim i bum rhone 953 syvt,, uiiu jitovcvv mvnvrv svvwwu from the tenements of Hatated'For Thursday Street to the tribunal of nations at ; Hawes Hoor Wax - ..Jo Geneva. Miss Addams was militant aaainst vumy. pw vu Tfhn v,a iuh -th .,vM I cities of contemporary life, its arid waste, lis meaningless labor. Its Quality, size 3 for Malktn's Best SPINACH- Size 2s, 2 tins for 29c Heinz PORK & BEANS Individual size 3 tins 20c Phone 853 De Jong's Cash and Carry I Moving-Specials ! & Saturday IJaoaJ TVI 1.., o. .. f 114.14 AVttTTl. KJWky needless suffering and lis political I 3 bars for corruption." Particularly was her ' Ptk-Frean Assorted Influence felt In the fight for aboil- J Biscuits, per fc-lb. pkg Hon of hi scourge of war. Aylmer Fancy Pea.s She founded one movement. for Sieve 3, 8-oz. tins. 2 for world peace and was an active par- j Ucipant In nearly all others. Her; study and work in sociology left an Imprint in many lands. She shared the 1931 Nobel peace1 prize with Dr. Nicholas Murray Hut- ler, president of Columbia Unlver-; Mai kin's Beat COFFEE per 1-lb. tin 37c alty. wniz Floor Wax Proud of Pacificism Regular size tin each Miss Addams was proud of her Nabob Soups- Vegetable pacificism. "The militarists," she Tomato. 4 tin for qnce said, "in the mils of patriot-1 Heinz Woreetrihlre Ism have falsely portrayed pacific-' Sauce, per largs? utae bof McCormick Toasted Sodas per pkg jand butcher. It is they who are i Milady Bathroom Ti sur Nabob Sliced Pineapple tins. In heavy syrup per tin Soda Crackers- In large wooden box. each 37c Hawe Hawa Floor Floor W.X Wax - No No I 4 Q n 13c 21c 19c 25c 27c' 35c 18c 23c' Is tall 15c 37c We are moving to Phillips' Grocery on Eighth & MrKrltle on June 10th. mmamKBmwmmmaMW.nm.mm ' UBXVli'Clati:aU:BU:ai'allJIC3ISJ3i LOOKING AHEAD ; Watchful attention) iniura tafety, Th Royal Bank ha always kp in cloia touch with the timet. It regard with confidence Canada's continued progrvii. THE ROYAL BANK ' OF CANADA I RECIPE FOR SLEEP 3 A FEW minutes before bedtime, pour )ouix-lf a ImimI of K Hops' Corn Flakes uml milk or cream. Kat xlotaly, enju)iii lhat rool cmnnebt, that delirioiin fluor. Then climb iiito bet!. Try it any niplit vhen jouVe relle. You'll uleep better, vake refreshed in the morning! Science hut prove! it. KellopsM Corn Flukes, eay to digeot, eliminate lumper aiii without oerloudiup the stomach. Kellogg' a are a prund foiHl any lime. Appelixinp. Hich in eaerg'. Splendid for breakfast, lunch, or the cliiltlren's upper. Matchless Flavor and Crispness In fairness to yourM-lf and your family, don't accept subntitutei for Kellopg's Corn Flakei. Kellopp'n are the vtaudartl of quality everywhere by far the world' larpeM-ellinp reaily-t-eal cereal. Their flavor and cripue can't he duplicated. And their orn frehne i protected hy the patented WAXTITE inner bag an exclusive Kellogg feature. The famous red-anil-green package give you tiuUtandiitg value. Many generoit Mrv rng for a fc- cento. Quality and purity guaranteed. Made by Kellogg in Loudon, Ontario. CORN FLAKES LOCAL NEWS v ' Ffed Wesch and son. Fred Jr.. will Isall tonight on the Prince Rupert , for & trip to Vancouver They plan t to drive back Via the interior. I T. H. Johnson, general manager lef the Canadian Fish tt Cold Storage Co., and Mrs. Johnson will sail tonight on the Prince Rupert for a trip as far south as Portland. Mrs. Ouy Patrick arrived in the city on the Prlnae Rupert yester-, day from Vancouver, being here to pay a visit with her brother and slster-ln-law,. Dr. and Mrs. J. II. Carson. Provincial Constable L. Olscn of Queen Charlotte City arrived on the Prince John yesterday from the Islands, bringing In Oeorge Pot-tlnger of Queen (Jhajlotte City who has been sentenced to a years imprisonment for Vagrancy "and as sault. oPttinger will be taken on to Okalla aboard tht Prince Rupert tonight. C. N. R. Trains For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6:30 p.m From the East Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 10:15 pm CODki Steamship Sailings for Vancouvei Tuesday Catala 1:30 p.m. Thurs. as P. Rupert 10:30 p.m. Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 10 pjn. 8s. Cardena midnight May 14, 24 ss. Pr. Louise S p.m. Mom Vancouvei Sunday ss. Catala 4 p.m. Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert 10 p.m. Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 4 put Ss. Cardena May 10, 20 ss. Pr. Louise p.m. a.m. For Anjox. and Stewart-Sunday ja. Catala 8 pjn. Wednesday sa. P. Rupert 4 pjn. From Anyox and Stewart-Tuesday ss. Catala 11:30 ajn. Thursday ss. Pr Rupert 8 p.m. for Naat Klver and fort Sunpaon-, Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m. "rora Naas Klver ft Fort Simpson Tuesday ss Catala 11:30 a.m. - or Queen Charlotte Islands-May 10 and 24 ss, P, John 10 p.m. rom Queen Charloita Island May 8 and 22 ss pr. John ajn. "ur Ocean Fall Thurs. ss. P. Rupert 10:30 pjn. Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 10 p.ra rum Ocean Fall Wed np6day ss. P. Rupert 10 ajn. lYlday ss. Prln. Adelaide 4 p.m. Ss. Cardena .... pjn. For Alaska- May 10, 20 ss. P. Louise From Alaska-May 14, 24 ss. P Louise From Skerna River a.m. p.m. Friday -a, Cardena p.m. COKSTIPATION INDIGESTION RHEUMATISM w-ft J Go Fishing the 24th w.th Dcpcnfl&blc FISHING TACKLE ; Special f;S i liagkets, from i Fly Hooks Linen, from Reels, from IUU U'MI ! arw Kaien Hardware riioNt: - s Car 5c 2-V