t May 23, 1835. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE III NABOB NABOB . . f.it in Canada to introduce Vacuum Parking, now TIIEIIMALO . a new ruacllng pro-rrM that bring out mure r rvrry quality tliat mlr cofTro tlelieiwut. Something New Just Arrived Come and Sec Them ririmraLaLrir;viSfTB:mrmi NEW PREMIUM CATALOGUE Kelly, Douglai 4 Co Vumwtw, II .C. COFFEE Jasmin of e Southern France Facial Beauty Treatment Sets For Dry Skin. Oily Skin and Normal Skin Priced at $1.25, $2.50 and $3.25 Perfumed with Jasmine of Southern France Ormes Ltd. "3ft Ptontcr Drvaigists fb Retail BUrt rhones: 81 & 8S Oprn Daily from t a.m. till IB p.m. dundays and Molidiri From 12 noon till 2 p.m. 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. GOING FISHING? Then drop around and have a look at our fishing tackle. We have everything you need to make your fishing trip a success. GORDON'S HARDWARE Mcllride Street rhune 311 lJJraJainIamMiM,:l,,:;, UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steam-ls leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver's. CATALA EVERT TUESDAY. 1:30 1M. Arriving Vancouver Thursday T.S.S, CAICDENA EVERY HlIDAl MlDNIfiHT. Arriving Vancouver Monday ajn. Mlllni la Tort Mmpm.. Miyoi Oirl nd N" poiiiU. Frlnc Ruprt Sundtj. 8 pin rurtner information regarding ali sailings and Urkrts at-raiscr nrrrai uirnrv third mn rh m The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Drawing lor model "Enterprise" postponed until June 6. 119 I Be warm and comfortable by rld-! leg In 32 Taxi it costs the same. You can rent as low as $1.50 mile. W a car at Walker's a day, plus 7c. S. J. Jabour will sail tonight on the Prince Rupert for a business trip to Ocean Falls. Will the person who lound the silver bracelet with Initials MJI.O. kindly communicate with this of fice? It ha s a sentimental value to the owner, who is willing to pay a : reward for its return, We have just received a scowload Phones 116 and 117. (tf) Mrs. L. H. Kenney of Smlthers, who has been on a trip to Vancouver, was a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert arriving In the city from the south yesterday. She proceeded on the evening train to her home in the interior. , Mrs. O. E. Moore, who has been visiting for the past two or three weeks at Queen Charlotte City, re turned to the city on the Prince John yesterday from the Islands. Among the Olrl Guides receiv ing service stars on Tuesday night was Patrol Second Joan Baker who was presented with her third-year star due October 1934. The costumes for the May Queen and her retinue are on display today in Annette's window and are attracting a great deal of attention. The Queen is to be gowned in dainty white net. The maids of honor will wear white satin with hats to match. The four flower girls wear blue, pink, yellow and green organdie respectively. 30. Are You Sluggish ? To Throw OfEaergr-Stnliog Impurities tojoy a glut or two each week of Energizing, Effervescent J In TINS 15c nd Oc NEW LARGE BOTTLE, 71c 3 Announcements Elks' Flag Day May 24 parade clowns baseball vaudeville-dancing. . Anglican tea, Mrs. Orme's, May Lutheran Ladles' Aid Sale or Fancy Work and horrreHCOoklng In June. Eastern Star tea Kergin's June 5. at Mrs. L. W. Parent Teachers' Tea, Mrs. MacKcnzie's June 7. Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L. Picnic June 23. Moose Hall Friday, May 24 Elks' Flag Day DANCE GROTTO TAXI 456 3 Cars at Your Service Pert Morgan Hud Barric ruor. Meeting Young Liberal Football team Toe H. Rooms Thursday 8 Dsn. Alez The Dunes" offer specially low rates for June only. For particulars write Madame Rajaut, Tlell. B.C. (Th.-M.) L. W. Patmore returned to th: city oa Tuesday night's train from a brief trip to Smlthers on legal business. Mrs. Harry Hansen left on lar-i rvening'a train for New York where she will embark May 29 aboard the steamer Stavangerf jord for a visit to her home in Oslo, Norway. C. H. Orme addressed the meet Ing of the Prince Rupert Conserva- A1"0" Tuesday night and of fir lumber. We offer No. 1 flr,t,ve . oi... i. I expressed expressed apprecla' appreciation of the con- wuiop at 4 peri ivi. vicar iu v- joint $20. Albert & McCaffery Ltd. fldence that had been reposed in him in favoring him as federal candidate. O. P. Tinker, president of the Prince Rupert Conservative Association, was in the chair. Ar rangement for holding of the con ventlon were left in the hands of Mr. Orme. president of the district association, and J. H. Thompson. secretary ELKS' DANCE . May 24 MOOSE HALL May Quern in Attendance Admission 50c Including Refreshments On Victoria Day. .May 24, the Post Office wickets will be closed all day. The public lobby will be open from 8 am. to 8 pm R. A. Bryce of Toronto, who is interested in mining in British Co rumbia, arrived in the cty on thf Prnce Rupert yesterday, from Van couver and poc ceded East on last evenng's train. THRIFT SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK ENDING MAY 30th CAKE FLOUR Falryllght per pkg LUMP SUGAR 3 lbs COWAN'S COCOA 1-lb. tin JELLY POWDERS- Empress All Flavors, pkg NABOB COFFEE per lb. TOILET TISSUE Paragon 7-oz. rolls, each .... PEACHES Lynn Valley Halves, per tin PUMPKIN Royal City No. 2 tins, each PEAS Royul City No 4 2 tins PRUNES Calif. Medium 2 lbs. BUTTER Sunnyhrook Brand, per lb. SOLLY'S EGGS Grade "A" Large, per doz LIFEBUOY SOAP per cake FELS NAPTHA SOAP (Limit 10) 2 bars OLIVE OIL Tiger Pure pint tin l BRAWN North Star per Vj-lb. tin 23c 23c 23c 4c PORK & BEAKS Malkin's - rjp 11 No. 2 tins. 2 for 36c 7c 18c 10c 25c 19c 25c 24c 6c 13c 35c 8c .MACARONI k CHEESE Special 1 lb. Mild Canadian Cheese 1 pkg. Creamettes The' two for PEANUT BUTTER 1-lb. Un 24c 14c Oranges, Sweet, Mediums, doz. Lemons, Juicy, Medium, doz. 18c 15c Stock-Reducin WALLACE'S Plaid Flannelette Blankets in blue rose, green, gold. 70x84; per pair Tonight's train, due from the Ji east at 10:15, was reported tnisij morning to be on time. Government Agent Norman A. Watt left on test evening's train for ; a trip to Terrace on official duties. ! - i A. J. Prudhemme left on last' evening's train for a trip to Burns Lake and other interior points, j Mrs. N. Mussallem sails tonight on the Prince Rupert for New West minster where the wQl attend the traduatlon of her daughter as a aurse from the Royal Columbian HoepitaL ! Mrs. J. A. Fraser win sail tonight on tire Prince Rupert for Vancouver enroute -to K am oops where she wfll pay a visit wHh her son and daughter. She is being accompanied by her son, Percy Fraser. Mrs. David Rutten of Massett, who arrived in the city from the Islands on the Prince John yesterday, will sail tonight on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Roy Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. Thomas ft this city, obtained, first class general standing at the UrC verity of Alberta with 'more than eighty-five percent in the final examinations. His course was first year applied science. Mrs. William Hastle. formerly ot Port Clements and now residing at Massett, arrived in the city from the Islands on the Prince John yesterday and will sail tonight on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Victoria. fllLl Free Eyes Modern demands on our eyes have fettered them beyond endurance. At this distance we see well, at that distance we squint, at some other range we cannot discern objects. If you know this to be true in your case, free yourself from these limitations. You can! Have an examination at once. Beautiful Waves By our new and latest Helen Curtis Machine, featuring Eugene and Princess Marina combination permanents. Mi Lady Beauty Shoppe Phone 655 82.75 g Sale Special Attractions for SATURDAY, MAY 25 Window Shades, green or cream 36x72 inches, each ' 75c Sheeting. 81 inches wide, .fully Q-f AA I ivayon Satins, assortment ot colors JJEJp bleached, 2 yards for ?XUU 36 inches wide, per yard 0tJ V Unbleached Sheeting. 72 inchcr Q4 A Knitting Wool in a variety of colors flftp wide, 5 yards for Q1i7 per ball , -x,y' Prints, an assortment of patterns -f Qp Prilled Curtain MtnJins, assorted 90 Jl UH 36 inches wide,' per yard cold frill 2 yards Shadow Cloth, assorted patterns Q1 A A I III Curtain Rods, curvad ends, Q- A A 48 inches wide, 2 yards for t? U V Kirsch make. 8 for ?VU Printed Silk Rayons in attractive patterns, 3 yards for S1.00 Aprons, stamped for embroidering bias bound, 3 for . 51.00 CLOSED ALL DAY FRIDAY, MAY 24TII. OPEN ALL DAY THURSDAY For Coats, Suits, Dresses, you cannot beat our prices and quality. Owing to the late season we are selling at great sacrifices. OVERWAITEA LTD. Phone 843 We Deliver Phone 813 Good For One Week to May 30th Quaker or Kellogg's Corn Flakes, per pkg Cut Ureen Beans, 2's 2 tins for Red Bird Matches 3 boxes for Saanlch Clams, tall tins aen 2 lor Sair Dates 2 lbs. for Pure B.C. Honey. 4Vlb. tin Kraft or Chateau Cheese. 1-lb. pkg. Campbell's Mushroom Soup, 2 tins for CRISCO SPECIAL 1 3-lb. tin; 1 1-lb. tin both for 7c 19c 25c 13c 59c 27c 21c 79c White Spring Salmon tall tins, each Phillips Milk of Magnesia, large bottle 10c 38c Overwaitea Pure Stra,w- OOp berry Jam, 32-oz. jar Ol Johnson's Liquid Wax pints Johnson's Glo-Coat pints 55c 55c SAUCE PAX SPECIAL 3 lbs. Rice 3 lbs. Beans 3 lbs. Macaroni 1 Aluminum Sauce Pan with lid all for 85c Watch our windows for fresh fruits and vegetables at lowest prices We accept city or government scrip HYDE TRANS Phone 773 Third Ave. D. EL FER P. CAMERON Manager PHONE 580 Dealers In Coal, Wood, Garden Soil, Shingles Dry Sawdust. Tables and chairs for rent. Wine bottles bought. Furniture moving Express General hauling MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE 200 Window Shades. Color green and cream, each 3Cx72; 80c Mail Orders Forwarded Promptly NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Sarelll. Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Kates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot fi Ci)d Water Prince Rupert. B C. Phone 281 P.O Box 100 BUYS EVERYTHING SELLS EVERYTHING Exchanging and Auctioneer GREEN 421 d your paper does not arrive, telephone the of lice C K M f r i ti. I- mmi aft 1 1 i. .lb.. i V 0