Today's Weather Prince Itupert OtercMt. fresh southeast wind: barometer. J0J6; temperature, 51; sea choppy ji XXIV No 118 STRIKE Ai'-er -.U' . . barony of Bui a Today's Weather Terrace Clear, calm, 48. Anyox Part cloudy, calm. 48. 8tewart Part cloudy, calm. 46. Hazclton Cloudy, calm, 46. Bmlthers Part cloudy, calm, cool. Burns Lake Cloudy, windy, 42 P:. nen una nutually :.i.'.l'..v.;: Elu.il1 41, flip - mt i ism s is rat e i"a- i j. Jieara, !. Pvvn .1- Man K.;- acorjj :. Lord La.-r U'1- Qurcn Mury. u. Union Company Vessels Being Taken Out of Commission As endruvu- to maintain satisfactory conditions Toronto Tunnel Vote Approved Long Liberal Illutkaclc Against Million Dollar Item in Relief Program is Ended OTTAWA, May 23: A vote of 1,0004)00 for a tunnel under Toronto Harbor under Uie govem- menfa nubile works relief program n.MrtMn ton; hlnekafle bV Liberal " -ta members, which started, before Uio Easter recess. NO PAPER TOMORROW Tomorrow beln Victoria Day and R public holiday, there will be no regular Issue of the Dally News. The next regular edition will be on Sidurduy nftcrnoon. Union Seafarers Leave Them HUEY LONG IS 'MONKEY' "Knock Tin Down" and "Drag Tm Out" in United Stair Senate I WASHINGTON. May, : -There w.i,, a hectic setakm In the 8enate Tuesday when the conatttuUonaltty or the Presidents proposal to ae-iivrr the Patman bill veto person ally to a lolnt icsflon ol senate umi House was under debate. It almost assumed "knock em down' un d drag 'cm out" proportions. Finally, by a vote ol 43 to 4. the benate favored a resolution to permit the innovation As usual Senator Hucy Long was in the thick of It and there were ulcntv of iiersonallties Senator Barclay of Kentucky referred to Lour as a "monkey." Senator Mc-Nally said: "You may be a Klng- fisli down In Louisiana but you are iio Klnaflsh here or anywhere else ui the country." Long was un daunted, however, and continued a wearisome tirade. By the time he had finished only four senators re malned In the chamber, the others havlnir rionarted and left their voles with the presiding officer Restoration of 1929 Ware Scales and All Union Dock Ships Will Cease Running on Arrival H. If Tomorrow's Tides 1 i s Ill Hteh 5:07 sun. IIS It j -J.VC7 ubUc Ma? 6 ',-if Pi-ui.Tj Ma rarer Ruse uie E, app ared belar ac a Duchess oi Kern. Duke ol K r ana or! their return if the strike is still , r unsettled. ilrnvomni TVmr 61 f The company is now operating uu,t,w,U4 " J WA eight ships. The Canadian longshoremen's . Urflen at Prince Rupert has not had the question of a strike before It up to this afternoon it was learned so far local freight handling is go ing on quite normally. The local ho. ivuuori throuah the committee, union Is under the All Canadian staae la the House of Commons, ' Congress of Labor und is not affi- Uat,ed with the Vancouver longshoremen's union. Vancouver Wheat throughout the Uni- ted Kingdom. It was announc- ed that recruits from the Do- minions and colonies would also be accepted. , ; Alaska on His Way Home to Alaska .TTTMPATT Mav 95- nnvarnnr by the Dally News on Inquiry and Jonu w Troy u now on hU y back home via San Diego after a trip to Washington. He is returning via San Diego where" he will make ararngements for placing an Alaska exhibit at a forthcoming exposition. He Is due here about June 1. SILVER QUOTATION VANCOUVER. May 23: (CP)-! .NEW YORK, May 23: (CP) Bar Wheat was quoted at 84c on the sliver closed at 76'4c on the local locatexchance lo;atexchange vesterdav. yesterday, belntr being un-' un metal metal market market yesterdav. dronnlne changed today 'to 76c today. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER i PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1935 TYING UP COAST i: Hu;-.-wa;i a- f:v: 1 . is GREAT BRITAIN'S FIRST LINE AIR FORCE BEING i INCREASED IMMENSELY ! , LONDON. May 23: CP Rt. Hon: Stanley Baldwin, Lord President of the Council, an- nounced in the House of Com- mons yesterday that Great Britain will increase her first line air fighUng strength to a nf 1RAf atrnlariAs In nrripr Labor Demanded Catal Withdrawn Today and Other to obtain parity with Ger- many and France. The plan would occupy two years' Ume VANCOUVER, Mav 23: (CP) The Union Steamship m construcUon. Mr. Baldwin Co. fleet was tied up today as one hundred stewards, deck- ad?ed tha thJre no nd 1 1 1.!. La r..:l, U,llA..c .1Lo,1 nf -l,o Rnfnn. a Panic. Nevertheless, the nwiuB wm iiwii iaiiu.i..0 .m.uu u .w announcement of Mr. Bald- en' Industrial Union called a strike demanding restoia- win u construed as a reply to tion of the li!2 wage scale and the Coastwise Freight chancellor Adolf Hitler of Handlers' Union demanded one hundred percent union Germany The greatest re- .m,,imrn.nt nn dorks. w . . .. ..... . crulttng drive ever launched Duriitss oi York 4 Major Harold Brown managing: by the Royal Ak Porce opened ahd " u Brlevances Meantime Urector of thr Union Steamahlp ; S'we ta t r. .j.tyri "Our men nave eiectea . . . .. v ...... . t vo open wn more recruiung nrinn the hin. We have al- u' WM" r.. . ' stations .u , -mere were no muicauuns mui been ready to meet our own vays 0 u; Hie steamer CaUla. due this afternoon from Prince Rupert, will be tied up on arrival while the steamers Cardena and Venture, now on the northern coast, will be tied up Hu...Oer- VETO IS UPHELD United States Senate Fails Override President On Bonus Bill To WASHINGTON, D.C., May 23: (CP) The Senate today blocked enactment of Patman inflationary $2,000,000,000 soldiers' bonus bill by refusing to pass legislation over President Roosevelt's veto yesterday. The vote was 54 to 43. Immediately after the veto message yesterday, the House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly 322 to 98 in favor of overriding. Halibut Arrivals Canadian Unome. 5.500. Atlin. 5c. Joe Baker. 6 500. Cold Storage. 5c. There will be no sale tomorrow. TRIAL OFFER A trial offer of the DAILY NEWS for five weeks will be civen for 50c and with it a bonus of a 50c ticket to the Capitol Theatre. Tills special offer is goodonly for this week and is good only for those not now getting the paper. 18?35 pm. 11.7 It. Low 11:54 an. 4.4 It. PRICE: 5 CENTS SHPS SIX FLIERS KILLED IN MANOEUVRES NEAR MID WA Y ISLANDS 77ie Multitudes Pay Their Respects to Beloved Monarch and Family Big Bomfcing Machine Crashed into Ocean; Search is Unavailing Ship Had Gone to Assistance of Sister Craft Which Was Forced Down Announcement of Disaster Withheld Since Tuesday HONOLULU, May 23: (CP) Six naval fliers of a large bomber machine were killed when the plane crashed late Tuesday night into the ocean fifty miles south of Midway Island in the South Pacific during United States fleet manoeuvres, it became known today. Search f or the victims had continued for twenty-four hours before an- ... . nouncement ol the accident was mT made. The machine had gone to the Sr pniT N A I 5 8 5 assistance of a sister plane which UluL IT 1 V1V had been forced down- IS DEAD : HEAD OF CATHOLIC Passing of Or. Frederick L. Schaff- CHURCH IN CANADA ner Makes Sixteenth Vacancy COMING TO RUPERT In Red Clumber WINNIPEG, May 23: JP) Hon,, .Monsignor. .,. Andre . "J Frederick "Laurence "Sctutlne'r M. papal delegatfti-rfoiv ' WildC liC Ilia DdtllClUl Ul degree , and at Trinity College where he obtained his medical de gree, later taking up post-graduate ; work in New York and Chicago. 1 He entered public life as councillor and mayor at Boissevaln and 1 was first-elected to the House of Commons in the election of 1904, being re-elected In 1908 and 1911. Company Affairs Till 1 DMLJ VC i. IUUCU African Dispute t GENEVA, May 23: League of Nations statesmen are busy trying OTTAWA. May 23: CP Casaulo, Canada D., C. M. of Boissevaln, Man., died and Newfoundland, vlll leave here yesterday, his passing making Ottawa on May 30 for a tour the sixteenth vacancy in the Up- of the west In the course of per Chamber. which he will vLiit Prince Ra- Born in Wllllamstown, South pert. He expects to return to Annapolis County. NJS., August 18, Ottawa about the middle of 1855, the late Senator Schaffner July. was of German and English an- cestry- His father was descended from one of the body of Germans who came to Nova Scotia In 175- Tr. n i. S-'tf:' Killed at Bradian Mine Wednesday W. ("Bunny") Young Lost His1 Life Yesterday on Falling Into Shaft GOLDBRIDGE, May 23: CP W. W. ("Bunny") Young, aged 26, He was summoned to the Senate i was killed yesterday at the Bradian in 1917. He was a Conservative, 'mine when he slipped and fell Into In 1916 during the Great War the shaft while repairing a cage. Senator Schaffner was chief sani- tary officer for Camp Hughes with TJL? JTZXS! & ' Fire Breaks Out Morton and Boissevaln and was a member of the Board of Health for Manitoba. Senator Schaffner was married In 1886 to Miss C. A. Allan of Perth. Ontario. He was a Baptist. Aboard Normandie Painter Threw Match Into Can Of Gasoline Plenty of Excitement But Little Damage LE HAVRE, France. May 23: Fire broke out aboard the giant new French liner Normandie which Is being prepared here to depart next jweek on her maiden voyage across the Atlantic Ocean when one of Ontario Securities Commission To tnree thousand painters who are Investigate Manufacturers' working aboard the great vessel lit Finance Corporation j a cigarette and threw the burning 1 match into a can of gasoline. After TORONTO. May 23: A public In- considerable excitement during qulry Into the affairs of the Manu- wnlch tne flre department had to facturers' Finance Corporation of be out to assist seamen, the this city which went into bank- flame were finally extinguished, ruptcy in 1928 will be opened next mtle damage being' done to the week by the Ontario securities commissioner. i Trying to Settle HENRY FORD MAKES BIG WAGE INCREASE DETROIT. May 23: Henry Ford this week stepped up the minimum dally wage of to settle the Italo-Ethloplan dls-' his 126,000 employees from $5 pute over African frontiers with to $6 per day, adding $2,000,- ;Capt. Anthony Eden. British Lord, 000 monthly to the payroll. Privy Seal, cast In the leading role , as conciliator. I . .4 4