PAOZ fIX Where The Sunshine Goes JOMATOES Nttwc'i method J ttorint hwiMm If Kimkn consumption. The lun-drtnchtd alley ardent of British Columbia ere mon$ Canada's West Umelo dMcfa. lari year B.C fttw 60 million tomatoes for cafiiiiwf every on fctnd-plctitd, with cartful delivery to th cannery. U the Royal City KltcKens titdint c't in jortni ou! tne perfect ones come ntd tnd tKen tin scaldinj process. Row upon row of while-'roclied dainty maids peel the fruit ky kond tnd kjid-edi of inttllijtnt eyes fttrd wt eonleab of every can Veering the Roytl CHy laUl r-sssssssssssssssssi nsf 111 City Commissioner W. J. Alder Club at its regular weekly luncheon revealed a number of interesting in the Comodore Cafe today. Pre-and UD-to-date facts and fleures sldent J. J. Little was in the chair 2o0 ' l ; 240 . " ' ! . ' . 200 h- 2 . 120 . ' "00 jf .; 80 1 Lsasusi Tht In the fifty-four years of its existence, Imperial Oil Limited has always -welcomed legislation in the interests of labor and the basic industries. It has never had a labor dispute. It has always paid fair wages. To the greatest extent possible it has provided continuous employment and it has given its workers increasing leisure so as to expand employment. It has sickness and death benefits and old age pensions because it believes that the worker and his dependents are entitled to such protection. Imperial Oil has always tried to deal fairly with collateral industry and with its competitors. Its success in this connection is : indicated by the fact that it has never had a major lawsuit. It has always recognized the principle that the only satisfactory business transaction is the one which affords a fair profit to all parties concerned. It has ' fulfilled all its undertakings. It has enforced no onerous claims on others. Empire Day At I Capito! Theatre Childrrn of Public and Annuncia- tion Schools Sfcinr "Uoyal 4 -tt" Cavalcade" TVday. being Empire Day. the children of the pubtte sehoelc and Annunciation School are attending the special matinee at the Capitol Theatre. At the theatre they saluted the flag with Mrs. S. V. Oox as standard bearer. The staging of "O Canada" was led by J. S. Wilson and at the close all will stand and sing the national anthem. Arrangements for the event have been made by Mis. John Mansen. educational secretary of the municipal chapter. Imperial Order. Daughters of the Empire. In the High School Dr. E E. Lucas, the principal, it holding a spe-jclal patriotic event suitable to the ' occasion. Tea and Sale By Canadian Legion Women Successful A very successful Empire Day tea , and sale of home cooking was held yesterday afternoon in the Canadian Legion rooms under the auspices of the Women's Auxiliary of the Legion. The rooms were tastefully decorated with flags, bunting and spring flowers and there were; many visitors who were welcomed by the president, Mrs. Jack PreeccJ Mrs. R. T. Anderson was general convener for the affair. I Mrs. WUIiam Ranee. Mrs. S. V. Cox and Mrs. W. Rothwell were in in regard to civic affairs in ad- and there was a.good attendance ol charge of the tea room. Mrs. Hugh dressing the Prince Rupert Rotary members with a fev guests. 1 Killln and Mrs. Hugh Smith pour- II I M i II I I II I 1 I M I I I . f mmmPMCL OF FARM PRODUCTS PRICE OFCASOLINE '"S i-- -A V? BASE YEAR. 1913 IOO f I I V i A ,-v iiiii 4 "vNrt 1 1 M HH-1 I II 1 1 1 1 bt'a farm product pricn have never been as low aj gasoline. Between 191 J(nd 1920 gasoline did not riae in price to nearly the' tame extent aj farm products, yet since 1920 its price has almost continuously declined. The dau for the above graphs are based on figures published by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. A FAIR DEAL POLICY Imperial Oil has always tried to deal fairly with tbe consumer. It has continuously improved the quality and steadily reduced the prices of its products. It has invested millions to make those products always available wherever they may be needed. In 1934 Imperial Oil earned $3,023,400.12 from its Canadian manufacturing and marketing operations. This, you may say, is a lot of money, but to earn that amount Imperial Oil had to make and market goods to a value of $82,841,311.15. The storekeeper who in the course of a year sold $8,280 worth of goods and made a profit of $300 would not be regarded as enjoying an undue measure of prosperity. But his ratio of profit to the total volume of his business would be the same as Imperial Oil's. It has been Imperial Oil's practice to "make wisely, measure truly, trade justly " for this it believes to be the secret of success. V IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED THE SIGN OF IMPERIAL PRODUCTS A FAIR DEAL TOE DAILY NETVS Thurso; Ms Marshal Balbo Back in Piclure Long removed from Italian Umeligh; beat Ui Aiuowt colony am governor, after capturing world attention with his conduct of a massed seaplane flight to Chicago. Marshal sseJsw fct again befog permitted to claim attention. Me s seen oonstactlpar Italy's crown princess on tour of Italian Libya, which she with hot husband. d. Mrs. CKktei and Mrs. Angus Macintosh wete in charge of the kitchen. Mrs. Jsroeo Clark read lea :up fortunes. Miss E. Gaudy and Mrs. F. J Feaaby were in charge of the sale of sewing; Mrs. J. R. Murray and Mrs. Nesbltt, the home cooking. and Mrs. M. M. Lamb and Atrs. A. Macdunaid. the caudy. Winners In raffle were: cushion,' N. Mussailem. No. 80; box at choeo- j la ten. Mrs. J. A. Ten. No. 17 j During the afternoon there was n acre liable mn-ileal pruftam w'.ilch Included voral solos by Mlsr Cutliie KasUnan. accumpanked by M.s J S Bl trk ." d by Mrs. ErtirM Andernon. ar-omtmnied bv Min C IE Culhn srul pi. mo solo.s by Miss Edith Smith ECONOMY SPECIALS Always saving you money, i'hone or mail jour ordi r. f'aih priors only till Wciliips'lay next. CREAMERY BUTTER 7Qo 3 lbs ,5Lj BULKLEY VALLEY BOOB QCJq SLICED BACON 33C 10 lbs. i With each order $2D0 or over limit 30 lbs. i ICINO SUUrVR Bulk 3 lbs. LUMP SUGAR Bulk 3 lbs AUSTRALIAN SULTANA RAISINS, X lbs SHELLED WALNUTS per lb LIBBY'8 PORK & BEAKS 20-ox.. 2 tins SALAOA TEA Yellow Label, per lb. BLACK FIGS 3 lbs 25c 25c iWONDERFUL 23c 27c 27c 55c ECONOMY BRAND COFFEE Fresh ground at our , IW PURE LARD-i's 3 lbs 50c KINO OSCAR SARDINES OtZn 1 t 25c FltKSH FKUITS & VEGLTABLLS Fresh Peas. 3 lbs. . - 25c j Carrots, per bunch Be 'New Cabbage, 4 lbs 25c Spinach, per lb. Cc Grocery Store closed all day Friday and open all day Thursday and I Saturday Visit our Confectionery and Ice Cream Parlor open alLday, Flday and evening. Imussallem's ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" I'. O, Box 57 S I'hone 18 mart rsn ut tr si-v t i a i tna?a I MUSIC FILM Jan Klepura In "My Heart Is , Callinc" at Capitol This 1 Wrrk-llnd 3mn Klepura, great Ioltsh tenor, n tnombered by Prince Ru(ert auuira; t fsom that fine pieture Be Me Tonight " will be back on itw screen of the Capitol Theatre tills holiday week; -end in the n uskal hit "My Heart is qalttng " The featured music is opera plus ballads. It W an English picture in Ahkh 8onnie Hale. Hugh Wakefield and Ernest Theslger give comedy' support. The beautiful actress Marts Ecgerth is also featured. In the story the rtotee Opera Company is travelling third class from Boutn America to Monte Curio where the manager hopes to I get a date. The tenor finds a girl : stowaway under Ms cabin bed. To keep th s girl, he eluno the rig-xing and sings to the saloon cred. The eollertlon pay her fare At M'iie Carlo, the expected date is not forthcoming The tenor does hi: stuff In the gambttng n urns snd is arrested but not be-tore hr has seen that the girl Is with Uio director. OompUeattona eneaeajid as a last hope. Hosee gU eirmlsslnn to stage '-rosea'' In the Oardens The tenor sings so mag- niricenuy that the autfttnee is drawn away from the other Toaca being performed In 'he theatre. The director sees the triumph and the company Is engaged for a ruici: or cold LONDON. May n CP The Canadian gold price yesterdav wm per ounce as rompand with the London urire of S34J3 up g 1st 1 1 I LAST ' TIMtS TOX,C1,t Koyal Cavalcade" 'At8:8o (, , 11u Jamr )0nn j I'arkrr in -Hare . farl 'At 7 00 lti o , BEGINS TOMORROW rOU TWO DATS Special Holiday Matinee At 30 TtlF lil.llimn V..1... .. ... .. Tonltht JAN KIEPURA In IIU Latnt Mu tial ".My Heart is ( ailing - Willi MAKTIIA l (.(.I IUII SON'Mi; HAM Bunport' d t The lott Opera ( o-npan-' (At J 10 7 40 ; lAtrs' lixtrs lint Itup'rl Shnwint of -.Marrh of Tinn'" CHAIiMi; iiasi; in Tlie ChSM of Pimple St A fknaUiu! r , More Pleasure with your Kodak Ready to serve rs you with WM 3SSSV C your size of KODAK VERiaiROME FILM TOP at our Kodak nlm dispenser for your week-end supply of Kodak Verichrome. It's tbe film thai nukes pic lure-tiling easy. Combined wiih our developing and printing service. It assures you of better snapshots than ever. Salvation Army Self-Denial Campaign Ever day i K"s modern ramr-ta !.: one ran make rx ... let Kodak do all tl. v- u have all the fun BABY HKOWNIi: - I thine In a real am' lar vest pocket sut" '. -Jlib. carrying xa 3 JIFFY KODAK Qn and us simple a a tv goes in the packet ti. ? sites J 00 and t ot KODAK SIXFF Tti i camera. Extra thtr r-- like a fine wat-h M.k pictures under all nnu Ideal camera for tlie urr wtpecially recommnirt i: size JtixO with 16 : fJINE KODAKS A I'llOJIXTOR For Home Movie nuk. ' can do It Ki;r.P YOtllt I'ltTI KI S j ulne Kodak Album W" received an especwliv I. ment. prices to sur 76c 11.00. $1.36. $1"; S- and up. Brine your fill !i Quality PrlnUnn r i v r V l"nr,,f,, The Salvation Army's Self-Denlal cainpsi(ii has It'" In ' for 1935. Your a.vtUtance durlnf pnwprrous Umrs "i"1 I a 1 years of adversity Ins enabled us to carry on. The nerd as evrr. The results rest with you. Don't withhold 5r upV Whether Little or Much, GIVE lladeii-l'owrll 0y Stouts and others who have v0,U',lr"b'b,l))n, assLU will call on you this week uearlnc official collectors r