T' .day. May itfjo. THE DAILY NKWS Want AdsjFINE GIFT WANTED V NTED a useo typewriter in good j , dition Must be cheap. Appl- ,x iMO Dally News, or telephoit 1 Am 2! ill RALE CSiry Safe $75. Appl iju ly NewsQHI. tl I H i ve left with us for xale a !, by 4' lea Camera with film ulders Price $1150 WrathalP -to FlnWilng. U LOST uoi:kh:nt l.ujt ok act" Srttrr of Appllmltnn for Hrr t. tor air !;i:nnE i hrf ftn tht m xttr !) Of UUy OMtX. Utf UIWtl-1 jic u apply th Liquor r -HilrOi I? t) fT llrrtvc It) tMfeci of ptr- s bt!l( part ot t building knorn f 1 M UASNSVT HOTKU sttUAto si L' 8tt. Htm UuktM. B C upon ! P ' Hhrk 4. Map No Mn t j-it In Prt&ro Huprri Ln.l -rriUufi DMrlet In the privltKW of ! -)i Columbia, foe U ul ot Xtimt i six ir br the buttu for th .' npttuo imi Um prlvi ut ) ')' ISlh 6y of April 15 AD OROROK SIMMONS BARKER AppncAni FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edion. Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton ot No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat, Oa'J and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 88 Phones SSs Systematic Service Efficient & systematic service h the best and most economical. OUR SERVICE RECORD will show complete record ol all repairs made and all parts replaced. A copy of this record relumed with all sets serviced by- SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC Phone Blue 321 Hotel Arrivals Savoy a O. Cunningham. Port E. E. Walker, Massett. Royal Mrs. F. Brenner, Stewart, A. Anyox; Fred Dyhrnon, city; r Jonas Wlllman and Carmen Smith, ; Terrace: Andrew Wlnthers. Topley.; Prince Rupert R M. Johnstone, L. O. West. Pat McHroy, J. W. Allen, A. Moloney, H Gardiner, and Arthur Hadden.j Vancouver; R. L. Ilealy. Anyox; C. V Hope, Edmonton; L. E. Moody.' Uk; A. Humphries. Cnlitarv; A. G.j Potter, Fredcrlcton, N. a; Mrs. W.j Hastie, Mrs. D. Rutten, Norman H. Terry, Roy Clark and Warren Well-wood, Massett. Central J Gallan, Tyee; J Boftnar, Sal-, ,, -vus; M. Miller, Queen Charlotte i FORKING Kltkalla Native Chief Sendlnt Treasured Povtejnion a Silver Jubilee Offering when the chiefs would dance before their people at the potlatehes. Among those who wore thi one In ; their day was the great old Chief Shaks grandfather of the present ?TriIR?BtlTtIIBtiim5lAl:iBlB:.-'.lBiBIB1Jlll ? HOLIDAYS J How Will You Spend Them This Year? Enjoy a jxiriod of relaxation with all the joys of country life at "The Dunes" Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands SEA BATHING - TENNIS BADMINTON FISHING Rales reduced this year. Plenty of fresh milk and cream. ki Write or wireless for reservations to p MADAME RA.IAUT kBisiiBiniirataiBnin!Bi:aiYrBirBrBraniinitB FOR SALE 'TILLIE THE TOILER" 1' Lot 3, B. 9. S. I, and Improvements $1000.00 Lot 43, B. 22. 8. 5, and Improvements 450DO Lot 4356, R. 5, CD., unimproved, Crown: Granted, 130" acres 125.00 Lot I. B. 3. 8. 1. and Improvements .' 200.00 Lot 4, B. 27, 8. 5, and Improvements 250.00 Lots 9 & 10. B. 15, 3. 7, and Improvements. Chas. Veas Estate '. - - 500 00 N E. , Lot 3003. Alyansh (153 acres) and Improvements, Wlntermutc Estate - 100.00 Lot 3033, Alyansh U03 acres) 6 acres cleared and In hay, Win. Stewart Estate .. - 600.00 Lots S St 6, Blk, 43; Secv 6, ind Improvements, Including contents, Ida Ramsay Estate 500.00 Lot 1045, R. 5, U.U. (19 acres) and Improvements. Terrace 950.00 Blk. 3, B.D. of D.L. 1009, R. 5, CD (4 acres) Terrace 100.00 OFFICIAL ADMINISTRATOR, Hazelton Native Girl Passes Away one. who sent a gift to Queen vie- i .... vlvIan MaUhw Me, After torta at htr Diamond Jubilee in jwelve Days Illness 1897 and received in return from Her Majesty an autographed photo- HAZELTON, May 23: The fu-graph and a plaid shawl bth otjnera of Doris Vivian Matthews I which are treasured by the village; was held last Wednesday. Dying Chief Ed. H. Oambfe flbkj of,0' Kitkatki to this day. Chief after twelve days' illness, deceased Kltkalla. one of the bl known i0amble w,,n lne tu wndmK. a native leaders of .this district, isjleUer to lnc Kin& gliding through 4tie local Indian Kltfcatfc is an industrious and Agent's office as a Silver Jubilee ,0al village. gift to King George a treasured! ' and finely worked chiefs dancing! irtnn 4 n robe, entirely of native manufae-l I I Kh K A S ture, which has been an heirloom in the family for two or three generation, it is such a blanket as IjRT May 6. Sterling Mlver brace uvd 10 wo" "Men days .. wiUi initials "M H O " Return ' . News Office. Reward. . ' l .';T Roll of hills betwwn Over COMK.TO ' u.utea store and Presbyterian f" f1 ii f hun h Kindly loave at Daily LrUIUl S LOttageS' j New- Reward. ' m . and lents j for h.'wy on famous North iti rOK ifxrt IlhlST Beach, River and sea bathing. ! Boat for hire. Fishing and ( IX AN FurnWwd Apartment hunting. Open air badminton. I':,. .tie Red 444. Clock goX Dancing Dining room. Good plain cooking. Terms moderate. For parllcu-lAINTRKS lars apply MRS. IH'N.V Sanjan River Near Massed, lie PAINTING na Paperhangln. Moller. Phone lied 802 I i . f UJIAJT 111,14 ORGANIZE Central Uberal Association of (fueen Charlotte Islands I'orined At Port Clements PORT CLEMENTS. May 23: The Queen Charlotte Island Progressive Liberal Association, Massett Inlet Liberal Association and Port Clements Liberal Association, at a meeting here last Saturday, decided to fonn the Central Liberal Association of the Quevn Charlotte Islands J. Dunro was elected president. W. J. Rennle vice-president and James Denholme. was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Matthews of Hazelton. Her father U a well known employee of the B. A. Cannery at Port Easington dur ing the fishing season every summer. There was a large turn-out at the funeral. Friends came from all around to attend. Members of the girls' Church Armv Junior White Cross marched close behind the casket. Each of the little girl mem bers carried a cluster of flowers. The Hazelton Band took the lead, paying a hymn, "Flee as a Bird," . en the way to the cemetery. Rev. U. Shearman conducted the ser-. vice. District News TERRACE LltUe MLss Norma Kenney. re-ently while playing near her home, was suddenly attacked and bitten oy a uog. i ne inciaeni, lortunaieiy, : proved more terrifying than dan-! gerous as she soon got over it and went to school as usual. The Terrace and District Board of Trade, at the regular monthly meeting, listened to a paper de livered by II. Halliwell on the .subject of "Douglas Credit." A general discussion followed and a resolution was drafted asking the provincial government to inquire into the feasibility o'f netting up some such plan for this province. Markets Commissioner J. A. Grant addressed the members of tut: roiiucio iMaiuuic uiiu wivu I friends in the Lwlpn Hall on Wed nesday last on sue subject or mar keting. There was a fair crowd and the meeting concluded with a vote of thanks to Mr. Orant. A much larger and more enthusiastic crowd went to the Orange Hall to hear Rev. John Linney I preach on the subject of the three most prominent people in Terrace. Some of the congregation, were disillusioned when they realized there were to be no personal revelations concerning the trio but that these were the most spiritual, the most charitable and the most Christian. Ideals only and no names The rejuvinated Canadian Legion, Terrace branch, held a belated dance by way of celebrating the King's Jubilee. The dance "went over big." PAGE FTVa -j English Children Feel Benefits of Slum Clearance These pictures will illustrate what is being done in England to clear away the slums. They show the re-housing work; wherein new haases replace ramshackle tenements and cellars. In the picture at top a street in the slums of London is shown; children are forced to play in narrow streets where traffic is heavy and where sunlight permeates only for the briefest periods. Contrast this with the picture below. wh?re a new strt has risen from the dust of the old. Flowers, gardens, plenty of room and sunlight and air give chlldreri a chance to live normally. Such homes as these are being built at the rate of thousands per year in English citis. Through government subsidy they are available to even the lowest wage-earner. OCEAN FALLS Jack Raymond jr. and Clarke were hosts to a large number of the younger set at a Joint birthday party on Tuesday night of last week in the Owls' Club. "Breaking" Into Tears Icouver to resume residence here. On Thursday night of last week the Bums. Social Club staged an Leslie told time Scotch, dance. The affair was a complete success. Mail Scheduh Mrs. Hugh Campbell, widow ol or the . the late Hugh Campbell, who wW Mondays. Wednesdays, and Fn timel days 4;' p ni to store manager here up the of his death recently, and her son, ;i toin the East Royden. have returned from Van- Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur I MOW (ABOUT BUYING I ItHAT TPAW VS fel VMON'Tl I (TrEM THE DEAL. i &COl H L-T'b ggTH SC-MAO, OUT 1 WAMT )mm P-AY IM x IS OFF ' HOO ll'.rr. . irvc tloU. TVlATT'S L I I AS PART OF VJ!OH, HOWH AMD 1'L.L PUT the NOt mm MOW her My check SOOD 'SCEWAO TvT ELL" oays . Ir or Vancouver 'Mondays (train) Tuesday Wednesdays (train) Thursdays Friday May ts, 14 and 24 from Vancouver- Sunday Tuesday (train) Wednesday Thursday (train) Friday Sa'urday (train) May 2, 10 and 20 TYOVAl TV-US T COST PUENTY BUT t CAM' Two of a Kind - F FEE PUT TUAT'S "THE VAY YOU YOUR NO-OOD 'l'P '5 10:15 pm. 4 12 . 4 9 10 :30 pm. :30 pm. :3C pm :20 p.m II pjn. ... 4 pm. 4 pm, 15 pm 10 am 10:15 pm 4 pm ... 10 15 pm am. By Westover 5