ner 21 1935 JTBl.UAILY.JUna s Dr. Cairsori's alikl Liver fArriving Vancouver Tliursday SCARDENA F.VIiKY Fill DAY MIDNKIHT. iArHvlng Vancouver Monday a.m. "1 Ulny to Port BtmpMii Mijoi. 8twrt uid N Pn uvt TTln" uuperx Biinaaj, o v Oil HIGHEST POTENCY toe per box of 50 Capsules (tomes it A Product ot Prince Rupert Ltd 1 Jju Pioneer iDrtAQff tats Tbt Kf Phones: 81 & 82 Opm Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. jys tnd Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. 'covered roasters For Thanksgiving Day i, square or ubJonu in shape, self basting, seamless bodies vith properly fitting covers. We have them In Aluminum are, Enamel Ware and Sheet Iron Ware rrom 95 cents up. Mail Orders Carefully Filled THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. Ifhird Avenue Phone 101 4L0W RAIL FARES THANKSGIVING DAY, OCT..24 and REMEMBRANCE DAY, NOV.1 11 fotfarttculaf Tltktt 4ft CANADIAN NATIONAL wins UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Btcamsts leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver- fcS. CATAU EVKKY TDKSUAY, 1:30 V.M. RIMr formation regarding all snlllngs and tickets : at IWI Wn.RT AOfNCY! Third Arnue i1hmM CANADIAN PACIFIC 1 Vanconvfr vi riu nmi mv norts - V V t ! - K i a PRINCESS ADELAIDE, FRIDAYS, 10 P.M. 1 Vancouver I1S.. PRINCESS LOUISE, Oct. 4th, 16th. PRINCESS NORAH, Oct. 25th, Nov. 3rd, 21st. . 1 tchikan, Wrangell. Juneau and Skacway jnlNCESS LOUISE, Oct. 12th. IRIKCESS NORAH, Oct. 21st, 30th, Nov. 17th. For Information and reservations call or write w L. COATES, General Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. DO IT TODAY Not Wait For Tomorrow sain gn ovpr .. nr,A Hlennrrt Mint J J Ui u"usea iurniture or otner arutica m.v inn i ea' Tnen Phone us, Green i- vvc iac quines rr the things you do not need In your home. u ELIO EXCHANGE FURNITURE Klli6,8611111 t0 sell, a classified advertisement city, 1 w,u soo let you know if there is a nuyerin 1 LOCAL NEWS NOTES " Be warm and comtortable by la;32 Taxi it. costs the same. ; Mrs. Watts dancing classes be- l gin: Monday beginners at 8 p.m., jiuesday advanced (Phone Blue 322. Miss Florence Rose, .who has' been spending a: holiday -visiting in I Vancouver and elsewhere In the 6outh, returned rhome ;on the Ca tala last evening. Padre Coleman or Toe H head quarters in London will be a vlsl- I tor in Prince Rupert this -week and i-wlll speak at a Joint luncheon of the localQyro and Rotary' Clubs on Wednesday. A meeting .will be held on Tues- iday at 8 p.m. In Canadian Legion rooms Xor the. purpose or organizing a badminton club. Membership to be confined to .members. of the Le- ! gion, the Women's Auxiliary and their families. (244) Announcement: Mrs. C.IIalliday Will Re-open THE MODERN ! JiEAUTY SIIOPPE" formerly the La Parislenne ! Beauty Parlor on Monday, October 21st. The shop has been entirely ' remodelled and a complete ' line of the latest equipment installed including the new ' Hollywood -Permanent Wave Machine, "The Paramount." Advice on your' hair troubles given special attention. 210 Fourth Street Phone 917 j ; Lieut. Edith Jater, Salvation Army, wno recenuy arnvea m uic city from Vermilion, AltaM sailed on the Catala last night for Kln- collth enroute to Canyon City on the Naas River where she will take charge of the-Army's Indian school. The 'Klmberly News, published at Kimberly in the Crow's Nest Pass country by Ernest Moss, for mer publisher of the Alice Arm and Anyox Herald, has made Its first appearance. General style ou can rent a car at Walker's as low as $1.50 a day, plus 7c a Lmlle. Mrs. B. M..Hlckey'stBeauty Par- pupils, 8 pjn. lor closed from Nov. 1 to (243) Dec. 1. (244' S. Solomon or the Rupert .Trad ing Co. returned to the city on the Mrs. J.McCook, who has been on a trip to Vancouver and Victoria, t Princess Norah this, morning frpm returned to the city from the south a Drier business trip to .Vancouver. Ion the Catala last evening. HELPS AVOID MANY COLDS Especially dtsigned aid for nose and upper throat, where most colds start. Used in time, helps prevent many colds. VlCKS VATRO NOL Arthur, Key, manager of the jeneral store at Premier, and Mrs. Key, who have been on a trip to Vancouver, -were passengers aboard the Catala last evening returning north. Norman L. Freeman, local rep resentative of the International Fisheries Commission, sailed this morning on the Princess Norah for a trip to -Ketchikan on ofttclal business. Mis3.Doliy;Derry is able to .be out again following a recent operation at the Prince Rupert .General . Hospital for appendicitis and will soon be resuming her .duties at the Thrift Cash.'&.Carry. P. Endersby and C. C- Endersby of Whitesail, Montana, who are on a tour of this district, arrived In the .city .by train Saturday Capt John .Irving, veteran coast navigator and once .prominently identified with Canadian Pacific steamships, was a passenger aboord the Princess 'Norah thisTrroniinEr going north from Victoria to -A1 aska. He Is on his way to Valdez In which district he has mining interests. Merely routine business was tak en up yesterday afternoon at a meeting of the unemployed councils In the' Canadian- Labor Defence League Hall, only about twenty- five persons being .present. Robert Kydd was in the-chair -and Vernon Lehto acted as.ecretary. vei .- mechanic of the SVperviSing out the ary w " Moss followed In turning Alice Arm Herald. He moved the .v.. - "" Mrof am fiVn Viae Kaon rv a vifclr plant from Alice Arm to tatal, . Announcements Anfrllean tea Mrs. W. J. Nelson's October 22. Hygga's Bazaar,: October 25. Presbyterian 'Bazaar. NovemDei Daughters of Norway Bazaar, Nov. 8 Moose Hall. Masonic 'Dance, Moose Hall, No vember 15. St. Andrew's .Cathedral 'Bazaa, Nov. -21. Orange Ladles' oazaar. Nov. 28 i.ppture Recital, Mrs. Mandy, November 20. United Bazaar, December 5. MOOSE HALL Basketball Games Start TONIGHT George R. ;Etherington of Cal- elevator to Inspect recent lmprove- 2 lbs Cranberries per lb Order Yours Now! I We have a large shipment Poultry arriving Wednesday your Thanksgiving: Dinner Fresh I Killed Turkey per lb. Geese per lb Ducks per lb Roasting Chicken per lb - Boiling Fowl per lb Eastern Oysters per pint - Mushrooms per lb Fruit Mincemeat Thomas Trotier returned to thou city on the Catala last evening from a brief trip to Vancouver. Junes CurHeChargedtwith driv ing to the .common dancer, 'has; been remanded .in ! city police court until Wednesday. Joe ) Brown,, charged - with -assault occasioning . actual bodily -harm, is coming op before --Magistrate Mc- Clyroont.ln city .police court 'this afternoon. An -enjoyable .dance was .held lastnFrtday night :ln the Oddfellows' Hall by Julius '.Welle-'s .Orchestra. A good-sized .crowd was in attendance. John E. Berg, well known Ketchikan 'fish dealer and banker, was a passenger .aboard .the Prlnces3 Louise this morning returning north .after & brief business itrip to Seattle. A fine of ?$5 was limposed 'by Magistrate .McClymont In ,clty-,pol-ice court this morning .upon ,a:boy of juvenile age for driving without a licence in contravention of the Motorvehicle AAct. ; Of for 25c 28c 60c 40c 25c 25c UliBHMHIEffltli! H&f HEBKffilia , H. IL. '.Faulkner, .well i-knownu neau .barrister, and ,-JMrs. tFaulkneri after a trip to SeatUe. xwere ";paj- j sengers going . north , aboard ithe r steamer Princess Norah ' this tmor-! mi mr I H. -W. SchofieM. travelling passenger agent for the : British Columbia Coast Steamship Service - of t the Canadian Pacific Railway, was a passenger aboard the Princess1 Norah this morning -going morUi from 'Vancouver to make the round : trip to Skagway. TMlss Marie Busslnger, who has, been spending the summer -at Telkwa visiting at her home, arrived In the city from the- interior; on Saturday night's train and" railed on the Princess Norah this mornlne toSDend.a,few,)days.vislt-, nignx irom tne interior and wiiilng at Ketchikan before proceed san tomorrow .aiternoon on theing to Catala ror Vancouver. Juneau. '.Desmond "D. Murphy, formerly located here as pilot for the Nor them iBritlsh Columbia 'Airways, when that concern was in business here and recently instructor for the B, C. Aero. Club at .Vancouver, was a, passenger ..aboard the Princess Norah this morning .bound for Carcross where he will be en gaged in commercial aviation. ArDlication of T. W. Brown, act ing las counsel for Heeney feuey, Chinese, for a writ of certkjrl with a view to quasning a convicwon and fine of450 Imposed by Magi-' strate AlcClymont In city police j court on a charge of permitting 11- quor . to ,be .consumedJn .a .restaur- ant, was heard on Saturday In County Court by Judge W. E Fisher who' reserved his. Judgement until' next Monday. .L. W. -Patmore Is leaving on this -evening's train for Smlthers ment work there. Is leaving by I where he "will act as crown, counsel! this i evening's train on his return tomorrow In a .preliminary trial if to Calgary. before Stipendiary Magistrate H. j B. Campbell In which Joe Isaac, g A. R. Mosher. of Ottawa, nat- Indian or .-Fraser-Lake, and Arthurj lonal president or the Canadian sutnenana, -nau wecu ui Brotherhood of Railway -Employees same place,, are Deing cnargea.wni: nnrt nresldent of the All. Canadian displacing a railway switch with Pnntrrpss of I.ahnr. during his stav imeni to xuuiiuBct mc. vv hi. last wppk. in addition to a arises from a . recent incident neas Junior Chamber Haiiowe en entatlV eatherlne of trade i Hazelton in which the ,swucn -wa dnnne JHoose Hall October 30. irvCTicB nt fho Mtv in the haa. thrown and a train ran into .art I L 4Sw vfcj A J vw I foii,' wan locf Tivmrcrtflw niirht :. I onen SX3UT. being ioriunateiv m Hill 60 Hallowe'en Tea, October while here meetings with tha brought to a stpp before serious 31. steamShiD and clerical employees consequences ,ensuea. 1 branches of tne Brotherhood. Major W. ,Lv. Carruthers,divlslon al commander of the aalvation. Army for Northern .BritlshiColum bla.and the Yukon, after having at tended the recent Army '.Congress: in Toronto,; passed: through' the,cityj; on the Catala last evening enroute to Canyon City on the Naas TUver where he will conduct ;a district congress. He will be back here In a few days on his way to his head quarters at Wrangell. Mrs. ;Car- OAp ruthers, who also attended the "" Congress in Toronto, Is visiting for QC) a few days in the east with rela t.lve. and will be here to so north with Major Carruthers. Adjutant Eva Laycock, local commandant, after attending the Toronto Con gress, Is spending ;a furlough with OOn in wancouver Deiorc rer AimiC turning here. Want FOR.SALE Ads FOR SALE Office safe-extra thick walls, giving perfect protection -4galntfflt.iDalryNew&. (tf) C, I tit tit If - THIS MARK m. : s A 1 i Y yr' ' 5 Your Assurance of Good Light at Low Cost AVOID "bargain" bulbs that quickly blacken and waste current. EDISON MAZDA Lamps cost little, and give you all the light you pay for. LAMPS L-25 EDISON MAZDA MADE IN CANADA CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., Limited -THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphos- phates, Complete Fertilizers Producers &, Refiners, of Tadanac Brand Metals Gold, Silver, Electrolytic Lead', Zinc, Cadmium, Bismuth. V LUMBER I We have a fairly complete stock of lumber at Mile 21. near Haysport, ready for rail and water shipments, ir building or repairing, it will pay you to examine our stock and receiv prices. SHAMES RIVER LUMBER COMPANY Haysport, B.C. l-w I 'II I! nnn !lSOa!BilllBBBll McCLARY RANGES 1 Ideal for any home. Splen- did cooking ranges, and i marvellous bakers. Mocels for coal, wood or oil. ' 1 Prices range from $50.00 up g Prince Rupert Agents: I GORDON'S I HARDWARE I -Si Iflie Fish-which made Princ Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B:C. II you lose anything, try a classified ad. 3 .i " 1 I.1