age rwu THE DAILY NEWS Vt4M1, May .' 15 I ETUS! Ml EJO KI'iraKSC.KXJRTI.M.'SBl 118 1 JIIBJM Klin 5 ; The Letter Box !MEN Third Avenue Retain Style and Comfort But Practice Economy BY WEARING 34.RTT LIMITED SHOE p IT you are not wearing nam snoes you are not jj having the comforts you should have . . . ami could. Sole Agents For Prince Rupert The Family Shoe Store j Phone 357 u mam tmm tjlm r smxm mw tm im rm sum im nu a i s t i 1 i THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT UKITISII COLUMBIA Publuhed Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULL EN Managlng-Edr.or SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance $5.00 For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week ; .10 By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the Biltlsh Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year , 3D0 By mall to all other countries, per year . , 9 GO ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per lncn, per insertion . .. Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per insertion, per line Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations 98 86 MO .02 2b Wednesday, May 15, 1935 CUTTING DOWN EXPENSES The Province of Ontario is planning to cut down expenses of government by eliminating the costly residence of the Lieutenant Governor and this has caused something of a furore in social circles. It is pointed out by the Toronto Star that similar action was taken in New Brunswick forty-three years ago when the official residence of the Lieutenant Governor was closed, the building being used today as headquarters for Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The Governor lives in his own home, wherever it may be, or rents a house temporarily at the capital. Government House in any provincial capital is a social centre where the wealthy residents are invited to dinners and other social events, the general public beinir invited to an annual reception and members of patriotic orders to an occasional tea. It costs the provinces a great deal to Keep up the building and there seems to be no corresponding advantage t.o the province as a whole. It is not a question of patriotism but of sound business ethics. What advantage is it to Prince Rupert to keep up the Government House in Victoria? None whatever! Mr. Fordham Johnson could carry out all the duties of his office just as well living in his home in Vancouver with an occasional sojourn at the Empress Hotel in the capital. MONTREAL'S DRASTIC MOVE Many people still have the idea that it is only in the west that there is a financial stringency and that Vancouver and Prince Rupert and a few other municipalities are the only ones in financial difficulties. Canada's largest city is onepf the hardest hit of all. Montreal, with an estimated deficit of eight and a half million dollars, has taken the extreme measure of imposing a sales tax on all trans actions within the city on amounts over ten cents. On i fifteen cent purchase one cent extra has to Ix? paid and on f)0c a two cent tax. There is two percent on all larger amounts. It is hoped to raise five million dollars from this source during the year and an additional three and a half million from income tax. These taxes are in addition to the federal sales tax and the federal and provincial income taxes. The only exemptions from the sales tax arc beer, school books, gasoline and some food supplies. Kitcheft uAids that every home should have. KITCHEN GARBAGE CANS Neat and sanitary. Saves needless trips to the outs'de garbage can. Operates with foot lever. Finished In Ivory. Each .. $1.35 and $1.C0 PVREX WARE The ideal utensil for oven baking. We carry all the most popular items. ROHM) CASSEROLES with lid. Each $1.25, $U0 & $1.75 Pie. Plates, each C5c &. 75c. Individual Custard Cups each 10c GORDON'S HARDWARE iciawEair,BjiiMW Mcllride Street Phone 311 NATIVES I'KOTKST I 1 Editor. Dally News: j We are Informed that the provincial government will coram enre J to impose taxation on the Indians! this year. According to the British North America Act. the said gov-j ernment has no power whatever to, enact laws or Impose taxation on' the Indians. Why should such acts! as the British North America Act be made if our provincial government conUnually fails to recognize It? It seems that our governments are not satisfied with the advan tages that they hav already taken of the ignorance of the Indians. IVAN A. ADAMS, Massett, B.C. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront The Home Oil tanker Dinamac. which was here yesterday from Vancouver. Is 72Vfe feet overall iu length with 21-foot beam and loaded draft of eight feet. She is equipped with a 150 h p. Ruston- Hornsby English diosel engine and has a speed of eight knots per hour. She has a cargo capacity of 20,000 gallons of gasoline. 5500 gallons of diesel oU and ten tons general cargo. The new vessel carries crew of five men. W. E. Willis- croft of Uiis city Is mate, having Joined the ship In Vancouver. The Dinamac will be operated largely out of Prince Rupert. As is usual at this time of year, passenger traffic soutlibound front Alaska is very light. There were only twenty-three passengers on board the steamer Princess Norah which was in port yesterday after noon bound from Skagway to Van eouver. Six disembarked from the vessel at this port while three boarded her here for Vancouver. Bringing north a fair-sized list of passengers, C. N. R. steamer Prince Rupert, Capt. Neil McLean, arrived in port on time at 10 o'clock this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Anyox and Stewart whence she will return here tomorrow evening southbound. The provincial police cruiser P. M. L. 8 returned to port yesterday afternoon from Humpback Bay, Porcher Island, where It went to Investigate a fire there on Sunday last when five small cannery shacks were bumed. The Incident was ln- fish camp. Mother's Day In Baptist Church Sunday School in Charge of Inter esting Service in Morning Rev. Or, Dafoe Speaker The 8unday School, under Super intendent P. II. Llnzey, who pre sided, was responsible for an Inter esting Mother's Day service at First Baptist Church Sunday morning.! An outstanding feature was the presentation by six pupils of a "Message to Mothers" written by Mrs. P. W. Grlmble. There were special songs and prayers. Miss Amy Armstrong recited "Vespers" and Miss Zelda Hale, "A Mother's Prayer." The subject of the pastor, Rev. Dr. P. W. Dafoe, was "Mother Love." L. Knutson and P. Knutson were ushers. At evening service the subject of the pastor was "The Story of a Mother's Love." There was special music including me singing or a Mother's Day song written by the organist, W. Vaughan Davles. fink Aged, blended and bottled in Ecotland. . . . Popular the world over, because it it ALWAYS reliable. trip to Seattle and elsewhere in the south. W. II. Tobey, C."N. R. divisional superintendent, and M. A. Burbank, divisional engineer, left on Monday evening's train for a trip to the interior on periodical inspection this district on official duties, visi ISSUE OF 4 rif $60,000,000 DOMINION OF CANADA BONDS i n', Tho Rank of Canada is authorized by the Minister of Finance Capt. O. H. Barry of Victoria, Inspector of Indian schools for Columbia, who Is on a tour of ted Metlakatla on Monday. 1 t Jack Walker left on Monday evening's train for Kltwanga where he will relieve for a month on the staff of the Hudson. Bay Co.'s store. On a charge of falling to comply with- an order of the dcDUty fire marshal respecting the removal of j an old building iort Third Avenue between Seventl) and Eighth Streets, O. H. Murfro appeared in city police court Monday afternoon before Magistrate McClymont, the case beln$ adJ&Umed for eight days. Whisky in receive supscripuons . . for the following bonds: .Eight-year 1 Ronds, due June 1, 1!M. Issue price: DO.fiO and accrued intorotl, yielding 2.57 i to maturity. Twenty-year .'1 Honds, due June 1, 1955. Issue price: U8.r0 and accrued interest, yielding :M0' to maturity. His Condition Very Critical Surgeon ITnahle to PerUrm Operation Upon Lawrrnee of Arabia WOOL. Eng., May 15: iCP-CoI. Thomas E. Lawrence's condition vas reported today to be still extremely critical and It was Impossible for surgeons to perform an ! operation. The famous soldier was severely Injured In a motorcycle accident oil Monday. TOO IJ1TE IX) CLASSIFY FOR SALE Bed davenport and 3-plece parlor suite, very reasonable. Phone Red 832. GROTTO TAXI 456 3 Cars at Your Service Hert Morgan Hud Harric ktmm H PROP. r This advertisement is not published or duplied by the Liquor Control Board or by (he Government of British Columbia ' ' ' r it: 5 . Payment to 1k made in full against delivery of Interim certificate! on or about June first. Honds will Ih dated June 1, 11K15. Principal and intercut will lx payable in lawful money of Canada. Interest will Im payable Juno 1 and December 1 at any branch in Canada of any chartered kink. Denomination: Eiuht-year Bonds .Sl,(MWt Twenty-year Ronds, $500 and $1,000 Proceeds of the issue will be used for general purpoMw of the Government of Canada. Applications may be made to the Rank of, Canada through any branch in Canada of any chartered bank or through recognized dealers, from whom copies of the official prospectus containing complete details of tho Issue may 1m obtained. All subscriptions will lie; subject to allotment. Subscription lists will le open on May 15, 1035, and will close as to either ma 1 turity or both, with or without notice, at the discretion of tho Minister of Finance. OTTAWA. MAY 15, 1035. LOCAL ITEMS Charles P Klrkland, Wrangell bank manaeer. and Mrs. Klrkland consequental. A couple of Indians 'and family were passengers aboard I ' o v-w ...v .u.,line fnncess Noran yesterday aiier- wiu oe operated mis year oniy as a noon eolne throueh for a vacation fttlitd.lil3i;i'ittClltl.iltl'ilJk!list'itutil COAL PRICES! Owing to the advance in freight on coal by the steamship companies amounting to 50 cents a ton it is necessary for us to advance our rates on Island coal. After May 15 Our Prices Will Be: Nanaimo Lump Sacked & delivered, per ton $14.00 Nanaimo Nut Sacked & delivered, per ton $12.50 Aline Run Sacked and delivered, per ton $12.75 Loose Lump, delivered, per ton $12.75 Loose Nut, delivered, per ton $11.50 Loose Mine Kun, delivered, per ton . . $11.50 ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. 11G Phones 117 8 i'B - GARDEN EQUIPMENT Field Hose Garden Rakes Lawn S'icara Flower Pots from 10c upwards Lawn Mowers from $7.95 to $10,00 Sulphate of Ammonia Bone Fertilizer Complete Fertilizer Superphosphate THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coal are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a 'ton of No, 1 nulkley Valley. We also sell 'rimothy Hay, Wheat, Oats and llarlev. Prince Rupert Feed Co, 88 Phones 851 Until" Wtwlfth to annoimre REGAL SHOP Is now new home r - establlsl.r.1 In " nc to nt door nulkley Market. We should like to UW ' to thank our i opportunity timers for their IW':sPSd during the Pst two trust that we shall be f.ivo$ upp with your ccntlnurd In our new store.