Yes, li Does KM Happ in the Blue Moon ANNETTE LADIES' WEAR CO. Till stoki: or Tin: nuissni run Federal Itlorli, Third Avenue itop That Col We Offer Two of Our Own Preparations Ormes Horehound and Honey Pin. Wild Cherry and Kucaiyplun - -IpMUioHiUid). - il cough remedy tor the childrtMi Price, 50 cents Ones Special Cough Mixture .n has become very popular durinir the nil we fully recommend it to you for . . t!tild.s and 'Uranvhlnl Affi-ctions. Price, 50 cents n han.tre In the weather is enuring many coM. STGPTHIvM NDWi I he Itfxall Star Ltd, riionrs: 81 - t ANY DEBTS OWING TO G0LDBL00M i. i will not be collected until after fitiilR. ' r furs to him. lie guarantees t(fy prices. Ii -t i till we hear from you. If liru-'? not wtis-vturn money and we will return goods. I N ION .STEAMSHIPS LIMITED immtK ion, uri.,r nuiM-tt for Vancfluver tHX ' A I AI.A KVtatY TUF.SDAY. 1:30 r-M Vaiii-'MiViu Thui-sd:iy Tav . ......... . r 4ii ii t. iiftviiiifr ' "'"I N I I.UJI) Jiill.t1 I" V-iitrouver Moitilay a.m wt Wm i' .i autifiM.. . Alifr Arm. nos. BUwsrt fjrtt,. .' " '"' ,v, rt llupfti muiw.y. l"" , l'i'lfr tifkl-LS Sb lnfnr.ii. -ji.. n .,111... ami 'M-'IAI, ItOFNIl-TiMP Vur Ttl VANCOIIVFU Tl9 00 . ..... n A-J mM W ur" limit Mnril, Vfvl " m t . . . mixer. Ri:iTHT AOr.NOY Tlilrd Afnur. in Earv Ad. Copy is appreciated TfeZ JDAXL.T kwi PAQETHRH, - i ju..wV LOCAL NEWS NOTES -Here's thetfci 0f a s Once He warm and comfortable by rW- You can rent & car at Walter s COLDS-CONTROL s en I mil In 32 Taxl-U Uw lame. a low as siJ a nay. pm a 5 Annette s bigantic ILUlii bALfc FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, FROM 2 TILL 4 .ii. ti Coat Reg value t mi shoe---Pump, urn. Cubtn. flat and high heels. CI ft ftft all size. valu to $5.l5 Q4J 1Q vXU.UU ,NouyoiMierpir , d toaU- CC ftft Skirts Winter weight, tweeds, etc CI AC ' i j 44. each V",uu Reg. value to S3 95; Clock 8ale Bpc- PaJv " . ;n.i. crepes, triple sheei rtpes I'urws-Leather, some fitted with Qp .uy-niie. afternoon, street .md zippers. Clock Sale Spatial Out values up to m CC ftft : u qgtk Bale Special QO' HowDfts-' QC t Hear at . " v ..n crepes. rough rrrie satins ,!v( t trimmed CQ ftft Vd vet Tain Reg. value to $1 95 tZ(p gflsUV ClM-k Bale Special tKJanere. n Value "&t 4tZn Urmhoes-Bteek and Hrown rubber (4 . .i.4i. , iwir At,V' Aw value to 2 25 trim k 8alc flprf Mail Schedule l or Oie Kait M'tndays. Wedivwlaya and Fii-(i.4s . 4:30 pjn. I rom Hie Va Tuesdays. Tluircdays and Satur- 10rl5 p.m. . . .... days For Vancouw Mondays Urnin) Tumday WnJneadays train I Thursdays ..- Friday J4U. a. 17. 31 From Vanrnutrr SVNjftf Taasdiy Uralnt WedHesday 4:30 pin J 13-30 pin .. 4:30 pm . 9:10 pm 4 p ro. 4 p.m, 10 1A pm. 10 a.m. Thnrsday train) 10:13 p.m. Friday 4 pjn HaUiroay train in: 15 p.m. Jan. 13 and 27 Bin. For Aiifox and Stewart Huuday . - 7 n m WVdnelay . 3 p.m From Aiijot and Stewart TtMnday .11:30 a m Thursday I pm For Na ltler and Port Simpson, Sunday 7 pjn , From Naa Klrer and Port SlmpMn Tueisday. 1130 a in ! for (Jurrn Cliatlolte Islands Jan. 4 and W 0 pin. Front (Jueen Charlolie Islands Jon. 16 tun. Fr Alaska Jan 13 and 37 ajn. From Alaska- Jan 3. 17 nnd 31 p m. A Daily News Want-Ad. will gel whal you want. COAL! COAL! our Famous Edson. Alberta and Hulkk y Valley Coals are guaran- (eed to give satlsfacUon. Try a um of No 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay. Wheat, OaU and Barley. Prinre Rupert Feed Co. 58 rhones 551 CHECK YOUR TUNING DIAL Stations heard on tonight's reception, not on correct dial setting, will indicate that your radio needs adjusting. Phone Blue 320 for particulars SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC FUamdert and JUles a- Tonight's train . due from tv i board l!ix,ite. I lun UO 10:IS- rPc- ' J , , , , mommc mmm time. Moose Leglonsire attend mV ing Priftay night Election ot lather League coneert and aodal officers. 3 MeuropUt Hall Friday, Jan. 4 at . 8 pjn. Admiauon 15c. 3 Mrs. Watt will resume her dine-' . log classes for children Saturday, Bttd Mr- D- - Stewart are Jir.'jry C at 130 pm. 3saHkrg tonfcnt on the. ss. Prince, i George for a vacation trip w the persons who took Ut!CO!nrer' coats and tuts from th Mooej Hill New Year's Ere. by mistake.! kindly return there. 2) Presbytwrlan Bums Tea Jan. 24. Moose Hall KF.NTA1. KATES Concerts $25.00 Dances. - 20.00 PuWic Meetings 15.00 A room suitable for smaller meetings is nuw available on the ground floor, rental rate. $4.00 Business Policies For the New Year 1. I buy used furniture and sell the same. 2. If there b nothing In stock that you want we will secure It for you. 3. First jrade goods at cheapest prices. New line of beds, carpets, linoleum and con- goleum. Happy New Year to all! If! Furniture DCI HL1U Exchange riiuue Green' !1 Ilox Sa, Ul Still Buying OU GoW MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE UPFO GOODS FauTftt Ranse, like new C'lirterfifUl Suite, gd ctin-dltion Two Ijvtng Hm Chairs riione 575 Third Ayt. Prmte Rupert The annual meeting of ihe '! Prince Rupert dumber of Com- ! merce, regularly acriecuied for to-j 1 morrow nl?ht ha been Dastnonedj V II. S. Parictr left on last ciai. ... . -. 7i a . . i . , umy UIWMU UtC CUU 4i UHT IMW11UI. i tag's train for Tool cy. being on one 1 of hU periodical bune trtju to JSLCk strachan. formerly of this vanous imenor pouu. ; city and now employed a the C- S ' nadlan Katlonal Railway shops at : Nomination of officers of the lo- port Mann, is paying a risit here. ! al Moose Lodge far the year mi He expects to return south next itook place last niebt. The election week. twin be held on Wednesday night' I of next week. j r. e. Le. superintendent of the ' . sun roinv mure, atier jfjr"jf Joe flroa,-n who hat .been ill hriof vliit tnitrM.Ti rm htwtrw-iu caili the Prince Rupert General Hospital I tonight on the Prir.c- OeorgE for for the nast ten days. Is .ncrvr abieTVnrwiuv- h intends in ;to sit up and it Is expectei will belProctd on a trip to Sydney. NJ3. teaTing tne lnsxnnnon tor nome on ; . Sunday. ( T. W. liall, inspector of schools. Robert Moxley sails .tenfeht by the Prince George to- resume -his studies In Victoria, after having spent the Chrlspnas and New Year holiday seison here with his parents. Mr. and Airs. W. D. Moxley. utar w.ttv InnhMtn nf th Prlnrp Knjrt Romry ciwo at the Com modore Cafe. President T. J. Little was In the chair and there was a good aUendance of members with a lew guest. C.N.R.Trains .Waiit Ads for tisr rav4- Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays ... 5:30 pjn. From tke Cast Tuefidajrs, Thursdays and flitur. For Sale Tenders for the purchase of one il Plgklcletale Inlet, QCJ , envelope en-1 oorsrij "Tender lor uontey." wiu oei received by the unoetalgneo up io noon of the 31 st of January 1935. j Terms of sale casn. or terra pay 1 FOR SALE rOR SALE Sedan car. snap, $100. Phoce 176. HO FRESH Flounders sale on Helen II. and Sale , Cow Bay. FOR RENT lor tf FOR 8ALE Piano. $175. and house hold Roods. Phone 176. If ments may be arranged Highest or j HOUSEKEEPING Rooms 141 Bec-any tender not nctsessarUy accented. I ond Avenue. Phone Red 411. tf Particulars may be obtained fromi Ihe undrrsitned. 'FOR RENT Modern six-room UlUJKl rn-. m Pourth Avmiv WMst Prince Rupert. B.C.' ' ( 5f Announcements HYDE Transfer building, including: residenee. 6 rooms, bathroom and furnace, with warehouse. $30 a aionth. Phooc 176. itf MODERN House to rent, 4 rooms, bath mom, havment and large attic. Ckx to town. Phne Green $48 or write Box 102. ftft FOR SALE OR RENT 5-ROOM modern House. Black 92. Phono 1 AGENTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED for Prince Rupert and Northern districts to act xs either part or full titv.? leoresentative for established Canadian Educational Institute. Leads supplien. Insurance or similar experience desirable. Writs! Box 230 Dally News. Reward. LOST LOST sum of money in buckskin wallet. Finder please leave at News Office or phone a rein 428. PERSONAL UP TO $150 EACH PAID FOR CANADIAN COINS. We buy all dates previous to 1900. Send 25c. for complete 1935 Coin Guide a)id Catalogue showing jitIccs wc pay i for Canadian. American, and Foreign Coins, tokens, stamps, currency, etc. Hob Coin Shop. 113 U Fursytiie. Sxrnla, Out 5 PAINTERS PAIN TIN U ana Paperhanglog Moller. Phone Red 802. FRESH MILK AND CREA1M DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone G57 At the fint sneeze or nasal irritation, quiet! a few drop of Vickt Vs-iv-snl. Ita timely use Kelp to prK' many colds and to throw off colds io their early stages. JOHNSON'S FLUID BEEF. 16-oz. bot. STARCH Corn or Laundry, 2 pkgs. SWIFTS COTTAGE ROLLS, per lb I I JAM. 4-lb. tin FLOUR Royal First Patent 49-lb. sack 19c 13c 10c 91c 19c 20c NABOB STRAWBERRY AlZn Household S JL.UO no NAVEL ORANGES Medium size, per icz Real Value. 3 doe. NAVEL ORANGES Jumbo size, per iIdz BRAID'S BEST COFFEE lb 28c Mr 36c 36c 1 m (J To Help PREVENT Colds To Help SHORTEN a CoM At bedtime, just rub on Vicka VapoRub, the mother's standby itr treating colds. All throufh the nitcht. by stimulation and inhalation, VspoRub fitbts the cold direct. v To Bufld RESISTANCE to Colds: Follow the simple rules of health that are part of VkVs Plan for Better Control of Colds. The Plan has been clinically tested by practicing physicians and proved in borne use by millions. (YouH find full details of this unique Plan ia each Vicks package.) Best Wishes For A HAPPY NEW YEAR Why not start 1932 right by making every cent count in your food purchases? Thrift offers you quality fcod at prices that cannot be equalled. We have pleasure in feitrodcehss as manager, Mr. Ross Ingram, who. we feel sare. will spare no effort in making your food-shopping both profitable and pleasureable. REAL VALUES FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY PRUXtS Cailfwruan Medium. 2 lhs. PURE LARJJ-Pound PrinU, per lb. CAMPBELL'S SOUP Vegetable, tin ALBERTA BUTTER per lb. 23c LOBSTER age. Vlb. tin OVALTINE -oz. tin per an CHOPPED CLAMS per tin 30c 58c 14c OXYDOL per pkg 21c REAL PRICES ON ROYAL CITY FOODS Tomatoes per No 2'2 tin 11c i BaiUttt Pears per tin 17c White Corn No. 2 tll tin 10c I Apricots per tin JJe Pcas6ieve No. 5, per tin . ..lie Red Plums er tin He Tomato Soup per tin 3e LIFEBUOY- SOAP 2 bars 15e FLoOR-WAX i in 1. lb. tin 33c FRESH PULLET EGGS per doz. 23c QUAKER OATS 19 C BEST UPRTVBR SPUDS Quality tiUar- CM QQ ! . anteed. per &k Ltf PARAGON TOILET TISSUE, roU CAKE FLOUR FuiiyttKbt tkg. RAISINS, lb PEAS Baste vail 9c 24c UaUif- CATSUP per bot. 21c FANCY CLUSTER 90 per tin 7c Orders of $3.00 or over delivered free. Take advantage of Uicse prices, make up your list and phone it In now. THRIFT CASH & CARRY 201 Third Ave. V. Phone 179 Bulkley Valley Coal More Heat Sootless v Less Ash It comes from Prince 'Rupert's back door. Ask ymir dealer for it. By test the best on this market. r i ssjasssjBaasssa-aneassj LUMBER FOR SALE SHIPLAP, per M $12.00 CLEAR FIR V-JOINT, per M $25.00 Cedar Roat Lumber in All Sizes Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. S - i 1 a a s 1T 5 .rr 3 8 I m .... i i . v U III If on i ..:j;!i 7IVM !t "l