PAGE fOUK We Buy for Less. The RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. LADIES' and MISSES' Underwear 300 Pieces Waffle Knit Undies Snug Fitting: Undies ARE now in demand. You'll be delighted when you sec the low prices of these popular Undies, Vests and Pantie Knickers, with interwoven stripe, ribbed at waist for snug fit; pink and white. Special A CWJun Product Carnation Milk per case 24 cans 12 cans ar binj fed IRRADIATED Carnation Milk. Girt your family this umi fin nourishing milk. 4.25 $2.15 $1.08 Jap Rice Gocd quality i Qp 4 lbs. for , X571: Small White Bean? "f Op 4 lbs. for XHlj Banta Clara Dried Prunes OCp 70-80 3 lh fnr tdOKs Bagdad Coffee High ' grade, 5-lb. tin '81,79 Bulk Cocoa 18 butterfat OCf 2 lbs. for , Handsllck Fine for your 9p hands, ask for It, per tin New Potatoes Of 12 lbs. for Reserve your order for Apricots, Cherries, Etc. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Ha-e More Cents" P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE CIIESTEIt FIELD SUITE Covered In combination tapestry, reverse cushions QQQ Special vfO 327 Third Ave., Prince Rupert Phone 775 There Is a Difference In MILK Prove it to yourself. Try Prince Rupert Dairy Phone 287 For the best and get entire satisfaction or money back guarantee. We Sell For Less 29c Each or 4 Pieces $1-00 DRESSES, FALL COATS, SWEATERS, SLIPS, HOSE, ETC. ETC. The Latest For the Least at the PEOPLES Look! Look! These Babies Make Carnation Milk Famous DIONNE QUINTUPLETS END Toil, Fatigue, Discomfort NeedlessWear on Fabrics with an ELECTRIC CLOTHES WASHER Why keep washday a nightmare of grinding toil that leaves you exhausted, with raw, red hands, aching arms and tired back? Modernize with a Northern Electric ABC Electric Washer. Just put the clothes in and nap the switch. An Electric Clothes Washer is quicker, more thorough. It will prolong the life of the sheerest fabrics. Choose YOUR Electric Clothes Washer without delay. Pay only $5 down; the balance on comfortable easy terms. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited "T1LLIE THE TOILER" C'MOM, 1'L.U TAJCB VDU FOfe. A HOSSBACK ftlDB TO B&EAX 1M I TH1 DAILY KIWI Wednesv A WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront With a Urge list of passengers. I consisting principally of round trip tourists for Alaska, C. N. R. steamer Prince Rupert. Capt. Nell McLean, arrived In port on time at 10 o'clock this morning from Vancouver. Powell River and Ocean Falls and sailed at 1 o'clock this after-noon for Skagway and other northern points whence she will return here next Monday Coming north from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands, C. N. R. steamer Prince Charles, Capt. Dan McKlnnon arrived at Massett at 10 o'clock this morning (and should arrive here early tomorrow morning. The vessel has . among her passengers a number of tourists who will transfer Friday lo ; the steamer Prince Ocorge to make ! the trip to Anyox and Stewart and thence back to Vancouver. ! H. E. Lokken, manager of the Puget Sound Halibut Vessel Own-.ers' Association, arrived this morning on the rrlnce Rupert from ! Seattle, being here to attend a conference tonight of Canadian and American halibut boat owners' representatives on the subject of fishing curtailment, price rcgula-' tlon and marketing. Oust Olsen of itcvciu&an is aue 10 arrive today to represent Alaskan boat owners and fishermen at the conference. Hotel Arrivals ' Royal Gust Olsen. Ketchikan- Audrev Harden. Stewart; D. Panolm and jU. S. Barker. Vancouver; A. C. Pal-j lan. Queen Charlotte Islands; B. ; Routher, city. j M. E. Katzln. Calgary; Ann C. Schooley and Grace A Schooley, Merritton, Oni.; C Van Alstyne, C. N. R. ; Prince Rupert j J. R. Humphries. Calgary; A. W. Artindale and Mr. and Mrs. o. o : Wetterstrand, Vancouver; George C. Hamer. Saskatoon- Harnv SVirrf FteedomNJi.; Alastatr MacBaln, .Closter, NJ.; A. D. Mathfson. Car lisle Cannery; Dr. and Mrs. S. 8. Herchmer,. Philadelphia; Rev. J. T. Burchill, Klspiox; Mrs. John Leslie, Edmonton; F. W. Holmes, Ottawa: J. A. Brown. Port Essine- ton; H. E. Lokken, Seattle; Walton Smith, Victoria; Stella M. Matson, Pentlcton; Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Wrlnch, Hazelton. A. R. Breuaer. Wranzell: n. r McConnell, Kltlmap.t. Central M. Whltford, J. Fitch, A. T. Jones. J. M. Graham, F. Daniels and E. J. Beard, CJN.R.; M. Mackenzie, Geo. Fowler, Joe Simpson. R. Haltcn. Ida' Slatta, A. W. Murray and Ralph! Gillies, city: Mrs. S. Yarmlsh and son, Vancouver. f Knox ' E. Nickeison. S. D. Anderson, n.' Smeltzer. E. Wentzell and E. Wal ters, city; R. Marsh, Spokane. Savor R. L. Brash, St. Paul; E. M, Port Essington. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 19S CARDINAL RICHELIEU Geonce Arliss Here This Mid-Week In Latest and One of Greatest Pictures Comment of London newspapers on -Cardinal Richelieu," Oeorge Arliss' latest picture, which is being featured on the screen of the Capi tol Theatre here this mid-week, Is of interest "Arliss at his best," says the Dally Telegraph. "Suspense and Be-auty," announces the Herald. "Vastly entertaining," comments the Morning Post. "A fascinating picture.'' adds the Star. "A story of bin business with out the cigars." observes the Eve ning Standard. A magnificent spectacle and superb entertainment. "Cardinal Ri chelieu," the film, is based on the famous play by Sir Edward Bulwer- Lytton, showing the human side of the prelate who stood behind the throne of France. The story opens with the feudal lords plotting against Richelieu because he has persuaded the weak Louis XIII to confiscate their lands. How he frustrate intrigue against him and keeps in favor with the King sustain an Interesting continuity. Tne supporting cast includes Ed ward Arnold, as the King, and Maureen OSulllvan and Cesar Ro mero who have the romantic leads. LOCAL ITEMS Edward Kane of the local Post Office staff, who has been on a vacation trip south, returned to the city from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this morning. Coming north today aboard the steamer Prince Rupert was a party of six nuns from Vancouver. One disembarked here to proceed to Smithers while two were going through to Juneau and three to Dawson. Dr. and Mrs. H C. Wrtnch of Hazelton, who have been on a vacation trip to California, arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from the south and will proceed to the Interior on the evening train. Lieut. Col. J. w. Nlehok ha re turned to the Horticultural Society his check for $3 fcrlze monev won by him at the recent rose show and suggests that It bo nffrH next year as a prize for the best mm ASA FROSTY IVIGIIT Sf I . W SS A J 1 .1 FTtm bss Coupons Quaker Corn Flakes 3 i -tn. f v. Bf-ri. i i m - s - w s r v i .1 mi 1 1 1 r rw - 7---. a .. i The Broncho-Buster 1 I AAl, TTS EASY- COME ALOrijl kEE.lT'S TET AS ASM) ruTT-TI I'LL W vrr 7V. I VFARLlM'livf OUT- our- ri-Sv MrS - CAM'T fiiOE SHOW 5y l-mv r t M-r r-n iii '.( W-'-irt sbi w k. .A i mi J m.Vm.m s arm r.innTTTm. but you they shall lore J Greedy jackals tore at his power . . . the populace clamored for his head yet his wisdom, his understanding was such that he could halt his empire building so a wisp of a girl might marry the man of her choice) 'CflP 13 At V JOSEPH M. SOIENCK 5 H DARRYL ZANUCK product, GEORGE JllUSS I II .... n 1 C bill . . a BJ...I . . ., ADDED TREATS - Charlie Chase in "Poker at Eight" sponiiKiii. -ninj 01 me fct erg lades" ::4 TON If. I IT and IT rrV V1 Tinmen av 1 "1.1 i 1 E I I kept lawn in Princ Ruprt He says he would be willing to In crease the amount t C Younu of the scienUf Ic staff of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Expertmenui Station returned to the city on the Prlnrr Httwrt this morning from a ten day trip south ' to visit fisheries plants at Vancou-, ver. Victoria and Seattle Ready to serve gs you with II vour size of KODAK VERI CHROME FILM QTOP it oar O Kodk film diipcnier for your week-end supply of Kodak Verichromea It's the film thil makes pic-turc-uklng tnji Combined with our developing and printing crtlce, Jt asturtt you of better toaptbois than eer Oi rgp c r st rotor of thi . Moiia and N. makes hi hr.i netyx Malta. . m, and u service mm. w Prin Rupert r month, comir.R city us Or....' M sontr Ixx1k f Bt Be Proud of Your SNAPSHOT Your snp manent a -a. happiest mm; ciaUons oik . never be reca' way. Make sure a i n can mam th. peTlencea by i Kodak and K them to u fo' quality scrvin UcJD t) K Kodak U your (turutn fxcelence and pfrmwl There Is a K suit your rc:u, purfco. Take It with y Get n Kcal Kwh f As Low as I'or KcKlak servlcf tlfwWj and printing see - r. 1 1 m v orders especially attended to t retr p b -By Wesloi 1 tiSS. I