5t r lui Local News Notes , hx the hall-A. It Cp R , specter ol eus . .scnger aboard ths v afternoon return-f er a trip to BUw. ,;t tea Carruthers, prom I ttttte Bock. Art, i.rrs were pawn. prtnce Rupert to. make the round -"ned to the city . m from Kam-. ded the recent provincial Com- m the local 8 - cimpanit-d by n who has been a cauple of James lladden returoad to the ctty on the Prtnce Rupert today from a trip- to Vancouver and Victor la. Hit ML Alvina Turgvwi leaves on this evnlg' train, to nuke the iTrlacBlu Tour to, Jasper, Park and Vancouver. P M. Ray made a brief business trio to Btllmor last walng. going out on the evening train and re turning last night Mr. William Buwsey- and familf, who have been. on,a trip to Anyt-x, retuxwU to the city on the Catata I yesterday afternoon. Among passengers going north to Alaska aboard ue steamer Prtnce Rupert todny, wai Mla D. J Bath. who. cornea from far Pie-Verimarltzburg, South, Africa SPECIAL ... ii Rattle Italian Balm. ree. GOc i ,i ! , . . i.fAV 'V ' .. r rjw i1 n i a i a v a Special Price, 59 cents UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED a ISSAil frilMIS a WUI'iB f saw Arriving Vancouver Thursday VlSf Itill u StSVJl Arriving Vancouver Monday ajn. $1.25 ( ie t r. 31 1 loixn rowiier nirn iw nwiu.u T-"th Hrush, Value COc Both for 39 cents CHILDREN'S SPECIAL d K Tooth Brush and Sponge Ball Both for 19 cents Ormes lid. "Tim Ptonecr Dr&i3ts 81 ft C Phones XU Kial Star r it. n. rrnm a .m. till It pjn. i and Holidays From 12 noon till " P-m- J PJn. tiH 9 p rn. CANADIAN PACIFIC Yaneoum vU Oran Falls and way prts Pii:-:C ESS ADELAIDE. FRIDAYS. 10 PM. . Vinrourrr Direct . T- ESS LOUISE, Aug. 17th. 2fith, Sept. Un. PR 'C ESS ALICE, Aug. 10th. Sith. Kftthlkan, WrangtlU Jtneau and Saagway IT '.'i tESS LOUISE, Aug 12th, 13rd, Sept. 1st I .. . . . j lt n writ. t t iniormauon ann rfscminw ' up W L COATES, General Agent, Prlac K.pert, U-U i . II 1 11. W 1 V. . miiih.i i. MJ1. potato. rrtnot Rupm Bundaj, s pa . . . . - .a nil - - - - a.-. All aaMIMWf CI L1I L.A mw eaiNca Et'rEKT sovncti Thus ab nm sss HOLIDAYS TTnu' Will Vmi Qtwrnl Tlinm This Year? . . ... .. T niMi u:..i .7 . i a.i hi. ii inn invH 111 ii iiiv it i ii n r if i iit tu lvirinn i 11 ;iii liic iu country life at "The Dunes" Tlcll, Queen Charlotte Islands OCA niiFlltkl. mt-IHUn Wrtta or wlrelrsa fM (tMrvatlons te M ArtATVtU D(1 A ITT ' WimiimaiiaiMuim,ttiia:iiI,... ... n.w!1Wt!.W'''V I Bo warm ana comfortable bjrtd mg in Taxv 1 costs tne aame. Mm. H. Kbk of AUee Arm wai a pmeniif abaasd ha OaUla ye. Igraay afternoon gating, through to V&acattvat . A m4tng t tk Labor Dav SperU' eofluoMee- riH t held In ttoe PMm Court Chamber tomor- ww (Thursday) a 8 pjs. 4187) W1zk Bryaat, who hat been on a trip to Vaaeauver awl BeatUa t Harwell to Um attr from the south on the Prtnce Rupert this morning Mattoy Shier. weM knows powder tsarettM, nMeeentrke4 here- from the steamer Catala yesterday af ternoofi tattowteg a visit ta Stew art on bmttifi aw. preeeeded by bat nfci'r '.rain ta BarkmiHe by way at wbcto dttetot he wiB re. tarn to Vaatauver. Mtc Dorothy Patmore reamed home on the Prtne Bapert tbit owning from a vacation trip te Varncouver and Vtotorta In the lattar elty last Satm-oay she at ten od the marriage of hr ieter. Ml&t Kieanore Putmore. to Charles Hay WATi WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- Tlw Im tSxmlA mi aoi tvt wtdi at ta m( fWwtr.f (ratr. four iuod fcm'l tigmt. It jtmn ta tU Uta. Gu Uau B pu UMtk. Tim nl auoUiMWtf. Yt Mi 7vna ta onafwd uw) ye il wiu, Luta rm mmj iuklitfia. A net tmlMMMliaH l H th U UM Uca rsad. U Cru'( UtM Ltt Kilta to r vkM Im iwdi ! iwinf Ml ud nm M " i " Hm-Wma. rmtk, rt utuni ta Mkmc MW flow In. ly. Ak luc Cww'i UU rflta la No. 3 Mrs. Howard H&bard and UtUe dauahtcc lleltn, are spending mouth at Smlthr risltlng with iiibhaisd'i mrtct5. Mr. and Mrs Furness. H S. Parker returned to the city an last nlaht's teaki from one of his periodical business trips to various interior potato between here an(l Vandkrhoof Arthur Cad, son of Dr. and Mrs. J P Cade, returned home on the Catala yesterday afternoon from Anyox where he has been m the service of the Oranby Co. S. S PhiUips. assistant field crop coram is&ioaer I.r the provincial Department ol Agriculture, who Is here to Judiee tne aaraen compcu- tions being held by the Prince Ru pert Horticultural Society, win De the sneaker tomorrow at the regu lar weekly luncheon of the local Rotary Club. Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell and family of West Vancouver and Mrs. John R. Mltehell are now on their mv vwck to the coast by motor from the prairies. Mr. Mitchell was rmnti. in Ottawa to auena we Dominion Teachers' Federation of which he was elected vice-presi dent. Announcemenis Catholic tea. Mrs Burbank's August 29. Catholic Church Bazaar Octo bcr 2 and 3. Baptist Bazaar, Oct. S. Canadian Legion Bazaar Oct. 17 Presbyterian Bazaar. November Orange Ladles' bazaar. Nov. 28. Moose Hall RENTAL RATES Concerts 25J)0 Dances Public Meetings 19-00 A room suitable for smaller meetings la now available on the ground floor, rental rate, $4.00 For engagements phone th Club Steward, 640 or Red 411. na bxk.1 ten 'i t ny i-l V i . - James H. Thompson returned to the city on last night's tsain. from a week-end trip- to. Terrace-Ton can rent, a car at Walker's i as low as fl.S0 a day, plus 7c. a mile. William Stone returned to the city on the- CataU yesterday after noon from a week's business trip to Stewart and Premier. Meetlnsr of members Horticul tural Societv and all Deooie inter ested In- gardening to near address from S. S. Phillips. Ctty Hall. pjn. Thursday. 37 Mrs. J. W. NichoUs and daugh ter, Patricia, retained heme on hut night's train from Lakelsel Lake where they have beer camp ing for several wects. Mrs. C. V. Evitt. who has been Dailne a visit at Terrace with Mr. and Mrs. R. h. Mcintosh wUl return to the city from the Interior on to morrow night's train. A. D. Matheson. manager of Car lisle Cannery, arrived In the city on last night's train from the Skeena River for a brief business visit ta town. R E. Legg. superintendent of the Burf Point mine at Perched Island, returned to the ctty on last night's train from a trip to Dor- reen to inspect the Patroore mine en which the Tinunlns interests! are starting operations, having re cently optioned the property Want Ads FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD Furniture for sale. Radio, phonograph, rugs, electric washer, vacuum sweeper Spie Span- bed couch, miscellaneous articles. Mrs. 1LM. liar per. 501 1th, Ave. West Phoae Blue 103. tlM) FOUND FOUND Signet ring, owner may have same by, caiUre.aV DftUy News Office and paying for this advertisement WORK WANTED HIOH School girl will work for board and room or be companion. Phone Blue 319. (187) PAINTERS f AINTIKQ no Papexfcangln Moller. Phone Red BOX LAND ACT NiMtrc of Intention to Appl to Lcaw Land U Land Record Ld DUtrtot ol Prlact Rupert. Raot S, Ooaat DIatricS and altuate about m-a,uartr of a ml outh or Lot STIO. Bang S. Coaat DU-trict, fotcbet Uasd. Take nottoa tnat Clarrnce zagu oai- nf Hirant H C. oocUDaUon ca&- MrTinan, Intend to appl tor a leas ol c&e itaiowiM oescruwa imam. rwnmmin ma. a noat nlanted on a null Ulmna about three-quartera of I mu aouta ox Lot ofio. nup o. uoui tbmr rt by vorta 33-t cnaina, wenc mth aoulta-vt SOS chain: tbenc outb-oiut b; aoutta 17S ckalna to tnt point or commnncmat, ana conwninj 5S.I acrr more or mm- CLARENCE KDQA& BAI.TXS. Dktrd June 4th. 1IJS NOTICE take NOTICE that L A. M. Howell. of Vanoouw. B C toir.tw lntnd to ap ply to the ONnoilcAiaDor 01 una tn prlnoe Rvpent lor a license to proepeoi tor awl. petroleum, and natural gaa ovr the louowms amcriOMl laaas: u o, Quen CJbartahto Ulanrta Watrtct. Prlnoe Ruprt Land IUoordina District. ItetMl nil imn oay 01 juij. ivzq. 7219-Jrll A. M. HOWELL. QTItG TAKT5 NOTICSl that t A. M. Howll, ot Vanwnirer, B.C. ItroKer. Intend to ap ply to the oommwiorw or uuaos i Prknc Rupm lor a licttw io prospect tor ooai, petrol aum. and aaturtl gaa over the iauoins avacTiDea iwiai. ua uo, Queen Charlotte klantto District, Prlnoe Rupert land Rooordiu? DiMric. Dted UUa 10th day of July. 1939. 7218-Jvll A. M HOWELL. NOTICE takk NOTICE that L A M. noweU. of VancouTrr. B.C kiwet. Intend to ap ply to Hhe Comtnuwioarr or Lna at Prtnce Rupeot lor a rvamt 10 prupm fur coal, petroleum, and natural gaa over the following deacrlbed lanrfa: Lot 3437, Quven Charlute blaaW DiMrlct, Prlnqe Rupert vn4 Hwonung iti Dated this IQUt day of July, 1031. 7319-J'H A M. HOWELL. VOTICE TAKE KOTICX THAT I, A U. Howell, of Vaneouvw, B.C, broker, intend to inniT ta tha ommueiaoer 01 i .anna a -ii -. ' . Prinm RunM-t Tar a necince u oroHrjeet for caai, peUnleuin and natural gaa ovr Queen. ChagoiHa Ulancla District, Prlnot Rupetit 11 id Rocorcunt uiauici. VtUnX this 10th dal ot July. 1SSS. 7319-Jyll A. U. UQWWJU fAOTSRCT We Buy for Less. The RUPERT PEOPLES STORE We Sell iot LeSS. Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Men's Underwear Men's Merino Combinations Qf Etra Special 1 Men's TurnbmTs Medium Q-fl OQ Wolt r.nmhinntlnns. Men's Turnbull Combinations Men's Turnbull's Combinations Men's Turnbull's Wool Mixed Men's Turnbull's Heavy Ribbed, Extra Special Natural English Wool Shirts $1.49 $1.59 Ml"ls. Supreme 169 S2.25 31.49 1.49 Drawers $1,49 A Complete line of Men's Trousers From GET YOUR'S FROM THE Red Label Underwear 2.89 Green Label Underwear 0 Tiger Brand Underwear 2.69 Tiger Brand, double CO Off breasts and seats .... Penman's Heavy Ribbed Separate Shirts and Drawers JjjJ.49 St George's Underwear Aristocrat Combinations,, the finest of Pure Wool, ong and short sleeve equal to any $7.50 suit Q g Natural English Wool 2.95 And . .. $3.25 PEOPLES AND SAVE: A. Buckshen. who has been pay- ximiIH?jgroBiMzz.s-Kra tic a visit lit Stewart with his m orother. James Duckshon, who is .n the drug bu&lnesb there, was a jastenger aboard the Catala yes- erday afternoon returning to Van- !j louver. Mrs. Ernest Moss and family who 1 3 ire moving from Alice Arm torn Ximberley in the squthern inter- or. where Mr. Moss who formerly j published a newspaper at Alice m irm is locating, were passengers ' ft zoing south aboard the Catala M esterday afternoon. Dr. Neal Carter, director of the 3rince Rupert Fisheries Experi mental Station, and Mrs. Carter ind sons, who have been spending a vacation in the south, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning. They spent part of Jie time In Vancouver and also lid some niotorlng in the southern nterior. H. F. Pullen returned to the city on last night's train from a two week's trip to the interior. He vis ited the Cariboo. Prince George; and a number of other points, hav- I tng been a delegate from the n .1 I n . rvM 1 merce to the annual convenUon of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central B. C. at Prince George. Hyde Transfer I THE PALM COFFEE SHOPPE I Offers You WHITE HELP COURTEOUS SERVICE SUPERIOR MEALS LOWER PRICES And a clean, convenient place to dine Call around and let us prove it Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 1 a.m. THIRD AVENUE Made of Bamboo, 50 for Turf Edgers. each Flower Pots Complete Fertilizer, lb. -J 3 reneci, oeui jaii, ru, PKLNCF RUPERT 3 Garden Stakes si.:s si.o 1QC to "5c . . 5c THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. f! crffflTS FOR YOUR . 3 I" w. wm PRESERVING SUPPLIES ! : ZT ..... . J -, . ISK jeuy jars auu uuyau. ., c Perfect Seal Jars, Quarts, doz - Economy Caps, doz. t- Rubber Jar Rings, doz. - I n ...k.). fnr -iJC M rroa, 05c Aluminum Preserving neuies. cacu Canning Racks, for 8 quart Jars, each BCTaiiaaaaaaiw PHONE 580 77,eRsfi ufticfc raa(fe Price RupertFamaus Office 315 Second Avenue COAL W Furniture Moving "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, D.C. r. 1 m I Jr it 91 ti'i i 1 Ml