PASSING fi tr r OF BABE ltT nd .Mrs W D. Grant Hotline- t ortli Sadly Bereaved by Ls Of Infant Daughter , : i ,-udr. tu Imm wtth f K' p reftei of tha death ri.o vesterdajr after-j, Hospital In Van-.f .. m Fluabath. ttva-...uuii'rr of Hev. Mid : Or.i:t IliUlnfwacUi of " 1 i.'in btan crlU-:' ' .in and a few . j uki-n to Vancouver " tm't at Uw hands ' are bates brouaht i. Friday accompanied v " m the hands of the tuners. f condolence was Prince Hiipert Gyro uneheon today. British Columbia Losing Business Jipintte Surtax Ha F.ffect Of Dimtlng Lumber Trade From Here To Northwest States C 1' " be l ! HI August 14 - It is 'i that orders for tin f""i of lumber hate been d verted from British Ool-.iwmlll to the northwest a a result of the recently :ii -uttax on Canadian Noted Jurist Of England Passes Baron Tomlln. Who Sat on Many Canadian Appeals, Dies at Age Of SUty-Eight r ANTERBURY. Eng.. Aug. U: 'P Baron Toml'n. distinguished 4 and member of Uie Judicial T.mlUee of the Privy Council on F-v Canadian appeals, is dead at u; age of sixty-eight years. Interior Feels Lightning Storm Several Electrical Disturbances Yesterday Afternoon Took Telegraph Lines Down A severe electrical storm which was reported from practically all central interior points as far west as Haielton vpstprrinv nftirnnnn dropped six poles on the Canadian national Telegraphs line In the MCBrlde district with the result that the wires were down for a snort time last evening. Service was restored to normal this morn ing, NEW YORK. Aug. 14: (CP)-Bar silver closed unchanged at 07?Bc per ounce on the local metal-mar ket today. Announcement of Tolling Time Ii Made Today by Premier It, II. Bennett Today's Stocks (OourUMf B. D. JobiMtoo Oo.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel. .21. Big Missouri. 17. Bradhtn, 1.90. BraHwnc, 4.75. B. R. Con., .08. B. R. X .08. Cariboo Quart, 1.08. Dentonta, J6. DunwelL JQ6. Otorata Rlvar, .00ft. Ooleonda, .18. Indian, .01. Mlnto. .064. Meridian, .04. Morntna Star. .04. National Silver, .03, Noble Five, .06. Pend OretlW. .62. Porter Idaho, .08. Premier. 1.45. Reward, .02. Reno, 1.08. Salmon Gold, .11. Taylor Bridge, .If.. Wayside. .12ft. Whitewater. .05W United Empire. .03 ft. Toronto Central Patricia. 1.73. . Chlbougamau, .lSVi-Lcc Gold, .03. Granada. .19. . Inter. Nickel. 29.00. Macassa, 1.37. Nornnda, 37.45. Bherrltt Gordon, .60. Blsco. 2.64. Ventures, .03. Lake Maron, .03. Teck Hughes. 4.05. Sudbury Basin, 1.40. Smelter Gold. .06. Can. Malartlc. .60. Little Long Lac. 4.60. Astoria Rouyn, .03 ft. Btadacona, .23. Maplo Umf, .04. OTTAWA, Aug. 14: CP The following cabinet appointments were announced today: Minister of Justice, It. G. Geary, Toronto. Minister of National Revenue, J. I. Lawon, Toronto. Minbter of Fisheries. W. G. Ermt, ()uren-I.unenburg Minister without portfolio, Samuel Gobeil, Compton, Que. All four were immediately sworn in and attended a cabinet stMfon at which the election date was set for October 14. OTHER APPOINTMENTS New senators were appointed in the persons of It. I. .Smith and A. J. Lexer of New Hrumwlck, Col. Hairy Muttins and John T. Hale of Manitoba and Eugene laquet of Quebec The Deputy Postmaster General U J. T. Sullivan, Conservative member of St. Ann's. .The new Deputy Minister of Marine is It. K. Smith, Conservative, Cumberland. The Wheat Board consists of John I. McFarland. D. L. Smith and II. C. Smith, all of Winnipeg. Fraser Lake was opened at Burnt 120. When an automobile skidded on loose gravel on ine Burns uiKe- into a fence. Peder Olsen sustain-led considerable head injuries and Arthur Henderson received a cut J wrist while Mrs. Olaen and A. ILoueheed escaped with a severe Shaking up. Over $100 damage .was I done to the car. Otaen appeared before Stljicndlary Magistrate T. E. Taylor of Bums Lake on a charge of driving to the common danger land was fined $10 and costs, with (option of seven days' imprtson-ment. the fine being paid. The magistrate explained that he was passing a minimum sentence in view of the injuries which accused 4 had received. As a result of an accident on the new Rmllhan mf Wnltpr S. Rvr- fnyk of Smtthere was fined $10 and I costs at Smlthers by Stipendiary Magistrate R. L. Gale for driving tc the common danger. Children's Masque At Carnival Here j" Preparations Being Made For Colorful Affair Next Week One of the chief events staged for the Carnival next week will be tho Children's Masquerade on Friday night.. Inventiveness and originality displayed by Prince RttDcrtSs young people in times nast has been noticeable enough but to Judge from some of the cjisjume already designed for the masquerade, the event promises to be one of the most ocauiuui put on by Uiem. Many entries have been promised to date and dmonc some of the youngest or them enthusiasm Is running high. Three Judges will be present to mImL the best costumes worn at the Masquerade. Prizes of substantial amounts nro iwinir offered for the most attractive, costumes. Richard Cartwriuhtv Private Secretary To Premier, Resigns . VICTORIA. Aug. 14: (CP)-Rl- ehard qartwrlght. private secretary to Premier T. D. Pattullo, has re sloned to take up a commercial post In South Africa. out. Hundreds of dwellings were destroyed. LOSS IS $50,000 rontents of the plant including a rtain amount of canned salmon. There was insurance. Insurance adjusters are already understood to be on their way north from Vaneouver. The origin of the blaze is un curtain. It broke out in a loft and was well under way when detected by a Chinese employee. It was not long before the building was a mass of flames. The conflagration was confined to the main cannery building. During the height of the fire Robert Garner, "iron chink" man dropc-d dead. He was an ex-service man and was known to have had heart trouble. It is believed 'hat he was overcome by the fire. Ha was 42 years of age, married nd had lived on the Skeena River for years. The remains were brought to the city yesterday oft- moon aboard the provincial po- ice boat P.M.L. 8. After leaving here yesterday afternoon for the south the earner Catala called at Oceanic . . . o pics up ouu cases oi canned lmon for Vancouver. FISHERMEN'S HOMES AT SEAL COVE ARF ROBBED Constable Harold Staines of the 1m? im of a numtwr of boys ana stolen goods following a series; during the past few weeks of breaking and entering Incidents at Seal Cove. Cabins of fishermen away at their work were robbed Already some of the goods have been recovered and It Is believed the ringleader in the thefts is at Shawatlans with more of the goods. Crop Carryover Is Two Hundred Million OTTAWA, Aug. 14- (CP) Today's Wither mtim To morrow s Tid es Tin High, . 1:24 ajn. 22.7 ft. prince Rupert. 14:02 pjn. 21.6 ft. r.M!ihwei wind; baro.. Low . .. 7:53 ajn. 0.7 ft. Vrmpcniture. 53; sea sm- 20:10 pm. 22 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXIV N( 18" PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1935 PRICE: 5 CENTS FEDERAL ELECTION ON OCTOBER 14 the fire whleh destroyed tin years ago, the late .Mr. MacKay last night with Pierre Laval, for- Ocean Canners "salmon cannery at came t0 the coast forty years ago.elgn minister of France. Oaeaotc on BmVtb Island at wewid foTytars operated a sash and... It understood that Eden will montn mwroim Kirer Tonr-aas laetorv at Vaneourec. He oreeent to the conference a pro Francois Lake rod and plunged , Monday evening' Is estimated at to Ocean Falls, being 0u.uvu. una iime tun there during mill construction days, and then came to Prince Rupert about 1920. He took a keen interest in all public matters and had been identified with various focal movements. He was engaged n the glass and door business and established a small shingle mill at ;ow Bay. In addition to his widow. Mr. MacKay Is survived by a daughter, Mrs. D. R. (Jean Barclay, and two grandchildren, David and Peggy Barclay. There are also two sisters. Mrs. Thomas Stewart and Mrs. Marshall Gainer of Calgary, and five brothers. Rev. George MacKay of Toledo. Ohio, and John. Angus, Roderick and Robert MacKay of Calgary. The bereaved will have the deep sympathy oi many friends. Funeral ararngements are in the hands of the B. C. Undertakers. Local Girl Is Pretty Bride Miss Eleanore Patmore and Charles llayward United in Marriage A quiet but pietty wedding took cltv detachment-of the provincial; , , t Saturday afternoon In police is visiung anawatian a Unjted church Manse In Vic-today In connection with round- !torla the Rev. Bruce Gray of the Point Grey United Church In Van couver, olflcatlng, when Miss Eleanore Patmore. daughter of L. W. Patmore of tjls city, became the bride of Charles llayward, old est son of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Hayward of Victoria. nniv near rplatlves of the con-? tish plan would give Italy control of Ethiopia In effect but not In name. In some quarters it Is suggested j that Italy 1; bent on far more than i the mere conquest of Ethiopia and may essay to capture a piece of trading couple were present at (StoraBe. the ceromony. Mlss Dorothy Patmore being down from Prince Rupert The bride looked lovely In a suit of pink crepe with navy ac- Bushels. Estimated TSeV 01 Halibut Arrivals Summary American 58.800 pounds. 7.2c and 5.5c to 7.9c and 5.5c Canadian 52,500 pounds, 5.5c and 5c to 6.1c and 5c. American Betty, 17,500. 7.9c and 53c, Royal. Garland, 8300, 7.2c and 5.5c, Pa cific. Visitor. 6.500. 7.6c and 5.5c. Atlin. Canadian Signal, 17,000, 6.1c and 5c, Cold Vfr Pntmnrp nnrt 1 Juuauua lin. 13.000. 5.7c and 5c. At- Alkln. 13.000. 53c and 5c Pacific. Bayvlew, 9300, 5.7c and 5c, Cold Storage. FAMOUS RANCH SOLD VANCOUVER. August 14: The , " " - ' ' WUMWI " 0 V4 J ' - Canadian wheat carryover for the.MfS aunt of the groom.l Cariboo, once owned by the par crop year ending July 31 is placed at 203.231.000 bushels. TORONTO STOCKS Pickle Crow, 2.60. McKenzic Red Lake; 1.18 God's Lake. 1.56. Red Lake Gold! Shore, ,30ti. San Antonio, 3.4o! after which the couple left for'ents of Mr. Justice Fcnls Murphy. Quallcum Beach to spend a honey- .has been sold to Charles May-moon, (field, an American, It was learned Mr. and Mrs. llayward will re-, here yesterday. side In Victoria until the end of August after which they will pro-. CANADIAN GOLD ceed to the Boundary country OTTAWA, Aujust 14: The Can- . where the croom teaches school at adlan gold price yesterday was Midway. - '$34.96 per fine ounce, up 3c TROOPS BEING MASSED ALONG SOMAU-ETHIOPIAN FRONT Federal Cabinet is Reorganized; Four New Members Named ACCIDENTS INAUTOS Further Details of Fatality Near Bums Lake Driver Held On Hail of $15,000 Reports of recent automobile ac-1 cidenU on eentral Interior roads, I one of which near Burns Lake had 1 a fatal result, having been referred to earlier in the week, have been received at dtvtsloral headquarters of the provincial police here. The fatal crash was that on the mam highway about three miles weat of Burn Lake at 5 o'clock on Sunday morning when Frank Ar- j tries, section hand at Endako, lost his life, the car, a light roadster, turning over and crushing him. Percy Wilkes of Decker Lake, tie worker, was severely Injured. The driver, Clifford Anderson. Palling farmer, is being held on ball of SlfcOOO. The fatality Is being inves ?:::: pioneer OVEU 200 AKE DEAD IN ITALIAN FLOOD TURIN, Italy. Aug. 14: (CP A death list of 260 was estl- 4- mated last night as a result of a disastrous Hood following a sudden dam brralc yesterday In Northern July at the vlt- lage of Ovada. Extensive da- and farms and many thou- sands were rendered homeless. tigated under, the direction of Ser-(This Firure Does Not include con gaant J. c. Bowen. provincial police, Smlthers, and an Inquest before Coroner (Dr.) W. C. PrtU of IS DEAD Late T. Koss MacKay Had Been Resident of Coast For Forty Years I Death, at 11 o'clock this morning' in the Prince Rupert Oeneral Has-' Both Sides Continue Active Preparations For East Africa War mage was done to property pitai. after a fina! illness of two (japt Anthony Eden is Central Figure at Paris Confer- Inundated and railway and highway bridge were wiped or tnree weegs. removed one o: Prince Rupert's if.t.1 known and Forty-three square miles were most highly esteemed citizens uv the person of Thomas Henry Ross MacKay. a pioneer of the British ence Speculation as to Latest Proposals Of Great Britain T.flNDnN. Aurr. 14: (CPRenorts from Geneva todav Columbia coast who came to van- tnat Ethiopia has protested to the League of Nations amver in 1895 am. had lived in At Rome it aainst the embargo on arms shipment. was Prince Ruyert for. some fifteen , ... T. J . u aimuuuueu uwt atai m "'""'S a f'"''"""0 years. While Mr. MacKay had been ; quite m curing the winter, he calling up reservists of 1911 class to report September 23. i seemed to make a good recovery Already Ethiopia has placed sixty thousand troops along I a L . . I i . .... ii - . I " .ana lor some umc appfarca to ne lianan oomaiuana ironuer. have been restored to almost nor- Paris Conference mal health. About two or three PARIS, Aug. 14: Capt. Anthony weeks azo, he wa taken to the Eden, chief of the British delega-Prinoe Rupert General Hospital tion to the conference to open where a major operation was per- here on Friday between represen tees Of Oceanic Cannery Tiormea. u was expected mat ne anves oi ureal tsruain. rraucc Man's Body ; Brought Here , would have to have another opera-land Italy on the Italo-Ethiopian J Uion but death intervened. 'crisis, arrived yesterday afternoon Loss to buHduw'is a result of Bom at Embro. Ont.. sixty-live from London and went into session posal that certain trade concessions be granted to Italy by Ethiopia but whether Italy would be contented with any such appeasement is considered doubtful: It is also reported that Eden might go so far as to propose a redistribution all around by Great Britain. France and Italy of Italian colonies. Another report is that the Bri Small Bov Dead From Burns In N. Vancouver VANCOUVER. August 14: Raymond Carter, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Carter of North Vancouver, succumbed, yesterday afternoon to the effects of severe body burns sustained seventeen hours previously as a result of slaving with maches. Big Flying Boat At Midway Island IIu;e Flying Boat Making Progress In Its Fli;bt Across Pacific Ocean MIDWAY ISLANDS. Aug. 14: The ereat flvlns: boat Pan Ameri- Egypt for an opening to the Sue2!can Clipper landed ne at 3.30 Canal and then more on to Pales-' vestprdav . nf irmnnn mnnniniii tine. Such a move on the .part of ixime) fouowmg an uneventful ' Italy, besides presenting a threat ' 1323-mile flight from Honolulu In to British trade and commerce, jelght hours and gg. mlnut(;s Tne, might cause widespread complica- ishlp wlll remain here untu tomor-tlons including an attempt on theirow wnen sne wlll proceed to WakiL part of Russia to obtain an open- j island. ing throush Turkev in Asia to the ; , Suez Canal. In the event of such at " move, also. France would undoubt edly line up with Great Britain. Ratification Of f Bridge Held Up I'roximity of New Span To Old One Said To Be Proving Ob- t stacle To Approval Of Plans -At Ottawa OTTAWA, August 14: The close proximity of the projected new New Westminster bridge to the old bridge Is proving an obstacle to ratification of the plans. for Wabash. 6.500, 7.5c and 5.5c, Cold ! the structure, it was learned here Storage. yesterday. It is possible no action may be taken federal election. 52. until after the Today's Weather Terrace Cloudy, southeast wind, Anyox Cloudy, calm, 50. Hazelton Ralnlnv, calm, 49. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, cooL Burns Lake Raining, calm, 39. Lest We Forget Funeral of our late comrads Robert C- Garner will take placs fromi B. C. Undertakers, tomorrow'" at 2:30. Comrades will please at3" tend.