THE DAILY NEWS Editor A CONSERVATIVE OPINION ON MR. CLEMENTS OF VANCOUVER +~~—~— J etters to the “me Mr. Editcr,—I am a settler living on Porcher Island, and have been a Conservative all my life so I came over to hear our party's candidate discuss the issues of the day, but I am very disappointed in the choice our party made. I can’t see why we should go to Vancouver for a candidate and then pick out a third rate one at that. Surely we had plenty of better material right here in Rupert. I intend to vote at this election for the people's candidate, Mr. Ross, and I would advise all my Con- servative friends and those who do not own allegiance to any party to do likewise. This talk of annexation is all nonsense and is simply raised to try and effect the greet issue “‘reciprocity’’ which to my mind is just what we want, and it has been the policy of the Conservative leaders in Canade from time immemorial. Also I am convinced that a vote for Clements is a vote for Van- couver. Prince Rupert is fast becoming a rival of Vancouver therefore we want to send a member to Ottawa who will work for this city and district and let Vancouver look after itself. Elect Clemerts and you at once give Vancouver two members while the city is practically unrepresented. Reverse the conditions and sey that one of the great political parties had nominated a Prince Rupert citizen to run for Van- couver’s constituency and what would che electors of Vancouver say and do? Why they would corsider the party guilty of such conduct crazy and on Election Day would srow the c.ndidace under, no matter what party he belonged to. The slogan of this election should be ‘‘A Vote for Clements is Vote for Vancouver.” & Yours, “SETTLER” FRIENDLY ROAST the Rhine he kept a sharp lookout for the German perii, but it kept strictoy to the tall timbers. A Frenchman tried to sell Fred a Reubens, but the vendor was immediitely informed that Reubens were “sold” every day in this country and that Rubes were a drug on the market. In Rome he visited the big manufacturing plant where Koman candles are made, and he had a drink at Waterloo. Taking it all in all the trip was most enjoyable and Mr. and Mrs. Stork return to British Columbia feeling that they have ‘‘done”’ Europe even if Europe has done them to come extent. “The the Fernie “Under the of Flight of the Storks,’ Free Press has the following rol- licking description of Mr. and Mrs. Stork’s trip through Europe: Fred Stork, first Mayor of Fer- nir and first Mayor of Prince Rupert, accompanied by Mrs. Stork, stopped over at Fernie on Tuesday on their return from tour of Europe. Fred says that he saw nothing in England that would tempt him to assume a peerage and _ live there, although London had a slight edge on Rupe in some trifling respects. He was right at home in the London fogs and he gave the Lord Mayor few pointers on wooden sidewalks. He was disappointed in not being permitted to go bathing on the Strand. In the British Museum he found an ancient docemunt anat had puzzled the archivists for many years. It was supposed to be a sketch made by some Canadian Mound builders. Fred was able to identify it as the lost plans of Fernie Armoury. Mr. Stork is authoirty for the that London is not a good investment for the man with limited finances | and would suggest Prince Rupert | caption a eoooo0oo0oo0ooooo0o 90 a “A TENDERFOOT'S WOOING” The News announces that it has purchased the serial rights for Nor- thern B. C. of Clive Phii- lipps Wolley's great sto- ry of ranch life in the Canadian West, ‘‘A Ten- derfoot’s Wooing,’’ one of the most virile stories of love and adventure ever written. To please our readers we will print from one to two columns of the story each day in small type. You will like this story. It will start on Monday. statement inside realty in SeeceCeoeoeoeoeoeooeeoee8 as an alternative. 1 : |o Near Amsterdam sew the Amsterdamsite where the Dutch purpose to drain the Zuyder Zee and in Switzerland he called on Mr. Robinson, of the Swiss Fam- ily Robinson. While coming down|o o8 COC COO OC OO he ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °o +] ° ° ° °o ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° So Ross & Reciprocity Public Meeting Empress Theatre, Tuesday, September 12 at 8 o’clock The Graham Island Oil Fields, Limited CAPITAL STOCK $1,000,0C0 We are offering for sale a very limited amount of shares of stock at 25c per share; par value $1.00, These shares are going quickly and will soon be off the market THE MACK REALTY & INSURANCE COMPANY SELLING AGENTS Canada ESTABLISHED 1869, $6,200,000 Surplus, $7,200,000 Total Assets, $100,000,000 Savings Bank Department, $1 will open ap account. Branchee throughout Canada and Banking Connections with al! parts of the Royal Bank of HEAD OFFICE: Ce “The News” Classified Ads. ~% ~~ tt eee ==One Cent A Word For Each Insertion=~ —THEY WILL REPAY A CAREFUL LOOKING OVER— Phone 150 The People Fire Life Marine Accident Plate Glass Employer's Liability Contractors’ and Personal Bonds Policies Prepared While You Wait. THE Mack Realty & Insurance COMPANY. P.S.— Houses and Rentals. FOR SALE Two lots, Block 24, Section 5, corner with two fronts, Seventh avenue and Lotbiniere street. Price $2600. $1000 cash. One lot, Block 22, Section 5, Seventh avenue. Price $800. $400 cash. One let, Block 20, Section 5, Sixth ave- nue. Price $1365. $800 cash. Fine view lot. 4 Money to Loan ae Money to Loan on Prince Rupert Real Estate. Agreements of sale bought. P.O. Box 968. tf-181 a a os os rs ps rs Help Wanted ee es poems: > Wanted | sly to Mrs, L. W. Patmore. os llmalading 201-tf Boy wanted at once to learn the printing trade. Apply News Office. Boy Wanted—Apply at Orme's Drug Store. 198-tf _ For Rent iii taste Furnished house, cor. Sixth Avenue and Young St. Modern in every respect. Phone 88 or call Pattullo & Radford. 196-tf Furnished rooms with bath the week. Talbot House. Neatly Furnished rooms, gentlemen preferred.— | Apply Mrs. Mullin, over Majestic Theatre. tf Nice Furnished Rooms, Mrs. Greenwood, Alder Block; Third Ave. 178-tf For Rent—Sons of England Hall, 2nd Ave., for | Dances, Fraternal Societies, Socials, ete. Apply Frank A Ellis, 869 or phone 68. 186-tf | reuiaeinaeniaeamamanie 1 Ee For Sale i Special rates by 165-tf | | For Sale—Lot 5, block 27, section 8, $350. Apply P.O. Box 105 203-206 For quick sale, lot 88, block 27, section 5, facing | One lot, Block 27, Section 7, Eighth avenue. Price $287. $250 cash. Two lots, Block 12, Section 7, Ambrose avenue. Price $1000 each. $800 cash. Two lots, Block 49, Section Seven, | Price $750 pair, one- | Ninth avenue. half cash, balance 6 and 12 months. Two lots, Block 8, Section 8, Tenth avenue. Price $790 pair. $200 cash. HOUSES FOR SALE Two story house, 7 rooms, 4 rooms up-| | stairs, 8 rooms downstairs, painted, | kalsomined, newly finished, fine view | on Ambrose avenue. Price $2625. | $1000 cash. | Five room house, water, plastered, pa-| pered, large basement, on Ninth ave-| nue. Price $1800. $1000 cash. FOR RENT Four room house, comfortably furnished, hot and cold water, bath and telephone. Hays Cove Circle Five room house, water, papered, plas- tered, large basement, Ninth avenue. | Price $22.50 per month. | FOR RENT Stores on Second avenue. FOR LEASE 75 x 100 feet on Third avenue. lease. FOR SALE Five. and ten-acre tracts for garden trucking at Kitsumkalum, only $65 per acre. Jeremiah H. Kugler, Ltd. McCaffery & Gibbons } Real Estate Offerings: | | Lot 26, Block 16, Section 1, for $2200. This lot was purchased at the sale two | years ago for $1750 and is a bargain | at $2200. | Lot 80, Block 16, Section 1, for $2000. A good lot on First avenue for $2500. House and lot in Section 5. Good neighborhood, fine view can be bought for $1250 on any terms purchaser may offer. Double corner in Section 5, for $1500 on easy terms. Two lots on Fifth avenue, Section 6, for $950 each. Good lot on Sixth avenue, Section 6, for $325 cash. Fine double corner in Section 6, for $1675. Sixty feet on Third avenue, Section 7, for $1200. Lot on Ninth avenue, Section 7, for $315. Level double corner in Section 8, for $50 cash, balance monthly. Lots in all parts of Section 8, for $50 cash, balance in small monthly pay- ments, FOR RENT Flat in Washington Block. Furnished house in Section 5 for $35 per month. Three room house for $15.00 per month. Four room house and bath, Fifth avenue, $30 per month. Seven room house with bath, Section 7, for $35 per month. Store on Third avenue. Good —INSURANCE— McCaffery & Gibbons THIRD AVENUE Individuals Owning Real Estate in Prince Rupert. B.C, may find a ready purchaser, if the price is reason- able by addressing P.O, LOCK BOX 43 East Liverpool Columbiana County - Ohio, U.S.A. SUFFERING INSTANTLY RELIEVED A SAFE AND SPEEDY CURE if your dealer does not keep them we will mai ou a box eee on receipt of 25 cents . J. MATHIEU Co.,Props., Sherbrooke, P.Q two streeis. Price $585.75. Terms $560 cash. | mee one year. Address immediatly Box L, Daily News, 200-205 | j ! For Sale—Chicken Ranch. 2 Storey house, house- | | hold goods. Near Prince Rupert. A snap if | | taken atonce. Address Box 368. tf | Insurance | | Seerenernerirnnemerenrmermerenere OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just | settlements. We write every known class of Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. Wanted { te oe re err tian ea Wanted—Cheap lots in section 7 and 8& If price is right will pay cash. P.O. Box 106. 206-111 Wanted.—Cleaning and pressing, dressmaking, plain sewing, children's sewing, repairing and al- terations—Mens' and ladies’ garments. Canadian Cleaning & Pressing shop, 820 Third Avenue. tf 7 | i Apartments es ee mt ms rs mee es ey Comfortable furnished apartments for lady or wxentleman roomers at moderate terms. In single apartments or convenient suites for housekeeping. Splendidly furnished with al! modern conveniences, hot and cold water, etc. Apply Mrs. J. J. Rootjes, the Bulkley Block, Sixth Ave. and Fult°n, Phone 179. tf NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT | and Alma Victoria Fisher, of the City of Prince | TAKS NOTICE that Alexander J Prater British Columbia, | Rupert, in the Province of hotelkeepers, did on the 29th day of August, 1911, make an assignment for the benefit of their creditors to Alfred John Morris, of the City of Prinee Ru- pert aforesaid, merchant AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a meeting of the creditors of the said Alexandey James Prudhomme and Alma Victoria Fisher, for the purpose of giving directions with reference to the disposal of the estate, will be held at the office of Williams & Manson, Solicitors, Heigerson Block, Prinee Rupert, B. C., on Monday, the llth day of September, 1911, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon. AND TAKE NOTICE that all creditors of the said Alexander J. Prudhomme and Alma Victoria Fisher are required to forward thet claims, duly proved, to the Assignee, on or before | the 28th day of September, 1911 | ALFRED JOHN MORRIS, Assignee 204-205 Do away with this. Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118 PHONE 801 | Seventh Ave. and Fulton Patronize a white | laundry. White labor only at P.O, ROX BO4 PONY EXPRESS SYSTEMATIC MERCHANTS’ DELIVERY SERVICE Baggage, Storage and Rorwerting Agents, For Rigs or Motor Car day or night Phone 301 Grand Wind-Up SALE High Class oRS | CONCRETE MIXERS ° "PUMPS Furniture ‘PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH "oom ¢ Meine Bios In re The Brin Co., Assigned, on | Saturday E’vg, 8 p.m.| Mr. F. A. Ellis will sell by| public auction absolutely without reserve, the balance of high class} stock comprising Carpets, by the | yard or in the square, Writing} Hallstands, Werdrobes, | Washstands, Clocks, | Curtains, Ma- Office Desks, Tables, Dressers, Glasswere, Lace Chiffonier, etc. hogeny etc,, wtc., Remember! Everything Must | Go This Is Last Chance | Sale takes place Third Avenue. just past Seventh Street C. B. Lockhart, Assignee The Big Furniture Store HART BLOCK NOTICE In the County Court of Atlin Holden at Prince Rupert in the Matter of the “Official Ad- ministrator’s Act"’ and | In the Matter of the Estate of Duran P. Latkovich | deceased, Intestate TAKE NOTICE t by order of His Honor, | Judge Young, made the Sist day of August, 1911, 1 was appointed Administrator of the Estate of the said Duran P. Latkovieh dezeased, and all parties having claims against the said Estate are wereby required to forward same properly verified to me on or belore the 80th day of September, 1911, aad all the parties indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED the 5th day of September, 1911, JOHN H. MeMULLIN, Official Administrator. WATER NOTICE _I, 8. Harrison of Prince Rupert, B. C., broker: give notice that on the fAfteenth day of November 1911, 1 intend to apply to the Water Commissioner at his office in Prince Rupert, B. C., for a licence to take and use three cubic feet of water second from MeNeil River in Skeena Distriet. The water is to be taken from the stream about four miles above the unetion with the Skeena River and is to be usad on Lot 4406 for domestic and agri- cultural purposes, SAMUEL HARRISON Sept. 9, oe GS WATER NOTICE 1, 8. Harrison of Prinee Ru , B. C,, broker give notice that on the fifteenth day of November 1911, | intend to apply to the V’ater Commissioner at his office in Prince Rupert, B. C., for a licence to take and use two cubic feet of water per second from the West Fork of McNeil River in Skeena District. The water is to be taken from the stream about one mile from its unetion with NeMeil River and is to be used on Lot 4406 for domestic and agricultural purposes. SAMUBL HARRISON Sept. 9. Poles Wanted. Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to} p.m,, September 18th, for the supply and de- livery in Cow Bay of 200 CEDAR PO. tts, Speci- fications may be seen at Telephone office, Third Avenue. Tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque, or cash for 2 per cent of the total amount of the tender, and must be on form to be obtained from the City clerk, The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted, ERNEST A. WOODS, 206-6 City Clerx. Main entrance 2nd Ave.; 6th St. entrance, last door in block Bigger ana Better than Ever F. W. HART FEED STORE We carry everything in the feed line, also gar- den seeds at the lowest market prices, at Collart's olg Feed Store, Market Place PONY EXPRESS Prompt Delivery P‘.ones 41 or 30) 1836 1911 The Bank of British North America 75 Years in Business. Capital and Reserve Over $7,300,000 Business “en's Banking Money advanced to finance your | The Canad AIR COMPRESSORS | ’ BOILERS | BUCYRUS STEAM SHOV- | | ELS | BOILER FEED PUMPS | CAST PIPE COCHRANE FEED WATER Look for the 3 Bars ee of Value Received ” Mohn ea Chat We Want Listings of property in all sections, No matter where located we ca: sell it if the price is right Mr. Non-Resident Write us regarding the present value of your Prin: be pleased to keep you posted as to conditions her O. M. HELGERSON, LTp. REAL ESTATE AND RENTALS Offices: He on Block POLO LVS —$_$—— MUSSALLEM & COMPANY | -sGood Fresh Groceries at City Prices...,, | | We have just received afresh shipment | of RAMSAY’S BISCUITS and Candies Our groceries are all Al goods and fres! To Residents of Sections 5, 6, 7 and 8--We deliver promptly, our goods are fresh, at prices not to be beaten in the city sith MUSSALLEM & C0. Sth Ave. casi of McBride ALL AL SA The Canadian General Electric Co. Limied HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO FAC7ORIZS MANUFACTURERS OF EVERYTHING a Foundry Co., Limited DREDGES GAS AND GASOLINE EN GINES GAS PRODUCERS HOISTS LOCOMOTIVES MATHER & PLATT TUR BINE PUMPS PETERBOROUGH, ONT ELECTRICAL Toronto, Ont, MOTO! IRIVEN TRIPLEX HEATER Box 974 GRAHAM KEARNEY, AGENT The Continental Trust Co., Lid. ~ AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $500,000 OFFICERS: WM. T. KERGIN, M.D., President DAVID H. HAY: M. J. HOBIN, 2nd Vice-Pres. and Manager JAY KUGLER, Secretary- Treasurer C. B. PETERSON at Vice-Pres Ass'|.-Manager Lands and Mines Receiver or Assignee Farn Escrow Agents Real Estate and Insurance Agent For Care of Real Estate Fiscal Agents Trustees Registrar and Transfer Agent Trustee Under Mortgage and Deeds of Trust Safe Deposit Vault and Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, 4 per cent. on Deposits n Pr Executor and Administrator Collections We will be pleased to answer any inqairies rewarding investment and Northern British Columbia AVENUE RUPERT The Continental Trust Company, Limited, FOR SALE A First Class Restaurant & Rooming House | Fully equipped and ready for business A for a quick sale. Apply Canadian Loan & Trust McIntyre Block Company | 3rd Avenue | ( ICE —* ( Queen Caria | Skeena Land Ls Take notice | Rupert, saddle | Commissioner « to prospect for « | under the follow | Coast of Ciraba Commencing * of the northess | south 80 chair | north 80 chair | commencement GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY LINE SEPTEMBER THE [DEAL MONTH FOR A TRIP EAST iM of Prine \ Brows gy che wd wat W orks for 8 petroleum on iands on the at ad two miles r iL No. 4478 wheat ) chains, cha! poist ast 80 chains 00 BROWN, Leal Ct ete nd THE GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY'S Oriental Limited OFFERS THE BEST SERVICE | Loeated Sist Ju Pub. Aug. } haw viet of Queen Chalet Brown of Prat Work! | Skeena Land Distr ew intends & ( Lands 80 oal, oF and °F jeseribed jands 08 ijes \ ted twe a planes so, «aT tha chains east, d ‘ S iwoat to poist WN, Lael Take notice ( | Rupert, occups to the Chie! ¢ for a licence bo pro’ on and umder West Coast 0 Commencing of the southess 80 chains nort! | ehaina south, ths commencemen Low Westbound Rates Steamship tickets to the Old Country by all Atlantic Lines. M. BRO Located Sist Ju Pub. Aug. t" Skeena Land |) Roger's Steamship Agency 2nd Ave. Head of Centre St. Phone 116 Take notice Rupert, saddle Commissioner to prospect for © under the follo Coast of Grahar Commencing business. of the soutnes Local and foreign Drafts bought and sold. Notes discounted. Collections promptly made, Letters of Credit, Money Orders and Telegraph Transfers issued, payable in all the leading Cities Bkeena Land District Prinee Rupert, broker, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following deseri 80 chains wes!, ‘ chains east, ti remen OWN, Loca in M. BR Located 3ist Ju Pub, Aug. | Skeena Land 1) LAND PURCHASE NOTICE M Brown ye f intends / f Lands * i) a bed \ands 0 District of Coast Range > Take notice that I, Thomas MeClymoni of B. C., oceupation real estate Take notice Rupert, eccupe” the chief Cor a licence to pre! on and under | West Coast of Beginning 4 * | {or coal, @ wing desert Island slanted th "CO. lL, No 1 lands: Commencing at a psot planted at the 8, W the northeast! « chains east tt chains west, eommenceme!! of the world. Prince Kupert Branch— F. &. LONG, Manager. United States. Agents throughout the world. H. P. WILSON, Manager, Prince Rupert Branch, corner of pre-emption reeord 412, thence east 80 chains, thence south 40 chains, thenee weit 0 ehains to shore of lake, thence following shore of lake in # northerly direction to point of eom- mencement; containing $20 acres, more oF less. Dated Sept. 6, 1911, THOMAS MeCLYMON' Pub, Sept, 9. Kirenest Cole, Agent For row boats and launches telephone 820 green, Davis’ Boat House. Located Augue is Pub, Aug. 1!